Thursday, 2022-02-03

opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/train: Remove legacy centos7 build jobs
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!07:22
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: rpittau: remind me, do you still want patches for ? (I am using this to update the inventory of active nodes and updated the Dockerfile some months ago, but with the EOL of c8 it needs another update). Happy to send it, just wondering if you declared this repo archived :)08:03
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:15
rpittauarne_wiebalck: hi! it's not archived but it's true that the image is not really used anymore. If you still use it and want to send patches, I can review them :)08:18
arne_wiebalckrpittau: ok, will do ... I think it would be great to keep it as there might be more users in the future who would like to run inspection on active nodes08:28
arne_wiebalckrpittau: and the container is a pretty straight-forward way to do it08:28
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Update documentation on supported CentOS version
rpittaummm I forgot we didn't have any CI there09:47
rpittauwe should at least make sure the image builds09:47
arne_wiebalckit does for the only user :)09:48
arne_wiebalck(ofc I agree with you)09:48
jandersgood morning arne_wiebalck rpittau and Ironic o/10:26
arne_wiebalckhey janders o/10:27
rpittauhey janders :)10:30
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: [WIP] build tinyipa on tinycore 13.x
iurygregorygood morning Ironic o/11:23
dtantsurarne_wiebalck: I think it may be better for you (= CERN) to take ownership of it11:23
dtantsurwe can review things, but it won't scale long-term11:23
dtantsurcc rpittau 11:23
rpittauI agree, in the long term seems like the best solution 11:24
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: you mean move it out of the metal3 project11:24
arne_wiebalckon github?11:24
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: rpittau: The repo/image may not make sense as part of metal3 anymore, but how about adding it to IPA or IPAB? If we think it has value and we should keep it, it should probably be part of the project to be found easily (rather than become a CERN thing). 12:14
arne_wiebalckOtherwise I am also fine with making it a downstream only repo.12:15
dtantsurarne_wiebalck: not sure about adding it to existing repos, but we could potentially take the repo under our umbrella12:51
dtantsurwell, yeah, IPA-builder may be the place12:52
dtantsurnow that I think about it12:52
arne_wiebalcksome worked though13:08
arne_wiebalcksorry, wrong window13:12
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: sooner or later we will have someone who wants to do manual inspection, would be good if had all in place then (and what we have at the moment seems to work ok)13:13
* arne_wiebalck is launching the container on 200 nodes as we speak13:13
dtantsurcool :)13:13
dtantsuryeah, let's start with IPA-builder? and let's try to make it as generic as possible13:14
arne_wiebalcksounds good13:16
* arne_wiebalck has DoS-attacked the target inspector, needs to go slower :-D13:16
dtantsurwell, it's called "load testing", I hope you've learned something useful out of it? :)13:21
rpittaudtantsur, arne_wiebalck, it's fine to me to add that to IPA-builder as far as we add a CI job (even non-voting) to verify the image actually builds fine13:38
dtantsurshould be quite trivial13:38
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: yeah: don't do it!13:39
rpittautinycore13-based tinyipa is passing CI, going to add a release note
dtantsurwow, neat13:41
dtantsurany memory increases needed? :)13:41
rpittaummm need to double-check13:41
rpittauI mean, it was not necessary in the patch13:42
rpittauso probably not13:42
dtantsurrpittau: maybe create a testing IPA patch with depends-on?13:42
rpittauon it13:43
dtantsuriurygregory: hi, should we start doing sprint 2 releases today?13:43
dtantsuror at least clean up release notes?13:43
iurygregorydtantsur, if CI is back (for master at least) I think we should =)13:44
dtantsurI think it has been in a good state since yesterday?13:44
dtantsurthere are few bifrost patches that can be landed13:45
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iurygregorylet me take a look13:45
dtantsurironic-inspector seems good to go13:45
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: [DNM] Test tinycore13-based tinyipa
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Clean up release notes
dtantsuriurygregory: IPA should be good after ^^^13:49
iurygregorydtantsur, ack13:50
iurygregoryI'm looking at
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Build tinyipa on tinycore 13.x
iurygregoryI got a resource not found for the artifact in the upgrade job13:50
dtantsuriurygregory: hmm, maybe we don't generate bifrost.log for upgrade jobs13:51
dtantsurplease leave a comment and ignore it for now. this is not release-bound.13:51
iurygregoryyeah =)13:51
iurygregorythe other jobs looks ok =)13:51
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: [DNM] Test tinycore13-based tinyipa
dtantsur should be good to go for ironic13:56
*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat13:56
dtantsurI'd also quite appreciate and, this is blocking netboot deprecation13:56
dtantsuriurygregory: ^^13:57
iurygregoryack o/13:57
dtantsur should be also good to go13:58
dtantsur and are quite trivial, but useful for combined ironic13:58
dtantsur fixes a pretty serious bug btw, attention appreciated13:59
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/18.1: Remove redfish cache entry upon errors
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/19.0: Add additional ramdisk tests
rpittaujust great, I can't reproduce the issue with debian ipa on bifrost locally.... it just works14:11
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Apply the correct image reference when booting an instance
* rpittau yells at cloud14:11
dtantsurrpittau: \o/14:11
dtantsurand what's the issue?14:12
rpittauthe issue is network interfaces not getting ips from dhcp14:12
dtantsurusing dhcp-all-interfaces?14:12
rpittau <- this14:12
rpittauin CI does not work, tried locally now and it works14:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/xena: Add additional ramdisk tests
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/wallaby: Add additional ramdisk tests
rpittaunvm... I used a prebuilt ipa14:18
rpittau/me should not multitask too much14:18
TheJuliaI figured out a downside to being on the board and having my name in press releases....14:23
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: CI: store bifrost.log as a Zuul artifact
*** sdanni is now known as Guest164615:01
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opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: CI: properly report failures in the upgrade job
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: CI: properly publish artifacts for the upgrade job
dtantsurcore reviewers, could you please check the patches I pasted above? would be good to fit them into the release?15:19
rpittauI'm havin a look now15:20
dansmithdtantsur: do you know if anyone from ironic is looking at the zuul config errors that infra asked to have cleaned up?15:23
TheJuliadansmith: I doub't we're consciously aware of such.15:24
TheJuliadansmith: Where can we learn of this?15:24
dansmiththere was a mail, I missed it too15:24
dansmiththe top two entries there are issues in ironic jobs that reference old/EOLed project trees15:25
dansmithinfra wants them cleaned up15:25
dansmithoh there are some others further down15:26
dansmithI think if you search in the page for "openstack/ironic -" you will jump to them15:26
dansmithstatus tracking here:
dtantsurdansmith: I think they touch ancient versions15:32
dtantsurwhich nobody is going to change now15:32
dtantsurI think I even responded to the ML, but maybe I forgot15:32
dansmiththat's the problem as I understand it15:33
dansmiththose ancient jobs are technically still run-able by zuul, but reference projects that aren't15:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix redfish RAID failed tasks
opendevreviewmitya-eremeev-2 proposed openstack/ironic master: Delete resource provider after node deletion.
hjensasdtantsur: The baremetal_node_info ansible module. I'm looking at output:
hjensasdtantsur: does 'nics' make sense, or should we instead replace 'ports' which currently just have href links?15:38
hjensasdtantsur: also, would it make sense to clean out some data, like nested location and links in ports? And possibly states which is href links?15:38
TheJuliahjensas: nics was an early bifrost support thing15:39
TheJuliaI guess it is basically still used15:39
TheJulianics: address: $mac_address15:40
hjensasTheJulia: yes, it is used in baremetal_node, but this is new module i.e os_ironic_info.15:40
hjensasTheJulia: In my first iteration I extend the node with 'nics' property which is basically list_nics_for_machine(server.uuid)15:41
* TheJulia is being scaled by a cat15:42
* TheJulia is a cat substrate15:42
hjensasTheJulia: I think maby just replacing ports would be better.15:42
TheJuliayeah, the links are semi-unfriendly15:42
TheJuliasince they can't directly curl the url15:43
hjensasack, I wonder if I should remove other stuff that is 'links' as well. Like 'states', 'portgroups' and 'links' in each port entry.15:44
TheJuliaportgroups might be useful too...15:45
TheJuliabut yeah, I feel like we nuked links elsewhere15:45
dtantsurhjensas: yeah, we need to nuke links15:55
dtantsurre "nics" vs "ports"... dunno. do we have prior art in other modules?15:55
hjensasack, I'll add some cleanu.15:55
dtantsur"states" is largely useless, everything is available on the node15:56
dtantsurhjensas: btw, check for any useful tips15:57
dtantsur(doesn't seem to be much, but just in case)15:57
* TheJulia wonders... where did the brain go after the last call16:00
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Apply the correct image reference when booting an instance
dtantsurI think this ^^ is really close, the last revision fixes the assumption that ephemeral partitions are created for whole-disk images.16:04
TheJuliaoh joy16:08
TheJuliadtantsur: dansmith what list was this email on?16:09
dtantsurTheJulia: openstack-discuss16:09
TheJuliaoh! november16:09
TheJuliathat is why I'm not seeing it16:09
iurygregoryoh wow16:09
dtantsurI did respond apparently
hjensasdtantsur: ah, thanks I was not aware of the node info module in bifrost.16:11
dtantsurhjensas: your version is definitely more advanced16:11
hjensasdtantsur: It seems to use 'macs' ... however I feel replacing ports is more aligned to ironic nameing convention.16:12
dtantsuryeah, macs is pretty bad16:14
dtantsurironic ports are more than just addresses nowadays16:14
dtantsurwas different 7 years ago I assume :)16:15
TheJuliavery different16:15
TheJulialong before pxe_enabled even16:15
dtantsurlong before indeed16:15
dtantsurit's actually pretty fun to find things in bifrost that are so old :) brings back memories16:15
TheJuliaso I have 45 minutes before my next call, I can try and do some quick cleanup, but I'll likely just force approve my own patches since they are dead branches basically16:16
TheJuliaMostly it brings back memory of bars where I was quite drunk when I was writing code16:16
dtantsurOF COURSE the CI is already broken, why not16:17
TheJuliaare fixes tagged? I can do reviews instead16:17
iurygregoryI only wrote code while I was drunk when I was in the university XD16:17
dtantsurno. I'm fixing error reporting in the bifrost upgrade job, and of course it's broken16:17
TheJuliaiurygregory: I had long meetings at HP in Seatle and had nothing to do so I ended up at the hotel bar each night with my laptop16:18
TheJuliait was not ideal.16:18
iurygregoryoh wow 16:18
dtantsurbloody libvirt16:20
JayFTheJulia: saw that for a sec and was like "Julia's in Seattle?!" then realized it was past tense lol16:20
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Revert "Install libvirt-python from source instead of a wheel"
dtantsurmaybe this will help ^^ or break even more16:22
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: CI: properly publish artifacts for the upgrade job
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/rocky: Cleanup stable/rocky legacy jobs
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/queens: Remove legacy experimental jobs
TheJuliaother ci systems barf on the config now, but *shrugs*16:28
TheJuliaoh, they would have barfed anyway16:29
TheJuliaare we taking bets with zuul cookies on odds for anything actually working on those branches?16:31
rpittausee ya tomorrow! o/16:39
dtantsurTheJulia: rocky and queens? oh I doubt16:43
* TheJulia feels like the home office needs a nice warm blanket16:44
* dtantsur has a thick woollen blanket from Russia :)16:45
TheJuliatypically I don't need one, but we've got a wind storm bringing cold air down upon us16:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/18.1: Remove redfish cache entry upon errors
dtantsuris there an IPA change we could merge? the current DIB builds are broken because of zeroconf version.17:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Make account prefix of Swift confgurable
dtantsurTheJulia: could you merge please? we need to trigger a build, the current DIB image is broken.17:18
dtantsur.. which teaches us a lesson: we need a gating DIB job on IPA, at least to ensure we don't publish broken images17:20
dtantsurugh, we don't have a single DIB job on IPA, do we?17:28
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix resource_url in the remaining resources
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic stable/xena: Fix resource_url in the remaining resources
*** sshnaidm is now known as sshnaidm|afk17:30
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/19.0: Fix resource_url in the remaining resources
arne_wiebalckbye everyone, see you tomorrow o/17:31
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Switch one of the voting jobs to DIB images
dtantsurhmm, actually, they all use DIB. wtf.17:39
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: CI: be explicit that the jobs are using the DIB ramdisk
TheJuliareleased vs master maybe?17:53
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Clean up jobs with legacy names
dtantsuror maybe I'm just tired17:59
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Clean up jobs with legacy names
dtantsuroh lovely, whole disk netboot does not work under UEFI18:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Clean up release notes
dtantsurTheJulia: any thoughts on forcing local boot for whole disk images?18:08
iurygregorywow a lot of conversation while I was having lunch :D18:08
iurygregoryI think our plan in IPA was "we will use DIB by default in all jobs, if we find problems in some jobs we wouldn't use DIB" =)18:09
dtantsuryeah, I missed the fact that DIB is still the default in ironic-base18:11
iurygregorygotcha =)18:12
iurygregoryaren't we default to local boot for whole disk images?18:12
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: [DNM] Testing the CI
dtantsuriurygregory: nope. network boot is possible for whole disk images, although it boils down to just 'sanboot --no-describe'.18:13
dtantsurwhich, according to and our CI, does not work on UEFI18:13
iurygregoryenr ...18:13
parasitidhi 18:19
parasitidi've pushed this repo, for what it's worth 18:20
parasitidit's heavily based on metal3 ironic image18:20
dtantsurparasitid: it's interesting. although, how much overlap does it have with kolla?18:21
parasitidi know there are other similar projects such as kyaobe or bifrost, still, i'm more comfortable with the docker compose stuff to pop up a stack18:21
parasitiddtantsur: don't now, didn't try kolla, i only have a bad experience with kolla ansible18:23
parasitidit's more ironic oriented18:23
dtantsurah, I see18:23
dtantsurparasitid: it would be cool to hear your feedback on what can be improved or simplified in ironic18:23
dtantsurbased on what you've experienced while building this project18:23
* TheJulia needs to find fresh brains18:24
* TheJulia is exhausted and it is not even noon yet18:24
* TheJulia needs to make more coffee or something18:24
TheJuliaor an early lunch18:25
dtantsurspeaking of exhausted, I should probably go already18:25
parasitidthe most struggling part (and not achieved yet) is having a full ironic+neutron+genericswitch with vlan  working :)18:25
parasitidi miss some docs on this topic18:25
dtantsuryeah, that's the hardest part18:25
TheJuliaparasitid: that is a great goal, I think i eventually abandoned the bifrost patch that would have done the neutron + networking_generic_switch integration :(18:26
dtantsurTheJulia: I'm dreaming of reviving it one day :)18:26
TheJuliadtantsur: ++18:26
dtantsurbut I'd like OVN to start supporting Ironic first, so that we don't have to bring back rabbitmq18:26
parasitiddo you OVN, in the sense that it would pilot switch config through openflow ? instead of netmiko in the generic switch ?18:27
dtantsurparasitid: no, I mean the neutron's OVN-based ML2 driver instead of the half-deprecated OVS one18:28
dtantsurit won't help you much18:28
TheJuliaparasitid: so I was doing ovs, but that was before ovn.18:28
TheJuliayeah, the openflow updates won't propogate to a real switch18:28
TheJuliaaeva was super unhappy upon figuring that out a long time ago18:28
dtantsurI can imagine :)18:29
dtantsurI think networking-generic-switch is the way to go for physical switches for the time being18:29
* TheJulia needs to go find wifey and talk to her for a minujte18:30
parasitidTheJulia: is there a chance the bifrost/generic switch patch you were referring to is still dangling in some unknown git branch somewhere ?18:34
TheJuliabranch no18:34
TheJuliabut in gerrit yes18:34
TheJuliagive me a few and I'll look18:35
TheJuliaI started developing it for a keynote actually18:35
dtantsurparasitid, TheJulia,
dtantsurand following after it18:37
TheJuliathe last one is LLDP related, so the information to manage switchports could be discovered via inspector18:37
dtantsurokay, going for real now, see you tomorrow18:40
opendevreviewmitya-eremeev-2 proposed openstack/ironic master: Delete resource provider after node deletion.
parasitidTheJulia: dtantsur thanks a lot19:12
amanTheJulia, I'm an intern working on ESI, currently investigating issues around leasing Bare Metal hardware. I want to know the limits of rescue mode, more specifically if the drivers are tempered, let's say a lessee messes up BIOS or iDRAC settings19:14
TheJuliaaman: tempered as in hardened?19:15
amanTampered* lol my bad19:15
JayFI mean, Rescue mode at its core is just "boot a ramdisk on the instance designed to be logged into by the end user"19:16
JayFNothing in stock-Ironic would be able to rescue a machine where BIOS/UEFI settings had been tampered with to a point where that was not possilbe.19:17
JayFClassic use cases for rescue mode include trying to recover an OS that was damaged, data recovery in some disk failure situations, password recovery, etc19:17
TheJuliaaman: ahh, okay. So... rescue mode is not going to help if someone messes up the BMC horribly. Of course, that was never intended and intentionally (by default) don't grant acess api wise which could be used as such. If the lessee had credentials and in-band methods or connectivity (which is bad and should be disabled/prevented... for this is why ironic exists) in the first place.19:17
JayFI'll say in general this problem space is not largely explored by Ironic -- you kinda have to bring your own hardware security, and hardware security knowledge, then Ironic will happily help you automate the steps you want to take to secure hardware19:18
TheJuliaaman: BIOS wise... we kindly ask the hardware to network boot as JayF indicated. If it no longer does so, then that will put a machine in Rescue Fail and at absolute worst if someone has broken the machine it is a roll someone out to the data center sort of intervention.19:18
TheJuliawhich is a last resort sort of thing, but at that point it sounds like the lessee has bricked the machine potentially19:19
JayFFor instance, when I ran a large public Ironic cloud, "leasing" machines out (not Ironic-lease, but Nova instances, but a similar idea -- untrusted customer with root on the machine) -- I'd say 40% of the overall development effort was in validating hardware, hardening firmwares, and working with vendors to make that possible19:20
TheJuliaand definitely not granting them access to lower level settings 19:21
JayFIronic has more knobs to automate that stuff now than it did then; but you still have to do the legwork to determine how to secure the hardware19:21
JayFAnd quite frankly: I'm not sure hardware exists off the shelf that can be secured to that level19:21
JayFWe achieved probably 90% security coverage on firmwares by having custom firmwares made, working closely with vendors to lock them down, etc19:21
TheJuliaHPE has some awesome lockdown knobs if memory serves19:22
TheJuliabut this is one of the cases engineering there thinks about19:22
JayFTheJulia: leftover influence from you? :D 19:22
TheJuliaJayF: doubt it :)19:22
amanJayF TheJulia thanks that's all the info I needed. I was thinking the same, if boot sequence is changed and network boot is moved down, rescue shouldn't work. We just want to document the risks for now.19:25
JayFI mean, Ironic tells the BMC "network boot"19:25
JayFSo it does attempt to manipulate the boot order19:25
TheJuliaWhat JayF said19:26
JayFbut unless you've successfully locked down the BIOS/UEFI from in-band modification, you cannot be guaranteed an attacker wouldn't subvert that19:26
JayFthe weak link in the chain is "someone with root on the box who is untrusted", becuase most hardware isn't designed to protect itself from a root user 19:26
TheJuliaWe don't edit a bios boot order. UEFI boot order we do change upon image deployment, unfortunately I don't think that *can* be really locked down from the OS... :(19:26
JayFTheJulia: not without the custom firmware and working with vendors as I referenced above19:28
JayFbut even that was like... "pretty secure" but not great lol19:28
TheJuliaYeah, the conundrum is we've got things like shim which looses it's mind and crashes the machine if it has a duplicate or can't force insert itself as the boot order entry19:29
JayFThe machines I worked on were BIOS boot only, which simplified things :)19:29
TheJuliaand complicates some other things :)19:29
amanJayF, I get your point now, the weak link in the chain made it clear. I am going to c/p our conversation, and discuss it further with tzumainn 19:32
aman these were my findings yet19:33
amanJayF, TheJulia thanks a lot!19:36
parasitidTheJulia: hi again, i'm digging into your patches. one thing struggles me: do you remember why you didn't put the baremetal mech drivers alongside the openvswitch+ genericswitch ? i still don't get if these 2 drivers are complementary or not ( )20:03
TheJuliaparasitid: it didn't exist then20:07
parasitidTheJulia: oh i see, so now both should be enabled ? correct ?20:10
TheJuliaparasitid: likely yes20:14
timeuparasitid: AFAIK this is related to neutron's hierarchical port binding in neutron. Openvswitch will take care of the network configuration on hypervisors/controllers and the genericswitch driver will configure the switch ports of the switch that the baremetal machines are connected to. 20:38
TheJuliatimeu: yes21:35
TheJulianetworking-baremetal does do neutorn port maping updates internally21:35
TheJuliathere is a case where it is required, and it also does the flat binding completion on vnic_baremetal21:36
TheJuliaso it doesn't look like binding failed21:36
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: so I've updated that etherpad with a idea of a _test_request method andminor helper which might work. Thinking about it, if we want to do it right, we might need an intermediate class of steps. For example, know we do x as admin, y as user, but that z should fail for that user.21:37
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: I guess the conundrum... UUIDs for resources21:37
stevebaker[m]TheJulia: ok, I'll take a look on Tuesday. I'm taking sick leave today21:38
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: eek! :(21:38
TheJuliafeel better!21:38
stevebaker[m]thanks, I'll feel better when the covid test results are back :)21:38
TheJuliaoh noes :(21:38
opendevreviewBob Fournier proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Accept integer types for BIOS settings

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