Monday, 2022-04-18

iurygregorygood morning Ironic10:28
TheJuliagood morning12:40
TheJulia\o/ emails12:48
*** rcastillo is now known as rcastillo|ruck13:01
TheJuliasooo many emails13:25
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia 13:26
iurygregoryfor me is too many emails and meetings today...13:26
TheJuliaLuckily meetings seem minimal today13:27
dmelladoo/ Hi folks13:54
dmelladoyeah, quiet day, which I kinda appreciate xD13:54
dmelladoeven had time to somehow reduce the amount of cables that I had around13:59
dmelladoam I the only one who starts having just so-much stuff over what it was once a clean desktop? 13:59
TheJuliaa clean desk seems impossible on my desk14:02
iurygregoryyeah today is a quiet day :D14:12
iurygregoryShould we skip the meeting? not sure if we will have quorum14:13
iurygregorysince most of the EMEA folks are out14:13
iurygregoryTheJulia, thoughts ? ^14:25
TheJuliaI'd skip it14:32
TheJuliatbh :)14:32
mallikHi rloo, I am trying to do anaconda based provisioning, when I do node validate, it fails for boot and deploy interfaces with an error message “ Image <Glance Image ID> cannot be found”. I am seeing this issue if the deploy-interface is anaconda15:10
mallikvalidation error message
mallikimage show out put
rloomallik: hi, i saw your email to me. i was ooo last week -- best if you ask on the mail list or in irc.15:12
rloomallik: i am behind on lots of stuff downstream, not sure when i'll be able to look into your issue15:13
TheJuliaintersting, it is listed as a shared image, it shouldn't be failing...15:15
mallikrloo: ok thanks15:33
mallikJulia: I can upload the image and the content (ramdisk, kernel, sqashfs) again to glance afresh and check15:36
TheJuliaI mean, it is worth a try. it feels like some sort of permission issue on the service account used15:39
rpiosoGood morning, Ironic :)15:44
rpiosoiurygregory, TheJulia: Is Layer 3 or DHCP-less booting supported with direct/Agent deploy? In other words, can it be used when the instance OS is written to disk?15:57
iurygregoryfrom what I remember the dhcp-less just requires the right boot interface set so you can use it (direct is a deploy interface so it should work )16:01
iurygregorybrb time for lunch16:01
TheJuliarpioso: it can be used in that case. The network information gets included in the ISO image, and then used to setup networking on the remote host if memory serves. That actual setup action is external code if I'm remembering correctly16:05
rpiosoTheJulia: Thank you! What do you mean by "That actual setup action"?16:11
TheJuliathe application of the network configuration locally on the running ramdisk16:12
rpiosoTheJulia: This code led me to believe Layer 3 or DHCP-less is only supported with ramdisk deploy:
TheJuliaI don't remember16:21
rpiosoTheJulia: I have not been able to find where the baremetal deploy config-drive argument is injected into the instance boot ISO.16:22
TheJuliarpioso: if you look at what actually occurs, it looks like a red herring.
TheJulia <-- part of the magic16:30
rpiosoTheJulia: I don't follow. That function, _attach_configdrive, is called only if boot_option is ramdisk.16:31
TheJuliathere you go16:34
TheJulia is the call in prepare_ramdisk16:34
TheJuliarpioso: iurygregory: in regards to stable/train, I assume we'll continue to backport to applicable patches as needed, however frequency and applicability will decline as with any long term stable branch.17:06
rpiosoiurygregory, TheJulia: Sounds good re: stable/train.17:42
rpiosoTheJulia: Yeah, I understand the code path that injects the network-data into the deploy ramdisk.17:45
rpiosoTheJulia: What I don't follow is the injection of the config-drive into the instance ISO when the deploy interface is direct/Agent.17:46
rpiosoTheJulia: Perhaps the title on the feature's doc (, "Layer 3 or DHCP-less *ramdisk* (emphasis added) booting" says it all?17:49
rpiosoTheJulia: Thing is, I seem to recall it working with direct/Agent way back when, before the introduction of the ramdisk deploy interface. And, I haven't found anything in the doc that says L3 or DHCP-less can only be used with ramdisk deploy.17:51
TheJuliaoh, instance ISO booting is purely ramdisk booting.18:21
TheJuliaand *that* unrelated to direct/Agent deploy18:21
TheJuliaso, deployment ramdisk  or use of the ramdisk deployment interface18:22
TheJuliaiurygregory: are you goign to send out or post some sort of PTG summary?19:24
iurygregoryyeah, I'm finishing today19:28
TheJulia  ack19:30
rpiosoiurygregory, TheJulia: I'll likely ask dtantsur, too, when he returns, since he's blamed for many of the code and doc changes related to L3 or DHCP-less. Hope you wouldn't mind :)20:39
rpiosoiurygregory, TheJulia: Thank you!20:40
TheJuliarpioso: seems like just a difference of wording, tbh20:41
rpiosoTheJulia: Don't both the deploy disk containing IPA and the instance disk need to support using network data for L3 or DHCP-less? 21:20
rpiosoTheJulia: What difference in working are you referring to?21:20
TheJuliarpioso: it would be in the configuration drive of the deployed image, so kind of out of our scope as a service. They too can read/load the metadata21:21
rpiosoTheJulia: I don't see that being injected into the instance ISO like it is for the deploy disk (IPA). Instead, it appears to be inserted as a second vmedia iff the ramdisk boot interface is being used.21:23
TheJuliayou keep saying instance iso21:24
TheJuliaThere is: ramdisk booting in general, there is ISO creation for the deploy ramdisk, but there is not an Instance ISO. There *is* configuration drive file creation though as an ISO file which contains the same information which a deployed instance would utilize. The second vmedia thing is more out of band support for cases where it is supported to do configuration passing to IPA without editing the iso. tl;dr it is 21:26
rpiosoTheJulia: Redfish boot interface's prepare_instance() calls image_utils.prepare_boot_iso(): While prepare_boot_iso() calls _prepare_iso_image(), but with inject_files=None.21:30
rpiosoTheJulia: That's what I mean by instance ISO :)21:32
TheJuliaAhh! I don't think that was entirely intentional beyond ramdisk capabilities21:34
rpiosoTheJulia: I read and to mean L3 and DHCP-less is supported by direct/Agent deploy.21:44
TheJuliafor the deployment ramdisk21:44
TheJuliaeffectively, direct/agent deploy is local boot only so there is no prepare_instance call support operations except for network booting which is  deprecated21:45
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: WIP: Multipath Hardware path handling
TheJuliaiurygregory: ^^^ I looked at it and realized it was broken22:16
TheJuliaFixed some aspects, broke some others, added more context. I think the unit tests just need to be fixed at this point and some line wrapping22:16
iurygregoryTheJulia, ack, I've pushed a backport to wallaby to try a few things downstream to see (we will be asking the Customer to test directly)23:12

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