Thursday, 2022-05-12

opendevreviewlikui proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: The Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 Support has been dropped since zed
opendevreviewlikui proposed openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: The Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 Support has been dropped since zed
TheJuliaNobodyCam: it has to be scheduled with the trait if memory serves01:17
opendevreviewlikui proposed openstack/ironic-ui master: The Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 Support has been dropped since zed
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/yoga: CI: use pre-existing ssh key on multinode jobs
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM: Multinode Grenade
kamlesh6808cGood morning Ironic ! 05:08
*** mat_fechner is now known as matfechner05:24
arne_wiebalckGood morning, kamlesh6808c and Ironic!06:29
arne_wiebalckstevebaker[m]: thanks a lot !06:29
kamlesh6808cHey Arne_wiebalck .06:30
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:01
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/yoga failed: CI: use pre-existing ssh key on multinode jobs
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Update bugfix section
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-ui master: The Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 Support has been dropped since zed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/victoria: [stable-only][CI] Install dependencies for docs target
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Remove support for distributions with Python 3.6
dtantsurstep one ^^09:54
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Remove support for distributions with Python 3.6
dtantsurstep two09:58
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-inspector bugfix/10.12: Update .gitreview for bugfix/10.12
* dtantsur hopes that Stream 9 images will work without issues10:14
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.1 failed: Use Xena constraints for bugfix/8.1
dtantsurhmm, building tinyipa broke?11:04
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:37
dtantsurmorning iurygregory 12:02
TheJuliagood morning13:04
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.3 failed: Use Yoga constraints for bugfix/8.3
admiyoGood morning.  I have a functioning cluster (modulo the ssl failures from yesterday) and that makes my heart Super Happy13:18
admiyoApologies to those other parents with Kai Lan based PTSD13:19
TheJuliakai lan?13:19
* TheJulia may have dd if=/dev/zero /path/to/some/regions/of/brain13:19
admiyoKids show...13:23
admiyoanyway, to deal with the SSL issue, is it just as easy as running chronyd on the controller?13:23
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Build tinyipa with python 3.9
rpittaudtantsur: fix for tinyipa ^14:10
dtantsurah of course14:10
rpittauI was expecting python 3.8, we got python 3.9  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯14:16
opendevreviewkamlesh chauvhan proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: [WIP] Add iDRAC RAID cleaning steps tests
kamlesh6808ciurygregory : Hello !14:54
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Use json for lsblk output
iurygregorykamlesh6808c, hi14:55
kamlesh6808ciurygregory, with respect with out previous conversation regarding raid cleaning tempest test case implementation and communicated on (
kamlesh6808cas python drac client or any third party tool we cannot use to grab server respected information from server, we are planning to consume it via configuration file of tempest.(eg.
kamlesh6808cPlease find linked WIP patch [].14:58
kamlesh6808cMy query is - Can we use multiline string in config, validate and utilize inside raid_cleaning implementation of TC in ironic tempest plugin as mentioned in WIP patch.14:59
kamlesh6808cand whether this approach fits in ironic-tempest-plugin ask and if we can go ahead with this approach.14:59
iurygregoryI'm not 100% sure how oslo config will handle multiline, you can totally test it and see if works15:07
iurygregory all the possible options oslo have available 15:07
iurygregoryregarding if this is the approach you can go ahead this should be a discussion in the upstream meeting so we can get consensus from the community15:08
kamlesh6808cYes.I did test it and it works15:08
kamlesh6808cyes sure.We can discuss in upcoming Monday meet.15:09
iurygregorycool, feel free to add as a topic in Open Discussion
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Build tinyipa with python 3.9
admiyoSo...what is a baremetal port anyway?  16:13
admiyoI anywhere?16:13
TheJuliaI think you just highlighted a defficnency in the docs16:15
TheJuliawe have examples of use, but not a solid explaination of it or the imprtance ot use16:16
admiyoTheJulia, is this a good spec to start with:
rpittaugood night! o/16:17
kamlesh6808ciurygregory: Added in open discussion.Thanks.16:17
TheJuliaadmiyo: kind of yeah, explains the additional fields, doesn't explain the overall need of use... at least from what I see in a quick glance16:17
admiyoTheJulia, still digging in to this.  I'll try to write up a blog post that could then be converted to real documentation.  FOr the stand alone ironic case, no neutron, a bm port seems like it needs to represent a plugged in cable from a BM node into a physical switch.  If there is no cable, a port is meaningless.  17:10
admiyo"It must be possible to specify the physical network to which an ironic port is connected."  So...this seems backwards.  WOuldn't it make more sense to proble the network and identify it as the source of truth?  Or at least to specify "This is the expected" but then to complain if that expectation is not met?17:12
admiyoToo much neutron in that doc to be helpful for the non-neutron case...17:13
NobodyCamgood morning Ironic17:15
admiyoTheJulia, lets say I have A BM node up and running.  It has 3 ports, but none of them have addresses.  Is there a way I can force an address on to them?  Is there a way  I can get the ip address for a node short of going in via serial console?17:15
TheJuliaadmiyo: basically true. You *can* have additional ports registered to help match the node upon lookup17:19
TheJuliaso, it has to be frontloaded in some configurations with neutron17:19
TheJuliareally, only neutron uses that information17:19
TheJuliasay, if you add a node with a port, but you don't have an environment where you can discover the information upfront17:20
TheJuliasome do17:20
admiyoIf I enroll a node using the bifrost stuff, I can stick in the MAC info and that will get translated to the port ?17:22
admiyo "nics": [17:22
admiyo      {17:22
admiyo        "mac": "0c:42:a1:49:c6:98"17:22
admiyo      },{17:22
admiyoI am guessing it is an "enable dhcp" type value?17:23
admiyoTheJulia, simpler question.  How do a I get a node on the network in a standalone ironic deployment?17:30
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
sdanniHi! I wonder if ironic-inspector supports HA? I'm having errors during node inspection. And running inspection on controller 1 and 2 has different error from controller 0.17:56
TheJuliaadmiyo: dhcp is static for expecting it, you can explicitly set override networking config for post deployment if memory serves19:57
erbarrhow do I transition from manageable to available via curl? {"target":"available"} giving me an error20:00
TheJuliaerbarr: provide20:06
TheJuliaerbarr: has the verbs20:06
TheJuliamanage -> provide20:07
TheJuliacurl seems like an odd choice... tbh20:07
TheJuliabut if you already have a token....20:07
TheJuliagranted, you'll need to include an api version because states are version guarded as well20:07
TheJuliaor at least, some are20:07
erbarrerror there too20:09
erbarrrequest not acceptable20:09
TheJuliado you pass an API version?20:09
erbarravailable gives that it cannot transition from manageable20:09
erbarrso i guess provide like that is weirder than available20:10
erbarrapi version is on the url, v1, right or am I missing something else?20:11
TheJuliaerbarr: are you using basic auth as well?20:11
JayFDoes that need a microversion?20:11
TheJuliaI wouldn't think so for just provide20:11
TheJuliabut it migth20:11
TheJuliaX-OpenStack-Ironic-API-Version is the header20:11
TheJuliamanagable appeared in 1.420:13
TheJulia1.11 is the workflow where it was enroll -> managable -> available using provide20:13
admiyoerbarr, use the CLI with --debug20:13
admiyofor example ...20:14
erbarradmiyo: is on OCP so idk if container has python-ironicclient installed or not20:14
admiyoopenstack baremetal node list --debug20:14
admiyoerbarr, install it elsewhere20:15
admiyoif you can hit it from curl, you can hit it via the CLI, and it will make life easier20:15
admiyowith the --debug you will see all of the API calls made for you20:15
admiyofor example, I have a node right now in the clean failed mode.  To clean it up, I want to run20:16
TheJuliaso python-ironicclient and "baremetal node blah blah"20:16
TheJuliawith --debug :)20:16
admiyo  openstack baremetal node maintenance unset ${i}20:16
admiyo  openstack baremetal node manage ${i}20:16
admiyo  openstack baremetal node provide ${i}20:16
admiyoyeah, or the straight baremetal cli calls.20:17
admiyolike TheJulia said20:17
TheJuliathe one thing with the cli is you'll need env vars for it to grok basic auth20:17
admiyoTheJulia, have I ever told you how happy it makes me that you implemented basic auth on ironic?20:19
TheJuliaIt was dtantsur I believe20:20
admiyothe royal you20:20
TheJuliaoh yes, excellent20:20
admiyoTheJulia, I am, on the side, working on a hack to make keystone return HTML if it is in the accepts headers, which means it could run as a stand alone web UI.  UGly, simple, UI.  I might be tempted to through that same logic in front of Ironic, as the one thing I didn't want to do was the auth piece.20:21
admiyoIt turns out we have all kinds of stuff available if I use the json-home output....20:22
TheJuliaI am always kind of saddened the native javascript webclient stuff iddn't get traction20:22
admiyoIts really not that hard.  For most things we do, we can turn json into DL tags.  A little more logic for html/links.20:30
admiyoI'll post an updated WIP now that I have my new EC key...20:31
admiyoemail address is not registered in your account, and you lack 'forge committer' permission.20:32
admiyoyeah yeah20:32
erbarrmmmnnn, provision state null20:40
JayFerbarr: a very old Ironic API microversion?20:40
JayFI don't think we're supposed to have null provision_state in that new of an API lol20:41
JayFnull provision_state was deprecated in ironic ... 7? 8 years ago? 20:41
admiyoYeah, but isn't that what OCP has stablized on?20:42
* admiyo ducks20:42
admiyoMaybe they are storing their data in ETCD and it has not been updated by the kubelet yet?20:43
JayFI don't even know what OCP means in this context20:43
admiyoJayF, OCP is OpenShift.  erbarr is looking at the iroinic instance it uses to manage baremetal provisioning20:43
JayFoh, I don't think openshift existed back when Ironic was using null provision states lol20:44
admiyoAnd Red Hat supported products tend to use older versions of code.  It makes it a lot of fun20:44
admiyoAnd I was being a wiseguy and derailing as I am wont to do20:44
erbarrit was on manageable, I ran this bash script, went through this time with no error but now i'm at null20:45
admiyoany error in the log?20:46
admiyowas the null in the response, or do you get it on a GET now too?20:48
erbarrthat's all i know20:49
admiyo baremetal node show ${uuid}  --debug20:49
erbarrdon't have that20:49
erbarrpip install failed and i'm leary of packages getting messed up20:50
admiyoYou are running curl inside the container, right?20:50
erbarrno, csah20:50
admiyorun it in a VENV20:50
admiyoor install the RPMS20:50
admiyoactually, strike that20:51
admiyothis is a coreos install, and immutable, isn't it?20:51
erbarrno, is rhel 820:51
admiyoSo in order to install on RHEL 8 you need an openstack entitlement, or you need to install from, say, RDO, which will void your warrantee.  So, maybe install using pip in a venv20:52
erbarrok, let me get that20:53
admiyo TheJulia if I look at a bm port, I can see  physical_network      | None  and nothing for an ip address. I can find the ip address in dnsmasq's internal cache.  the address field of the port has the mac that matches the dns entry in dnsmasq.  What am I missing to link the ip address to the node via some API?21:14
erbarrwelp, i couldn't get how to connect to the ironic endpoint but I was able to change back to manageable via same script with manage instead of provide, then i retried provide and it worked this time21:17
erbarrohh, maybe i was too slow last time, back to null21:18
admiyocan you run the baremetal CLI?21:32
erbarradmiyo: no, i was getting tls issues connecting to the endpoint so figured that'd be a struggle lol21:37
admiyoerbarr, ^^ add that flag21:50
admiyoI mean, its not like Red Hat has a certificate management tool that it could use for TLS...oh wait...21:50
erbarris okay, thanks, test i'm trying to run said the state is available which is the state it's looking for but still have the same error soo I guess I still need to report this and wait on official guidance21:58
admiyocertificate verify failed: certificate is not yet valid .  OK, so I guess I need to get to the bottom of that.22:05
TheJuliagah, admiyo disappeared23:15
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: WIP use libvirt automatic firmware for UEFI boot mode
stevebaker[m]Hey, I'd be interested in some feedback on ^^23:54

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