Wednesday, 2022-06-29

opendevreviewSONG SHUKUN proposed openstack/ironic master: [iRMC] Add SNMPv3 authentication functionality
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: ironic-tempest-wholedisk-bios-snmp-pxe has been my reliable reproducer, the conundrum is if a node CI lands on a host without vmx flags, we ust tinyipa instead03:21
TheJuliabecause... yay footprints03:21
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jssfrGood morning #ironic.06:45
ajyakubajj: avoid rebooting devstack VM. Or if do, re-stack. devstack is not really supporting reboots, there could be more things that no longer work after reboots. Probably, could be fixed, but hasn't been focus for devstack.07:19
kubajjajya: thanks07:33
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:05
sshnaidmHi, all! I need help with Redfish and Dell, maybe someone dealt with this before. I'd like to mount VirtualMedia to Dell Idrac, then set Boot to "VirtualMedia" and restart Idrac. I suppose it's exactly what Ironic does with inspector agent. I need to it with Ansible or with python script. Do you have any examples or code where I can look at? (I can't make Ansible dell module to set boot to VirtualMedia :( )11:32
ajyaHi sshnaidm which version of iDRAC are you using?11:33
sshnaidmajya, mostly 911:35
sshnaidmsome old might have 8 I suppose11:36
sshnaidmafaiu it's different scenario for old ones, but don't have the details11:36
ajyain older iDRACs standard Redfish did not work with virtual media, this is now fixed in newer ones for iDRAC 9. For iDRAC8 have to use OEM Redfish.11:37
ajyaWhich iDRAC firmware version do you have for iDRAC9?11:38
ajyaThe virtual media boot was fixed in for Intel system, and in for AMD11:39
ajyaIf you have older than those, I suggest to upgrade firmware first and try again.11:40
ajyaAnd then have OEM version for iDRAC811:40
ajya... or try OEM for both iDRAC 8, 911:43
ajyaI can dig out the Redfish API calls for that11:44
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Fix Redfish RAID to update raid_config
iurygregorysshnaidm, any reason on why not use ironic for it? virtual media deployments just work in most scenarios 12:03
sshnaidmajya, thanks, checking now versions of idracs..12:17
sshnaidmiurygregory, using ironic for one such task is a total overkill :)12:18
sshnaidmI'd prefer to borrow a code from ironic that does it actually12:18
iurygregoryyou can just use the redfish API in this case =)12:22
sshnaidmajya, I have on 9: 52), so should be fine12:22
sshnaidmiurygregory, that's exactly what I'm trying to do :) 12:22
sshnaidmI need to understand which calls should I do12:23
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Fix Redfish RAID to update raid_config
sshnaidmand what is the procedure, should I reboot the idrac right after a boot config, or its it something to do (saw in some manual jobs clear)12:23
sshnaidmat least I can fix redfish/idrac Ansible modules with it12:24
ajyaIronic does something like: 1. Turns system off 2. Waits for it to be off 3. Mount ISO 4. Configure boot device to virtual CD 5. Turns system on12:32
ajyain Redfish jobs clearing is not absolutely necessary12:33
ajyait's useful when there are pending, previously not executed jobs in the queue that could block new jobs created, but in Redfish iDRAC does not create jobs  here (unlike WS-Man)12:33
ajyawhen in doubt - clear12:33
sshnaidmajya, ack, thanks12:44
sshnaidmare there redfish calls for set boot to virtualmedia somewhere in ironic code?12:49
ajyasshnaidm: it starts here -
ajyaI can grep from logs the calls itself, as I was testing virtual media incidentally12:57
sshnaidmajya, would very appreciate it13:02
sshnaidmajya, log of which service is it?13:03
ajyasshnaidm: conductor with debug enabled13:04
sshnaidmack, cool13:04
TheJuliagood morning13:08
TheJuliasshnaidm: for what it is worth, your describing our managed introspection feature. Not inspector itself on it's own with the agent.13:09
ajyasshnaidm:  from the logs for iDRAC. Ironic goes to sushy that does more processing for other vendors, but this is what it is for iDRAC.13:11
sshnaidmTheJulia, yeah, right13:11
ajyamorning, TheJulia 13:11
sshnaidmajya, amazing, thanks!13:12
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix redfish-virtual-media for newer iDRACs
opendevreviewBaptiste Jonglez proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Try fixing a non-deterministic test failure on the CI
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/ironic stable/wallaby: deploy steps: restrict priority of in-band steps
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/ironic master: deploy steps: restrict priority of in-band steps
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM: Discover what is going on with dhcp
TheJuliaiurygregory: fyi, network manager folks have asked for more debug logging17:51
iurygregoryTheJulia, ack17:54
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gmanniurygregory: rpittau  TheJulia dtantsur as you know after the operator feedback we are moving towards the approach of dropping the 'scope' from RBAC goal. John brought a good point on keeping scope implementation in ironic -
gmannplease check and provide your opinion on that, thanks 21:35
iurygregorygmann, ack22:08
TheJuliagmann, I'm going to be honest here, and appoligize for not keeping close track of exactly what ya'll are doing... but some of that is reading like the entire access model is being redeisnged by committee... again.22:39
TheJuliagmann: commented22:51
TheJuliagmann: so, is the goal the TC is now operating under to just excise scope, because some discussion seems like excising/eliminating scope is the preference, where as other text is saying holding off for now, and then I'm wondering what drove it becuase the operators at the operators meetup seemed more like "it would be nice to have, but we like... need something generally usable overall"22:53
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM: Discover what is going on with dhcp
gmannTheJulia: we are going as per operator feedback where they wanted to postponed it and finish project reader first. project reader are stuck with scope things which has all the complication with breaking the heat and NFV users23:26
TheJuliagmann: it sounds like the the underlying purpose and for lack of a better word to describe it, but the "scope of view" has kind of dissolved23:27
TheJuliaI mean, it makes sense to focus on the needful, but I feel like things are just getting... for really lack of a better way to put it, kind of mixed up23:28
TheJuliaat least, that is my I'm insanely busy quick takeaway reading some of the comments and some of the text changes23:28
TheJuliaAnd that may be totally just me too.23:28
TheJuliacould the end purpose still have value? I suspect so, but seems like people want a project scoped reader level of access to have equivelent end functionality based on some comments.23:29
TheJuliaI don't know. I just feel confused if that makes sense at all23:29
TheJuliaMaybe I just got the original intent hard wired in my brain and did the needful in ironic and I'm now looking on from the sidelines going "what?!?"23:30
TheJuliaActually, that is exactly it. :)23:30
gmannwe had same impression in nova when we finished it all in ussuri and again decoupled the scope from check_str in yoga(so that scope disable can work) but how much complex it is for operator and breaking NFV users we need to go back one step. ultimately goal is here is do something that operator need and can use23:34
TheJuliahow is it now "breaking" for nfv users?23:35
TheJuliaGranted, flavor is likely the best example. It *should* be one thing if we started with the scoped model, history has resulted in it being another... and then having a tool like heat being used for both end usage and systems management is kind of the ultimate "well, that doesn't quite work exactly the way we hoped.23:36
gmannthis one
gmannfrom that only we started re-thinking on the scope.23:39
TheJuliaahh yeah, so because we're trying to enable everything to be done with heat, the new model is ultimately prevented by not encouraging evolution of the usage23:40
TheJuliaI think the saying for this that comes to mind is that this is a "catch-22"23:40
TheJuliaIt feels like because we've not had a delineated service use boundrary23:43
TheJuliaand what I mean by that, is while we have a service that enables much of that, it doesn't mean that is the right path to take, and we should be actively working towards the optimal usage.23:44

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