Monday, 2022-09-26

vanouHello Ironic01:15
vanouI noticed JayF's comment on colleague's patch ( that said there is backport order in Ironic. I didn't know that. Is there any doc on this? And what the purpose of bugfix/xxx branch?01:18
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!06:33
arne_wiebalckvanou: this follows OpenStack's stable branch policy documented here: : ensuring the order avoids update surprises where a patch is missing in a more recent release. The bugfix/xxx branches are explained here and basically provide in-cycle releases. I am not sure if 06:41
arne_wiebalckthe order as outlined in JayF's comment is documented, but maybe that is sth we could add.06:41
vanouarne_wiebalck: Thanks! I overlooked that.. Yes, it's helpfull if there is a guide for backporting order against bugfix & stable branches.06:49
opendevreviewSONG SHUKUN proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/20.2: [iRMC] Add SNMPv3 authentication functionality
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:42
rpittauvanou: for a complete list of the current supported bugfix branches you can also check the ironic meetpad around L71
rpittauerrr etherpad07:44
rpittauthat remind me I have to update some docs07:45
vanourpittau: good morning. Thanks! I'll check it. Regarding , unit test fails because that bugfix branch doesn't merge SNMPv3 backport patch ( I'll point out what code should be change soon.08:28
rpittauvanou: that means there's probably one backport missing08:31
rpittauand that reminds me one more thing08:32
rpittauwrong window :/08:32
vanouAh... I appreciate you for complicated work :)08:36
vanouWhat can I help?08:40
rpittauvanou: you got it already, we're missing the backport of to bugfix/19.009:03
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Update release versions for zed
vanourpittau: OK09:09
vanougot it09:09
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/20.2: Pin bugfix 20.2 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/20.2: Pin bugfix 20.2 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/20.2: Pin bugfix 20.2 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/21.0: Pin bugfix 21.0 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic bugfix/21.0: Pin bugfix 21.0 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.6: Pin bugfix 8.6 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.6: Pin bugfix 8.6 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/8.6: Pin bugfix 8.6 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/9.0: Pin bgufix 9.0 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed openstack/sushy-oem-idrac stable/zed: Update .gitreview for stable/zed
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed openstack/sushy-oem-idrac stable/zed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/zed
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed openstack/sushy-oem-idrac master: Switch to 2023.1 Python3 unit tests and generic template name
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:28
dtantsurrpittau: not sure which patch of the chain to -1, but in one of them 1) a release note has to be present, 2) a documentation update is required, 3) one bionic job must be left, at least as non-voting (but ideally voting)11:35
dtantsurto elaborate on #3: otherwise upgrades are not possible (Zed only bionic, A only jammy)11:36
dtantsurmaybe actually merge 3 changes into one? they don't seem any invasive11:44
jandersTheJulia w/r/t PTG / active steps - apologies, been off Friday - let me touch base with Moshe and report back12:03
rpittaudtantsur: I will merge all into one change at this point, CI seems passing, and local tests too, so can add reno and doc change at the same time12:24
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Move bifrost tests to Ubuntu Jammy
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Move bifrost tests to Ubuntu Jammy
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Move bifrost tests to Ubuntu Jammy
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Move bifrost tests to Ubuntu Jammy
dtantsurrpittau, iurygregory, maybe it's worth documenting to avoid the confusion in the future, but please keep in mind: if we support $DISTRO $VERSION in $BRANCH, we cannot drop it in $BRANCH+1 in favour of $VERSION+1. Worst case, we need to backport support for $VERSION+1, but ideally we need to keep support for $VERSION13:13
dtantsur(remember how we did that for CS 8->9)13:13
dtantsurreason: upgrades. asking operator to upgrade the distro AND bifrost in a lockstep is very unfortunate, and we should generally avoid it.13:14
dtantsurI also don't think we have a strong reason to drop focal now, do we?13:14
iurygregorydtantsur, gotcha13:15
iurygregorywe should keep focal for now I would say13:15
iurygregorywe used to keep 2 LTS versions *I think* in bifrost13:16
dtantsurI think so too, yeah. we kept bionic a bit longer13:16
dtantsurHas anyone ever wondered how virtualenvs work when the default Python's version change (i.e. on upgrades)?13:16
iurygregorynope .-.13:17
TheJuliathe binaries reference the venv python and the venv python is a copy of the python it was created with13:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Imported Translations from Zanata
TheJuliaAlso, good morning13:27
rpittaugood morning TheJulia :)13:29
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Move bifrost tests to Ubuntu Jammy
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Upgrade from zed
dtantsurmorning TheJulia. yeah, I wonder if it's going to recognize the installed site-packages13:31
TheJuliaI don't even think it would look13:31
TheJuliait might look where it expects them, but new ones wouldn't be found I think and if there is compiled bytecode then the seed won't mach13:32
dtantsurhmm, so bifrost is kinda broken on an OS upgrade13:32
rpittaummmmm I'm not sure I would do an OS upgrade just like that knowing I have bifrost on virtualenv, or any other virtualenvs, probably a reinstall13:35
rpittauI actually think I never done that in my operator days, because of python binary change13:35
rpittauthere is a way to update the python binary in a venv though13:35
TheJuliawell, i thought os upgrades leave the old python alone13:35
TheJuliathat is if the venv is dependent on system site packages13:36
rpittauusing the python 3 venv module you can use the --upgrade option13:36
dtantsurnever heard about it. I wonder if it's something we should start doing.13:40
* TheJulia tries to wake up13:54
* TheJulia needs a very big cup of coffee this morning13:55
JayFrpittau: python3 venv --upgrade worked-ish, but wiped out local changes in a venv for a (different) python thing I run locally14:23
JayFrpittau: I would not go that route if you can help it :|14:23
rpittauJayF: what you mean by "local changes" ?14:23
JayFSo I run homeassistant, and I had a couple other things in the dir with the venv (not the best design for running things, obviously). I backed up the dir, did the python3 -m venv --upgrade ... and literally the end result looked like if I had rm venv_dir; python3 -m venv venv_dir14:24
JayFAll data in venv_dir/ went kaput and was replaced with a fresh venv14:25
JayF(I had backed up, because I've been doing this long enough to expect things to break; but I had to take a different approach to upgrading the venv)14:25
rpittauJayF: thanks, I don't remember such behavior, I'll do some tests14:27
JayFrpittau: as always; possible I did something wrong or something crazy about the env. I don't always ... exercise sane system admin practices on homelab stuff14:28
dtantsurhmm so it may purge site-packages.. damn14:28
* dtantsur is pondering how to conductor an experiment14:29
TheJuliaI *think* what jayf has indicated in the pattern, is literally what the code does now that I think of it14:38
* TheJulia pulled it up a year or three ago14:38
rpittaubye everyone, see you next week o/14:54
JayFiurygregory: let me run the .startmeeting to see if it works for me14:59
iurygregoryJayF, ack14:59
JayFiurygregory: .startmeeting ironic # right ?14:59
dtantsurit works for everyone, I think14:59
dtantsurI think it starts with #14:59
dtantsurnot with .14:59
JayFthat's what Iury suggested in DM, but I know it wasn't always configured that way14:59
iurygregorydtantsur, yeah14:59
JayF#startmeeting ironic15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Sep 26 15:00:02 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is JayF. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:00
dtantsuryay o/15:00
iurygregoryyay =)15:00
JayFHey all, meeting time. Who is here? 15:00
JayF#chair iurygregory 15:01
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: JayF iurygregory15:01
iurygregoryyou can find the agenda for our meeting in the wiki15:01
iurygregory#topic Announcements / Reminder 15:01
iurygregory#info We have released Zed for our projects, congratulations everyone! The official OpenStack Zed release will be next week!15:02
iurygregory#info JayF will be our PTL during the Antelope cycle, congratulations!15:02
JayFIt's the 18th release of OpenStack with Ironic included in some way. Next year is our 10th anniversary as a project :D 15:02
rloowheeee. congrats and congrats and yay!!!15:03
ajyacongrats JayF 15:03
ajyaand thanks iurygregory 15:03
JayFThanks everyone o/15:04
iurygregory#info PTG topics discussion from last week15:05
iurygregorylast week we have a meeting to schedule time slots for our next PTG and also to check how much time we would like to spend in each topic15:05
iurygregorysome information can be found in the etherpad for the ptg15:05
iurygregorythis week is last call for topics for the PTG, so we can book rooms for discussion =)15:06
JayFRelated to that, we have a co-session with Nova that I'll be scheduling with them this week.15:06
iurygregoryso, if you haven't added your topic to the etherpad, please do15:06
JayFMainly focusing on trying to find a path forward on Nova<>Ironic driver improvements15:06
JayFIf you want to be included in that scheduling; please reach out to me15:07
JayFOnce the time is chosen it'll obviously be open to the public; but I certainly don't want to be the only Ironic person there :D15:07
JayF#info JayF is scheduling a Nova<>Ironic driver PTG session with Nova, if you wish to be included in scheduling discussions reach out to him.15:08
iurygregory#info hjensas is now part of the metalsmith-core \o/ since there was no objections 15:10
JayFcongrats hjensas 15:10
rloocongrats hjensas!15:11
hjensaso/ thanks15:11
iurygregorydoes anyone have something we should add to  Announcements / Reminder ?15:11
* TheJulia blinks and realizes the time15:12
TheJuliaRelated to, seems like the foundation will be doing a summary episode for the Zed release next week for Open Infra live15:14
TheJuliaThey are presently seeking projects which would be interested in providing updates as part of it. See the discussion mailing list from Allison Price.15:14
JayFI will ensure Ironic is represented unless someone else wants to volunteer.15:15
iurygregoryJayF, go ahead =)15:15
JayFack, adding to my list15:16
iurygregoryok, moving on o/15:17
iurygregoryno action items from last week skipping 15:17
iurygregoryreview subteam status, I'm wondering if makes sense atm.. we have the Zed release for our projects, thoughts?15:18
TheJuliaI did put in an update late last week w/r/t sqlalchemy15:19
JayFack; thanks for your work on that Julia15:20
iurygregorytks TheJulia 15:20
TheJuliathe tl;dr being inspector never got a delineated declaritive reader/writer setup as most projects went towards. A first logical step is to pickup that patch, which I have already started to move forward, and use that as a foundation to begin to clean things up. It will make the merge into ironic cleaner since it should put them into the same style... eventually.15:21
iurygregory#topic Deciding on priorities for the coming week15:21
iurygregoryI think we can start adding the migration as priority for Antelope right?15:21
iurygregorywe can start reviewing things to see how CI will react in the long run15:22
TheJuliamigration to sqlalchemy 2?15:22
TheJuliaor inspector?15:22
iurygregorymigration to sqlalchemy in general15:23
iurygregoryyou have ironic patch up, so I think we can start looking at it (ie, adding to the prio-list)15:24
JayFI've been looking at them already; not sure they are passing CI and ready for general consumption but for a change of that size we should have folks looking at it.15:26
iurygregoryDoes anyone have patches we should add to the list to review?15:27
TheJuliaJayF: I rebased them on Friday, but have not looked since.15:28
JayFI have some stable items that I'll add a tag to once I get back around to them. I generally will add the prio to them as long as they are clean, useful backports :)15:28
TheJuliafwiw, I think merging them will result in a major number bump since we will be moving up the constraint on sqlalchemy to 1.4.015:28
TheJulianot that we should let that drive our decision making process, mentioning it more as an FYI15:29
iurygregorytks for the fyi =)15:31
iurygregoryok, moving on15:31
iurygregory#topic Baremetal SIG15:31
* arne_wiebalck found the recording of the last meeting ...15:32
arne_wiebalckso expect the video soon15:32
arne_wiebalck(somehow I missed the upload)15:32
JayFarne_wiebalck: oh, good stuff! Do you mind sharing the source with me, G-Research may want to post it on their channel too (that was the G-R presentation, right?)15:32
iurygregorywe have a sig session at the PTG \o/ 15:33
arne_wiebalckJayF: the raw video you mean?15:33
JayFarne_wiebalck: ack, if possible, the source video15:33
arne_wiebalckJayF: sure, will send you a link15:33
iurygregoryarne_wiebalck probably wasn't aware but now he is =P15:33
JayFarne_wiebalck: good stuff, thanks you!15:33
arne_wiebalckiurygregory: yeah, I was not :-D15:33
arne_wiebalckapart from this the only other thing is to discuss how to move fwd with the sig in general ... maybe at the PTG then :)15:34
iurygregory"operator-hour-baremetal-sig" Wed 19 at 13 UTC15:34
arne_wiebalckso this is not the place for a general discussion15:34
arne_wiebalckunless noone shows up :-D15:35
JayFI think we can spend that hour talking about whatever the operators who show up wanna talk about :)15:35
JayFI'm fairly sure that number will be nonzero, because I believe some operational folks from here at G-Research are going to try and attend.15:35
arne_wiebalckawesome, ok15:36
arne_wiebalckthat is all from me for the SIG15:36
iurygregorytks arne_wiebalck 15:36
iurygregoryskipping RFE review topic15:36
iurygregory#topic Open discussion15:36
iurygregoryDo we have something we would like to discuss?15:37
rloowhat do you think of those crickets?15:39
iurygregoryI think it's time to end the meeting :D15:39
TheJuliaw/r/t the operator discussion, if there is a meeting invite sent out, I can forward it to a few15:39
TheJuliaI suspect the crickets are plotting to take over the world...15:39
arne_wiebalckfor this, it would be good to have some pre-designed thingy to retweet, in fact15:40
arne_wiebalckwith a catchy slogan, a nice picture, ... :)15:40
iurygregoryboth invitation for email + tweet I would say :D15:40
iurygregorymaybe something we need to decide and do it :D15:41
iurygregory#topic Who is going to run the next meeting?15:43
TheJuliaI appear to have a conflict next week15:44
iurygregoryTheJulia, ack, no worries15:45
iurygregorysince I'm only hearing crickets, I will run the meeting next Monday o/15:45
iurygregorythanks everyone!15:45
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Sep 26 15:46:05 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:46
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
JayFI'll be here next week and can run the meeting :)15:46
JayFI already relocated to my double-booked 8:45am meeting once I heard the chirping of crickets lol15:47
JayFor iurygregory can :) I don't ever care as long as it gets done15:47
TheJuliaAnd lots of coffee appears15:47
iurygregoryJayF, ack =)15:47
dtantsuroh, JFYI I won't be around for the next 2 meetings15:49
* TheJulia needs to take a vacation15:49
dtantsurone Monday holiday, then Monday-Tuesday a small vacation, yes15:50
dtantsurtime to run to the woods!15:51
TheJuliapost awesome photos from the woods!15:51
dtantsurwill do! the place is quite nice, fingers crossed for the weather :)15:52
TheJuliawow, known for witch trials...15:54
dtantsurquite a bit of history everywhere here :D15:54
JayFI was about to say "Wow, looks like Leavenworth". Then I realized Leavenworth is a vacation destination here in WA because it's a *German village* (turned tourist trap) 15:54
JayF"Hey, your original looks like my copy" LOL15:55
JayFI wanna go to Germany sometime :)15:55
TheJuliaGermany is awesome15:55
dtantsurI'd be so happy to see you both here :)15:55
JayFMy wife has a lot of family there. Which makes it more complex to book, b/c we both generally don't travel together (dogsitting is expensive)15:55
JayF(and we'll probably have to get my MIL a ticket too lol)15:56
JayF<on topic> If there are any specific-to-zed-release highlights you want me to call out in the openinfra live, let me know, otherwise going to just start reading release notes </on topic>15:57
TheJuliaThey elected a scientist to be their leader, it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.15:58
TheJuliaJayF: hmmm... I woudn't just read the release notes, but there are some things which would be good to highlight16:02
JayFI mean like, I'm using rel notes to pick out highlights16:03
JayFnot that I'll recite them as my presi :D 16:03
TheJuliaoh, no, I think that is totally cool16:03
* TheJulia would have done the same16:03
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Phase 1 - SQLAlchemy 2.0 Compatability
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Phase 2 - SQLAlchemy 2.0 Compatability
TheJuliaJayF: the reason they didn't pass, is another patch raised the warnings to be fatal to operation20:40
JayFoh, heh20:48
JayFTheJulia: these are ready to merge (1 and 2) AFAYK, right?20:49
* JayF going to give it a through review this afternoon20:49
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Phase 3 - SQLAlchemy 2.0 Compatability
TheJuliaI think they are, 3rd *should* be good but just found an issue with the test in CI since walk_version is not happy locally20:58
JayFsounds good, I'll make sure they get a review before I leave today21:02
TheJulia  <-- I added ironic-week-prio to these so we can get them some review traction21:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Update release versions for zed
JayFstable patch that could use a review ->
JayFHey, thanks to whoever at HPE updated the 3rd party CI job to only contain expected-to-pass jobs \o/ 22:05
JayFthat's really, really nice22:05
TheJuliaI'll guess Nisha or stendulker :)22:07
JayFTheJulia: this failure on that phase 2 patch makes me go hrm22:15
JayFTheJulia: given this is passing other places, I wonder if there's something race-y in there?22:16
TheJuliaoh joy22:16
TheJuliaI've seen that once but was hoping it was a pure fluke22:16
TheJuliaIt is likely rooted in the first patch as that one works on locking22:17
TheJuliaI'll look tomorrow morning22:17
JayFyeah I'm propogating -1 back22:17
JayFif you want extra eyes lmk22:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/ussuri: Fix install of virtualbmc on ussuri (again)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/21.0: Pin bugfix 21.0 ci jobs to zed
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic stable/wallaby: Do not reboot into nowhere after BIOS settings with fast-track

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