Tuesday, 2022-11-01

opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/20.2: Fix pxe image lookups  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/85857204:35
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: review.opendev.org (Gerrit) is currently down, we are working to restore service as soon as possible07:31
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!08:04
kubajjGood morning arne_wiebalck and Ironic!09:39
kubajjIs it just me, or is review.opendev.org unreachable?09:48
ajyakubajj: it's a known issue, see #opendev 09:57
kubajjthanks ajya 09:58
iurygregorymorning Ironic11:31
arne_wiebalckhey kubajj ajya and iurygregory o/12:40
iurygregoryarne_wiebalck, o/12:40
ajyahi arne_wiebalck 12:57
TheJuliagood morning13:08
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: review.opendev.org (Gerrit) is back online14:26
*** knikolla[m] is now known as knikolla15:27
kubajjTheJulia: Hi, does this error message tell me in what way they are out of sync or not? I have been staring at this for a while now. https://paste.opendev.org/show/bJwftrKi9NtmiI6cXJ0E/16:35
JayFkubajj: I'm taking a look16:37
kubajjJayF: Thanks16:37
JayFkubajj: I think there needs to be more/better output to troubleshoot that; or I'm completely barking up the wrong tree16:40
kubajjJayF: Here is the Zuul job: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/aa87c15e911244b4a492acf82f48e09a Here is the change: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/862569/16:41
JayFkubajj: I'm lost, maybe TheJulia will have better insight. If she doesn't come around to help in a few; maybe we can sync up in a zoom or something?16:44
JayFkubajj: what TZ are you in?16:44
TheJuliaI can look in like 15 minutes16:44
TheJuliatrying to wrap current thought16:44
kubajjJayF: UTC16:45
JayFAlright, I have that on my world clock lol16:46
JayFthe company I work for is UK-based16:46
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: SQLAlchemy 2.0 prep  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-inspector/+/86073116:58
TheJuliakubajj: I think we would actually need to look at some work in progres code16:59
TheJuliaalready posted16:59
* TheJulia looks16:59
JayFTheJulia: johnthetubaguy: We should coordinate a time to sync up tomorrow about nova<>ironic driver stuff if you're both available17:03
JayFor sometime this week in general17:04
TheJuliaJayF: ++17:05
TheJuliakubajj: interesting17:05
JayFTheJulia: johnthetubaguy: Tomorrow is actually meeting-free for me. Anything in business hours PST is perfect for me.17:05
johnthetubaguyso daylight savings is a pain this week I suspect, its 5pm with me in the UK right now17:11
johnthetubaguywhat time did you want to start, UTC wise?17:12
JayFI can go as-early-as 1400 UTC17:12
JayF1500 UTC is like, dead on perfect time for me (8am) because it'll give my body time to metabolize the caffeine :D17:12
JayFTheJulia: what does your schedule look like?17:12
johnthetubaguyah, well that sounds better17:13
johnthetubaguy3 or 4 UTC for an hour or two totally works for me17:13
JayFMy usual working hours, with UTC as it is now, is like 1400-240017:13
JayFer. that can't be right17:13
JayF1400-2300 (?)17:13
TheJuliaI can do after 1600 UTC17:14
JayFjohnthetubaguy: TheJulia: 1600-1700 UTC?17:14
JayFI'll send out calendar invites with zoom links17:14
johnthetubaguythat works nicely for me too17:14
johnthetubaguycool, thank you!17:14
JayFTheJulia: your @gmail OK for the meeting invite?17:14
TheJuliaJayF: sure17:15
TheJuliaJayF: actually, jkreger@redhat please17:15
JayFdot com?17:15
TheJuliayes please17:15
TheJuliaI've not had that other laptop open and I've got a few meetings that morning, so odds are it just won't get opened unti lthe afternoon17:16
JayFspeaking of, I need to get on my MDM laptop and check email too17:19
kubajjTheJulia: any clue on what is wrong?17:24
TheJuliakubajj: yup, one minute17:26
TheJuliakubajj: like 2 minutes and I should have comments posted17:30
kubajjTheJulia: thanks17:31
TheJuliakubajj: so, I think it is all indexes and the first part of the reporting is a red herring17:48
TheJuliabecause it is comparing data structures17:48
TheJuliaand the second entry doesn't match, not the first17:48
kubajjTheJulia: so you think the indexes are wrong?17:54
kubajjI am not sure I understood that17:54
TheJuliasorry, apparently I didn't click send in gerrit17:55
TheJuliarefresh your change17:55
JayFIf there are no objections; I'll be shortly pushing changes to all older ironic-prometheus-exporter branches to remove the integration jobs18:07
JayFthey are failing for unexplainable reasons, and frankly nothing gets backported to them so I don't want to waste my time18:07
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter stable/train: CI: Various fixes  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter/+/86018418:12
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter stable/ussuri: CI: Various fixes  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter/+/86018318:14
kubajjTheJulia: I see. Thanks18:14
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: SQLAlchemy 2.0 prep  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-inspector/+/86073118:19
JayFironic-inspector bugfix/10.7 branch is in really, really bad shape in CI https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-inspector/+/86017118:23
JayFwondering how folks would feel about just retiring out that branch? If we support the last three, it goes away on it's own when we cut the first bugfix release of this cycle AIUI18:24
JayFRFR https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter/+/860183 -- it's passing tests now that I pulled the integration tests from the branch18:25
TheJuliaI'm all for just retiring the branch18:26
JayFfor inspector, yeah?18:27
JayFWho is the downstream for that, consuming it? 18:27
JayFRH has a product aligned with that branch, right?18:27
JayFSo like, auditing the bugfix branches right now, and it looks like we made a bugfix release between xena and yoga which isn't listed as supported anymore?18:39
TheJuliaI don't have a good way to easily check that18:44
TheJuliaI would assume dtantsur, iurygregory, or rpittau should be able to answer that18:45
JayFthank you, I'm actually going to hit the list about some of this I think18:53
JayFbecause there is a bigger task to be done w/r/t bugfix branches18:53
* JayF just put together https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/IronicBugfixBranchCleanup18:53
JayFhttps://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/f4cbd438269e4837be9e6588739624d9/log/job-output.txt I wonder if this is reflecting a real break in wallaby-era bifrost18:56
JayF> libvirt.libvirtError: XML error: unexpected root element <domain> expecting <device>18:56
JayFthis is another one I can just kill that job on, but the CI failure looks less random are more suspicious than the others...18:57
TheJuliathat looks like something changed unexpectedly18:59
JayFYes. That's why I called it out. Was hoping it was recognizable19:00
JayFcertainly not one to just drop or paper over, even in ir-prom-exporter19:00
TheJuliathe ansible community colleciton is no longer compatible with the libvirt on that test vm19:04
JayFSo this is a job broken by the new zuul ansible?19:06
TheJuliaquite possible19:06
JayFyeah, and we pushed a version sticky to bifrost for this, I think19:07
JayFbut it's a ticking bomb19:07
JayFit's arguably setup wrong that bifrost runs in the same ansible context as zuul19:07
TheJuliaor the package which is getting pulled in for the deploy has updated and broken19:07
JayFFor *this particular instance* is it worth keeping as an example and fixing? Or just nuke the job?19:08
TheJuliaat the same time, the opposite likely can be argued :(19:08
JayFI'm sure someone could make that argument; I wouldn't :)19:08
TheJuliaI think during our next weekly meeting we should likely just have a specific discussion about ansible versions, since this is going to continue to happen19:09
TheJuliaas zuul wants to be able to enter their move quickly stride19:09
TheJuliasince ansible is doing the same19:09
TheJuliaobviously a static pinned version is the way to remedy this19:10
JayFBifrost is a weak point in my understanding; can I add an item to the agenda and you own discussion on this?19:10
TheJuliabut that won't work for the zuul job itself and it needs to be a disjointed operation19:10
JayFand/or find a victi^W kind volunteer to delegate it to19:10
TheJuliajust put enough context of what the issue is (i.e. ansible collection no longer compatible with base os...)19:10
JayFof course19:11
JayFalso I'll note, see the list about bugfix branch stuff, I just hit it19:11
TheJulia(... libvirt, in particular here, is a fraking nightmare since it is binding build as opposed to a full api19:11
JayFdtantsur: iurygregory: stevebaker[m]: Please check list with [ironic][release] tag for post about bugfix branch lifecycle; I feel like you three are the major stakeholders there and I'd like your input19:11
iurygregoryJayF, ack20:05
opendevreviewKirill proposed openstack/ironic master: add vnc console  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/86068921:05
opendevreviewKirill proposed openstack/ironic master: add vnc console  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/86068921:06
opendevreviewKirill proposed openstack/ironic master: add vnc console  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/86068921:08
JayFTheJulia: related to our earlier chat...21:10
JayFironic-prom-exporter train seems to be broken at a very basic level21:10
JayFimportlib-metadata being used is incompatable with setuptools being used21:10
JayFwhich implies to me there's something very basic broken in CI; and likely not in an ironic-specific way (maybe?)21:11
JayFAFAICT we do not pin either of those packages in requirements for that branch/project combo21:11
JayFand this is in /unit/ tests21:15
JayFI spent a nontrivial amount of time trying to root cause this, and I'm to the point of "if someone else doesn't find something obvious, hit the list"21:32
TheJuliaI think anything train is forever broken since the queue change + the jobs base is now jammy as anything image buildy is now toast due to jammy on train21:37
JayFTheJulia: well, I think the issue above is separate21:38
JayFTheJulia: the issue above is *a unit test job* not even buiilding images21:38
TheJuliawell, requirements can't be fixed either21:38
JayFso we're looking at, e.g. having to EOL train rather than being able to unwedge it by disabling tempest tests21:39
JayFI proposed we retire train at one point, so I obviously don't mind that21:39
TheJuliaThat is my impression, yes21:39
JayFbut I'm just pointing out that there's no middle ground21:39
JayFwe invest the effort, seemingly infinite, to fix it21:39
JayFor we just punt it 21:39
TheJuliaagree 1000%21:39
JayFYou wanna hit the list? I think you have a better understanding of the moving parts21:39
JayFand we can add it to the meeting agenda for monday21:39
JayFtrain will be dead by thanksgiving lol21:39
TheJuliastevebaker[m]: ^^^ how do you feel about this21:40
TheJuliaif steve doesn't want to throw stuff at me...21:40
JayFIf you need a bad cop, I can be the bad cop: I do not think I have the time or skills or motivation to fix train CI.21:41
JayFWe cannot pretend train is in EM if it's effectively EOL due to dead CI.21:41
TheJulianah, I don't think anyone needs a bad cop on this21:41
TheJuliajust... reality21:41
JayFSo in my opinion, the default action is "It's going to be EOL'd" until or unless someone volunteers the time to unbreak the CI21:41
JayFI already had the uniform pressed and everything! LOL21:41
TheJuliaOkay then!21:42
JayFHey, yesterday was halloween21:42
JayFcostume jokes are still timely, right?21:42
TheJuliabut already pressed!?21:42
TheJuliaI guess21:42
TheJuliaAnyway, my brain is fried21:42
JayFlol I don't think they make them in my size anyway :P 21:42
TheJuliaand I need to go to the post office in a few21:42
JayFhave a nice one, thanks for sharing CI misery with me all day :| 21:42
JayFmisery loves company. Almost as much as it would love CI fixes. lol21:43
TheJulia:( ^ 1 million21:43
stevebaker[m]JayF: yeah I think its time for train to end, which raises the question of ussuri and victoria21:43
JayFhttps://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-October/030717.html only took a month for everyone to come around, LOL 21:44
stevebaker[m]JayF: indeed :) we've had a major release downstream since then, so wallaby is the new train for us21:46
JayFdon't say "wallaby is the new train" to someone who's been on the CI train going in circles with train all day :P 21:47
JayFwallaby is a better train, with working CI, and flowers21:47
JayFthat's better LOL 21:47
JayFI seriously wonder if we do this, retire T/U/V, if we should start actively monitoring CI on projects we care about.21:47
stevebaker[m]didn't I hear wallaby bifrost is broken?21:47
JayFwallaby ironic-prom-exporter was, I think21:48
JayFfor i-p-e, I'm basically pulling tests to get it passing21:48
JayFbecause I see zero evidence of patches being backported21:48
TheJuliaoh, for some reason I was thinking that was train21:48
TheJuliaI think this demonstrates how fried my brain is right now21:48
JayFthere are i-p-e problems up and down the list21:48
JayFand I've been complaining about them on different branches21:48
JayFmy brain has also derailed lol21:48
JayFFYI: I pushed PRs today to openstack/releases to cut a bugfix version release of all ironic projects in X/Y that have had changes21:50
TheJuliaI recommend finding one furchild, and capturing their warmth21:50
JayFwe released W last week in anticipation of it being EM'd21:50
JayFTheJulia: eh, I'm in my last hour. I'll make it :)21:51
ashinclouds[m]I should have called it a day like an hour ago :/21:52
ashinclouds[m]Anyway, to the post office!21:53

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