Friday, 2022-11-18

opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Implement periodic task for populating shards tbl
TheJuliasooooo... hjensas 1324 nodes/second on the chassis_uuid patch.  did you benchmark it locally?00:51
TheJuliaprior test was close to 2000/node, but that is literally the largest I've ever seen, ever and makes me think it is just ci node variability00:56
TheJuliaanother run looks like it was 1282.6/second00:58
TheJuliaof course, that query pattern only runs nova's quiery hit00:58
TheJuliaquery hit00:58
TheJuliafull list would be where the benefit exists00:58
*** akahat|ruck is now known as akahat04:12
opendevreviewkamlesh chauvhan proposed openstack/sushy master: Retry on iDRAC SYS518 errors for all requests
opendevreviewkamlesh chauvhan proposed openstack/sushy master: Retry on iDRAC SYS518 errors for all requests
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!07:13
rpittaugood morning ironic! Happy Friday! o/08:02
jandershey arne_wiebalck rpittau and Ironic o/09:33
hjensasTheJulia: I had not benchmarked it locally. It is slower, I think a full list would benefit ... set the change to WIP and will investigate more.10:48
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:34
arne_wiebalckhey rpittau hjensas iurygregory o/12:21
dtantsurmy attempt to run the metal3 CI is now kernel panicking on inspection, and I declare it a great progress :D13:20
TheJuliahjensas: yeah... might as well also benchmark a full list as long as it is not going to take an absurd amount of time13:37
TheJuliadtantsur: that *is* progress!13:39
hjensasTheJulia: not sure a full list is faster either. I'd expect to see it on a basic 'node list --long' from cli, even that is marginally slower-to-no-improvment.13:42
*** dmellado_ is now known as dmellado14:03
TheJuliaso i've been chatting with Kirill_ regarding getting graphical console stuffs finally working in nova... and since I looked at the nova code for this stuffs, it has been largely... completely... rewritten.14:19
TheJuliaFor security isolation I think, but the idea has floated, what if we had our own "service proxy" that could bridge the gap between nova->ironic>bmc14:20
TheJuliathat way the nova internals don't need internal details of the BMC network14:20
TheJuliathe challenge is basically we need to get a credential back, and nova relies upon client authentication with a token -> proxy-> to backend service utilizing it's running context14:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-inspector stable/ussuri: Use instead of port.uuid
dtantsurTheJulia: no objections, but why cannot it be a part of ironic?14:43
TheJuliaoh, I think that is where Kirill_ is kind of leaning14:45
TheJuliaI'm encouraging prototyping and a spec (unfortunately) since this is kind of major14:45
TheJuliabut an awesome addition and hopefully means less breakage for downstream patch consumers who have done this14:45
TheJuliao/ sdanni 14:48
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-inspector stable/ussuri failed: Fix port id vs uuid in ValidateInterfacesHook
sdanniHi TheJulia!14:54
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/ironic master: Add ports statistics to tools/benchmark scripts
dtantsuranyone ever seen ^^^?14:57
TheJuliaNeato…. No, I had not, at least not in recent memory15:00
TheJuliaIn an OpenStack context with spine/leaf stuffs… we wouldn’t be able to set that… really15:01
Kirill_thanks everyone, will be back with spec15:02
TheJuliasdanni: I noticed you had a patch against ipa which needs to be rebased :)15:03
sdanniTheJulia: will do!15:03
TheJuliawhee... doing expenses and three difference currencies are on a receipt \o/ #success16:11
TheJuliaokay, actually 216:14
dtantsur2 is not bad as well (3 would be awesome)16:16
rpittaubye, have a great weekend! o/16:40

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