Sunday, 2023-04-02

opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove instance image after deployment
JayFTheJulia: I wonder... could we do something like a more persistent connection for hb-only agents?14:33
JayFTheJulia: just pondering if we could keep the connection open and send more stuff, like pipelining. idk14:33
* JayF melts back into the weekend14:33
TheJuliaApi would need to continuously re-poll most likely to make pipelining work, or the agent would just need to keep asking to trigger the backend14:39
TheJuliaAt least, that is the immediate thought14:39
JayFI'm just thinking more like, long polling14:40
JayFheartbeat -> [wait for command] -> once it gets a command execute it -> immediately heartbeat again -> [wait for command]14:41
JayFand if we configure the length of the poll is driven by the API server (it can send a "go away" response, for instance, to tell the agent to check in later b/c there is no work)14:42
TheJulia... firewall folks will hate us :)22:51
TheJuliaand services would need to be threaded instead of process per request22:53
* TheJulia will never grok why people think just process per request is better22:53
JayFI mean, in this sort of model you could always fall back. You don't *need* the long-polling to work. It's just a way to make the happy-path take less time (without setting heartbeat intervals to bully-the-api-service levels)23:03

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