Monday, 2023-04-17

vanougood morning ironic04:27
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Handle MissingAttributeError when using OOB inspections to fetch MACs
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Handle MissingAttributeError when using OOB inspections to fetch MACs
arne_wiebalckGood morning vanou and Ironic!06:49
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:30
stephenfinMorning. You probably have your own tests for this, but might be helpful to root out remaining SQLA 2.0 issues. Looks like there are a few at least09:27
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: db: Resolve SAWarning warnings
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: tests: Replace invalid UUIDs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: tests: Comment out prints
vanouHi arne_wiebalck10:56
dtantsurthanks for the heads-up stephenfin 11:36
iurygregorymorning Ironic12:01
TheJuliagood morning12:39
rpittaugood morning TheJulia :)12:50
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Prepare [inspector]require_managed_boot to change to True in the future
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Remove netifaces usage
TheJuliasamuelkunkel[m]: just a reminder w/r/t
TheJuliadtantsur: I was *really* hoping not to have to touch every test doing anything uefi bootloader record related with *sigh*14:49
dtantsurTheJulia: it's understandable, although unfortunate. IN any case, it's worth a comment (and the str() part is technically wrong, although will work for you)14:51
TheJuliaI know, it was all to avoid touching a ton of tests :)14:52
TheJuliahence why the decode check14:52
* dtantsur sadface @ netifaces14:52
dtantsurTheJulia: is hinting at psutil (which I suspect we already use) as a way to list interfaces14:54
TheJulia <-- wrt that comment, the sample data we've gotten can have multibyte if it is stored with it, and we even got garbage out of our own test VMs when I got hexdump data out of it... (yes, this actually happens on our test vms today, just we hid it by forcing utf8 encoding)14:54
TheJulia... which is invalid14:54
TheJuliadtantsur: ip is already a requirement which we use elsewhere, I don't remember why off hand14:55
dtantsurTheJulia: sure, I'm just not the biggest fan of parsing `ip addr` output14:56
dtantsurand we do indeed already use psutil14:57
TheJuliaahh, that is not horrible14:57
TheJuliaplease add a comment, I'll try to revisit it between meetings and efibootmgr fun :(14:58
TheJuliaSpeaking of...14:59
* dtantsur sees at least 2 forks of netifaces, ugh14:59
TheJulia#startmeeting ironic15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Apr 17 15:00:07 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is TheJulia. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:00
TheJulia#chair JayF 15:00
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: JayF TheJulia15:00
TheJuliaGood Morning everyone and welcome to this week's edition of the Ironic team meeting15:00
TheJuliaI'm TheJulia, and I'll be your host this week as JayF is busy at the moment.15:00
TheJuliaYou might remember me from... *insert simpsons reference here*15:00
TheJuliaOur agenda can be found on the wiki.15:01
TheJuliaIs it just four of us this morning?15:01
iurygregoryprobably .-.15:02
rpittaulooks like it15:02
TheJuliaWell, then... I guess we can keep this quick15:02
TheJulia#topic Announcements / Reminders15:02
TheJulia#info Standing Reminder to review patches tagged with ironic-week-prio.15:03
TheJuliaAdditionally, please be mindful to check for existing patches which may not be tagged and remember to tag your own patches when they are ready.15:03
TheJuliaDoes anyone have anything they would like to announce?15:03
rpittauthanks for the +2 on the ipa-builder patches TheJulia :)15:03
TheJuliaNo problem! :)15:04
TheJuliaOh, One note, we're less than 60 days from the Open Infra Summit!15:04
TheJuliaIt looks like we had no action items from our last meeting, so we can skip that portion of the meeting.15:05
TheJulia#topic Review Ironic CI status & update whiteboard if needed15:05
TheJuliaAFAIK, CI status appears to be good except for ironic-grenade which seems to be fail happy15:06
* dtantsur hasn't looked into the grenade failures since last time15:07
rpittauheh me neither15:07
TheJuliagmann: any chance we can get eyes on ? Our failure rate, counting explicit failures and unknown failures is like 50% on the grenade job.15:08
TheJuliaAnd we've been able to confirm by looking at our patch to change the settings that the job will complete as expected.15:09
TheJuliaHmm, we don't even have a whiteboard link on the meeting agenda anymore15:09
TheJuliaAnyway, onward!15:10
TheJulia#topic ironic-python-agent-builder changes15:10
TheJuliarpittau: I beleive these are yours?15:10
rpittauI think it's an old topic, we discussed already about that15:10
TheJuliaAny further discussion required, or just reviews?15:10
rpittauanyway, changes are ongoing15:10
rpittaujust reviews15:10
TheJuliaokay, are we safe to remove the agenda item then?15:10
TheJuliaack, will do15:11
TheJulia#topic PyPI Maintainer Audit15:11
TheJuliaI don't have any evidence for this, but apparently we're making progress... but this may be an old item?15:11
TheJuliaAnyone have anything on this or shall we proceed onward?15:11
dtantsurI've removed me from Ironic projects, that's all I know :)15:11
TheJuliaI guess then we can proceed onward after the crickets make their appropriate sounds for a few moments15:12
TheJulia#topic VirtualPDU15:12
TheJuliaLatest status is that the VirtualPDU repo has been moved into the openstack namespace in gerrit, however there is an outstanding issue with the redirect on the original namespace repo it seems on github. I believe that is still under determination of a forward path.15:14
TheJulia#topic Open Discussion15:14
rpittauyeah I was planning to ask for a release15:14
TheJuliaDoes anyone have anything they would like to discuss?15:14
TheJuliarpittau: ack15:14
JayFthank you for doing that dtantsur :) I'll update my notes shortly15:15
TheJuliadtantsur: at some point I'd love to chat about with you, but not today. :)15:16
dtantsurabsolutely not today, Wednesday the earliest 15:16
dtantsurbut happily15:16
TheJuliaworks for me15:16
TheJuliaI'm out Thursday/Friday, fwiw15:16
TheJuliaLooks like I've doomed myself to spending a ton of time working on steps this cycle :)15:18
JayFMake sure to get high quality shoes ;)15:18
TheJuliabefore YVR, hopefully15:18
TheJuliaAlthough, sandals would be more prophecy compliant :)15:19
TheJuliaWell folks, thanks and have a great week!15:19
rpittauthanks! you too15:20
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Apr 17 15:20:36 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:20
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
TheJuliaspeaking of fun stuff, I didn't realize verify steps worked the way they do. That has all sorts of fun logic which will be needed for reserved step names and child node step execution15:21
* TheJulia has a 4 hour meeting-less window *gasp*15:24
TheJuliadtantsur: wednesday actually works really well since I think I'll be able to connect with stevebaker later that day on the same subject15:26
NobodyCamGood Morning Ironic Folks, Happy Monday15:29
TheJuliagood morning15:30
NobodyCamo/ TheJulia 15:30
rpittaugood night! o/15:55
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Fix UTF-16 result handling for efibootmgr
TheJuliawell, that was easier than I thought it would be16:15
TheJuliadtantsur: w/r/t psutil, that has a weakness which we can filter out with using ip... unfortunately. we can end up with a link level or privacy address. my machine's non-privacy global valid ipv6 address is 7 entries below the entry we would pick and we don't have a way with the data to delineate them short of doing after the fact record evaluation :\16:32
samuelkunkel[m]TheJulia: thanks for the reminder. Had scheduled it for this afternoon but had to take a trip to the hospital with my son :/17:02
samuelkunkel[m]Guess will have a look tomorrow17:02
JayFHope your son recovers :( 17:02
samuelkunkel[m]Its fine again. He had a severe constipation. But the docs got it fixed :)17:04
samuelkunkel[m]He is already starting to harass his sister. So this is a good sign he is fine :)17:05
TheJuliaheh, that does seem like a good sign!17:07
gmannTheJulia: done17:11
TheJuliagmann: much appreciated, thanks17:11
TheJuliaCrystal: 18:14
TheJuliaand the docs you want are at
TheJuliaSo, your specific need, you want to specify the exact devices to erase18:15
CrystalThank you Julia!!18:15
TheJuliaand this model is *everything but the devices it is told*18:15
TheJuliathis is because you don't know what else has been attached18:15
TheJuliaif a thumbd rive or an extra server is in a device outside of inventory parameters18:15
TheJuliaso, a little different18:15
TheJuliaAlso, we try to avoid exact device by name matching because the order on some hardware is not static18:16
TheJuliait gets governed by device initialization order18:16
TheJuliahence why hints is a thing18:16
TheJuliaso, that dictionary, would need to be saved to the contents of the node's properties18:17
TheJuliaits a little akward, but it is also meant to be static. CERN developed that feature because they had a subset of nodes which has data they need to preserve from user to user of the physical machine18:17
CrystalOhhh interesting! That makes sense. Thank you again for the pointers and the explanation!!18:19
TheJuliadtantsur: another item for us to discuss is agent checksums with remote sources and md5 :(18:55

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