Friday, 2023-04-28

opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove autocommit, again.
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: database lock/session fixes
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:48
rpittauhappy friday :)06:48
rpittauvanou: hi! o/ we're very much oriented toward the lextudio ecosystem since it keeps all the various libraries together in a consistent way, you can find more info here
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/virtualpdu master: Migrate to pysnmp lextudio ecosystem
vanourpittau: Thanks for information. I gave glance to code at lextudio/pysnmp and that repo looks like to support crypto protocols required by iRMC as in etingof/pysnmp(SHA, SH256, SHA384, SHA512 and AES). However lextudio/pysnmp still depends on pycrypdomex which latest commit of etingof/pysnmp no longer depends (at pysnmp/proto/secmod/rfc3826/priv/ This makes issue in08:53
vanou^ s/pycrypdomex/pycryptodomex/08:54
iurygregorymorning Ironic11:52
rpittauvanou: They're open to new patches, so if pycrypdomex dependency is a problem, a patch could be submitted to remove it, following the work of Ilya. The real problem is that there are no other alternatives that I know of for pysnmp that include the entire ecosystem, that project took the entire set, forked it, and it's maintaining it12:11
rpittauvanou: also consider that once PEP 541 work is done the packages names will be moved to lextudio, so at some point the migration will be unavaidable12:16
vanourpittau: Thanks for comment.  I understand lack of best candidate. I may need to make patch against lextudio. Thanks for info of PEP541.13:34
rpittauvanou: no problem! Let's keep the discussion open, glad to help if needed13:34
TheJuliagood morning folks13:50
TheJuliavanou: it is also moderately important to highlight, we also cannot go back and add dependencies after the fact to prior releases13:52
TheJuliahjensas: you going to be around for an hour or so?14:41
hjensasTheJulia: yes14:42
TheJuliacool, I'm pondering removing a lock around networking to make metal3 ci happier, and will likely want to discuss once I've gotten through my current pass14:44
rpittaubye everyone, have a great weekend! See you next tuesday o/15:05
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: database lock/session fixes
TheJuliahjensas: so, w/r/t ^, i looked at the metal3 logs for removing autocommit... again. And found we were getting lots of locks from conflicting interactions, and I noticed we pull a hard lock (meaning, select, node update, port create, node update)  which means we have two extra node updates which inter-twine15:07
TheJulianow, fwiw, the run *with* does have less OperationalErrors15:08
TheJulia72 in that log, I think the prior one was in the hundreds15:08
TheJuliaI've changed the logging level for sqlalchemy as an added data point15:11
TheJulia has 60015:15
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Configure docs: we no longer use storyboard
hjensasThat's a nice improvement.15:58
TheJuliaJayF: fyi, replied to the question on
TheJuliahjensas: seeing a similar trend across runs will be the real tell16:00
TheJuliabut any open read is a lock for any write to be able to start16:00
TheJuliaand vise versa16:00
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy master: Retry on ilo state error
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Fix Bandit errors
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-specs master: Firmware Interface
dtantsuriurygregory: ^^ \o/16:32
dtantsurI think it's time to admit that today is not my day with a braincell and leave for the week :) Holiday on Monday, will talk to you on Tuesday.16:40
TheJuliaHave a wonderful weekend!16:41
TheJuliawell... 12 OperationalError16:44
iurygregorydtantsur, \o/16:46
iurygregoryone good news for me before the week is over yay16:46
JayFonly one?16:48
JayFwe need to do something more nice for you iurygregory 16:48
JayFYou're my favorite person whose name starts with two vowels, is that good news? 16:48
iurygregoryit totally counts JayF o/ :D16:49
iurygregoryyesterday I discovered I have a problem on my right knee, so from time to time I will have to receive some hyaluronic acid injections  16:51
JayFI have two bad knees, you have maximum sympathy from me16:52
JayFhopefully the injections do some magic for you :)16:52
iurygregorythey probably do, I need to hope to only get them once a year16:53
JayFI tore a meniscus + MCL in the left knee 20y ago, and tore MCL+PCL+ACL+calf tendon in the right like 5y ago17:01
JayFit's all supposedly healed, but your knee is never quite the same again17:01
iurygregoryyeah I can imagine17:07
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: database lock/session fixes
* TheJulia crosses her fingers17:15
JasonF(not sure if my last messages made it thru)18:27
JasonFI have another grenade failure caused by missing baremetal flavor :| 18:27
JasonFI thought we had tracked that down?18:27
*** JayF is now known as Guest1244418:27
*** JasonF is now known as JayF18:27
TheJuliait was the client I believe18:30
JayFoh, there was an earlier hidden failure when creating the flavor, right?18:31
TheJuliano... it was something with the client causing an error to get generated and then internally the client tried to figure out what to do18:32
TheJuliaand I think a flavor name is also not supported, but we end up in that code path ebcause of the client18:33
hjensasTheJulia: made a comment on the WIP patch, I think you meant to assign res = and then return res ?18:58
TheJuliawell, or ref for reference18:59
TheJuliaI was thinking res originally, but ref was the pattern already used18:59
TheJuliahmm, 24 OperationalErrors19:01
TheJuliasomething about port creation in the timeline....19:01
TheJuliaand of course, nothing actually logged out of sqlalchemy's engine19:11
JayFit looks like you lowered the loglevels for sqla in that change19:24
JayFI thought that seemed weird; could that be impacting your debugging output?19:24
TheJuliawell, explicitly setting overall to info got all of sqlalchemy's extra instance details :\19:42
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: database lock/session fixes
TheJuliaan explict set to debug19:44
TheJulialets see what we get19:45
JayFhonestly, at some point I wonder if query logs + aggressive grepping might have to be the path if there are stragglers19:54
JayFor maybe that just reflects how I approach sqla problems with brute force :D lol19:54
TheJuliaheh, unfortunately no db side query logs :)20:46
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: DPU modeling - parent_node DB/Model/API
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: execute on child node support
TheJuliaJayF: iurygregory: a look at that second patch would be appreciated. Please respond with happiness as cookies, sadness as... well.. you'll figure something out :)21:21
iurygregoryTheJulia, ack o/21:23
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Upgrade to latest hacking - v6
TheJuliaso I guess we have a conundrum with sqlite21:44
TheJuliawe need no active readers (including api consumers) to actually lock for a write21:45
NobodyCama little late: but Good Afternoon Ironic Folks...21:45
TheJuliaso, I'm wondering if we need to add retry logic to write ops to allow other threads to exit out....21:45
TheJuliaat least walking the methods of the few first db interactions, nothing seems to be held open, but another set of eyes might find something21:46
TheJuliathe only variable I can see is metal3 hitting the api tons which would cause it if we're mid-flight on a read21:46
TheJuliao/ NobodyCam 22:00
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: database lock/session fixes

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