Wednesday, 2023-05-17

opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP bfv service change
zigoTheJulia: genekuo: Of course, Debian has signed grub + shim + kernel. It's always built, on a special infra dedicated to signing binaries (with only the ftp master team having access to the keys...).07:20
zigoBOOTX64.EFI is supposed to be shim-signed.07:25
zigocp /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubnetx64.efi.signed ${DEST_TFTP_DIR}/grubx64.efi07:25
zigocp /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed ${DEST_TFTP_DIR}07:25
zigoThen get your DHCPd to point to shimx64.efi.signed, or rename that file as BOOTX64.EFI07:26
zigoAlso, I strongly suggest adding "-v -v -v" into /etc/default/tftpd-hpa TFTP_OPTIONS, so that it logs in /var/log/syslog and you can see what's going on this way.07:27
zigoI hope this helps ...07:27
zigoOn *MY* side, I am having issue with nova yelling it cannot schedule my baremetal host (with "No valid host was found."). How can I fix that ? Where to look ?07:29
zigoProbably my flavors are wrong?07:29
dtantsurzigo: check nova-scheduler logs07:29
dtantsurand possibly nova-compute for any errors or warnings07:29
zigodtantsur: I'm getting: "Got no allocation candidates from the Placement API. This could be due to insufficient resources or a temporary occurrence as compute nodes start up."07:31
zigoNothing in nova-compute.log ...07:31
zigoOh, shit, my compute service is disabled ! :)07:31
zigo(and forgot to do the discover_hosts, stupid me...)07:33
zigodtantsur: Now, I'm getting:
dtantsurNot familiar with placement, sorry07:37
zigoOk, thanks anyways.07:39
opendevreviewHuy Mai proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Add fake_ipa inspection, lookup and heartbeater to fake system
Sandzwerg[m]<zigo> "Ok, thanks anyways." <- In general: check if anything is disabled, check if the flavors match, also placement has resource providers. Check if these exist and are free. We had issues that ironic providers sometimes get lost and we need to recreate them. Could be because of our setup though 09:59
zigoThanks, will try.10:09
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/tenks master failed: Fix CI failures
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/tenks master failed: Add retries for get_url and package tasks
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:14
opendevreviewFabian Wiesel proposed openstack/sushy master: Handle session-uri in body
iurygregorydtantsur, I noticed the metal3 job is failing in my patch "FAIL - node-1 Baremetalhost introspecting completed expected null to be in ready available", any ideas? .-.
iurygregoryalso if anyone knows why grenade is getting stuck when trying to run the upgrade version during ironic-dbsync I appreciate
dtantsuriurygregory: re metal3: hard to judge from the description. inspection failed.13:09
iurygregoryack, so probably not related to the code I added13:10
* TheJulia tries to wake up14:01
genekuozigo: When I'm building images with DIB, even /boot/efi/EFI/debian isn't there.14:10
genekuoLooking into the build code to see if I can fix it14:11
dtantsurgenekuo: have you added the required element for UEFI? block-device-efi or something like that?14:13
genekuoDIB_RELEASE=bullseye disk-image-create -t raw -o debian-bullseye -p mdadm -p shim-signed -p grub-efi-amd64-signed vm block-device-efi debian14:13
genekuoThis is the command I use14:13
zigogenekuo: I can't help, I don't use DIB, however, I can give you my script to build an image with live-build, if you like...14:15
zigoYou just need an extra param kernel so the ramdisk knows how to wget the squashfs at boot time, and have the squashfs hosted somewhere ...14:16
zigoFYI, Supply, my own project, isn't ready (but on good tracks), so I wouldn't advise to use it just yet.14:33
dtantsurLong weekend ahead, see you on Monday folks o/14:55
* TheJulia needs several long weeks15:02
TheJuliagenekuo: if you post a dib fix, feel free to tag me in gerrit to take a look15:38
TheJulia\o/ shorter path found to cinder issue15:39
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Remove Cinder Instance UUID
TheJuliaThat might break in fun ways, lets see!15:43
iurygregorywhat file should I look to see what is happening when running online data migrations in our CI? .-. grenade doesn't like my patch and I have no idea why 15:43
TheJuliathe path I was heading down was indeed correct, likely something to do with cinderclient... actually.15:43
iurygregoryTheJulia, I hope it won't break in fun ways...15:43
JayFthe more I look at your cinder changes15:43
TheJuliaiurygregory: grenade's log most likely15:44
JayFthe less I understand everything 15:44
TheJuliaJayF: it is a confusing area of the authentication15:44
JayFif you provide an instance_uuid it does $things?15:44
TheJulianope, stores it in a attachment record body15:44
iurygregoryTheJulia, the log ends with 2023-05-16 23:45:22.078 | INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 4dbec778866e -> 163040c5513f .-.15:44
TheJuliawell, aside from that15:44
TheJuliaiurygregory: got a link?15:44
mgoddardHi Ironic, FYI we're hitting ironic/vbmc issues in kayobe CI, suspect is libvirt 9.0.0 in CentOS stream 9 / Rocky Linux 9.215:49
iurygregoryyay for changes in libvirt...15:49
mgoddarda working run from yesterday, libvirt 8.5.0:
mgoddardsorry, vbmcd logs for the working run:
TheJuliaiurygregory: I think you have some issues in your migration, I've left a review with comments15:54
iurygregoryTheJulia, much appreciated! o/15:54
TheJuliaI suspect it should be relativelly quick, my guess is different confusion since only one field *can* really be the primary key15:56
TheJuliadesign wise, you may need to have a separate database incrementing primary key15:56
TheJuliaand have that disjointed from node_id15:56
TheJuliaand then force node_id *and* compoennt to be a unique constraint15:56
TheJulianode_id internally for nodes, if memory serves, is self incrementing15:59
iurygregoryTheJulia, so basically a new column id for PrimaryKey, and create a UniqueConstraint for node_id + component right?16:04
TheJuliayou can't really, afaik, have a compound primary key16:05
iurygregoryyup, you are right 16:06
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/tenks master: Fix CI failures
opendevreviewMark Goddard proposed openstack/tenks master: Add retries for get_url and package tasks
TheJuliamgoddard: could it just be the template payload is no longer compatible?16:17
TheJuliain regards to the libvirt domain xml16:17
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic master: Add DB model for Firmware
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP bfv service change
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP bfv service change
JayFdtantsur: I think the problem with your bug dashboard may just be "launchpad is so slow the connection times out before it could ever possibly fetch all the bugs"19:37
JayFdtantsur: at least I know how it works now :D 19:37
JayFdtantsur: scratch that; it returns when curl'd but appears to be just hanging inside requests for an unknown reason :|20:08
* TheJulia works on fixing unit tests now that she has a fix20:09
JayFaha, got it! eventlet weirdness20:09
JayFgoing to just excise eventlet from this, if it needs async I'll do 'real' async 20:09
* JayF should've jumped from WTF, it's hanging --> blame eventlet monkey patch more quickly20:10
TheJuliaI believe there is a prophecy around that20:10
TheJuliaPossibly related to the one who was, the one who is, and the one who will be.20:11
TheJuliaWe need an AI called Zatheras.20:11
JayFI think eventlet is Zathras20:13
JayFthere are many of them, but you can't be 100% sure it's not just pretending (greenthreads)20:13
TheJulia"I wanted that baremetal, not this baremetal" "such is zatharas' lot in life"20:13
JayFbarely understandable except by the people who know {him,it} well20:13
JayFand also, how could I forget20:16
TheJuliaOnly if Tye does not appear tonight ;)20:18
JayFI made as I'm finding stuff that needs attention20:22
JayF> ironic-tempest-bfv : SUCCESS in 32m 54s20:40
JayFTheJulia: nice work! I assume this is to be believed?20:40
TheJulialooks like it20:42
TheJuliaat least, at a glance, I'm fixing the rest of the patch up now20:42
TheJuliaand the workload booted, and nothing exploded it seems20:44
iurygregorynice \o/20:44
TheJuliaerr, what I have will only work until yoga apparently20:52
iurygregorygrenade why you hate me? >.< same failure even after the fix :D, going to try to run ironic-dbsync in a nuc to see the results...20:55
JayFiurygregory: this is for DB firmware model?21:05
JayFiurygregory: still failing on the migration?21:06
JayFI could use a context switch, I'll see if something jumps out in your current patchset21:06
iurygregoryJayF, yeah21:09
iurygregorysame message in the grenade logs nothing new .-.21:09
JayFyeah I saw, I'm looking21:10
JayF calls op.create_foreign_key but yours doesn't21:11
JayFI don't know if that's bad or not, but it's the only real thing I can see in that which screams "broken" to me.21:11
iurygregorybased on the docs it seems we can use to create the ForeignKeyConstraint and just pass it in create_table 21:13
TheJuliacould the table creation not be completed yet?21:15
iurygregoryI would expect an error or something no?21:17
TheJuliait could be mid-transaction and deadlocked21:18
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP bfv service change
JayFiurygregory: TheJulia: did we ever get A->C grenade jobs running?21:25
iurygregoryI'm going to try to upgrade the DB in my bifrost env just to see the result of ironic-dbsync running the upgrade 21:25
iurygregoryJayF, I had the patch open for that21:25
JayFyeah, I think it bitrotted?21:25
JayFwe need to get that setup. I found myself wondering "what if all our DB migrations are broken due to $something" and realized that would be a way to test that21:26
iurygregoryI totally forgot to update the patch due to downstream priorities basically21:26
JayFmakes sense. We should probably aim to get that running before B-121:27
JayFif you don't get around to it this week, I might have a look21:27
iurygregoryI'm going to push an update after my dinner it would be good to see how "grenade" and "grenade-skip" will play together21:28
JayFI just feel like that could be a time sink for us, bigly21:28
JayFgiven the amount of pain we have with the existing upgrade job21:28
JayFgetting something up so we can collab and start seeing how bad it'll be is useful :|21:28
iurygregoryyeah, I saw green runs of grenade, so I thought it would be something on my patch only21:28
JayFdtantsur: works locally fwiw. Very minor changes but I don't think it's done yet.21:42
JayFTheJulia: you have answers for the two questions at the top of perhaps?21:43
TheJulia1) there is none. 2) i don’t remember. It might be worthwhile reaching out to Diablo rojo21:49
JayFTheJulia: some of these projects don't have an LP at all21:55
JayFis that just "mash the buttons in launchpad" ? 21:56
TheJuliaBasically yeah22:00
TheJuliaYeah, the radio button needs to be changed setting wise22:01
TheJuliaAre there others?22:02
JayFI'm mid-audit, I doubt it but I am still checkint22:02
JayFtenks doesn't have one at all, but I'm not sure it needs one22:03
JayFYeah, tenks needs an LP, but I think it's in a different state than virtualbmc22:04
JayFthat's the only remaining one22:04
JayF I was wrong :( I had this mislabeled in my notes22:08
TheJuliacleaning up virtualbmc22:10
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Bugs are now tracked in launchpad, fix docs
TheJulia <-- checkout!22:14
TheJulianetworking-baremetal re-enabled22:15
JayFthat's not our bug, friendo22:17
JayFand that moment after you comment on a bug and you see it's 6 years old22:19
JayFthe bug is in first grade22:19
JayFgg JayF 22:19
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: Bugs are now in launchpad, doc fixes
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/virtualbmc master: Bugs are now in Launchpad, update docs to reflect
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: Bugs are now in launchpad, doc fixes
iurygregorywow I didn't know launchpad had pictures :D 22:37
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Bugs are now tracked in launchpad, fix docs
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Ironic (and IPA) use launchpad now
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Update docs: Ironic uses launchpad now
JayFiurygregory: time to upload a mug then I guess ;) 22:43
iurygregorynow you gave me the idea to request a mug with the ironic mascot lol22:44
JayFit has to be 192x192 :| 22:45
JayFthat's annoying22:45
iurygregorythey have limitation and they probably don't provide a tool you can select the part of the photo you want (like linkedIn, facebook, twitter...)22:46
JayFI mean, we're a bunch of OSS developers. We can guess why /those/ OSS developers haven't implemented that, I suspect 22:46
JayFit's OK they didn't have time, gimp is on flathub, that didn't take long :D22:49
*** dmellado95 is now known as dmellado923:04
iurygregory(venv) [iurygregory@blacklotus ironic]$ ironic-dbsync --config-file etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local create_schema23:08
iurygregory2023-05-17 20:08:04.301 112741 INFO alembic.runtime.migration [-] Context impl MySQLImpl.23:08
iurygregory2023-05-17 20:08:04.302 112741 INFO alembic.runtime.migration [-] Will assume non-transactional DDL.23:08
iurygregoryINFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.23:08
iurygregoryINFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.23:08
iurygregoryINFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running stamp_revision  -> 4dbec778866e23:08
iurygregoryok, at least locally I can create a database, let's see if I can run the upgrade...23:08
iurygregoryfingers crossed23:08
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Fix Cinder Integration fallout from CVE-2023-2088
TheJuliawell, the other question is will the db work23:21
TheJuliaanyhow, exhausted, going to recharge a littl ebit and go to the game23:22

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