Friday, 2023-06-23

iurygregoryseems like is not finding the cirros image .-.00:08
TheJuliaGah, so devstack broke us?00:11
iurygregorydon't think so00:16
iurygregoryseems like we can't find the cirros image00:16
iurygregorybut grenade can find and we pin to the same version00:16
iurygregorywe probably have something tricking us...00:18
iurygregoryok, seems like the job is trying to pull 0.5.2 ...00:19
TheJuliaI’m at dinner, but I would go look at the change history for devstack00:21
iurygregorythere was a change 13h ago00:22
iurygregoryto use cirros 0.6.200:22
iurygregorythe strange thing is that I see 0.5.2 in the bfv job, so there is something weird 00:22
iurygregorybut I will try a patch changing to 0.6.2 to see how it goes00:23
iurygregoryok, I was looking at stable and master...00:29
* iurygregory checking one at a time00:29
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix IRONIC_IMAGE_NAME=non-existent-image
iurygregoryTheJulia, hopefully this will do 01:05
iurygregorybut I'm not 100% sure about the impact on us, just a workaround so we can have our CI "working"01:06
TheJulialgtm, if you want I'll even +A it ;)01:06
TheJuliathen again, we should wait on CI01:06
iurygregorywill be good to have +A, but let's see how it goes 01:07
TheJuliaAnyway, I'm home from dinner, I'm going to go exercise, ping me if it has results in the next few hours if your still around01:07
TheJuliaI'll try to check it before going to bed01:07
iurygregoryI can also ping stevebaker[m] XD01:07
* stevebaker[m] is summoned01:08
iurygregoryit worked XD01:09
iurygregoryit seems it's also affecting stable...01:09
iurygregorybecause the change is in tempest... 01:10
TheJuliamaybe revert the change?01:13
TheJuliathen again, maybe that is too much drama01:14
iurygregorylet's see what they think about and discuss, for now let's have a workaround01:15
iurygregoryok, now time to go back to the RedfishFirmwareInterface01:29
iurygregory<happy dance>01:58
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Fix IRONIC_IMAGE_NAME=non-existent-image
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix IRONIC_IMAGE_NAME=non-existent-image
iurygregorygood morning Ironic10:48
TheJuliaGood morning13:10
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Add DB API for Firmware and Object
JayFat least it's not unit test/migrations failures15:00
TheJuliaI was sort of afraid to look15:05
JayFI have a node being held next time our unit tests failed15:07
JayFmy afternoon is going to be getting on that node, trying to repro on demand, and then debugging from there15:07
JayF...that hold hasn't caught anything yet15:08
JayFI'm about to go to my fri morning meetings, maybe I need to recheck the world and hope I catch something lol15:09
TheJuliaEnjoy, at breakfast and when I get back my plan is to do a ton of rebasing15:10
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Add DB API for Firmware and Object
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Utilize the JSON-RPC port
TheJuliasome really weird failures the past few days16:43
TheJulialike... bizzar16:43
iurygregoryI like the fact we get the message twice lol16:57
iurygregorythe second was because py38-arm64 failed 16:57
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Disable spanning tree
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Revert "Disabling test_upgrade_twice temporarily for CI fix"
TheJuliaoh wow17:46
TheJuliaI've randomly reproduced the test_migrations failure17:46
iurygregoryI like the part "randomly "17:47
iurygregorybecause that's exactly how our CI is reproducing the failures :D17:48
TheJuliaI was like "we keep worrying about the WAL pragma change" so I was like "I'll just bypass it for unit tests!17:49
TheJuliaand *boom*17:49
TheJuliaeverything else passes with it disabled, except the a migration check17:49
iurygregorymy patch just failed in test_models_sync17:50
iurygregorypymysql.err.OperationalError: (1051, "Unknown table 'wrcdmblqhg.conductors'")17:51
iurygregoryI really don't like this 17:52
iurygregory  alembic.autogenerate.compare_metadata(mc, self.get_metadata()))17:52
TheJulia <-- might actually be different17:53
TheJuliaand of course, I actually have mysql running17:54
TheJuliayeah, I just spotted that too17:56
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix SQLAlchemy engine connection listener
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Disable WAL Pragma for Unit Testing
TheJuliaoh, I sort of see what is going on18:01
TheJuliawe're basically requiring the same field to be a unique constraint across tow object models where one demands  the other18:01
iurygregoryin alocations and nodes?18:02
TheJuliaboth ultimately have a constraint on conductors.id18:04
TheJuliafor the same value in different tables18:04
TheJuliaand Allocations may be disjointed from nodes, so it is sort of a weird relationship18:05
TheJuliarunning unit tests to see if I've removed the SAWarning18:05
iurygregoryfingers crossed18:07
TheJuliathe migrations  error is18:08
TheJuliaiurygregory: do we have anything like what I got in CI that you've seen recently?18:08
NobodyCamGood morning Ironic folks, and ofc...18:12
TheJuliaiurygregory: nope, didn't get rid of it18:12
JayFTheJulia: did you just fix unit tests? or is this something different18:12
NobodyCamo/ TheJulia 18:12
JayFI shouldn't have typed the jinx in18:12
NobodyCammorning JayF 18:12
TheJuliawell, looks like a few different things going on18:13
TheJuliaI only fixed the model18:13
TheJuliaoh... that is why18:13
iurygregoryI have some links of the random failures on my patch if you want TheJulia 18:16
iurygregorythe last one was on test_models_sync
TheJulialooks like we need to actually delete the constraint from the db schema18:16
iurygregorya list of failed jobs *py3* 18:20
iurygregoryI'm leaving early today, since I was working till 1:30am18:23
iurygregorybut I will be checking patches later today o/18:23
* TheJulia tries to figure out what the contsraint name *actually* is18:38
JayFfungi: I don't see a node held for me, but just failed 18:50
JayFfungi: I wonder if the autohold is not great18:50
JayF(you were worried about the filter you were using iirc)18:50
TheJuliainteresting the migration tests alone take 70 seconds on my desktop18:52
fungiJayF: yeah, i suspect the job name can't be wildcarded and we'll need to pick a specific job19:09
JayFcan we hold one of each, maybe? then I can get you to drop the autohold/held nodes when/if we catch one19:10
fungior set multiple autoholds and then cancel the others after one catches something19:10
JayFthat's what I'm trying to suggest19:10
fungiyeah, our comments crossed in the aether19:10
TheJuliaokay got a fix for the sawarning19:28
TheJuliait *basically* is both constraints19:28
TheJuliawe can't have mappings going both ways at the same time, basically19:28
TheJuliawell... nope19:32
fungiis it mostly job timeouts or failed results you're tracking down?19:41
fungiJayF: is the list of jobs you're interested in catching failures for still the same as earlier in the week?19:45
fungialso note that we can't limit autoholds to specific pipelines, so if it's a job that also runs in check and someone uploads an obviously broken patch then we may end up holding a node for that19:47
fungiwhich is why we often limit it to a specific change and just recheck that in order to reproduce failures19:47
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Handle SAWarning around allocations FK Constratins
TheJuliagenerally across most of our runs we've got a mysterious hang occuring, and I believe that is what JayF is tryign to hunt down19:58
TheJuliaspecifically with openstack-tox-py3919:59
JayFand 3819:59
JayFI've seen it on 310 too19:59
JayFfungi: lets go for
JayFfungi: and TIMED_OUT or FAILURE is fine to catch, I think at this point we've fixed the timeouts so these are actual-failures now20:01
fungiwell, i was asking what job results you were investigating in order to attempt to reverse engineer a list of failing job names from the zuul builds dashboard, the autohold feature doesn't allow for matching on job result20:02
JayFah, yeah use that change20:02
JayFit reverts the commenting out of the most fail-y test20:03
JayFso you get better chances of failure20:03
JayFand I will recheck that one :D20:03
fungibut if we're going to scope the autohold to change 886196 then i can just leave out the job name field and catch any unsuccessful job for it20:03
TheJuliaJayF: does look familiar ?20:03
JayFthat is how the failures present now that rpittau put in timeouts20:03
JayFthat is "the failure"20:03
JayFbecause the fixture timeout fires and uncleanly shuts down the sql conn20:04
funginever mind, i'm wrong. job name is still required (and has to be an exact match). i'll set it for openstack-tox-py3820:05
fungi| 0000000220 | openstack |   |     openstack-tox-py38     | refs/changes/96/886196/.* |     1     | JayF investigating database migration hangs/timeouts |20:06
JayFI'm simultaneously pleased and annoyed lol20:06
JayFhow do I gain access to the machine?20:07
fungithat's not a machine, that's an autohold20:07
TheJuliaJayF: you ask when the node has been caught20:07
TheJuliathing of it as like fishing for a failing CI node20:07
TheJuliaand the autohold is the hook20:07
fungionce you get openstack-tox-py38 to fail on 886196 i'll add your ssh public key as allowed for authenticating to the root account on the job node we end up with20:08
TheJuliaso once caught, talk to fungi  :)20:08
JayFI thought my recheck immedaitely caught one20:08
JayFwhich is why I would've been sad lol20:08
JayFI'll recheck that through the weekend, I'm sure it'll catch a failure20:08
JayFand if not ... good? maybe?20:08
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Handle SAWarning around allocations FK Constratins
TheJuliai think I have reproduced the hang21:19
TheJuliaconnection 316 is me trying to dump the db21:21
TheJuliasince the nodes table is gone21:21
JayFdrop table conductors;? wtf21:22
TheJuliait is the test cleaning up21:22
TheJuliabut even then, that is locked21:22
TheJuliaor blocked, to be precise21:22
JayF| 316 | root             | localhost       | rhakocwbbm | Query   |   73 | Waiting for table metadata lock | LOCK TABLES `conductors` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`deploy_template_steps` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`deploy_templates` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`firmware_information` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`node_history` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`node_inventory` READ /*!32311 LOCAL21:22
JayF*/,`node_tags` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`node_traits` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`nodes` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`portgroups` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`ports` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`volume_connectors` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */,`volume_targets` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */ |    0.000 |21:22
JayFthat's the real winner21:22
JayFholy paste21:22
TheJuliathat is me trying to mysqldump21:22
JayFoh okay21:22
JayFso it's deadlocked but nothing in the process list21:22
JayFwhat the hell21:22
JayFlook for transactions in that list21:23
TheJuliaI've got 22 nodes in the db21:23
JayF.o(is this even innodb?)21:23
TheJuliait is21:23
JayFselect from performance_schema.metadata_locks might help too21:23
TheJuliaif you have mysql installed21:23
TheJuliathe tests use it21:23
JayFIDK if my comments are helpful, I have no idea how much of this stuff you already know, my assumption is all of it but I don't wanna not say and something get missed lol21:24
TheJuliai don't have performance_schema21:24
JayFI'm excited you have a live one with the locked db21:24
JayFanyhting in the innodb engine status?21:24
JayFparticularly hung txns?21:24
TheJulianot really21:26
JayFwhat mariadb/mysql version?21:26
TheJulia312 and 308 seem suspect21:27
JayFif we don't solve this in short order, we need to persist these findings in the bug fwiw21:28
TheJuliamysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.48-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.221:28
JayFthose two threads look deadlocked against each other21:28
JayFwhen would we even have, in CI, two overlapping txns?21:28
JayFhaving two overlapping txns almost seems like itself might be the bug, yeah21:29
JayFfor purposes of migrations that at least seems scary to me, idk21:29
* TheJulia pokes aroudn the db to try and figure out what tests are actually running21:29
JayFprobably one of the DB migrations that has to migrate data around21:29
JayFthat's my hunch at least given this21:29
TheJuliaI'm not sure about that, given I've got 22 entires in the nodes table21:29
TheJuliaone with a ton of mock data21:29
JayFit was a guess anyway21:29
JayFdon't we have one of those migrations for node inventory though? 21:30
TheJuliamodel schema, not actual data afaik21:30
* JayF remembers node-something getting shifted around21:30
JayFnode.conductor_group being not null but empty string21:33
JayFlooks really really weird to me21:33
JayFI'll also note, you likely can't see whatever transformation the txn was trying to perform21:34
TheJuliaid 123 seems like a huge issue21:34
JayFuntil/unless you kill one and free the deadlock21:34
JayFor you interrupted a migration21:34
JayFand that is being populated 21:34
JayFbut ... it should never be in this state21:34
JayFif node.uuid were non-null, that should be a state that's "inside" a txn, yeah?21:35
JayFso it should never appear when querying from cli21:35
JayFso we are likely saving an empty node somewhere21:35
TheJuliawell, many21:35
TheJuliamost tests do skeleton nodes like these and only set the necessary details21:35
JayFhere's the $1M question: why now21:36
TheJulialike that one is named node1, has a flat network interface, and nothing else21:36
TheJuliawhat is super suspect is we merged firmware information schema (sorry iury!) and it all sort of started in the wake of that21:36
TheJuliaand now we've got a test in there that has hung it seems with data still there21:37
TheJulia*could* be a coincidence21:37
TheJuliabut worth chasing down21:37
JayFoh oh21:37
JayFthis is21:37
JayFit's missing the delete magic21:37
JayFin the high level node delete21:37
TheJulianode_id 123 missing uuid could just be a red herring21:37
* JayF has a strong idea where to look21:37
JayFnow if I only knew where that code was LOL21:37
JayFbrain does not have an index21:37
TheJuliaoh wow21:38
TheJuliaso, yeah21:38
TheJuliayou can't delete the firmware information because it has a unique constraint21:38
TheJuliaso if it is missed, and somehow, somewhat it doesn't get picked up, yeah, i could see it deadlocking if we don't21:38
TheJuliaoh.... uhhh object helpers I *think*21:39
TheJuliaso, you *can* end up with a null uuid field on a node if one hasn't been saved out yet21:40
TheJuliaso it could be something with deadlocking already causing it to be the case21:40
JayFnode was changed without obj version being bumped21:41
JayFfirmware_interface was added to  node21:42
TheJuliawe lack firmware_information delete on destroy_node21:42
JayFobj version wasn't bumped21:42
JayFso it looks like there are a couple of pieces missing there then21:42
JayFwe shoudl probably fix both identified issues in the same PR, yeah?21:42
JayFyou want it or shoudl I take it21:42
TheJuliathey should be separate I *think*21:42
TheJuliabut let me see where my current repo is at since I hit this state trying to test a rebase21:43
TheJuliaI'm making a new clone21:43
JayFTheJulia: I have it21:44
JayFjust let me do it, I'm almost there21:44
TheJuliaso all of the migrations explain all of the nodes21:45
TheJuliayup, and we're bombing out on the test added as part of that original change21:45
JayFif this fixes it I might cry no joke21:46
JayFso much stress looking for this crap21:46
TheJuliaso it looks like the db was done, model was done, but it was not added to the object, yet!21:46
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix node deletion with FirmwareInformation
TheJulia <-- still in flight21:46
JayFFirmwareInformation was added to node_base though21:47
JayFer, NodeBase already21:47
JayFdoesn't that add it to the Node object already?21:47
TheJuliamodels != objects21:47
JayFah yeah, that's right21:47
JayFwe have separate db models and object models21:47
TheJuliawhen we create the object, we copy from the db model response21:47
TheJuliayeah, I think your change will do it21:48
JayFlike, can we unit test for *this exact case*21:48
JayFif we can, I'm not sure how21:48
TheJuliait would have to look at the tables which exist and then likely look at every schema to hunt down where constraints are21:49
TheJuliawould be a good challenge I guess21:49
TheJuliaI don't see a practical reason why we can't21:49
TheJuliait just might not "pretty"21:49
JayFI'll create a bug for it and label it good-first-issue ;)21:49
JayFTheJulia: I shoulda co-authored-by you on that patch, do you care enough for me to toll the CI?21:51
TheJuliait just got started :)21:52
TheJuliabut up to you21:52
JayFyour gmail is what you use, yeah?21:52
TheJuliare-testing locally with your patch since I hit it kind of head on21:52
JayFyep I do remember how to spell your last name :D 21:53
JayFI should by now lmao21:53
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix node deletion with FirmwareInformation
JayFholy hell this whole thing might be an "invisible work of openstack" blogpost all on it's own21:54
TheJuliajust remember "sometimes it is good for someone who does dev work on the old desktop in a corner which has all of the databases installed ready to rock and roll"21:54
TheJuliaI wouldn't have hit it if I didn't have mysql installed and pre-configured for jobs to run against21:54
TheJuliaand... it looks like I might have hung again21:55
TheJulialets see what is going on21:55
JayFoh no21:56
TheJuliaand we're back in a epoll loop wait on the runner21:56
* TheJulia reopens mysql21:56
JayFdid you purge your db?21:56
JayFthat is likely why it's broken21:56
JayFstill has bad data from last run21:56
TheJuliait creates random database names by default21:57
JayF(I hope?) 21:57
JayFwait, what does? 21:57
TheJuliathe test runner21:57
TheJuliasee how my db name is now lehsphwiee21:57
TheJulianow, with force! lehsphwiee!!!21:58
JayF I guess I assumed we use the created db21:58
JayFbut I see we grant *.*21:58
JayFso we can yolo all the dbs we want21:58
TheJuliaeach runner gets its own db land to play in21:58
TheJuliaerr, I still have firmware_information21:58
TheJulia.... and I have another thing trying to drop conductors21:58
JayFhaving firmware_information is not wrong, it remaining after a node is deleted is21:59
TheJuliaso we're deep in the migration run I guess22:00
JayFI'm just stunned this didn't fix it22:00
JayFwe fixed something for sure22:00
JayFI wonder22:00
JayFyou wanna just revert firmware_informaiton22:00
JayFand see if it's no longer repro'd?22:01
TheJuliaI'm going to comment out the migration check to start22:01
TheJuliaI'm wondering if there is just something in there we hang on22:01
JayFI spent some time reading thru all the migrations, basically re-reviewing them all22:02
JayFnot now, but before22:02
JayFand I saw nothing obvious22:02
TheJuliait has got to be somewhere in that because the node name with a bunch of "a"'s22:03
TheJuliawhich is a migration check22:03
JayFwhat about parent_node22:03
JayFit's nullable, no constraint22:04
JayFI could set a parent_node of lol if I wanted22:04
JayFso it's unlikely to be that, but I was hoping 22:04
* TheJulia looks at the db tests iury wrote and scratches her brain for a minute going "something doesn't look right"22:05
TheJuliaoh, nvmd22:05
TheJuliaI see it22:05
TheJuliaor at least what my brain was going "wut" with22:06
TheJuliaokay, disabled the test entirely, lets see if we hang22:06
TheJuliadid not hang22:09
JayFcan you tell me exactly what you commented?22:09
JayFlike a link woudl be idea22:09
JayFbut line no X in Y file is fine22:09
TheJuliaI just added a pass after _check_163040c5513f22:09
JayFfyi this is the unit test bug I created, for someone to check for the not-deleted-properly method
JayFthis feels more like the bug is exposed in the test22:13
JayFthan the test itself being broken22:13
JayFbut I'm not sure22:13
TheJuliai think the issue is in the version walking, we're injecting an artificial entry22:13
TheJuliabut I just don't understand why22:13
TheJuliawhat are we achieving by that22:13
JayFI don't see it22:14
TheJuliaI'm guessing we don't actually tear down with the dbapi here *because* that is the next level up data model wise22:15
JayFI don't follow22:15
JayFthe initial_version on Ln 1316 is just data, right? part of that firmware_information table22:16
JayFdocumenting the first version of that fw we saw, yeah22:16
JayFand it's non-null so it has to be set to create a thing22:16
TheJuliaeasier perhaps ^22:16
TheJuliamuahahahaha I think we found it22:51
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix test_migrations with firmware information.
JayF is the expected fix for our unit tests; I will recheck it several times over the weekend to ensure it's passing reliably. It's my intention to land this Monday morning with +2s from TheJulia and I, despite our work on it, if it has no further reviews23:30
JayFif you think that's a terrible idea, go put a -1 on that patch, otherwise, review it and please +2 it 23:30
JayFthank you 23:30
* TheJulia suspects steve may do the needful :)23:30
TheJuliaso, anyone have feels on just obliterating the test_port_changed_client_id test ?23:32
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Revert "Disabling test_upgrade_twice temporarily for CI fix"

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