Friday, 2023-11-10

opendevreviewBoushra Sondos Bettir proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Currently working on adding support for OVN type switches which Neutron already supports.
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: fix multipathd error handling release notes
rpittaugood morning ironic, happy Friday! o/08:00
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Make sqlalchemy-2x job voting again
rpittauTheJulia. JayF, dtantsur, re: bugfix branches, reading through the chat logs, I'm ok with the retirement/delete procedure, we need to document that somewhere, can look into it, and of course talk to the release team, also to get a confirmation that we're not missing something08:53
rpittaualso probably would be good to track this in launchpad08:58
rpittauI guess we don't care about renaming the branches as we're just removing them09:21
rpittauwondering if we should add a "step 0" sending a mail informing that we're removing the bugfix branches, and probably better move the removal of the open changes as "step 1"09:33
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Make sqlalchemy-2x job voting again
rpittauwe can probably use this to remove the eol tagged bugfix branches11:55
rpittaunow I just need to understand how to add the tag in a proper way, I guess git push won't work and ui neither :)11:56
dtantsurrpittau: probably via the release tooling?12:01
iurygregorymorning Ironic12:45
iurygregoryhappy friday12:45
rpittaudtantsur: yes, I was looking at the repos but no luck finding something related :/13:13
TheJuliagood morning13:52
rpittauI asked in release and found a promising answer :)13:57
TheJuliaI guess my huge concern anything we're documenting as process introduces risk for human error. we ideally need to be "one step" and move on so human interaction is minimal and the tooling enforces. At least, that is my opinion13:58
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Make sqlalchemy-2x job voting again
rpittauTheJulia: I agree with you, I just think that even if we automate the process we need to document the workflow in case automation for some reason fails, and also to provide understanding of the process itself13:59
TheJuliaoh, yes13:59
TheJuliadetail what we expect and ensure reality matches14:00
rpittauthere are also some prerequisites that may not be obvious, like the need of an openpgp key14:00
rpittauanyway, now I'm much more confident about the process and what we need to provide at least for the correct workflow, I think I can fix the bugfix branches that need eol/delete and provide the documentation during the next week14:04
rpittauthen work on the automation14:04
TheJuliarpittau: I'd almost say the automation needs to be the focus to do the cleanup, just from a standpoint of if it cleans it up then we know it is in a good-ish shape process wise, where as manual cleanup is not ideal at the moment14:55
TheJulia... I'm surprised by the pgp key comment, I mean it makes sense if we are doing the tag,but if the tooling is, then that would be surprising14:55
rpittauTheJulia: tags need to be signed tags14:56
TheJuliacannot the infra scripts do that today when executing on the configuration update in the CI pipeline?14:59
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Change snmp job to not use a focal node
rpittauAFAICS the infratools do not create a tag unless you also create or modify a branch, and we don't want to have new branches or pollute the yaml files with tons of bugfix eol entries15:14
rpittauWe could do like we do for stable branches, so just change the name of the branch adding eol, but my understanding is that we just want to add the tag15:15
rpittauAnd I don't think we should delegate infratools for that but have an ironic specific tool, that can take advantage of some infratools functions15:15
TheJuliaPerhaps this is a better topic to discuss with the release team, because I think "our own tooling" risk creating the exact same problem we're trying to avoid, and perhaps an entirely uniform automated process migth, indeed, be better15:32
rpittauSure, even though we're not moving at all from the release process, the tool will just mark eol and delete the branch, that's it15:36
rpittauAnyway, I need to leave now, have to drive for a bit, have a great weekend everyone! o/15:37
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/sushy master: Adds an option for setting the http boot uri
TheJuliarpittau: I guess maybe actually talking about it might be best, because I'm worried about any manual process at this point16:18

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