Thursday, 2024-04-25

opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: destroy_disk_metadata: support 4096 sector size
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:47
rpittauJayF: thanks for starting that!06:53
cidTheJulia: About the extra stuff in the mappings, I got a merge conflict, I believe it was with this change, I fixed it. But also noticed that the latest release and master were pointing at the same things in that change, so I did same. 08:45
cidSeems that was not exactly right08:49
opendevreviewFabian Wiesel proposed openstack/sushy-oem-idrac master: Added method for getting kvm session
opendevreviewFabian Wiesel proposed openstack/sushy-oem-idrac master: Add DellAttributes for manager
opendevreviewFabian Wiesel proposed openstack/sushy-oem-idrac master: Add OEM DellAttributes to DellManagerExtension
*** srelf_ is now known as ContinuitySR10:51
Sandzwerg[m]Above are the patches by my colleague 10:58
TheJulia cid, should have only changed master, I guess we need to add some prose in there to explain what and why for clarity :)13:15
TheJuliaI can take care of those words :)13:15
TheJuliacid: The only time we create the other sections is when were doing things as part of release activities for version mapping13:18
cidTheJulia: Yea. Thanks for clarifying. I mean, it made more sense when I realized that the conflicting change was only updating release mappings. 13:31
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: doc: Add extra context around release mapping
JayF+2A ^14:07
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove special treatment of .json for API objects
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove special treatment of .json for API objects
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove special treatment of .json for API objects
rpittaugood night! o/16:12
cidTheJulia: Regarding this comment "... just create a single job or two which leverages arm", how would I go about this? The zuul jobs are not architecture specific, or maybe they were all setup with x86_64 in mind.16:33
cidI have also been meaning to ask how CI configures Ironic, is there a config file or is it just the cli defaults?16:34
JayFso if you look in zuul.d/*.yaml, those are the config files16:35
JayFbasically the primary form of CI config is environment variables16:35
JayFright now, all the defaults are lined up for x86 to "just work" without being explicitly configured16:35
JayFto get a job working, we'll have to add a new job/modify an existing job to set those various environment variables16:36
JayFfiguring out the exact list of things that need to change is sorta part of the task :D 16:36
JayFbut as a starter, you can just look at what your change has already hooked up16:36
TheJuliaJayF: Thanks!16:37
TheJuliacid: I think JayF covered what I was thinking. you can define a job to run with specific variables, you will see a lot of that in our various jobs16:38
TheJuliazuul.d/project.yaml is just the list of jobs16:38
TheJuliaand in what case for them to run16:38
* JayF notes julia is more of a ci expert than I am16:38
TheJuliathe other file has the actual definitions16:38
JayFso if anything she tells you conflicts with me, I'd bet she's right :P 16:38
TheJuliaSo you would create a new definition with a new name in the one file, and then add that new name in the list of jobs to run.16:39
cidI see. 16:42
TheJuliaHi, Weather, please make up your mind and stop it with the wind. I don't want my hand to be hurting today.16:43
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: doc: Add extra context around release mapping
JayFironic-standalone will be likely the best one to start with16:54
cidI remember you said that, I will make a copy, tweak and test16:57
TheJuliathe standalone jobs have *tons* of tests, but they *are* definitely far less complicated than the full openstack stack16:57
TheJuliaIn other words, don't take it failing out of the gate as your heading down the wrong path, it will fail, the challenge is to move it beyond that first failure16:58
TheJulia... if that makes sense :)16:58
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove special treatment of .json for API objects
TheJulia(The plus of this is it becomes a more focused engagement than trying to just make everything greeeeeeeeeen16:58
cidit does make sense17:00
JayF+++ a big rule of devops is changing the error is a success, you just have to keep going until you get 'em all unlayered17:02
JayFthere's going to be a long tail on this ARM project I suspect, but that's just a sign of the problem's complexity than anything else17:02
TheJuliaheh, That is an excellent point17:02
TheJuliaI'd almost change the test regular expression just to be a single test and then expand it from there17:02
TheJuliaThe plus side is faster feedback then17:03
TheJuliaThe jobs take a while to run in general, and fast feedback is always a plus17:03
JayFhonestly I'd expect devstack setup to crash out the first few cycles17:03
TheJuliaquite likely17:03
JayFso that might be early overoptimization17:03
TheJuliasort of like it did on VM creation17:03
TheJuliadue to the emulator path17:03
TheJuliaNobodyCam: fyi, the wind is presently forecast to be return to "normal" conditions on Saturday.17:07
cidI will not only change the regex to start with one test and walk my way up, I will comment out every other gate jobs17:16
* dtantsur watches BMO doing servicing \o/17:32
TheJuliaoooooh ahhhhhhhh17:32
dtantsur if you're into reading convoluted Go17:33
TheJuliaJust limited to firmware and bios settings right?17:34
TheJulia... if I'm groking what I'm skimming in the patch correctly17:34
dtantsurTheJulia: actually, only BIOS settings in this proof of concept - firmware updates will need a bit of work on the Ironic side17:36
dtantsurdo you have anything else in mind?17:36
TheJuliaOff hand, no. I guess I've got this idea that something like snapshooting might be really cool one day, but that is totally squarely inside of ironic's box to solve first17:37
TheJuliasettings and eventually firmware *are* kind of the major pieces for now17:37
TheJuliaI think we'll need to address child devices and deployment of them and chaining all that together17:38
TheJuliabut... one step at a time17:38
dtantsurTheJulia: we have a generic "please support DPUs" epic downstream, but it's soooo underspecified at this point17:38
TheJuliaI know, trying to move that needle17:39
JayFTheJulia: really at this point, snapshotting is a hardware manager18:02
JayFTheJulia: and maybe a step template once those exist18:02
TheJuliaoh, absolutely18:03
JayFif someone came to us with the feature ask, we could lay out a reasonable implementation path18:03
JayFthat could even end with nova support for it tbh18:03
TheJuliaThe ask has sort of surfaced before, the problem was credential management related18:03
TheJuliaand then modeling of *what* to snap18:03
JayFsensible questions, but ones that could be answered (e.g. default to root device as determined by hints on the node) if we had a concentrated effort 18:04
TheJuliayeah, that was always the easy one ;)18:06
TheJuliaI think we stalled on the model that we basically thought we needed the user to submit the request with application credentials18:06
TheJuliaso there is a one time app key to be used to upload to say swift or whatever18:06
JayFI was thinking one could route around that by having a conductor as a go-between18:08
JayFbut none of this matters unless we're going to do it; we have things we're actually going to do that I need to go write up :D 18:09
TheJuliaMight be good to vision, I guess18:10
TheJuliabut yeah18:10

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