Wednesday, 2024-06-19

opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Build PXE config for node in SERVICING state
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Provision ARM (aarch64) fake-bare-metal-vms
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/2024.1: fix: Fix class typo for portgroup. Portgroup instead of PortGroup
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic stable/2023.1 failed: fix: Fix class typo for portgroup. Portgroup instead of PortGroup
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/2023.2: fix: Fix class typo for portgroup. Portgroup instead of PortGroup
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Build PXE config for node in SERVICING state
sylvrHello! I'm about to deploy a cloud using kayobe and I have some questions. In the documentation it says that control hosts are in the storage network by default, is it a requirement or is it ok if my control hosts are in the management network and the external network only ? (using kolla_vip to access the web-based control pane)08:51
dtantsursylvr: you may want to check this one with #openstack-kolla, we only know Ironic/Bifrost parts well08:52
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Build PXE config for node in SERVICING state
sylvrI'm sorry, I used the wrong channel08:53
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:53
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Remove deprecated xclarity hardware type
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Remove centos7 specific logic check
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Remove deprecated xclarity hardware type
adam-metal3hello Ironic,  is there a possibility to enable disk encryption for disk image streaming ? I have a feeling that in general no but wanted to ask before I start implement some custom hardware manager11:02
dtantsuradam-metal3: there is no built-in support (people tend to have their images already encrypted)11:03
adam-metal3dtantsur, thanks, makes sense11:05
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:37
TheJuliagood morning13:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Remove deprecated xclarity hardware type
JayFI'm doing the timeline math on those deprecation+removals14:32
JayF is when the deprecation was documented, just before 2023.114:33
JayFIf we didn't announce deprecation until 2024.1, doesn't that mean we have to keep 'em through 2025.2?14:33
JayFbut I know I always have my thinking on this backwards so trying to think out loud to verify14:33
JayFwe also said to be removed in 2024.214:34
JayFso probably not a big deal, just want to understand the proper way to think about that14:34
JayFI guess we had a slurp with them deprecated, for users to migrate in (2024.1) and they'll have to migrate before going to next slurp (2025.1)?14:35
JayFI think it feels weird to me b/c if we had done this in 2023.2 we'd have to wait until 2024.2 to deprecate it anyway14:35
rpittauisn't it removal the cycle after deprecation ?14:49
rpittauI mean that can happen14:49
rpittauunless we specifically mentioned a timeline14:50
rpittauat least I would expect that14:50
JayFcycle is slurp now though14:55
JayFso 2023.1->2024.114:55
rpittaummm right14:55
JayFso I think we are OK; because like I said, someone knows in 2023.1 they need to upgrade, it'll be gone in 2024.114:59
JayFbut I wanted to have this conversation out loud to be certain14:59
rpittauhonestly I didn't remember if we mentioned that in 2023.1 or 2023.2, but we're in 2024.2 dev cycle so should be good anyway, no?15:02
JayFnov 2023 would've been 2023.115:03
JayFso we marked deprecated in 2023.1, removed in 2023.215:03
JayFthat's why it seemed a little speedy to me15:03
JayFer, 2024.115:04
JayF2024.1 deprecated, 2024.2 removal15:04
JayFI think with my ironic hat on, it's ok15:04
rpittauyeah I understood :)15:04
JayFif I  go put on my TC hat and go look at policy15:04
JayFwe might be a little speedy15:04
* JayF goes reading15:04
rpittauwell we should've not even mentioned that then15:04
JayFhah, explicitly it's correcet thing to do15:05
JayFeven if it still uses the old tick/tock15:05
JayFit specifically says you can remove something in the "tock" release that was deprecated in the "tick" release, using the exact logic I just did15:05
JayFthank you for playing trust, but verify this morning with me :D 15:05
JayFbasically it seems like with slurp, anything deprecated this release (for instance) couldn't be removed until 2025.2, because that deprecation has to be released in a slurp release15:06
rpittauok, I got it15:09
*** dtantsur_ is now known as dtantsur15:12
JayF can we land this? it's passing, any existing comments addressed, and I'd like to cash in this win :D 15:24
JayF(that is ARM Devstack stuff for cid )15:24
rpittauJayF: I was looking at it, just checking a couple of things but should be fine15:24
JayFif any of it can be followed up, please land it and I'll ensure the followups get done15:25
rpittauyes, of course15:25
* dtantsur probably won't get in the way15:26
JayFdtantsur: I think all your review comments were good and have been addressed, fwiw15:27
rpittauthere's probably something to change in the devstack guide, but we can take that with the rest of the docs change15:27
dtantsurJayF: it's still a ton of repetition in the already unmanageable devstack lib...15:28
dtantsurand the MACHINE_TYPE handling is confusing15:28
dtantsurbut also, that's devstack, and I don't really care15:28
JayFI don't understand the confusion over machine type, the rest other issue is more ... please don't charge a decade of tech debt to one of our newest contributors :D 15:28
dtantsurWe add a new variable for the machine type that has a value incompatible with ARM15:29
JayFthat is set for the default for x8615:29
JayFjust like all the others are15:29
dtantsurwhich then requires contributors to set it to the magical incantation of "virt-6.2"15:29
dtantsurwhich requires your famous decoder ring :)15:29
JayFoh, do we not default it correctly15:29
dtantsurdunno, it's still in the contributor guide?15:30
JayFheh, I think it's unneeded but docs are bad15:30
JayFI will look at this specifically with cid this afternoon, we ahve a pairing session15:30
JayFI was thinking re: improving devstack15:30
rpittauI'm going to approve it, I think we can address all the docs + devstack improvement separately15:30
JayFwe could write a devstack plugin, a MUCH simpler one, for sushy-tools/vpdu/vbmc and have those installed separately15:30
JayFto get some of the details out15:30
JayFbut I suspect the devil of doing that is in the details15:31
dtantsurLeft a couple of comments on the documentation specifically (since it's what I care about the most)15:31
JayFack; I'll make sure those get addressed in a fast follow up  15:31
dtantsurNote that my testing environment experience is spoiled by simply running `./bifrost-cli testenv && ./bifrost-cli install --testenv --develop` :D15:32
JayFYeah; I think at some point I became the nova <> ironic driver guy15:33
JayFand that one just snuck up on me lol15:33
TheJuliawhy am I spending a day off ripping out a driver?!15:33
JayFdoesn't sound like a day off to me15:34
JayFi took yesterday afternoon off, I didn't rip out any drivers. Mainly just ate chinese buffet and bought a tie.15:34
dtantsuryou Americans have a weird idea of vacationing..15:34
TheJuliaa... tie?!15:34
JayFTheJulia: my brother gets married in October, the groomsmen uniform is "solid color green tie, all in different shades of green", and I don't wanna be the one stuck trying to invent a new color15:35
JayFTheJulia: it's at some lodge up in Banner Elk, NC. Gonna be beautiful, I think.15:35
TheJuliaand that is a good reason to get a tie :)15:36
JayFOh hey, my talk from CERN, I did a version for youtube and I'm gonna flip it public.15:37
JayFI'm going to start doing weekly short videos on Ironic stuff, too15:37
JayF (the 10 years of Ironic features talk from CERN, v1.1)15:38
* cid Did I really just see ARM CI in the gates :D15:41
rpittaucid: you did! great job there! :)15:42
cidI can hardly take that win alone, thanks for the reviews and assistance JayF, TheJulia, rpittau, dtantsur, (will def be following up based on your latest reviews)15:45
JayFYou're stuck now, my first patch was over 10 years ago and I still haven't escaped ;) 15:46
rpittaugood night! o/16:09
cardoeJayF: that sounds like a perfectly good day off! I support you.16:10
cardoedtantsur: sometimes you just wanna sit there and watch the paint dry after a lot of hectic days16:11
dtantsurpossibly :) I usually prefer watching something green and alive or something made of rock and very tell :)16:12
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Documentation: migration guide from inspector
dtantsurThis is the last thing I wanted to do before deprecating inspector ^^^16:41
dtantsura careful look is appreciated, especially now that we're trying to improve the docs :)16:41
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Remove deprecated idrac wsman driver interfaces
TheJuliaOkay, I'm going to use the rest of the day. ^ was a bit painful, but it is a weird removal, please take a look when you have time16:55
cid👍 16:58
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Remove ibmc hardware type
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Provision ARM (aarch64) fake-bare-metal-vms
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic stable/2023.1 failed: fix: Fix class typo for portgroup. Portgroup instead of PortGroup
JayFIt looks like we are unable to run without ipmitool installed even if ipmi-related interfaces/hardware-types are disabled19:36
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Update ironic-local-dev-guide for single-process
JayFnevermind, found it20:15
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Update ironic-local-dev-guide for single-process
JayF^^ vendor interfaces had to be updated to fake, too 20:17
JayFalthough we could probably make that error a lot less angry if ipmitool driver wasn't dead20:17
* JayF notes we loaded up cid's runbooks WIP change into a local dev env and tested CRUD working20:40
JayFcid: I wonder if we could hook all ^^^ that up to a tox target20:47
JayFcid: e.g. tox -elocaldev => spins up an Ironic with those config changes20:47
JayFJust food for thought, that doc is a big upgrade as-is, but getting one command to run and get an ironic api going locally would maybe make life easier for oflks20:48
cidJayF: That will make life way way easier :(20:50
JayFI wonder if it's possible, but even if not, the doc updates are great (I'm working on pep8/linting failures on those now)20:50
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Update ironic-local-dev-guide for single-process
JayFheh, if I had been in my repo with pre-commit setup instead of another one I did to poke at local-dev, I woulda never pushed it wrongly20:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/2023.1: fix: Fix class typo for portgroup. Portgroup instead of PortGroup
cidI will start off by enjoying the new discovery 21:08
cidThen ...21:08
cidGood night o/21:09
JayFDoes anyone know if you can run our unit tests natively on mac?21:25
* JayF is going to do a video about running tests and that would be useful to include if it works21:25
TheJulia... I've never tried21:28
*** iurygregory_ is now known as iurygregory21:28
iurygregorysame =( I have a friend with a Mac, I can check if he could run the unit tests21:29
TheJuliaI kind of gave up coding on a mac because every time you do updates, xcode wipes everything out and you have to reinstall21:30
iurygregorythe only time I had to code on mac, was in 2010 in a project at the university, because it was an app for iOS...21:43
JayFAck, I'll call that a no then21:56
JayFjust wanted to see if someone here was doing it regularly, cool, if not, sad21:56
JayFI will say, I think we have a pretty vested interest in keeping them running on WSL21:57
JayFand I will happily consider any failures there a bug21:57
JayF(as they likely also reflect leaky tests)21:57
* JayF saw the "2 RLocks were not greened" message in his ironic singleprocess locally today under python 3.1222:33
JayFI'm digging it, have seen no issues it'd be likely to cause, but still seems like worth a dig22:33
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Update ironic-local-dev-guide for single-process

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