Friday, 2024-06-21

rpittaugood morning ironic! Happy Friday! o/06:57
rpittauwhen any core has a moment please review, planning to release virtualpdu after that, thanks!08:01
dtantsurrpittau: +210:33
sylvrHello! I'm having an issue with my IPA, it can't contact the Seed/Bifrost after/during introspection10:56
rpittauthanks dtantsur 11:12
sylvrsylvr: it seems that the callback isn't working properly, as the node is looking up itself in Bifrost with what seems to me like wrong infos11:27
sylvr`Looking up node with adresses "<MAC1>,<MAC2>" and UUID None at` this seems wrong has it uses both interfaces MAC adress and "UUID None"11:29
sylvrI don't see port 6385 as open on my Seed-Bifrost either11:43
iurygregorygood morning ironic11:47
iurygregoryrpittau, looking now11:47
sylvrHow can I fully format Bifrost database? so that deleted nodes can be enrolled/discovered again ?12:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/virtualpdu master: Update to match latest development cycle
cidHey sylvr, I wish I knew how to go about what you were asking. 12:33
cidEveryone seems to not be on seat yet or occupied at the moment; you'll get help.12:34
cidAnd since you know exactly what you are trying to achieve, it's becomes easier to Google those.12:36
iurygregoryjust double checking but when doing VIF attach the option params to send are port_uuid / portgroup_uuid instead of port_id / portgroup_id righ ? 12:38
JayFfwiw, the behavior sylvr was seeing was mostly expected in terms of the log14:07
JayFwe send the macs from the node to the API to do a lookup14:07
JayFso the IPA doesn't know what node it's on until *after* it gets a response14:07
TheJuliaYeah, unless it was booted via virtual media14:21
dtantsurEven then - although that's something we should fix14:22
TheJuliathe fact we end up normally logging "None" in common cases?14:22
dtantsurI think so14:22
TheJuliayeah, it is a super simple change to make14:23
JayFthat's a pretty good perspective on it I hadn't considered14:29
dtantsurWe really need to pass node UUID through virtual media. It's not hard to do, just someone to sit down and do both sides of the equation.14:31
TheJuliaI thought we already did14:31
TheJulianot doing so I think would be a bug at this point14:31
dtantsurI don't disagree :)14:31
rpittaubye everyone have a great weekend! o/14:51
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix rendering of Redfish properties in the documentation
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: [WIP] Add support for BIOS update emulation
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow disabling bios deployments
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow disabling bios deployments
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Reorganize the documentation front page
dtantsurThis ^^^ is pretty bold, and I wonder how much disagreement I'm going to see15:40
dtantsurit's largely inspired by the feedback that Reverbverbverb gave us, although it only makes a tiny step towards the end goal15:41
dtantsurI do think it's a step *towards* it at least15:41
dtantsurcc JayF 15:41
TheJuliaI feel super bad I've not had a chance to look at any of it15:42
TheJuliabut getting pulled in numerous directions right now15:42
dtantsurI can imagine15:42
dtantsurIt's not a long read actually, so may qualify for the Friday evening read15:42
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow disabling bios deployments and/or enrollments
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Flexible IPMI credential persistence method configuration
JayFdtantsur: I pointed Reverbverbverb to that change downstream in slack17:25
* TheJulia goes back to therapy change17:48
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove deprecated idrac wsman driver interfaces
TheJuliaAhh, Therapy18:20
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Self-Service via Runbooks [Prototype]
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Self-Service via Runbooks [Prototype]

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