Wednesday, 2024-06-26

*** zbitter is now known as zaneb03:33
shajizadGood morning ironic06:28
shajizadFor my pull requests, Zuul succeeded in the VIF patch while openstacksdk-functional-devstack-networking-extfailed for the virtual media one. Could somebody help me find what the issue is? The patch is here:
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:10
rpittaudtantsur: re redfish interop profile: IMHO the thing to do is just keep the docs updated every time we touch anything related to redfish 07:11
rpittaushajizad: let me finish wake up and I'll get to it :)07:12
cidGood morning o/07:41
rpittaushajizad: I don't think the function job is failing because of your patch, the  openstacksdk-functional-devstack-networking-ext job does not run baremetal tests07:57
shajizadI see08:13
shajizadShould I just do recheck then?08:13
shajizadOh you already did t08:14
rpittaushajizad: yup, rechecked, if it fails again maybe it's time to ask in openstacksdk channel about it08:17
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Remove CentOS Stream 8 leftovers
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dtantsura new low hanging fruit found while researching our redfish code
iurygregorygood morning Ironic10:47
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Update the redfish interoperability profile
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: [PoC] Tox environment to verify the redfish profile
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Update the redfish interoperability profile
dtantsurI declare this finished ^^. Enjoy reviewing!11:19
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: [PoC] Tox environment to verify the redfish profile
cidJust out of curiosity... I've noticed that the Ironic codebase has quite a number of TODOs.11:47
cidIs there a dedicated process or tool that manages these TODOs?11:47
cidMore like, how does the community ensure they are addressed in a timely manner?11:47
dtantsurWe do not11:48
dtantsurIf you know how to fix any of these, feel free to just do it.11:48
cidGot it! That's what I was driving at.11:48
shajizadrpittau: I changed the commit message for both patches. Now the vmedia one succeeded and VIF failed. I don't think my patch was the problem because it passed earlier12:15
rpittaushajizad: yeah, that job is nor runnning bare metal tests AFAICS, please report the issue in the openstacksdk channel12:16
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: Add RPC calls and handlers needed to support async service steps
iurygregorygreat finding janders =)12:28
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opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: Make redfish firmware update a service step
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: Add RPC calls and handlers needed to support async service steps
jandersty iurygregory o/12:48
jandersmissed some version bumps, sorted now12:48
dtantsurah damn, was about to write a review :D12:49
jandersstill needs some work (tests, reno) but I wanted to get initial reviews to reflect any changes in these12:49
dtantsurjanders: tests yes, not sure what would a release note contain - the calls are not wired in yet, right?12:50
jandersdtantsur yeah you are right12:50
jandersit's kinda bad these are missing but so what if nothing is trying to use the missing calls yet12:51
jandersOK two done, I will now redo the Targets patch removing the decorator from it12:54
janderssushy-tools stuff I will leave for tomo12:54
janders(needs a more substantial respin also)12:54
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] add Targets to firmware.update on multi system BMCs
jandersOK so I think these three patches is a reasonably logical way to slice it up, when you have time have a look and leave me feedback, I will work towards getting these closer to merge-ready tomorrow (and will also get onto sushy-tools)13:02
janderswhen combined together these patches work pretty well but I expect they will need some work and tidying up13:03
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Remove CentOS Stream 8 leftovers
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Remove deprecated idrac wsman driver interfaces
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Remove unused parameter in ansible driver
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/2023.2: [CI] Remove not defined job from queue
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch stable/2023.1: [CI] Remove not defined job from queue
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Fix execution of node servicing steps exposed by IPA's HardwareManager
dtantsur[ERROR] /opt/stack/devstack/inc/meta-config:191 bogus config file specification $NOVA_CPU_CONF ($NOVA_CPU_CONF=/etc/nova/nova-cpu.conf, /etc/nova is not a directory)15:51
dtantsurI'm sorry, WHAT15:51
* dtantsur asking on #openstack-qa15:55
rpittaugood night! o/16:03
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: [DNM] Test the proposed CI fix
JayFdtantsur: fwiw with that local API doc patch, I'm going to finish the testing and do a video on the results too16:19
JayFdtantsur: so your questions are heard, are good, and I'll dig in when I go down that path16:19
JayFI'm 99% sure with network_interface=noop it reduces the amount of stuff you need in order to get a node to validate and a deployment to work (you don't have to create ports)16:20
dtantsuryeah, but I think you don't really need the rest16:20
dtantsur(I personally did some changes a while ago to make sure Ironic can deduce missing required interfaces)16:21
JayFI 100% know we need more than in the existing config16:22
JayFbecause we had an ipmi-something interface still enabled16:22
JayFwhich blew up b/c I didn't have ipmitool on my local machine16:22
JayFand I validated that with my changes, it works without ipmitool installed16:22
JayFso there is *something* needed, I 100% believe it could be /less something/ than what I've done16:23
dtantsursure, you disable IPMI. what I'm speculating about is that you might be okay with only overriding enabled_hardware_interfaces and enabled_network_interfaces.16:23
dtantsurI expect the rest to be deduced16:23
JayFI think the one that blew me up was ipmi console interfaces16:25
JayFbut I'd have to repro to be 100% sure 16:25
dtantsurthe default is only no-console:
dtantsuryou may be forced to set boot/deploy interfaces if you want to avoid having real implementations (the ipxe one will probably fail on creating boot.ipxe)16:26
dtantsurpower/management, while being required, should default to fake in the end16:27
JayFI'm 99.999% sure still it was ipmi console16:27
dtantsureverything else already defaults to their no-* implementations16:27
JayFand it wasn't looking at enabled_ it was looking at something else16:27
JayFlet me see if I can re-repro quickly locally16:27
dtantsurThis is all I have locally:16:28
dtantsurenabled_hardware_types = fake-hardware16:28
dtantsurenabled_boot_interfaces = fake16:28
dtantsurenabled_deploy_interfaces = fake16:28
JayFnothing in vendor_interfaces, either?16:28
dtantsurit's also optional, so no-vendor by default16:29
dtantsur(I seriously wonder if we should have something like ./tools/ that just does the necessary)16:29
JayFdtantsur: reproduced16:30
JayFdtantsur: can you move ipmitool out of the way on your box and see if you reproduce?16:30
dtantsurgimme a minute16:31
dtantsurhmm, interesting, it does try to use ipmitool16:33
dtantsurwhich is something we should really fix rather than documenting workarounds16:33
JayFdtantsur: yep, I knew it was somewhere16:34
dtantsurI kinda think it's a bug.. but also fixing it might break people16:34
JayFwhich is likely why it is how it is16:34
JayFI'd suggest instead, we should not make the absense of ipmitool blow up ironic16:34
JayFbut I'm not sure how to structure that without setting up a footgun16:34
dtantsurRight. We ask Ironic to enable an interface that cannot possibly work.16:35
dtantsurmaybe we still change it with an "upgrade" release note16:35
JayFbut that interface is /vendor passthru/16:35
JayFif there was ever a case to just fail and be okay with it16:35
JayFvendor passthru is it16:35
dtantsurBut was there? So far, Ironic verifies preconditions on load.16:36
JayFhonestly leaving the "explode if no ipmitool" in the actual-driver but making the vendorpassthru one just throw errors when that happens16:36
JayFbut was there /what/?16:36
dtantsurAn even more interesting solution would be to raise a warning that the hardware interface is not used by any hardware type. And not load it.16:36
JayFDo VendorPassthru methods even care about hardware type?16:37
JayFbecaeuse we have both node vendor passthru and top level, right?16:37
dtantsurIt's a normal hardware interface, it can only be attached to hardware types that enable it16:37
JayFthe top level driver passthru is supposed to work even without a node16:37
JayFor am I remembering an old deprecated part of our api16:37
dtantsur... and now I remember that fake-hardware can use any interface :(16:37
JayFheartbeat/lookup, for example, were not node-specific16:38
JayFwhen they were passthrus16:38
dtantsurDriver passthru still require a driver, which is baked by a hardware type16:38
JayF(as opposed to the send_raw passthru for ipmi driver, which was on a node path)16:38
dtantsuranyway, my suggestion cannot work in the presence of fake-hardware16:38
JayFwhat /is/ in ipmi vendor passthru16:38
* JayF wonders if we can just deprecate it lol16:38
dtantsurthe raw command? can be useful, dunno16:39
* dtantsur rarely uses IPMI nowadays16:39
JayFI've not seen an ipmi install of ironic in production in a while16:39
dtantsurJayF: could you at least document the issue you've discovered in a bug? even if we cannot immediately come up with a solution16:39
JayFbut I also don't work for the sorta places that have that slow of a hardware lifecycle16:39
JayFyep, I wasn't sure it was a bug when I found it16:39
JayFwhch is why I documented around it instead of calling it a bug16:39
JayF(in fact, I said it was a bug in IRC when I found it then walked it back later lol)16:40
dtantsurokay, we need to document changing enabled_vendor_interfaces too16:40
JayFyeah it was one of those things where I shotgunned it to make it more futureproof16:40
JayFbut I think building *up* from an empty config will be better16:40
JayFand easier to maintain16:40
JayFI'm going to call this a "low" bug 16:45
JayF and self-triaged16:46
JayFbug deputy triaged that one with 0ms of latency! lol16:46
dtantsurgood job! but you'll struggle to show further improvement on your next performance review!16:48
JayFmy boss just adds a gold star sticker to the side of the 5 stars in the HR app16:52
JayFturning it up to 11, so to speak16:53
dtantsurNice :)16:53
JayFit's kinda funny taking your statement in context of Ironic16:53
JayFb/c it totally has happened here16:53
JayF"Wow! A bare metal server via an API in like, an hour?! wow!!!!"16:53
JayF(fast forward a decade)16:53
JayFevery third conversation is me telling someone complaining about deployments taking 20 minutes that the reboot takes longer than everything else combined :P 16:54
dtantsurlol, so true16:54
JayFironic: the only software that works faster when a server has less ram16:54
dtantsurhaha, also very true16:54
JayFthere's maybe a short half-comedy talk in that16:55
JayFironic ironies16:55
dtantsurjanders and I will need to look into avoiding some reviews into IPA during servicing at some point16:55
JayFI would be a fan of that work16:55
JayFif servicing with disable_ramdisk still boots IPA with only an OOB step16:55
JayFI will be a sad panda16:55
JayFbut ... not surprised knowing how it all works16:55
JayFmy "IPA must be able to detect the hardware to decide on available steps" chickens are coming home to roost16:56
dtantsurThe problem with disable_ramdisk is even simpler: we use IPA to detect when hardware is actually ready for the next step16:57
JayFbecause heartbeat drives the whole bus16:57
JayFit really is all the IPA design decisions coming home to get me, eh 16:58
dtantsuryeah, and because Redfish does not always tell us when the hardware is truly ready16:58
dtantsuroh, it's quite late here apparently, talk to you tomorrow!16:59
JayFo/ have a good one16:59
JayFkrozcheck (sp?) just sat down beside me! 18:00
JayFformerly of the community here18:01
clarkbya he lives in seattle18:10
clarkbor lived in seattle its been a while18:10
JayFWhat are the side effects of setting use_storyboard:false in projects.yaml? I'm looking, trying to address and want to ensure the obvious path (updating projects.yaml) is the right one ... I suspect there's something hiding here if I didn't already flip that switch during the migration18:28
JayF(that bug is just that the issues tab goes to storyboard) 18:29
clarkbfungi: ^ is probably the best one toe ask. I think it mostly has to do with initial setup and after the fact the impact either way is minimal18:29
clarkboh ya we use it to set the bug links in gitea18:29
clarkbif you toggle it off of storyboard it should switch the link in gitea to lp.18:29
JayFI'm mainly worried that it's going to change something on storyboard side locking out old Ironic bugs or something18:29
fungicorrect, and no need to explicitly set it false, it defaults to false so just remove the line18:29
JayFthat's the reason I'm asking about side effects :D 18:29
fungiit won't lock out old anything18:30
JayFbeautiful, patch incoming18:30
fungiwe don't delete bugs from sb regardless, i follow a manual process to adjust the project description and hide it from the new bugtask autocomplete by setting its inactive flag when a project moves off sb18:31
fungimainly to dissuade anyone from creating new stories/tasks for a project there18:32
JayFand of course I also now discover needs retirement18:34
JayF(they now live in ipa repo, examples/, and have for *years*)18:34
JayFfyi fix is in the gate now for the devstack ci failures when that lands I think Ironic should be good19:05
JayFcid: dtantsur: Did we ever email the list about ironic-bug-dashboard taking config files now? Might be worth broadcasting it's useful for other projects.19:11
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dkingIf anybody happens to still be around, does anybody know of a way to abort a stuck "cleaning" state? Or better, to troubleshoot what it is stuck doing?19:14
dtantsurdking: cleaning means it's doing something actively, like getting stuck in the middle of some network request. Since it involves locking, unfortunately, your only bet is to restart the responsible conductor.19:56
*** dmellado0755 is now known as dmellado07521:06
JayFyeah restart the conductor that has it locked is the answer to that, and probably will be ~forever. It indicates something failed/hung and without knowing what, we can't keep things in a sane state :( often I've seen this in cases where you have some backing store for ironic on a network share22:44
JayFe.g. if you were sharing image cache directories on conductors using nfs (don't do this)22:44

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