Monday, 2024-07-01

opendevreviewMohammed Boukhalfa proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Extend Fake System Driver for Interaction with Fake IPA via REST API
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/06:58
adam-metal3Hello Ironic, it is probably a very sily question but as far as I understand it is not possible to disable the automatic restarting of the node after the deployment steps have completed right? I am talking about regular no deploymetn workflow not live ISO .09:16
adam-metal3*regular deployment not live ISO workflow09:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Update the redfish interoperability profile
masgharGood morning! (almost afternoon but morning in my book =D)09:26
opendevreviewMohammed Boukhalfa proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Extend Fake System Driver for Interaction with Fake IPA via REST API
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Replace hardcoded BiosVersion with an updatable field
opendevreviewMohammed Boukhalfa proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Extend Fake System Driver for Interaction with Fake IPA via REST API
opendevreviewMohammed Boukhalfa proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Extend Fake System Driver for Interaction with Fake IPA via REST API
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Deprecated field in Redfish Driver
iurygregorygood morning Ironic11:08
dtantsuradam-metal3: please elaborate. You want to leave IPA running?11:20
adam-metal3I want to execute an in-band custom deployment step and then I don't want to reboot, I wouldn't leave IPA running the custom step would deploy a daemon that would do some modifications to the node, delay the reboot but eventually it would reboot11:24
dtantsuradam-metal3: okay, so you have a custom deploy step, and it takes time. What's the problem with just making Ironic wait for the step to be over?11:25
adam-metal3these modifications that the daemon would do are coming from som proprietary stuff I don't even know what that is but I would basically hand over the controll to this daemon, so IPA would be finished with all of it's task technically11:26
dtantsuradam-metal3: we have a very similar mode operation where the IPA hands over its job to a different service via dbus. Then it just loops waiting for the service to exit, then Ironic does its routine clean-up. Would that work for you?11:27
dtantsuradam-metal3: this
dtantsurNow, there is a special step called "hold", but that's not exactly what you're asking for, and probably also not what you really need.11:28
adam-metal3Yeah I have checked the core os stuff but in my case there could be a situation where I would never reboot, there is a possibility that this daemon would do a systemd soft reboot rather instead of a regural reboot thus the whole systemd userspace would go away 11:30
adam-metal3but the kernel would stay running and a new systemd session would be re-initialized11:32
dtantsuradam-metal3: I don't think we have anything like that out of box, unfortunately.11:53
adam-metal3I would be happy to somehow implement support for this, but could you please point me tha the function call where in case of custom agent deploy process Ironic asks for a reboot because I have a hard time finding it. I was tracing the code in Ironic and I see that in case of using IPA with cutom agent deploy I arrive to this condition and in case of NO fast track there is a power action but in case of no fast track I don't see, I might very well be looking at the wron place but I just can't find where exactly does Ironic initiats the reboot agter deployment12:00
adam-metal3*point me to the function call* sorry typing in HexChat is a bit messy12:01
adam-metal3so in case of no fast track I see the power action in case of NO fast track but where fast track is enabled I don't see the power action12:03
TheJuliagood morning12:32
dtantsuradam-metal3: it has two parts. The power off happens in this deploy step
iurygregorygood morning TheJulia =)12:35
dtantsuradam-metal3: power on here
adam-metal3dtantsur, thanks!12:37
dtantsuradam-metal3: what you want is definitely doable with a custom deploy interface12:37
TheJuliaI'm likely not going to be around for this weeks meeting. I'm dealing with some sickness and I have to run into town which is best when it is cooler outside because a pesky nail in a tire13:23
iurygregorytake care TheJulia 13:24
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Upgrade check on removed or deprecated hardware types and interfaces
dtantsurTheJulia: something I promised you quite long ago ^^^13:44
TheJuliaawesome, I'll try to take a look in the next day or so13:45
dtantsurno hurry, just ticking boxes on my TODO list13:45
cardoeDid I get my timing wrong. Is the Ironic meeting not now/14:13
cardoeI did get my punctuation wrong... more coffee!14:13
TheJuliain like 45 minutes14:14
cardoeWell I'll just share a bit early. I did a really crappy write up of what I'm working on here... essentially TheJulia leaves DCIM/IPAM out of Project Mercury. But I'm saying let's make an opinionated deployment and use Nautobot to provide that functionality.14:44
cardoeUltimately the design goal is for large scale, multiple data centers but want to scale down to small footprints as well.14:46
cardoeThe reason for opinionated is just to have a reference deployment that others can use and copy from.14:46
rpittau#startmeeting ironic15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Jul  1 15:00:04 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:00
rpittauHello everyone!15:00
rpittauWelcome to our weekly meeting!15:00
rpittauThe meeting agenda can be found here:15:00
rpittaummm I was hoping to have more cores today, let's wait a minute or two15:01
rpittau#topic Announcements/Reminders15:02
rpittau#info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio15:02
rpittauI think the list is in good shape but we may need to go back to some changes from beginning of June15:03
rpittau#info 2024.2 Dalmatian Release Schedule15:04
rpittauwe're in milestone 2 meaning we'll see some releases this week15:04
rpittau#info The nickname for the 2025.1 "E" release will be Epoxy15:04
rpittau#info the next OpenInfra PTG which will take place October 21-25, 2024 virtually! Registration is now open! 15:05
rpittauTeam Survey deadline is August 30th, I will take care of it :)15:05
rpittauanything else to announce/remind of ?15:05
rpittauokey dokey, moving on15:06
rpittau#topic Review Ironic CI status15:06
rpittauhaven't seen anything too broken last week15:06
rpittauanything to mention about CI status?15:07
rpittau#topic Discussions15:08
rpittauI have 2 things for today, let's see15:08
rpittau#info any non-libraries we want to release?15:08
dtantsurCI was briefly broken by devstack, but it's okay now15:08
rpittauthanks dtantsur :)15:09
dtantsurnon-libraries? like ironic itself you mean?15:09
rpittauwe have released recently ironic, ipa and inspector bugfix15:09
rpittaubut we also have networking-baremetal and networking-generic-switch15:10
rpittauI can have a look but just wondering if anyone already had an idea15:10
dtantsurI don't really. I haven't seen many changes there recently, but dunno when the last release was.15:10
rpittauok, I have it in my todo list for this week anyway because of the milestone15:11
rpittaulibrary releases will be automatically proposed by the release team15:11
dtantsurthen we have sushy-tools but it should probably wait for Jacob's patches15:12
rpittauI guess we're good15:13
rpittauthe second thing I had is15:14
rpittau#info pysnmp-lextudio 6.x migration15:14
iurygregorysushy-tools is independent release no?15:14
rpittauthan we don't care and we can release when we want15:14
rpittauthanks iurygregory for reminding that :)15:15
iurygregorynp =)15:15
rpittaugoing back to pysnmp-lextudio15:15
rpittauthe upgrade cause a huge breakage and we can't move forward until we adapt virtualpdu to asyncio15:15
rpittauI left 2 messages in the original issue15:16
rpittau#link pysnmp-lextudio 6.x migration15:16
iurygregoryjust wondering, but if we adapt virtualpdu, could it cause problems since ironic doesn't use asyncio?15:16
rpittauwell we need to do both15:17
rpittaubut virtualpdu seems like a bigger change15:17
iurygregorygot it15:17
rpittauthis is an example of what's happening15:17
rpittaulooks like an issue with python threading15:17
rpittauif anyone has time to have a look at it feel free to hijack my patch15:18
rpittauif we don't get answers from the pysnmp maintainer we may need to find yet another alternative15:18
rpittauany questions/doubts/comments?15:19
rpittauok, moving on15:20
rpittau#topic Bug Deputy Updates15:20
rpittauJayF was deputy last week but I don't see him around15:21
cidYea, he's not on seat15:21
rpittauwe can skip I guess, I haven't seen too much movement on bugs last week15:21
rpittauany volunteer as bug deputy for this week? :)15:22
cidAm I eligible?15:22
rpittauthat's a good question :)15:23
rpittauwe never talked about non-core being bug deputies15:23
dtantsurWe'd need to add you to some lp group15:23
rpittauthe problem is that you won't have the rights on lp15:23
rpittauI can do it this week and we can discuss it 15:23
dtantsurOther than that, I personally don't see a problem with any permanent contributor taking this role15:23
rpittaume neither15:23
rpittaucid: will you be able to do it next week ?15:24
cidI would love to15:24
rpittauI'll sign you up for next week then so we can see if we need to sort things out for lp15:25
rpittaucid: thanks :)15:25
cidNo probs =)15:25
rpittauI don't see new RFEs to talk about so I think we can go to15:26
rpittau#topic Open Discussion15:26
rpittauanyone has anything would like to talk about? :)15:26
rpittau(ironic related... mostly)15:26
rpittaulooks like we're good :)15:27
rpittauthanks everyone!15:27
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Jul  1 15:27:45 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:27
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
rpittaugood night! o/15:53
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Deprecate the project
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Inspector migration: mention switching over to ironicclient
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client master: Deprecate the project
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironicclient master: Client support port name
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Add tox env for local dev; update documentation
JayFI'm sorry, I took today off impromptu and forgot that I owed a bug deputy report. I did triage all bugs that were filed recent ish that showed up in the dashboard.19:22
JayFI even fixed one that had been reported where we were still linking to our storyboard on$repo19:22
JayFNothing too much of note. If so I would have brought it up in channel 😄19:23
JayFcid: with the permission of rpittau I should be able to grant the permissions in Launchpad. We can take care of this tomorrow.19:23
cid++ 19:24

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