Thursday, 2024-07-18

rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:11
sylvrgood morning!07:25
sylvrin this line shouldn't orm.exc be replaced with orm_errors ? I don't know if this caused my issue, but seems inconsistant ?07:35
sylvror is it on purpose because it's in a try/except ?07:37
rpittausylvr: if you look at the import you'll see that orm.exc = orm_errors, so it's interchangeable 08:08
sylvrrpittau: so no consistency issue then ! :)08:12
rpittausylvr: a huge consistency issue! but technically it's the same, so in general it's not an issue :)08:14
sylvrwell, I'm trying to fix an issue I encountering, maybe I'll change it if I submit a patch :)08:15
sylvrif I modify the code on site and then use systemctl restart ironic-inspector, the modified code should be run right ?08:38
sylvrwelp... seems like the error vanished08:52
masgharJayF: yes, inspection rules being the biggest one I know of09:36
masgharJayF: From Dmitry's notes downstream, I also see these 4-5 items: 'Add an Ironic CI job with in-band inspection without inspector', 'Migrate "introspection interface" CLI commands', 'New Node field to distinguish auto discovered nodes', 'RPC API for the new PXE filter service' and 'Bonus: migrate JSON RPC back into Ironic (from ironic-lib)'09:52
rpittauJayF: re we can make the test result based on python version12:29
TheJuliagood morning13:13
rpittauJayF: we convert the properties only in get_endpoint, which is successfully tested, so I guess it's ok to distinguish between python version <3.9 and >=3.9 13:13
* TheJulia tries to wake up13:13
sylvrTheJulia : good morning !13:15
TheJuliamasghar: I guess there is no plan for actual data miration? (don't assume this is requirement, not trying to scope creep, but we likely need to set the correct expectation for folks)13:21
masgharTheJulia: Not that I am aware of, no13:24
masgharBut it does seem useful for those who want to eventually take the leap from inspector13:25
masgharNew deployments arent a problem, but we will have lots of old deployments13:25
TheJuliaI'm against trying to take that on, at least over some recent pain I got to feel.
TheJuliathe data being optional for almost everyone... and all that :)13:33
masgharOh there is a data migration tool in inspector? Thats nice!13:44
masgharthe data is optional for everyong13:44
masgharsorry, I mean the data is optional for everyone? Wouldnt users be in trouble if their inventory information was in inspector DB and they suddenly stopped inspector?13:45
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow disabling specific boot modes during deployment/enrollment
TheJuliamasghar: inspector is not an inventory tool.13:53
TheJuliait is just a data collection tool13:53
masgharTheJulia: oh well, in that case migration is not as important as I thought13:55
masghardata migration I mean13:55
TheJuliaYeah, it can always be recreated. We view ironic as the source of truth of if there is hardware inventory and it's state13:56
masgharVery nice, makes the inspector removal even better13:56
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Add CLI support for runbooks
JayFmasghar: I think cid may have some cycles to help with that inspector retirement work over the next few weeks14:58
JayFcid: ^ If you're interested, that inspector retirement work is important and it'd be a big win if we could get it completely migrated this cycle14:59
JayFbasically means one less service (almost) every Ironic deployment has to put out there14:59
cidSure thing.15:03
cid I will be taking a look at that from next week. Currently trying to address review feedbacks and getting runbook to work on devstack.15:03
* cid cli15:03
JayFYes absolutely, no rush just helping line it up as we talked about yesterday15:04
masgharcid, JayF: That would be very much appreciated, thank you! I have been caught up in downstream work 15:05
cidNo problems at all.15:06
cidJayF: ++15:06
rpittaugood night! o/16:00
surbhifrickler: You got sometime to login and look into things? I am in EST time zone. Let me know yours too so, I can ping you during your works hours not after that.17:21
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow disabling specific boot modes during deployment/enrollment
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow disabling specific boot modes during deployment/enrollment
anshulhi! i'm trying to fix this error which comes on running some of our commands in our code. the error is "A default microversion for service baremetal of 1.88 was requested, but the cloud only supports a minimum of 1.1 and a maximum of 1.72. The default microversion was set because a microversion formatted version string, '1.88', was passed for the api_version of the service. If it was not intended to set a default microversion please r18:14
anshulemove anything other than an integer major version from the version setting for the service.".18:14
anshulour client calls the openstacksdk directly; and we're wondering how to default a version the way python-ironicclient does18:14
TheJuliait is supposed to try and negotiate the maximum available if memory serves18:16
anshulwhere/when is it supposed to do that?18:17
TheJuliaI don't remember how it is done with the sdk18:20
TheJuliabut some piece thinks version 1.88 is available, and then something else things 1.72 is the max18:21
TheJuliathat seems wrong18:21
anshulis there any documentation for this?18:21
TheJulia1.88 is the maximum version of the sdk18:21
TheJuliait, in part, is covered by the sdk docs themselves18:22
TheJuliasee, the sdk was never really designed for users to really do call level overriding on versions if memory serves18:22
TheJuliaif memory serves, data gets loaded in through the cloud config18:23
TheJuliaso it looks like as an api client user, you can assert the desired effect by influencing hte session client18:25
JayFRandom idea: post to node history to add history items from external sources21:54

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