Friday, 2024-07-26

opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: propose root partition and configdrive encryption
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: propose root partition and configdrive encryption
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: propose root partition and configdrive encryption
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: propose root partition and configdrive encryption
rpittaugood morning ironic, happy friday! o/07:43
rpittauthanks JayF :)07:43
rpittaueveryone! the workaround for the issue with osc is merged in devstack, so we can recheck all the things!07:46
adam-metal3Hello Ironic, FYI I have pushed the LUKS+TPM proposal, If you are interested in root device encryption feel free to take a look.07:55
rpittauthanks adam-metal3, FYI we have 4 weeks before feature freeze so that may end up into the next dev cycle08:21
adam-metal3rpittau, thanks for the info08:28
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: propose root partition and configdrive encryption
iurygregorygood morning Ironic10:43
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: propose root partition and configdrive encryption
dtantsurI'll just leave it here in case someone needs some cursed news this Friday
TheJuliaI saw said cursed item yesterday…13:21
rpittaugood night! o/15:39
rpittauhave a great weekend everyone :)15:39
cardoecid: So I know conflicts with the runbooks bits but mine is pretty small change. Would you like me to wait for your runbooks to land and rebase?16:51
cardoedtantsur: also wanted to ask you about
cardoeNot really sure how to reduce the complexity there... but I absolutely see devices being created with the empty data.16:52
cardoeTheJulia: 16:52
cardoeTheJulia: I'm also wondering if you'd take some extensions / tweaks to sushy to make reading that data and more data better in the redfish inspector or should the focus be on the in-band inspector?16:53
cardoeI'm monkey patching some extra bits into sushy locally to behave better with our Dells16:53
cardoeIt would change the interop profile16:54
TheJulia Better to ask during the weekly team meeting16:58
TheJuliaI’m also not really around today, yesterday started at 6 am in Boston and ended around 11pm in California.16:59
cardoeThat... that's a long day.17:11
cardoeOkay I can ask during the team meeting. I'm just lurking cause I don't wanna disturb.17:11
TheJuliaOh, disturb it! It is a good thing17:17
* TheJulia has had two cups of coffee and wants more sleep17:17
opendevreviewMohammed Boukhalfa proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Add fake system driver docs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Test empty media type in redfish virtual media boot
JayFDoes anyone remember/know who it was specifically who asked for the BIOS boot disablement configuration at the BM SIG? Would like to close the loop with them personally if possible.18:30
JayFLooks like keystone just switched over to `black` for formatting. Would there ever be an appetite in Ironic for using an autoformatter?20:03
TheJuliaFor what specifically?20:09
JayFblack is like autopep820:11
JayFjust applies a set of formatting rules similar to gofmt or the like20:11
cardoeDo it!20:49
cardoeSitting there and having flake8 gripe at you and fixing it line by line is no fun.20:50
cardoeIf I can throw out a recommendation and look at ruff.
cardoeIt's got two sides... "linter" and "formatter". The formatter is black. And the linter is flake8. But rather than flake8 where ya gotta pull in a bunch of plugins and such to get what you want. It comes baked in.20:51
cardoeIt's also got isort baked in so your imports are cleaned up.20:52
cardoeAll of that is configurable and you opt into what you want.20:52
cardoe that gives you a list of what things are just baked in and can be enabled.20:53
JayFcardoe: do you know about
JayFthat will at least lessen the pain20:54
JayFI'm super familiar with ruff :D It's pretty nice but basically you have to adopt a wrapper, like pre-commit, to really enable it. Plus it's not packaged everywhere yet.20:54
cardoeYeah love me some pre-commit20:55
cardoeI run ruff via pre-commit personally20:55
JayFfor instance, in nova, they drive almost all their tox environments and CI through pre-commit20:56
JayFwhich makes it nice and unified, but it also means your workflow has to match theirs pretty closely20:56
JayFI'd think if we adopted a tool like ruff, we'd probably have to go the same route.20:56
JayFAnd that is where we start getting into "is this REALLY worth it?" territory20:56
cardoeYeah always a trade off for flexibility of people's workflows and consistency.20:56
JayF(in terms of opportunity cost; what we could be doing with that time)20:57
cardoeWell I will say Zuul is fairly heavy weight for running jobs. If you could run something light weight early it makes it much easier.20:59
JayFDo you know the history of Zuul?20:59
cardoeSomething something Buildbot.20:59
JayFIt's our first graduated OpenStack project. It was invented to be the job runner for OpenStack, but was so useful it "grew up" and out of OpenStack into a top level OpenInfra project20:59
JayFnow it's a separate project, but it started out of jenkins not being good enough anymore aiui21:00
cardoeI mean not wrong. Jenkins isn't great.21:00
JayFZuul is pretty great :D sometimes things have to be complex when the problemset is complex21:02
cardoeYeah driving bare metal for testing isn't easy either.21:02
JayFoften a cry to simplify things can be boiled down to "only support the exact set of features I need" :D 21:02
cardoeI've bounced between buildbot, jenkins, gitlab ci, github actions over the years myself. Probably some others in the mix.21:03
cardoeAs far as packaging of ruff btw, it's via pypi so like you've got the tox -e venv command. It could work there.21:05
cardoeSo my comment about Zuul was more like a basic style / linter running before running some of the more heavy set tests. And that linter commenting back to the contributor with a link like you did.21:06
JayFah, like a multi-stage build21:07
JayFdo you know the trick for getting early results?21:08
cardoeLike you mentioned gofmt above. Folks tend to wrap that in a Makefile command (or are switching to golangci-lint but that's another story). The "fail fast step" comments back to them telling them "hey thanks for the contribution. can you run "make fmt" and resubmit" or some such.21:08  => click status beside openstack  => put your change # (123456) in the textbox21:08
JayFand that'll let you expand the results, and clicking on the jobname will take you to the logs of the either running job or completed job21:08
cardoehuh. I've been clicking around usually to find them. definitely easier.21:09
JayFyeah, the problem isn't zuul being complex, it's that you need a decoder ring to know all the tricks, and whilethey are documented finding the docs are borderline-impossible21:14
JayFI think 90%+ of the help I give people is knowing the magic search string to find the doc lol21:14
cardoeYeah I think every project has that issue. Discoverability and bubbling up what’s relevant to the user.21:17
cardoeNext I need to figure out how to grab patches easily from Gerrit or even git and build them into a loci based container.21:18
JayFtop right of gerrit21:19
JayF"Download Patch"21:19
JayFgives you regular-git-client URLs that you can extract what you need from21:19
JayFalso, devstack natively supports loading in custom code at startup21:19
cardoeOh getting the patch isn’t hard.21:19
cardoeNeed to have that workflow.21:20
JayFe.g.: stack@ubuntu:~# cat /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf | grep NOVA_ \n NOVA_REPO= \n NOVA_BRANCH=refs/changes/10/923910/321:20
cardoeWe’re like metal3 where it’s kubernetes21:20
cardoeGluing Nautobot with Ironic and Neutron for DCIM/IPAM at a bigger scale than a flat network and multi tenant.21:25
JayFflat network + ironic always makes me :( 21:25
JayFnot having cleaning/deploying machines in the same network with tenant instances is the cornerstone of large portions of what makes multitenant safe21:26
cardoeSo I can beat the Ansible playbooks out of jamesdenton’s hands.21:26
JayFand I know not everyone has a use case, but I'm a chicken lol21:26
cardoeYeah this is definitely not flat.21:28
clarkbyou can run jobs before others iwth zuul... but it has been a conscious choice to not do that because 1) you can run eg `tox` locally and get a lot of that feedback before you ever push and we encuorage people to do so (but I too fall into the trap of just pushing things) and 2) getting as much feedback as possibly upfront reduces the total number of roundtrips (something21:36
clarkbthat you actually complained about needing to fix them one at a time which is what happens when you sequence the jobs and require them to pass before others run)21:36
clarkbin this case tox isn't any different than your comparison to a makefile in a go project21:39
clarkbbut it does require that people actually make use of the tool before they push otherwise the CI system (regardles of what it is) is going to be sad21:40
JayFExcept GNU Make sometimes makes sense every now and then /s 21:40
* JayF still waiting for a magic fairy to appear and convert all our tox usage to nox usage21:40
JayFbut I just remembered I don't believe in magic :D 21:40
cardoeSo I just use a basic sequence job of lint to catch folks and send them a link to docs.21:42
cardoeLike welcome contributor. We recommend running tox before submitting. Here’s a link to our contributor doc.21:44
JayFbluntly, if they figured out how to use gerrit, they already found the docs21:44
clarkbit does do that fwiw21:44
JayFdrive-by uninformed contributions become less of an issue when the tooling (fair or not that github "won" mindshare) acts as a moat21:45
clarkb"For information on how to proceed, see and"21:45
JayFit's /really good tooling/ we just can't afford (or want?) to make ZuulBook like github did LOL21:45
cardoeclarkb: neither of those linked sections mention running tox locally fwiw.21:51
clarkbcardoe: I would consider that a bug in the openstack project-team-guide then as openstack is pretty standardized on tox and one of the best ways to prevent and handle test failures is to catch them locally21:52
clarkbor maybe the message needs to link to soething else instead if it exists. I don't know21:53
JayFI'll make a note to look into that, feel free to patch the project-team-guide cardoe or find a better link too, I'll race you21:56
cardoeYeah not being an OpenStack guy has been the biggest on ramp for me. Cause there’s conventions and common things folks have done for ages like muscle memory21:59
cardoeNot trying to criticize just observations of a newbie22:00
clarkbI think typically that information lives in the repos under the readme or hacking files. But I agree the message the CI system is kicking back should link to that information too22:01
cardoeGoing from LKML to GitHub was an on ramp too.22:02
clarkbdefinitely a bug in the docs or in what is linked depending on whether or not there is already richer documentation available22:02
JayFcardoe: just always ask if something seems weirdly difficult, because it probably means we didn't document the happy path (often we document how to fix broken stuff, but not how things work when it's all ideal) or you haven't found the exact doc you want yet22:04
JayFwe're all willing to help, the only part you owe back is to fix the docs if/when they are the impediment :D 22:05
cardoeHappy to do so. Already submitted a few docs fixes that have been merged.22:06
cardoeMy biggest gripe is really with sphinx and it’s TOC. Like if I’m on the inspector hooks page. I have no idea of the other pages there are or what page I am on.22:17
JayFthat is very close to one of the specific items identified in our docs audit22:21
JayFif you search for [ironic] and doc in the mailing list, you'll see a report we had commissioned around how to improve Ironic docs, that was one of the pieces22:21
JayFthey are memorialized in bugs against ironic tagged 'docs-audit-2024' if you're curious22:21
clarkbread the docs' theme is particular good at addressing that problem. I suspect that theme didn't exist when the openstack theme was created. But I suspect the licenses would allow for a mashup22:25

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