Wednesday, 2024-08-07

rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:23
cidJayF: Thanks07:44
cidWhen changes get abandoned, or goes from assigned to someone to nobody, shouldn't the status also go from "In Progress" to something else? Currently it does not do it automatically and can't also be done manually ( I couldn't).08:38
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/sushy master: Name is not mandatory for Storage/StorageControllers
dtantsurdiscovered on iLO 5 ^^09:34
dtantsurcid: we need to add you to some group so that you can change the status..10:37
dtantsuryes, it does not happen automatically10:37
ciddtantsur: Oh, it makes sense that it's not automatic because that will require to know what status to return it to. By the way, only add me to such group if I'm a good fit yet, I was mostly wondering if that possibility was there at all.10:43
dtantsurI think you are but I'll let JayF decide10:43
iurygregorygood morning ironic11:07
iurygregorydtantsur, approved11:08
adam-metal3hello Ironic o/11:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy master: Name is not mandatory for Storage/StorageControllers
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/sushy stable/2024.1: Name is not mandatory for Storage/StorageControllers
adam-metal3dtantsur, rpittau, JayF, TheJulia: Thanks for the feedback regarding the encryption proposal I won't answer the comments right away I think I have a way to create something that answers all the questions e.g. LVM support, flexibility, iterative implementation etc but first I will try to create an implementation for the whole disk image workflow to see if my idea works and then I will update the proposal accordingly. 11:58
dtantsur++ good plan11:59
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iurygregory so I've finished my review of and I will +2, rpittau also provided +2, since the patch is huge I would appreciated if you could also check things JayF o/ 13:33
iurygregoryor any other core =)13:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy stable/2024.1: Name is not mandatory for Storage/StorageControllers
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Update irrelevant-files for sushy-jobs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Deprecate [agent]/manage_agent_boot
cardoeSomeone mentioned that OpenStack overall is making strides with using an OpenAPI generator... anyone have a reference to that?14:03
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: CI: set tftp folder permission
TheJuliaI don't think it would be a generator, but a definition... I think14:17
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: docs-audit-2024: Use gerunds for task headings
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: docs-audit-2024: Use a description for concept headings
cidiurygregory: thanks15:50
TheJuliaWe really need to fix our teardown of devstack with the ironic plugin...16:01
rpittaugood night! o/16:02
TheJuliaI filed a new bug because I switched back to doing an ipmi configuration locally, likely a quick item16:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Self-Service via Runbooks
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Add CLI support for runbooks
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Follow up to the runbooks change (#922142)
iurygregorytrying to remember, but for iLO6 redfish should just work right? at least I remember something about this20:35
TheJulia... i... think so?21:20
JayFiurygregory: very yes22:29
JayFiurygregory: If that's ever not true in your experience, please loop me in on it22:29
iurygregoryyeah, we don't have machines with iLO6 downstream to test, the person only  said it fails to load the virtual media and he suspects the API has changed (without providing any context on what version of our product they are trying to use XD)22:29
JayFMy downstream uses ilo6+redfish, but does not currently utilize virtual media.22:30
JayFHowever I'd be interested to see a detailed bug around that if broken22:30
iurygregory++ yeah22:30
JayFand can perhaps help with hardware access if there's version overlap22:30
iurygregoryI asked for logs to see if I can check the errors ironic would show etc22:30
iurygregoryto see if they are also using latest code we had (since we had the Managers vs System modification for Vmedia)22:31
iurygregoryand maybe they don't have the code in the version they are using etc22:31
JayFah, good point22:32
iurygregorypeople always expect we can say something when they only tell us "Do we support iLO6? it fails to load the virtual media, so I suspect the API has changed" =D22:32
JayFThey are hoping "oh, just openstack baremetal node set --driver-info actually_work=true broken-node"22:33
JayFwhich to be fair, is sometimes our answer22:33
iurygregoryyeah! 22:33
JayFI forget what the argument is22:33
JayFpersistent_boot_device_settings=true or something like that22:34
JayFit covers up so many ills :D 22:34
TheJuliaMy big worry with newer hpe gear is people order openbmc and think it works like I’ll22:34
TheJuliaErr work like ilo22:35
iurygregoryTheJulia, they can choose between "ilo" vs "openbmc" implementation in the gear?22:35
TheJuliaYup, it is an option on that gear….22:35
iurygregoryhopefully there is way to identify things (UI or via some redfish response) in case we need to deal with something specific 22:36
TheJuliaI don’t think we ever got an answer22:37
JayFAIUI it's basically two entirely separate methods22:38
JayFI'd be surprised if they even show up as the same model in redfish22:38
JayFbecause I believe if they have an ilo, it actually has an extra board in it22:38
iurygregoryJayF, I hope so :D 22:38
TheJuliaWhat the hpe folks said was, for some gear it was just different firmware22:38
TheJuliaSo it may vary a lot22:39
JayFahh, that's not the case for all their gear, I know at least of one machine where an ilo literally involves extra hardware vs a non-ilo version22:40

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