Monday, 2024-09-30

*** dtantsur_ is now known as dtantsur01:32
opendevreviewKamil Gustab proposed openstack/sushy master: Adds attributes for IPs for Ethernet Interfaces.
opendevreviewKamil Gustab proposed openstack/sushy master: Adds attributes for IPs for Ethernet Interfaces.
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:24
opendevreviewKamil Gustab proposed openstack/sushy master: Adds attributes for IPs for Ethernet Interfaces.
grami[m]Hi All hopfully I got things right this time could I ask again for this to be merged
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tenks master: Change default boot mode to UEFI
opendevreviewGraeme Moss proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Add Supermicro switches to allow for supported write config
grami[m]As this has been my second time trying to add something to openstack I will say this the only people that has shown a inch of respect is @julia and @Riccardo. I'm not a coder and never will be I don't follow or understand a bunch of stuff but I can now see why people just don't want to even try post a patch or fix to openstack anymore as the two word demands that get put into new comers is trouble. I now see why some many people just10:13
grami[m]fork and handle the changes them selves which is really not good at all. So to the people that won't take the time to try and teach people how to do things right please just don't type it's really just pushes people away from contributing and that's really not what you should be doing. 10:13
dtantsurgrami[m]: I understand your frustration, but you'll be the first to complain if we drop the quality and just take everything in without much consideration.10:13
dtantsurAlways two sides of coins.10:14
grami[m]it's not about quality I get that it's about how you respond not explaining what needs to be done to get the quality up to standard 10:14
grami[m]Riccardo message is a perfect example of how to handle it. 10:15
dtantsurgrami[m]: you can always ask follow-up questions. But nobody knows your background, and we cannot make assumptions.10:15
dtantsurgrami[m]: I will also be happy to point you to hundreds of contributors who take the first critical review much easier than you.10:16
iurygregorygood morning ironic11:00
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Replace image_format_inspector with its oslo.utils version
dtantsurJayF: this ^^ is without an allowlist of inspectors (I'd avoid increasing the scope since I'll have a week of PTO from Wed)14:25
JayFI'll have a look14:27
JayFI'm also PTO from like Thursday to Tuesday. My little brother is getting married14:27
* dtantsur will just spend some time in the forest14:27
JayFWell, assuming the roads to his wedding venue are passable. They picked some nice place up in the North Carolina mountains, luckily not one of the places that has been majorly impacted by the hurricane but the whole west side of the state is screwed up right now14:27
dtantsurNC, ouch14:28
dtantsurgood luck!14:28
opendevreviewKamil Gustab proposed openstack/sushy master: Adds attributes for IPs for Ethernet Interfaces.
JayFYeah I'm not going to lie if it was for anything less than a wedding I would already have canceled the trip because I'm not going to feel that good traveling in that area next week14:52
TheJuliagood morning14:52
cardoegrami[m]: let me know how I can help you get it over the finish line.14:54
TheJuliaI haven't been abel to look at the log much today or any patches, I'm dealing with a customer who wants their 4k disks to behave perfecty as if support had been developed years ago14:55
iurygregorygood luck TheJulia 14:55
cardoeugh. Love that stuff. Reminds me the docs on that needed a rebase. But Jay is gonna yell at me. I’m on PTO and my wife is driving.14:58
rpittau#startmeeting ironic15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Sep 30 15:00:10 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:00
cardoe this one.15:00
rpittauHello everyone!15:00
rpittauWelcome to our weekly meeting!15:00
rpittauThe meeting agenda can be found here:15:00
rpittaulet's give a minute or two for other people to join15:01
rpittau#topic Announcements/Reminders15:02
rpittau#info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio:15:02
rpittauwe have some failry new patches15:02
rpittaualso some months old ones15:02
cardoeCan I get access to toss the weekly prio tag on stuff?15:02
rpittaufrom June15:02
rpittaucardoe: that's for cores only15:03
iurygregoryrpittau, I think everyone can add the tag to patches15:03
TheJuliaonly if you create the patch15:03
TheJuliawe can likely talk with opendev folks about the acl15:03
* dtantsur has sent an email with a proposal that might change the tagging issue - cores please read15:03
rpittauwell, interesting :)15:03
TheJuliabut we need to remember to do talk to them as well15:03
TheJuliaalso dmitry++15:03
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Remove workaround for eventlet < 0.27.0
cardoeYeah I can add it to my own patches but not to others. You guys talked about it last week.15:04
iurygregoryI added the ACL, I will double check15:04
rpittaudtantsur: yep, saw that, going to reply after the meeting15:04
TheJuliacardoe: life is a firehose some weeks :)15:04
cardoeI’m willing to help try and tag so15:04
rpittauanyway, we probably need to decide what to do with the monnths old prio patches15:04
rpittauthere's at least 3 in the list15:05
rpittau2 of them are in merge conflict15:05
dtantsurIn the past, we would drop patches and let the author or someone else to re-add them once ready15:06
rpittaulet's maybe have a look at them this week15:06
JayFrpittau: when I was core, I'd often just drop the HT and comment to re-add it once they have it fixed up15:06
rpittauyeah, I'm just saying that we need to check them to leave a comment :)15:07
rpittau#info let's look at the epoxy schedule!15:07
rpittaunothing really new there :)15:08
rpittaudalmatian is officially out this week15:08
rpittauand we'll have the openinfra live this thursday15:08
rpittauI will present the dalmatian highlights it for the ironic project15:09
TheJuliacool, thanks rpittau!15:09
cardoeI’m willing to help with dropping and adding the hashtag on patches if they aren’t ready.15:09
rpittaumy pleasure :)15:09
rpittau#info the next OpenInfra PTG which will take place October 21-25, 2024 virtually!15:10
rpittauIronic PTG has been scheduled in mitaka virtual room, more details in the PTG etherpad15:10
rpittauI still have to send the mail for the APAC-friendly slot, but we have some time15:11
rpittausame for adjusting the topics based on the time15:11
TheJuliacardoe: your awesome btw15:11
rpittauI'll ask again if anyone is willing to talk to neutron people for the joint session, we have at least one topic that requires that15:12
cardoeRight back at ya TheJulia15:13
rpittaualright I'll see if I have time this week to reach out to them15:13
rpittauanything else to announce/remind us of ?15:14
cardoerpittau: happy to help with neutron15:14
TheJuliaI'll be out next week and likely moderately part of the time the week following15:14
TheJuliawell "out" as involving metal tubes and trains15:15
dtantsurI'll be out Wed-Mon15:15
rpittaucardoe: sure thing, thanks15:16
rpittauok moving on15:16
rpittau#topic Review Ironic CI status15:16
rpittaudidn't see anbything particularly broken last week, except some time outs15:17
rpittauanything to report?15:17
cardoeIt seemed pretty solid this past week.15:17
JayFI am out some of next week, but will be available for lamost all PTG times15:18
rpittau#topic Discussion topics15:18
rpittau#topic PTG, other joint sessions besides neutron?15:18
JayFcardoe: when you schedule neutron session ^ don't worry too much about me except closer to PDT-normal-hours the more awake I'll be :D 15:19
TheJuliaI'm curious if we'll have quorum next week15:19
rpittauTheJulia: probably not, I may also be out15:19
JayFlet me look I think there was one more15:19
TheJuliaNeutron definitely makes sense to try and chat with them.15:19
JayFoh, images15:19
JayFwe might want to see if there's a nova/glance images session and have someone in there15:19
rpittaucardoe: btw the topic for the joint session is
JayFbecause there are specs in glance right now to define new image types and language around iamges15:20
JayFand frankly I think Ironic may have special needs there15:20
TheJuliaI think participation makes a lot of sense there15:20
JayFif they are having a PTG session we need a person in that session, whether it's "joint" or not15:20
rpittauso both nova and glance ?15:20
JayFrpittau: like I said, dunno if it needs to be joint so much as we need a core to commit to rep us if there's a PTG session15:20
JayFand probably someone other than me should review that spec15:21
rpittauI see15:21
rpittauI haven't see glance/nova schedule yet15:21
TheJuliaWell, if they are having a joint session, it would be best if we were also "in the room" or had "someone in the room to represent the nova.virt.ironic driver and ironic15:21
JayFI begrudgingly put a +1 on it -- the only reason it's begrudging is because reality is sad, and the content reflects that :)15:21
rpittauglance has no schedule yet15:21
rpittaunova has similar schedule to us15:21
rpittauexcept they have one more hour each day15:22
rpittauJayF: probably need to see what exactly the topics we have interest in are and when they're schduled for15:23
JayFyeah, just as long as it doesn't overlap one of our hot topics someone should be able to slip away15:23
rpittaumaybe try to steer them in the hour that does not overlap15:23
JayFI am not the person to do that coordination though as I'm gonna be fully offline more or less late this week/early next15:23
rpittauJayF: no worries for that15:24
rpittauI will talk to nova at least15:24
rpittauI think we're good for the joint sessions15:25
rpittauanything else to discuss ?15:26
TheJuliaPlan 04951 to take over the world?15:27
rpittauheh :)15:27
* dtantsur is scared to ask what happened with the previous 4950 plans15:27
rpittauok, moving on! :D15:27
masgharGo for it :D15:27
rpittau#topic Bug Deputy Updates15:27
rpittau#info rpittau was bug deputy15:27
TheJuliadtantsur: I didn't cover what base unit that was in ;)15:27
dtantsurTheJulia: it's not going to make the number smaller though since 9 is present15:28
cardoeI just read Andy Weir’s latest book. So I’m gonna guess base 6.15:28
TheJuliadtantsur: base-16 includes 9 ;)15:28
rpittauoh gosh15:28
TheJuliaWe're geeks, moving on15:29
dtantsurTheJulia: right, but it makes the number even huger!15:29
rpittauanyhow :D15:29
dtantsurLet's pretend we're serious adults for some more minutes15:29
JayF09 means the same in base 10 and base 25615:29
rpittauI don't ahve anything to report on bugs or RFEs15:29
rpittauanyone else wants to add anything ?15:29
JayFI will note that if you wanna make progress on anything15:29
JayFI learned recently, maybe others know this, about the "heat" sort for launchpad15:30
JayFsorting by hottest actually gives you an interesting list of features15:30
JayFso maybe a thing to look at if someone has time15:30
rpittauany volunteer for the bug deputy this week ?15:30
JayFplus we still have untriaged stuff in ironic-adjacent repos we probably shuld focus on -- I'll look next time I can take bug deputy otherwise (post ptg)15:30
masgharI can take it15:30
rpittauthanks masghar :)15:30
masgharno problem!15:31
rpittauand I believe that is all folks!15:31
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Sep 30 15:32:05 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:32
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
rpittauthanks everyone :)15:32
JayFSo a thing I was saving for post meeting15:32
JayF :-O 15:32
rpittaucardoe: Hail Mary is really a masterpiece btw :)15:32
JayFIPMI supported out of box; redfish is in the todo15:32
JayFthey did a video on this for LTT ShortCircuit15:33
cardoerpittau: so the hashtag ask was more to help ya out with nudging some patches out if they were back in the contributor court or needed a rebase. Also bring in stuff that’s got a +2 and just waiting on workflow.15:33
rpittaureally nice15:33
JayFand I'm about to spend my whole day's pay on outfitting my server room lol15:33
JayF is apparently an altnerative, but is a lot more pricey15:33
JayFpikvm already does redfish too, apparently15:34
TheJuliaJayF: cool cool, I saw that a few weeks ago and thought it was neat15:34
dtantsurJayF: definitely write a blog post15:34
rpittaucardoe: yeah, I got it, but at the moment I don't think we have a way to allow non-cores to assign hashtags to other's patches15:34
TheJuliafor too, please!15:34
TheJuliarpittau: maybe worth asking #opendev if we create another group?15:34
JayFwe'll see, my content creation juice is quite accounted for these days :D 15:34
JayFrpittau: I think we should de-acl hashtags in ironic overall15:35
JayFrpittau: just let people set 'em on whatever patches, we can lock the door back later in case of abuse15:35
iurygregorywe can update the acl for the hashtag15:35
rpittauTheJulia, JayF, I think we have something like that under discussion at the moment? :)15:35
JayF(and learn that someone has bad judgement in the least harmful way possible lol)15:35
JayFrpittau: yeah, but I'm saying, we shouldn't  ACL hashtags at all15:35
* JayF put a comment on that thread during meeting btw15:36
* dtantsur takes a break15:36
rpittauJayF: you know I'm a bit conservative on that, but I would not say no if there's a majority agreement15:36
iurygregorywe just need to update this basically =) 15:38
rpittauiurygregory: cool, you want to take that on? :)15:39
iurygregoryrpittau, sure15:39
cidATM, are new changesets that affect API version still under Dalmatian?15:42
JayFcid: since we have a stable/2024.2 now (dalmation), that means master is 2025.1 (epoxy)15:42
cidOkay, just double checking.15:43
JayFokay $250 for 5 of those nanokvm pros shipped to the US, as long as they actually arrive that's crazy good pricing15:43
JayFand I am over the moon about this existing15:43
JayFI might finally run an Ironic in a VM or something for my small handful of local machines15:43
JayFnow to nerd-snipe someone into turning the redfish on their OSS firmware from a todo to a todone :D 15:44
iurygregoryweird, I had the feeling we should have editHashtags in each [access "refs"] ... but we only have in [access "refs/heads/*"]15:46
rpittauthanks iurygregory, +115:51
cardoeOoo. Core can abandon patches too.15:54
clarkbiurygregory: you only need it under the subpaths if you set them to be exclusive permissions15:54
clarkbsince refs/heads/* applies to everything and edithashtags isn't exclusive in your config ti should work15:55
JayFcardoe: yeah, we probably *won't* give that to non-cores though :)15:55
JayFcardoe: although you can abandon your own15:55
iurygregoryclarkb, oh good to know!15:55
iurygregorytks =)15:55
cardoeJayF: yeah definitely don’t want that opened. But that means we can clean up some stuff.15:56
JayFabandon is a very big hammer, even when I was PTL I didn't use it unless something was very very old and I 100% knew the person was gone or disinterested15:57
JayFlet me put it this way, I don't think we're going to run out of room in the "status:open" part of the gerrit DB :D 15:57
TheJuliaAn exceptionally big hammer15:58
rpittaugood night! o/16:09
opendevreviewGraeme Moss proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Add Supermicro switches to allow for supported write config
opendevreviewGraeme Moss proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Add Supermicro switches to allow for supported write config
grami[m]JayF: thanks for the +2 but I thought I would fix the pep8 E405 errors if you don't mind checking and giving your thumbs up.16:40
JayFI saw the post here and followed up16:41
JayFalso put a link to some help for doing that locally (the ironic unit test docs)16:41
JayFhonestly we should probably do a better job of linking to ironic contributor docs from the adjacent projects16:42
JayFthat actually is achievable in short order, I might JFDI16:42
grami[m]Thanks :)16:42
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Link to Ironic dev-quickstart in contributing doc
JayF^ if folks like the shape of that I'll spread it around18:32
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] devstack: split into VENVs
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Add support for node name in port creation
JayFoooh so close on the venv change!19:39
JayFvirtualbmc worked in the ipmi job from inside the venv19:39
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/sushy master: contributor: links to ironic dev docs, launchpad
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] devstack: split into VENVs
JayFso fun story, I bet our CI does not work if you're set to use virtualbmc/virtualpdu/sushytools but are *not* configured to pull them from git20:55
JayFin that case, there's nothing installing the bindep.txt contents from those repos (as I discovered troubleshooting ^^^^)20:55
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] devstack: split into VENVs
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/sushy master: contributor: links to ironic dev docs, launchpad
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/virtualpdu master: Vendor pysnmp v5.0.33 into virtualpdu
JayFsushy still failing, I'm a little lost on why it's not seeing libvirt-python22:43
JayFbut I'm seeing if the virtualpdu patch is enough to make this happy22:43
JayF(for snmp)22:43

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