Wednesday, 2024-10-23

rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:05
kubajjgood morning rpittau, and ironic! o/07:55
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2024.2: Warn when the provided checksum algorithm does not match the detected
timeusinfo -Rl08:26
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/bifrost master: Switches to using CentOS Stream latest
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Add support for node name in port creation
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Migrate to oslo.utils-based format_inspector
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2024.2: Warn when the provided checksum algorithm does not match the detected
TheJuliagood morning12:36
rpittaugood morning TheJulia :)12:37
* TheJulia tries to wake up12:42
* iurygregory sends coffee to TheJulia 12:42
TheJuliaI have coffee, it just doesn't seem to be working :)12:42
iurygregoryI need two mugs of coffee to start working :D 12:43
* dtantsur team decaf nowadays :(12:43
iurygregoryI use decaf at night only12:44
rpittau10 minutes to "Ironic Epoxy PTG - Part 3"12:50
dtantsurStill not Friday, damn12:52
TheJuliadtantsur: if you invent a fast forward to friday button, I'll gladly press it12:53
JayFRunning about 5 minutes late. Feel free to start without me13:00
cardoeMorning all. I’m running late. Something I had yesterday is not agreeing with me.13:13
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Use patched dnsmasq from PPA
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2024.1: Warn when the provided checksum algorithm does not match the detected
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Reject node power off requests to align with ironic supporting NCSI
cardoerpittau: we should be good to land
rpittaucardoe: once is merged14:04
cardoeI guess it won't make the tag at the correct place if we land stuff on top?14:04
cardoeironic/doc/source/configuration/config.rst:3: CRITICAL: Duplicate ID: "disk_utils.image_convert_memory_limit". [docutils]14:10
cardoeside effect of some disk_utils changes and oslo.utils?14:11
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: Enable WSGI module entrypoint for Ironic
rpittaucardoe: I've removed the -W from
JayFAfter you send the email, dtantsur, I might do a video on inspector deprecation too. Maybe try to emphasize the "wow one less service to deploy, less complexity, hell yeah" parts of it :D 14:38
opendevreviewNicholas Kuechler proposed openstack/ironic master: docs: adds link to oslo_messaging_notifications documentation
dtantsurJayF: nice!14:52
JayF"Operators asked us to simplify upgrading openstack: how about one less service to worry about!"14:52
JayFif we message it right operators should be able to see the deprecation as the win it is14:52
JayFcardoe: that's usually an indicator you're using mismatched ironic/ironic-lib versions14:54
JayFcardoe: because we've been moving stuff around14:54
cardoeSo that's appearing in the docs runs in CI14:54
JayFon master?14:55
JayF I wonder if it's using a released version of ironic-lib instead of git14:55
JayFthis is the change it's missing14:55
cardoeSo I noticed it when I rebased your WSGI branch14:55
cardoeAnd I rebased to master14:55
JayFyeah this would've been caused by the CVE fix14:55
JayFif we had an ironic-lib loaded for docs run that didn't have 92877614:56
cardoeman I love patches like that... all red no green14:56
JayFlike I said, 99% sure we'll find the issue is for some reason it using pypi ironic-lib14:56
JayFall red no green is better than some cases lol14:56
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: Enable WSGI module entrypoint for Ironic
cardoe was the log btw.14:59
cardoeThere's a lot of scary easy_install stuff in there too14:59
JayFI think the actual failure was the wsgi thing at the end14:59
JayFnot those duplicate ids14:59
JayFbut imbw14:59
JayFI hope I'm wrong because otherwise this is gonna be no fun15:00
JayFer, I mean, I'm not wrong15:00
iurygregoryrpittau, you have 6yrs of ironic no ? :D 15:03
rpittauwell, almost :)15:03
iurygregorynext month?15:03
cardoeJayF: oh yeah it was the wsgi stuff at the end. I just noticed it first there. I checked some other branches and it had the same warnings.15:14
cardoeautodoc: failed to import module 'wsgi' from module 'ironic'; the module executes module level statement and it might call sys.exit(). [autodoc.import_object]15:15
JayFeither way, it's an interesting find that docs jobs use released versions of deps15:15
cardoeGuess need to see how someone worked around that... was it nova?15:15
JayFyou can likely just configure autodoc to skip that module15:15
dtantsurAre we back in the Ironic room?16:00
* dtantsur had a break16:00
JayFwe're still in neutron atm16:00
JayFbut slowly coming to a close16:00
rpittauwe'll be back in ironic room in 10 minutes16:04
cardoeJayF: if ya help me with the autodoc thing, should be good.16:41
shermanmnot to interrupt any current conversations, but we (Chameleon) would be really interested in the serial and graphical console topics mentioned in the etherpad from yesterday16:57
iurygregorygood to know shermanm!16:57
shermanmand I went down a similar road of trying a goconserver proof of concept for read only serial consoles16:58
shermanmor in particular, keeping a single persistent ipmi SoL session open per server, then exposing a read-only stream to the console log, and read-write stream to the interactive console16:58
shermanmto avoid the "only one user at a time" ipmi SoL issue16:59
JayFWe did decide to punt on *serial*/text console support due to reports of issues in the wild with interrupts for enabling  serial consoles16:59
JayFbut to move forward with the graphical, VNC-based consoles typically found on redfish servers, including a top level requirement for read-only capability16:59
JayFthat's my understanding of it anyway17:00
TheJuliaThat is a good high level tl;dr 17:01
TheJuliashermanm: if more discussion or revisiting is needed, please let us know and we can set aside some time during this week to discuss more17:01
TheJuliain the man time, I think I'm going to go take a short nap17:01
JayFalso we're just generally willing to talk to you about stuff whenever17:01
JayFexcept we're all outta juice from PTG this week17:01
TheJuliaOur Battery Management Systems are causing alarms to be raised recharge17:02
TheJuliaraised to recharge17:02
shermanmof course, I just wanted to mention while there were some eyes on the topics :)        I'm unfortunately chasing like 3 other deadlines this week, so I haven't been able to engage with the PTG more17:03
JayFwe've all been there17:03
JayFTheJulia: btw, did you see my comment on IPA metrics: we send metrics literally for *4* API calls in IPA, that's it17:03
JayFI already have the vendoring+deprecation for IPA up17:04
TheJuliashermanm: cool. Let’s chat next week if you have time :)17:11
TheJuliaJayF: I did not, ack17:11
* TheJulia engaged hibernation mode17:12
iurygregoryhibernation mode ++17:34
iurygregoryI'm going to take a nap, go to the gym, and come back to work at night17:34
JayFsame, stepping out for a long lunch then will find some other mindless patch to do (that IPA metrics one was downright relaxing)17:36
cardoedo the docs patch for
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Use patched dnsmasq from PPA
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix double JSON encoding of error message
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix double JSON encoding of error message
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: WIP: prevent break on communications failure
JayFcardoe: so the difference between ironic change and nova change is that ironic.wsgi is a top level module that executes code, in nova it's a second-level module (nova.wsgi.blah) 19:46
JayFcardoe: So nova doesn't have the problem; I suspect I can figure out how to make it not choke on the layout it's in now19:47
JayF note the empty there19:47
JayFI think if I moved ours into a module dir like that, it'd work19:47
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: WIP: prevent break on communications failure
TheJuliahjensas: so ^ got the curiosity of me19:49
TheJuliaI'm afraid the cases which make sense to fail don't really seem immediately possible in the code19:51
TheJuliaunless AttributeError was somehow surfaced19:51
cardoe I ran into something similar which is what prompted that patch19:53
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: Enable WSGI module entrypoint for Ironic
JayFcardoe: ^ there ya go19:53
cardoeTheJulia: my comment was to you.19:55
cardoeJayF: looks good assuming it passes I'll squish my pyproject.toml bits into yours and we can land that.19:56
JayFwhy together?19:56
JayFwhy not land this, then land that19:56
JayFuse Depends-On to make sure CI is happy at the end of the chain19:56
JayFsmaller patches are /usually/ better IME19:56
TheJuliacardoe: Interesting, in this case it seems like it was launched with correct config, but message bus communication was broken for long enough for things to basically have a hard break19:56
TheJuliacardoe: and then nothing else was ever logged again19:57
TheJuliacardoe: of course, only discovered once the logs had entirely rolled off... :\19:57
cardoeJayF: so I forgot you had a pyproject.toml change. yours has a relnote which is good. we both touched pyproject.toml the same way. But I touched requirements.txt as the other reviewers had asked.19:57
JayFcardoe: you wanna smash them together into one superior version, and abandon the other one?19:57
JayFI don't care which way it goes, but I'd rather you take care of that piece as I had one other thing I wanted to knock out in my remaining time19:58
cardoeand I'll set depends on19:58
cardoeI don't need to relnote changes like because that's just a driver_internal_info change right?19:58
JayFdoes it have any operator-facing change?19:59
JayFfix a bug? 19:59
JayFI always err on the side of a release note, but if there's nothing the operator can/should notice there's nothing to put in it :D19:59
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: add pyproject.toml to support pip 23.1
cardoeSo that change is an internal refactor to dedup some code.20:03
cardoeBut it causes the code path to just share 1 driver_internal_info piece of data that it uses for tracking the step state.20:03
cardoeIf that style is okay, I was gonna dedup a few things around redfish.20:07
cardoeLike tracking of tasks.20:07
TheJuliaRegarding the baremetal sig, any thoughts on:
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Gracefully handle bad request exception
JayFTheJulia: you mind minor edit suggestions just being done in that? starting with s/Baremetal/Bare Metal/20:15
TheJuliait was always referred to as baremetal as a single word, also verified by glancing at the etherpad20:16
TheJuliabut go right ahead 20:16
JayFoh really?20:16
JayFconsistently inconsistant then20:17
JayFI saw this file literally Monday which is why I had that spelling in mind20:17
JayFI do not care at all if we've mixed it, it doesn't matter20:17
TheJuliawe can do 2 words20:17
TheJulianot an issue then20:17
JayFI realize that was ambiguous: it doesn't matter == I don't care if it's two or one word20:18
JayFone mild suggestion, just trying to ensure it's clear the only thing going away is the structure/name20:20
JayFand calling operators to action to come join us here/ml/etc20:20
TheJuliagood idea, I was sort of thinking the same after I dropped the link to the pad20:20
TheJuliaSuggestion accepted20:21
JayFjust a thought: Given Arne is still technically a chair, we might wanna give him a heads up at all lol20:23
TheJuliadidn't realize it was a formally defined sig until.. well.. minutes ago20:24
* TheJulia emails him20:24
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Cleanup usage of imported-from-ironic-lib disk_utils
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Remove use of ironic_lib i18n module
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Migrate more trivial code from ironic-lib
JayFdtantsur: calling your attention to this: tl;dr not returning specific image failure reasons in node.last_error is an intentional security optimization20:34
TheJuliaEmail to arne sent20:40
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Detail job removal permission
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Remove legacy metalsmith job
cardoeJayF: that autodocs thing didn't work20:51
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: CI: Remove metalsmith legacy jobs
JayF.o(it did locally)20:54
JayFI'm going to let CI results run, since it 100% worked for me locally20:55
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/metalsmith master: CI: Remove metalsmith legacy jobs
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Change 4k block device job to use LVM
cardoeJayF: that's the latest run21:23
TheJuliaJayF: I looked at your dnsmasq change and it doesn't appear to be crashing anymore21:58
TheJuliaI checked the logs on the multinode job21:58
JayFif you cedhcek and see it's happy, do a recheck if you can22:01
JayFI wanna get several clean runs in a row b4 I report back22:01
clarkbout of curiousity does anyone know why centos 9 stream seems to be affected by the pip/wheel/project.toml behavior stuff when ubuntu noble and jammy don't appear to be?22:10
clarkbis it a case of different versions of tools due to different versions of python?22:10
TheJuliaunfortunately I don't know of the details of this issue22:14
JayFcardoe: there are some kinda version shenanigans afoot, I'll dig22:21
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Gracefully handle bad request exception

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