Wednesday, 2025-02-05

opendevreviewAlexon Ferreira de Oliveira proposed openstack/sushy master: trivial: fix variable in log message
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/2024.2: Fix redfish session cache on missing password
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/2024.2: Fix agent from being locked out with complex steps
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic stable/2024.1: Fix agent from being locked out with complex steps
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:47
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Remove unneeded hasattr check for bond methods
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy master: trivial: fix variable in log message
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix invalid command in grenade destroy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic stable/2023.2: Fix redfish session cache on missing password
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Fixes the issue of flat network provision when porgroup is configured
opendevreviewMithun Krishnan Umesan proposed openstack/ironic master: Fixes upstream table width on cleaning docs
opendevreviewMithun Krishnan Umesan proposed openstack/ironic master: Fixes upstream table width on cleaning docs
vsaienko_JayF: please set vote one more time there was a trivial rebase12:54
opendevreviewJakub Jelinek proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2024.1: Fix errors in the function erase_devices_express
opendevreviewJakub Jelinek proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2023.2: Fix errors in the function erase_devices_express
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Document metal3-integration job
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Document metal3-integration job
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Remove unneeded hasattr check for bond methods
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: Create a reference section Closes-Bug: #2072354
JayFWhoa, hello Satoshi!16:25
JayFI haven't even said hello and pushing a patch already 👀16:26
JayFHe's going to be working on the IPA hardware manager to run podman/docker containers as steps16:30
JayFI think we're going to start it out of tree to proof of concept then propose it in16:31
TheJuliaIt... really shouldn't be that complicated, but I could also see wanting to try and get the conductor to mirror containers16:42
TheJulia... which... might be a bit of work in itself16:43
JayFour MVP is IPA connecting directly to the container registry16:43
JayFwith that registry url being configurable16:43
JayF(but not runtime-configurable)16:43
JayFI wanted to be able to make an MVP that was ... kinda to a lower bar than I think an official IPA feature would need?16:44
JayFOnce we get there, we will spec it upstream and adapt it 16:44
JayFadmittedly though, a nonzero part of that was so that I could punt on teaching gerrit, and clearly that's not a need :D 16:44
TheJuliasort of easy to go "okay, you have a github PR on a branch or a branch in github, we're going to show you how to prepare and upload that!"16:54
kubajjJayF: hi, I saw that you have change which also fails the pipeline in Bobcat. Do you have any suggestion on how to fix it (conflicting dependency) or is it ok not to backport to Bobcat anymore?17:03
JayFI am completely out of context on those CI failures; I dug superficially but didn't dedicate a large amount of time to it.17:03
JayFI strongly suggest an approach of: 1) ensure CI failures are not actually failures in the code and 2) disabling jobs that are failing as long as we retain basic coverage17:04
TheJuliaso when do we want a bootc demo17:05
rpittaugood night! o/17:06
JayFI have a meeting at 10:30 pst thru about noon, outside of that I'm open today17:06
kubajjJayF: I think it shouldn't be a problem in the code, it's a conflicting dependency of pbr for sushy-tools, I think17:06
JayFMight be worth looking to see if that branch in Ironic got a fix; like pinning sushy-tools version17:07
kubajjTheJulia: I had a look into bootc and looks very interesting 17:07
kubajjJayF: will have a look, thanks17:07
JayFOtherwise given that's IPA I'm slightly tempted to say just nuke redfish coverage and use ipmi, it *shouldn't* matter what protocol we use for BMCs ... 17:07
JayFI'm not 100% sure that's okay, but it's also not okay for us to all spend our lives toiling against CI :)17:08
TheJuliafor deploy, yeah, seems reasonable on older branches17:08
TheJuliaI was thinking, based upon the discussion, that I could demo it tomorrow, but we could likely do something and record it today17:09
JayFI have only 30m of meeting tomorrow so again pretty open17:10
TheJuliaMight just be best to do a call and record it17:13
TheJuliaI'm mid-practice run right now17:13
JayFhappy to play the part of inquisitive viewer if you want lol17:14
TheJuliayes, it should be done shortly and I can reset17:15
TheJuliaif that works for you17:15
JayFas long as we're done by 103017:16
TheJuliashould be17:16
JayFgood stuff, lmk when you're ready and I'll relocate to my camera17:16
TheJuliait is presently unpacking to disk17:17
TheJuliaalmost done...17:19
TheJulialooks like I have a call at the top of the hour as well17:23
TheJuliaokay, its shutting down it looks like17:23
TheJuliaJayF and anyone else interested in bootc:
cardoeJoining 30 minutes late :(17:59
TheJuliasorry cardoe :(18:03
cardoeeh I missed your convo on it cause I had lunch with my wife so I didn't know.18:04
cardoefree internet points to anyone that reviews and +W's to save my butt from the rebase I did unnecessarily.18:06
TheJulialunch with wife is waaaay more important18:07
TheJuliaHmm... I'm worried it might have eaten the recording18:23
TheJuliaI guess I'll give it a little bit18:23
TheJuliaand worst comes to worst, cardoe can get a demo18:23
cardoeI've got Zoom and not Google Meet. But sometimes it's like "what meeting and recording? You didn't have one." And then magically it appears after a bit.18:26
TheJuliaYeah, it finally just appeared a little bit ago18:40
cardoeThere's etherpads from our ironic-networking calls right?18:41
cardoealso when is the next one?18:41
TheJuliaWell, the last discussion was to move it to irc, and folks didn't show so...18:42
TheJuliaI've got a lot going on right now18:42
cardoeI'll get you the Taylor Swift shirt.18:44
TheJuliacardoe: I should have a video link for you shortly18:44
cardoeI don't even fully know the joke. All I know is that Taylor Swift said something like "not a lot going on right now" when in fact she was super busy. So it's a thing to wear a shirt that says "not a lot going on" when you're in fact busy. I don't social media so I rely on my wife for these pop culture things. Boy I really do sound like the guy that yells at kids from his lawn.18:46
cardoeReally just looking for the old notes if ya got a pointer.18:47
TheJuliathe old old notes from long ago?18:48
TheJulia <-- recent notes18:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: add pyproject.toml to support pip 23.1
TheJuliaJayF: your *super* quiet in the recording :(18:50
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: Create a reference section
cardoeTheJulia: Thank you!19:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Create a reference section
TheJuliacardoe: any questions regarding that20:51
cardoeSo trying to work further on the trunking bits and I swear there was some doc somewhere that said "for VMs the VLAN for cloud-init is known to be broken"21:05
cardoewanted to fix the doc but can't find it and I was hoping there was a bread crumb in there.21:05
cardoeAlso trying to land and hoping that works.21:05
cardoeAs soon as I can get off of calls I'm gonna watch the video.21:05
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Make port binding failure (configurably) fatal
JayFI can attest that vlans work with cloud init and that vlans on top of bonds work in cloud init. The caveat is if you're using the metadata service, it doesn't work with those. Config drive it does.22:54
JayFI believe that is the entirety of the exceptions, but I could always be wrong22:54
cardoeIt doesn’t work with cloud-init at all. In neither config drive or metadata is it populated.23:08
JayFcardoe: I was reading on mobile and completely glazed over the "for VMs" part of that message23:10
JayFcardoe: is pretty self-explanatory as to why (the configdrive implementation for writing out bond+vlan is in our virt driver)23:11
JayFI would be a fan of an attempt to close this gap by making the official nova network-data generator look like Ironic's; I don't recall why we did it separately now as it was literally almost a decade ago23:11
JayFcardoe: perhaps that link would suggest to you a patch that could fix that downstream for you :-D 23:11
cardoeLemme follow up in a bit. Going on a bike ride with kids.23:14

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