Wednesday, 2025-02-19

opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: don't use paramiko's get_fingerprint (md5)
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: don't use paramiko's get_fingerprint (md5)
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: oci: permit an 'unknown' but valid image
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/26.0: Pass agent token to get command results
cardoeThere’s no way to have some kind of nova flavor with properties that users cannot control? Just thinking we might want to01:53
cardoeSomehow let the flavor select the deploy interface.01:54
cardoeUhhh. This is why I need to walk away when it’s late. It’s a flavor duh.02:17
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add ironic-novncproxy service
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add systemd provider for console containers
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Implement drivers redfish-graphical, fake-graphical
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add vnc-container image build
cardoeWhat the heck.... these tests... behaving differently between machines.03:44
TheJuliacardoe: sushy?04:16
TheJuliacardoe: I've too been thinking about a deploy interface switching based upon flavor04:16
cardoeOkay so not a crazy idea04:17
TheJuliano, maybe not that04:19
TheJuliamaybe ironic can swap based upon a property04:19
TheJuliaI'd have to look at the logic around instance_info field population from nova04:20
TheJuliaMight need to be a plugin interface because it could also quickly become business logic04:20
* TheJulia remembers the operators agreeing that they will never agree about traits from the Sydney Summit04:21
cardoeIt's pretty basic.04:28
cardoeOkay. Now I can get different results between runs04:28
cardoeThis teardown between these oem extension loading isn't working. The dell module is appearing in there.04:37
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: trivial: lock dnsmasq check to ubuntu
cardoeokay I need another pair of eyes...04:48
cardoeIt's not the dell code but it's the tests and the mocks.04:49
cardoeSo basically if ANYTHING provides "sushy.resources.manager.oems" it's loading that rather than calling the ExtensionManager_mock a 2nd time.04:50
cardoeWait a minute... are we parallelizing these tests with stestr ?04:52
cardoeYes.... I just threw a clearing of that global in setUp() and now a bunch of different tests fail.04:53
cardoeThe only reason this all passes is because the only thing that sushy ships with internally is 1 extension in "sushy.resources.system.oems" called "contoso". Which is what the VERY first mock always provides.04:55
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: oci: permit an 'unknown' but valid image
cardoeInstalling a vendor called "bob" and writing a test that loads it causes the tests to fail.04:56
cardoeI dunno how to fix this.04:56
cardoeBut that's the blocker on merging sushy-oem-idrac04:56
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/sushy master: migrate sushy_oem_idrac to sushy
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/sushy master: explicit oem extn names and fix parallel tests
JayFLook at the hardware manager mocking in IPA, assuming y'all are using stevedore to load OEM stuff05:17
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Add ironic-novncproxy service
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: deprecate shellinabox
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:52
Sandzwerg[m]Morning ironic12:35
cardoeWell my yolo change to Sushy passed last night.14:03
cardoeJayF: good call. The whole issue is that the test relies on a global of loaded stevedore extensions. But can only ever have 1 which matches name wise with the one that Sushy ships with. As soon as you add more. Sushy loads them into that global when called and stevedore isn’t mocked out. Stevedore isn’t mocked in many other tests. So the tests passed since the real one had the same name as the mocked one. But now we had 14:07
cardoerpittau: the Sushy bits are ready for review. I need to know how to14:08
cardoeMake an install conflict on Sushy-oem-idrac14:08
rpittaucardoe: thanks! I will check that after the current meeting14:08
TheJuliagood morning14:16
* TheJulia attempts to wake up14:23
TheJuliaLooks like we need to take a closer look at
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: ci: focus ironic-tempest-bios-ipmi-direct-tinyipa
TheJulia^^^ maybe presently has a 60% pass rate, that is horrible, so hopefully that will improve the odds for us15:01
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: oci: permit an 'unknown' but valid image
TheJuliaAnother job trying to run all the tests: :(15:11
TheJuliathe results are so long we're not getting real results15:11
cardoeJayF: speaking of IPA... skrobul and I are debugging something weird on a branch new IPA we built from debian.15:13
cardoedhcp-all-interfaces is creating a rule to DHCP. But then systemd-networkd is also doing DHCP on that interface.15:14
cardoeand oddly with the dnsmasq backend (not neutron) it gets 2 IPs sometimes15:15
cardoeDo we have something to block between the two?15:18
JayFThat sounds like either a minor dib bug or an error in your dib configuration15:21
cardoe that's what I'm using presently.15:25
JayFMy suspicion is that with the new Debian release the defaults in Debian changed and no one updated dib.15:27
cardoeThat's what I was thinking.15:28
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - Raise SYS518 server.task_state != None
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: OS vmedia - post rebuild ACTIVE + SHUTOFF is ok
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - get_boot_mode support volume boot
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - get/set_boot_image support volume boot
rpittaucardoe: +2 on the sushy-oem-idrac migration, thanks!15:40
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove gmr from the docs
cardoerpittau: how can I express a "this package should not be installed with any version of sushy-oem-idrac"15:42
dtantsurRPM has such a feature but I doubt pip does15:56
rpittauat least not qith requirements15:56
rpittauthere might be something using pyproject.toml15:57
cardoeThere are, but this is gonna be a pbr thing.15:57
cardoe I dunno. Something like that. I feel like if ya got systemd-networkd that's setup for DHCP then dhcp-all-interfaces should be a no-op.15:58
rpittaucardoe: ideally we should deprecate sushy-oem-idrac after we merge that15:59
shermanmcrud, wrong button, editing...16:02
shermanmI got a timeout for `ironic-tempest-ipa-wholedisk-direct-tinyipa-multinode` on, but not totally sure what to do about that16:03
TheJuliashermanm: so, yeah16:03
TheJuliaI noticed similar failures earlier16:03
TheJuliaI'm trying to figure out what is actually failing there, but it is also timing out16:03
TheJuliathe job, itself, is trying to do everything under the sun16:04
TheJuliaand that takes a while and can timeout16:04
TheJuliaor fail for unrelated reasons16:04
TheJuliasimilarly, that resulted in for a different job, haven't quite figured out what to do with the multinode version yet16:05
shermanmis this something where I should try `recheck`, or just hold off until multinode seems more stabilized? Or something else?16:06
JayFcardoe: we could potentially go the other direction, release a final sushy-oem-drac that explicitly depends on sushy old enough to run it16:07
cardoeThat's a good idea16:07
TheJuliashermanm: There are a few different variables at play, but mostly overall cloud load is one of those variables16:10
TheJuliashermanm: youc cnn recheck, but odds are it won't pass or may fail on a gate run, we need to figure out what is actually failing to limit scope of any changes16:10
TheJulias/youc cnn/you can/16:11
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Follow-up: Apply Inspection Rules
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: API/Testing: Inspection rules migration
shermanmand separately, I'd be happy to take over , we're heavy users of both switch models, and I see that it's sat since 202316:14
TheJuliaokay, so we're hitting logging issues because we're generating *too many* messages16:25
TheJuliathe log content exceeds 4M16:26
TheJuliawhich is the arbitrary maximum in subunit16:26
TheJuliashermanm: I'd say that is entirely fair, most folks don't expect you to ask though ;)16:26
TheJuliawell, most folks don't expect people to ask16:26
shermanmthejulia: gotcha, just figured I'd ask while I'm learning the dev patterns16:28
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: ci: dial back check intervals
TheJuliaThat... should help some of the lack of clarity16:42
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: ci: restrict multinode job to multinode tests
rpittaugood night! o/16:53
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Remove gmr from the docs
JayFNoting for anyone in earshot: TC is still short one candidate17:49
jrosserwhat should i do as a maintainer of one of the community deployment tools (openstack-ansible) regarding the new ironic-novncproxy stuff?17:57
jrosserit seems really quite opinionated and by admission won't work with an already-containerised deployment tool17:58
JayFI assume stevebaker[m] will be providing some documentation on how to do it yourself; or if that's not already planned perhaps it should be :D 17:58
jrosseri just observe that somehow it is backwards compared to almost all the rest of openstack17:59
JayFI agree that BMC console interfaces are extremely backwards ;) 17:59
jrosserlike python service -> whichever uwsgi or whatever you want -> venv if you want -> container (choose your own runtime) -> k8s if you want17:59
jrosser^ this is "normal" kind of evolution from the source code repo18:00
jrosserbut somehow it feels like this is running that path in reverse18:00
JayFIt's a little bit weird because we're building a bridge/proxy that needs more control. I'm sure there's a path to making all parties happy but I don't fault Steve for trying to get something working as quickly as possible :) 18:01
JayFI suggest a post to the mailing list about this or maybe even a bug against the feature talking about this and asking for a solution18:02
jrosseris there a spec?18:02
JayFmy downstream will probably end up consuming whatever openstack-ansible builds for it anyway :D 18:02
jrosserlike we have a no-containers-whatsoever mode also that some people really like18:02
JayF /
jrosserand i have no idea where to even start for that18:03
stevebaker[m]jrosser: hey18:03
jrosserhello o/18:03
stevebaker[m]I'll be writing a container provider for a kubernetes operator which manages ironic (well, openshift)18:03
stevebaker[m]there is likely not a no-container option which is sufficiently secure. xvfb + a browser + x11vnc really needs a sandbox18:05
JayFThere is an implied "we really wish the BMC interfaces didn't require us to engineer a whole $#%#$'n browser+vnc stack" in that statement ;) 18:05
JayFand by "us" I mean steve :D 18:06
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: oci: permit an 'unknown' but valid image
stevebaker[m]I'll include docs on the requirement for building a custom console container provider, but I'd also be happy to advise specifically on openstack-ansible jrosser 18:08
jrosserone that uses no containerswould be a great start18:08
jrosseras i say we have a "bare metal" mode (as would also be the case for the debian packaging people)18:09
JayFjrosser: I cannot see a future where Ironic would support/encourage the deployment of that console shim without signficiant sandboxing. It should not be colocated on a machine with *anything*.18:09
JayFjrosser: Especially if it's a bare-metal mode, and not even utilizing VMs, there's not really a safe path unless you are using some kinda sandboxing tech 18:09
jrosseryes, so in openstack-ansible we have LXC available for that, which you can pretty much equate to a VM18:10
JayFI honestly dislike the containerization of the world, but this is a case where we *need* that featureset; it's not being made for convienience18:10
jrosserbut you are in a nested containers world if then we need podman (or other) inside that, and thats a world of painfulness18:10
JayFYeah I think there's a path to making something like that work18:11
jrosserand i guess the question is if the console shims need isolating from each other, or from everything else18:11
JayFalmost certainly will need to be isolated from each other, but Steve would know for sure18:12
stevebaker[m]both really18:12
JayF^ is what I meant18:12
jrosseranyway - i was just kind of surprised to see that all the community deploy tools will struggle18:12
JayFjrosser: just know this isn't like, Ironic trying to make operational decisions so much as seeing this as basically the only route to meeting the requirements with the "raw material" the BMCs give up18:13
jrosserperhaps less so the k8s based ones, but thats really not my domain of knowledge at all18:13
jrossercool ok18:13
JayFiLO basically you can't see the console in any kinda native/nonproxied way without ALSO getting access to the full BMC control panel18:13
JayFand that's before we even get to the "needs to support read only" requirement18:14
TheJuliaafaik, iLO has a special console only url18:14
stevebaker[m]it does!18:14
JayFInteresting, that's not what I took away from reading the spec and the comments on it18:14
JayFbut still we'd need it for read-only18:14
stevebaker[m]I might have a chance to implement read-only today18:15
JayFthat feature would be awesome to see a demo of18:15
JayFeven if just a screenrecording18:15
stevebaker[m]I'll definitely be putting together a recorded demo at some point18:16
TheJuliaalways fun when I have a quick meeting and it turns into rfes19:04
TheJuliaGoing back to what jrosser should do regarding openstack-ansible, I think he is doing it, communicating which is the first step. The reality is opinionated models are also super difficult to deal with and there is a two way street of communication required. The next step is the hardest, wait for things to reach a minimum viable usable state :)19:11
JayFkolla-ansible probably should have a heads up too19:11
TheJulia"heads up, we're adding a new service. Don't expect it to be usable 'right now', its going to take time to polish it, go read x,y,z"19:12
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Add ironic-novncproxy service
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - get_boot_mode support volume boot
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - get/set_boot_image support volume boot
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - get_boot_mode support volume boot
opendevreviewHarald Jensås proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - get/set_boot_image support volume boot
stevebaker[m]jrosser: the general approach in all cases to start a console will be: conductor writes out a file describing desired state then invokes some external tool which is responsible for making it happen. External tool starts the console proxy and returns an ip & port for the VNC connection. If the deployment tool has no always-running external tool to react to this then a lightweight service will need to be written20:11
jrosseri left a couple of after-the-fact comments on the spec20:14
JayF(lightweight service could even be a triggered systemd service, I suspect)20:15
JayFe.g. ConditionPathExists=/opt/ironic/do-the-thing ; Exec=lxc vnc-proxy-container20:15
JayF(as you can tell, I'm an expert on running lxc containers /s )20:15
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add ironic-novncproxy service
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add systemd provider for console containers
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Implement drivers redfish-graphical, fake-graphical
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add vnc-container image build
fricklerTheJulia: the multitenancy docs cleanup has left some weird references, like "See <no title> ..." in . are there plans already to further clean this up?20:25
JayFfrickler: TheJulia: assuming it's not already in a followup, if someone can document this in a bug, we have folks who will solve those low-hanging-fruit now20:27
TheJuliayeah, seems like might just be a syntax issue20:27
TheJuliaBut not one I'm aware of (at least before) and looking at right now20:28
fricklerok, I'll do a quick bug report for reference20:30
JayFThanks; Julia if you don't get it fixed let me know and I'll see if I can get someone to take a look20:38
stevebaker[m]jrosser: I replied to your comments20:40
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: oci: permit an 'unknown' but valid image
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent master failed: Lockout agent command results if a token is received
TheJuliaJayF: replied on
TheJuliaAny chance I can get another reviewer to take a look at
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - Raise SYS518 server.task_state != None
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Follow-up: Apply Inspection Rules
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: API/Testing: Inspection rules migration
JayFTheJulia: replied back, I'm still wondering in the fog'o'code21:02
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Fix devstack plugin for centos
TheJuliaJayF: now worries, replied again :)21:53
JayFTheJulia: I think my impressions of how this /actually works/ have been muddied by eventlet being so ornery if you import **anything** it patches beforehand21:54
JayFI +2'd it but honestly I still don't fully understand why what you did is enough; but I also trust you have actually tested FIPS and I can't tell you what it stands for ;) 21:55
JayFfederal something something no-md5, right? /s 21:55
TheJuliaFederal Information Protection Standards21:59
TheJulianot that NIST will continue to exist much longer21:59
TheJuliabut that is a different lolsob21:59
TheJuliayeah, its sort of a similar concept and eventlet has to do it so early on because it knows what it patches21:59
TheJuliaand it manages all that too22:00
TheJulia(to hide the horrible details)22:00
TheJuliaanyone else finding the formatting changes now think spurious tabs exist and then it reformats things actually incorrectly?22:01
TheJulialike, I checked them for tabs already22:01
TheJuliaunless vi is actually vigor and it is trying to help me with all the evil of clippy22:02
JayFI havedn't seen that.22:11
TheJuliaIt must be tabs sneaking in anyway22:12
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: hooking in an external network simulator
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add systemd provider for console containers
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Implement drivers redfish-graphical, fake-graphical
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Add vnc-container image build
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Implement graphical console read-only support
stevebaker[m]JayF: read only support, boom22:29
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Mention removing codespell job in bugfix branches
JayFJulia beat me to the nice because I was too busy bragging about your good work in downstream slack :D 22:31
TheJuliaI'm going to call it a day shortly and head down the mountain. I'll review the change series in the morning, but ironic-tempest-plugin and ci job changes for ironic could use some reviews/rechecks to reduce the overall failure rate on some of the jobs and hopefully get us to a slightly happier CI state22:32
JayFI have been trying to finish the draft of my talk slides today and not rabbithole, but I still spent some time reviewing22:33
JayFand I saw a  *lot* of ironic-standalone-* timeouts :( 22:33
JayFall of them not "tinyipa build failed" but more shaped like "the ping check at the end failed" 22:33
JayFI didn't dig for previously mentioned trying-to-do-something-else reasons :| 22:34
cardoeI almost feel like my write up is gonna become a talk.22:34
TheJuliaI saw one standalone job failure, and the standalone jobs do a ton of work22:35
TheJuliaThis is always an awful time for jobs anyhow22:35
JayFyeah, I assumed that was likely what was going on22:35
JayFand didn't recheck them for that reason22:35
JayFI think I have +2s on all your i-t-p improvements, yeah?22:36
TheJuliaI think so yeah22:36
TheJulialargely those are just dialing back the aggressiveness so we might actuallly have a chance to get usable logs22:36
TheJuliato figure out what is failing22:36
JayFcid also has picked up the "make tinyipa builds less breaky" ticket I filed; I think we're mainly going to break out the download stage from the build stage so we can trivially add retries to the downloads22:37
JayFthat should help some of hte failures too22:37
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: Remve multinancy page
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: OS vmedia - post rebuild ACTIVE + SHUTOFF is ok
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: oci: permit an 'unknown' but valid image
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: Remve multinancy page
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: Remve multinancy page
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sushy-tools master: Openstack - get_boot_mode support volume boot

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