Friday, 2025-03-21

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic master: Imported Translations from Zanata
mnasiadkaTheJulia: I use redis based coordination, sadly etcd based ,,batching'' didn't really give me any good port provisioning time improvements.05:59
mnasiadkaTheJulia: The other problem is - etcd is a bit problematic, if you don't have really fast disks - if anything - I would think about reworking the batching to use tooz (and support redis and others) - but I don't think I'll have the time to work on it - need to focus on uwsgi switch in Kolla for a couple of weeks if not months :(06:01
rpittaugood morning ironic! happy friday! o/08:38
freemanboss[m]rpittau: good morning 08:41
freemanboss[m]Happy Friday 😊08:41
jayanta91rpittau: i am facing problem to install bifrost cli in aws instance with ubuntu 24.04 08:58
rpittaujayanta91: what's the issue?09:04
rpittaujayanta91: the disk on your VM seems to be too small09:06
jayanta91rpittau: it's 15gb09:08
freemanboss[m]rpittau: please can we start recording our contribution on the outreachy website?09:11
jayanta91rpittau: thank you09:13
freemanboss[m]<jayanta91> "rpittau: thank you" <- You've been able to set up bifrost by enlarging the space?09:19
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: I expect the applicants to register their first contribution once they've prepared the essay, yes, also because that give us visibility on how many applications we have09:20
rpittauso far only 2 people have officially registered as applicants for ironic09:20
freemanboss[m]<jayanta91> "rpittau:" <- This Imgur method too is alright09:21
freemanboss[m]Anyone using hexchat here and know how to send media?09:21
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Alright thank you. I'll proceed with that now!09:22
freemanboss[m]How did you determine the amount of registered applicants please?09:22
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: we have visibility as mentors on how many people applied :)09:23
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Ohhh alright I'll make sure to record my contribution this morning 09:27
jayanta91rpittau: Allright Thank you, i'm going to record my contribution right now.09:30
queensly[m]rpittau: Good morning ! Happy Friday 😁09:34
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (81KiB) < >09:35
freemanboss[m]rpittau: please I'm having this error 09:36
queensly[m]<freemanboss[m]> "Ohhh alright I'll make sure to..." <- Freeman Boss: are you doing to record the essay? if yes, are you going to create an accessible link for your essay? 09:36
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: Yes I'm going to do that. You can either use a Google docs link or publish it and use the link09:38
queensly[m]Freeman Boss: that's good to know. Talking about publishing, do you have any recommendations of sites to publish? 09:41
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: I do make use of medium. You can use it or any other preferred medium like and the likes 09:44
freemanboss[m]rpittau: masghar:  in the bitrust installation guide it was mentioned that we should install it from this version 09:46
freemanboss[m]*git checkout stable/ussuri* but actually this branch or release isn't present in the repo we installed 09:46
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: can you please share the url of the docs? that looks like an error09:46
freemanboss[m]rpittau: 09:48
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: ok, I see, that's just an example but it's indeed outdated09:49
rpittauthat should be updated to stable/2025.1 which is the latest stable09:49
freemanboss[m]I tried the latest release too yesterday but it's not fully recognised.09:51
freemanboss[m]While running the application yesterday it suggested I go with Master branch or the stable/2024.109:51
queensly[m]<freemanboss[m]> "I do make use of medium. You can..." <- Ohk. I have a medium account. I will use that. 09:53
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (60KiB) < >09:54
freemanboss[m]rpittau: please help me check. I hope I'm on the right track now?09:54
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: Yeah great 09:56
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: yep that looks good10:00
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Alright thank you. I'll proceed now 10:05
ps_adavizeokay, that means I'm on the right track too, I was looking into the three ignored tasks.10:08
ps_adavizerpittau: I just need to record the contribution right? or do I need to do the final application right now too?10:18
rpittaups_adavize: just the contribution10:18
ps_adavizerpittau: Thank you10:22
stephenfinAfternoon o/ I'm seeing the following failures when I run unit tests on localhost. Have I missed something? I'm just running 'tox -e py310'12:12
stephenfinironic.common.exception.DriverNotFoundInEntrypoint: Could not find the following items in the 'ironic.hardware.interfaces.firmware' entrypoint: no-firmware, fake12:12
stephenfinNever mind: a git clean seems to have resolved it. Though I have no idea why 😕12:16
fricklerhmm, interesting, I getting something similar on master: ironic.common.exception.ConsoleContainerError: Console container error with provider 'fake', reason: No 'ironic.console.container' driver found, looking for 'fake'12:21
queensly[m]<freemanboss[m]> "I tried the latest release too..." <- Freeman Boss: which stable branch did you finally use?13:50
ps_adavizequeensley[m]: you can use stable/2024.113:53
freemanboss[m]queensly: the master branch 13:53
freemanboss[m]Yeah 2024.1 too will work fine 13:53
rpittauwe need to fix that docs :D13:53
freemanboss[m]rpittau: yeah13:54
freemanboss[m]How can we assist?13:54
queensly[m]Alright. Thank you ps-adavize and Freeman Boss13:54
ps_adavizealthough 2025.1 is in stable, i got a checkout error for ""13:57
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize: Yeah I got error when using 2025.1 yesterday too13:58
rpittaups_adavize: what'14:02
rpittauwhat's the error ?14:02
TheJuliafrickler: ohhhh that is an interesting one14:03
ps_adavizerpittau: "error: pathspec 'stable/2025.1' did not match any file(s) known to git\n", "stderr_lines": ["error: pathspec 'stable/2025.1' did not match any file(s) known to git"]"14:03
TheJuliafrickler: have you opened a bug yet?14:03
rpittaups_adavize: yep, that's because requirements has not cut 2025.1 yet, so better use 2024.2 for the time being14:04
freemanboss[m][20/03, 12:59] Yakub: export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8... (full message at <>)14:05
freemanboss[m]* [I ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH to virtualenv... (full message at <>)14:05
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: that's the same issue for ansible collections, use 2024.214:06
TheJuliaWe're mid release and tags might still be getting updated, fwiw14:06
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Yeah alright14:06
freemanboss[m]Can I continue using the master branch?14:06
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: sure14:06
ps_adavizerpittau : thanks, I used stable 2024.1 , ironic got installed and running. since you are suggesting 2024.2 should I go back or is the 2024.1 okay?14:08
rpittaups_adavize: you can try an upgrade to 2024.2 :)14:08
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: api: Correct types for validation decorators
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: api: Add schema for allocations API (versioning)
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: api: Add schema for allocations API (requests)
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: api: Transform query string params in validator
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: api: Add schema for allocations API (responses)
TheJuliawheeeee :)14:17
* dtantsur is pondering a diagnostics when the IPA's IP is not in NO_PROXY14:18
TheJuliadtantsur: huh? someone *actually* asserting proxies?14:20
dtantsurIs it not common in your world? I see people who manage to screw up NO_PROXY ~ monthly14:21
dtantsur"Why does Ironic fail with ProxyError?" "Because you have a proxy.. and it returns an error!"14:22
TheJuliaI guess I'd need to see this diagnostics patch, but whatever makes sense to reduce the incidence of no_proxy failures would be good14:22
dtantsuron the other hand.. if people ignore the literal words "Proxy Error", what are the chances they'll read my diagnostics?14:23
freemanboss[m]<freemanboss[m]> "Screenshot From 2025-03-21 10-53..." <- rpittau: please after this done what else?14:24
freemanboss[m]Should I proceed to running bitrust with other method or there is a next step after this output?14:24
TheJuliadtantsur: you never know! Sort of like when customers tell me vendors said things which I know the vendors would never say because I know the backend engineers. :)14:26
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: have you tried enrolling some nodes? playing around with the services? you should have ironic active now so feel free to explore the environment14:26
freemanboss[m]rpittau: That's with the enroll parameter?14:28
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: have a look here for the cli
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Yeah on it now 14:31
simondodsleyhi - is there any documentation rearding boot from SAN over fibre channel? the only docs i can find ( only talk about iSCSI, but FC is listed in the codebase as a valid protocol14:33
* TheJulia makes more coffee in an attempt to wake up14:33
TheJuliasimondodsley: give me a couple minutes to make a fresh cup of coffee and I'll put on my expert hat in this area14:33
TheJulia(since I wrote most of that code)14:33
freemanboss[m]bifrost) freeman@freeman-VirtualBox:~/bifrost$ baremetal introspection list... (full message at <>)14:36
TheJuliasimondodsley So! Booting from an FC HBA. I guess to start, I should caveat that support was added when bios booting was "all the rage" still. Now everything is UEFI or should be UEFI.14:36
freemanboss[m]freemanboss[m]: > <> bifrost) freeman@freeman-VirtualBox:~/bifrost$ baremetal introspection list... (full message at <>)14:37
TheJuliasimondodsley: Do you have an HBA adapter in the host? Are you using Cinder with a Fabric Zone Manager?14:37
simondodsleyTheJulia: So I'm asking for a customer who hasn't answered all my questions yet, but there is an FC host in the host and they are not using FCZM - all WWNs are pre-zoned14:38
simondodsleyFC HBA...14:38
simondodsleyThe backend they are using is Pure. They have no problem creating and attaching FC volumes to regular Nova instances14:39
TheJuliaso.. When the support was written ages ago, the idea is that your booting from a cinder volume, and as long as the HBA is configured to boot from LUN 0, and is the host is generally configured to boot from the HBA, then it should "just work". Fujitsu did do some custom driver stuff to make that happen end to end though, no other vendors nor were we able to do that for community drivers.14:42
TheJuliaso, community drivers and other vendors fell into the "should just work as long as it is lun0 and the host is properly configured"14:42
simondodsleyOK - I see - so it is the LUN0 thing we need. I suspect that is why it isn't working then. I think we have a workaround for that, so Ill go digging. Thanks for the pointer14:43
TheJuliaeach san vendor is also different based upon the controller architecture and modeling, if the luns get offered starting at zero to a host, or not14:43
TheJuliayeah, exactly14:44
TheJuliaonly like half the sans I've ever worked with would number by the controller side lun mapping individually by attached host14:44
TheJuliaothers were just sequentially numbered14:44
simondodsleyPure will number sequentially unless you specifically tell it a LUN ID, but that capability isn't provided in the Pure Cinder driver.... I guess I need to go look into that14:45
masgharfreemanboss: See
TheJuliajoy :(14:46
simondodsleyWas the Fujitsu custom code in Ironic?14:46
simondodsleyI'd like to look at what they did14:47
TheJuliasimondodsley: the other aspect with UEFI is records get treated differently and get cached in nvram since UEFI was not really modeled around booting workloads programatically from SANs14:47
TheJuliasimondodsley: and, depending on the hba (settings and firmware and vendor), the hba may do uefi record injection as well...... :\ or not.14:48
simondodsleyso complicated...14:48
TheJuliasimondodsley: it was in their irmc driver which utilized their client library to call a special api endpoint they had created14:48
TheJuliasimondodsley: hpe did something similar for iscsi volume booting, fwiw14:48
TheJuliasimondodsley: yeah, last not fun case I had with HBAs involved, the hba had so many luns being offered that it was filling up the nvram table and crashing system bios's ability to deal with it14:49
TheJulia(customer had like 30+ luns and the card configured such that it was violating uefi standard and injecting records for each lun. It was not pretty14:50
simondodsleysounds joyous14:50
TheJuliaNo, the customer wanted to blame us and claim it was a certified card (narrator, it wasn't, we checked.)14:51
TheJuliasimondodsley: as always, patches are always welcome if you find a neat way. The tl;dr on the redfish side is vendors have taken a non-standard approach on how they expose the uefi boot records and current selection as well, so it is sort of an area we as a project have generally avoided thus far but that might have evolved since we took a good hard look at the area14:53
simondodsleygot it - thanks14:54
freemanboss[m]rpittau: so it's the inventory configuration that'll be my bare-metal.json that I'll deploy?14:59
freemanboss[m]And also I can use the exact configuration from the docs or even edit it to anything reasonable that I like?14:59
TheJuliasimondodsley: with ipmi, there really is just no clean way, given setting the boot device *class* is the only option in ipmi and its basically undocumented raw numbers at this point as the IPMI standard is exceptionally out of date when compared to the state of even 8 year old hardware.15:00
* TheJulia should say 10, or 15 year old hardware, but yeah :)15:00
* TheJulia gets more messages about ipmi raw commands in another window and wonders if today she is some sage with a temple of BMC protocols15:03
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: I suggest to familiarize first with the docs content, then testing anything you have in mind15:11
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Please if my system powers off. Do I always have to reinstall ironic using bifrost or there's a way to bring it up again?15:13
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: bifrost already installed ironic services for you, if you restart your system you can just restart the services to bring ironic up again15:22
* queensly[m] uploaded an image: (83KiB) < >16:01
queensly[m]rpittau: I used 2024.1 branch and I have now set up my development environment. Hope its good.16:02
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: docs: add additional context around Cisco nxos usage
freemanboss[m]rpittau:  please I'm getting this error 16:13
freemanboss[m]BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) communication failure via Redfish.16:13
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (3176KiB) < >16:14
freemanboss[m]Is it that IPMI and reddish that will be my username?16:15
freemanboss[m]If so please how do I decide the IPMI/redfish address and password to use in the inventory file?16:15
freemanboss[m]rpittau: 16:15
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (125KiB) < >16:20
freemanboss[m]{... (full message at <>)16:21
freemanboss[m]This is the example from the docs that I used and the screenshot is the error I'm getting 16:21
ps_adavize<freemanboss[m]> :seems your node list is empty , have you created the nodes16:27
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize: not yet16:28
freemanboss[m]How will I create it please?16:28
ps_adavize<freemanboss[m]> : using baremetal-nodes.json run the create command, this will create two node with details in the file16:29
freemanboss[m]Where is that file please?16:30
ps_adavize<freemanboss[m]> : in your current bifrost directory the prvious command you ran created a baremetal.json file, you can ls to view things in the folder16:32
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize: it created barenental-install-env.json16:32
freemanboss[m]Is it the one?16:32
freemanboss[m]If yes how will I run it to create the nodes?16:33
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (70KiB) < >16:34
ps_adavize<freemanboss[m]> : it is  "baremetal-nodes.json"16:34
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize:  this is it16:34
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize: Ah It didn't create it 16:35
ps_adavize<freemanboss[m]> :
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize: Alright I'm on it now!16:41
freemanboss[m]The first command ./bifrost-cli testenv always giving error so this is the one that has been working fine ./bifrost-cli install --testenv16:41
TheJuliahmmmmm why is my devstack plugin change going sideway :(16:45
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (175KiB) < >16:48
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize: rpittau: masghar: please look into the --develop flag it seems to be depreciated?16:49
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (163KiB) < >16:58
freemanboss[m]This is the error I get whenever I use the ./bifrost-cli testenv 16:58
* JayantaPradhan[m] uploaded an image: (84KiB) < >17:07
JayantaPradhan[m]i'm geting everytime 17:07
JayantaPradhan[m]Freeman Boss: i'm geting this error every time 17:10
JayFHave you read the error, highlighted in red there right below create volume for VM?17:18
JayFIt's pretty directly addressing the root cause of your problem: "no space left on device"17:18
satoshi:jayanta I was getting this error too.  I recreated a VM with larger disk size(100G) and also used pre-allocated instead of dynamically allocated. I don't know which one fixed the error but it worked fine.17:24
JayantaPradhan[m]satoshi: i alocate 25 gb 17:28
JayFpre-allocated means you're making an disk image actually use all it's space from the beginning; dynamically allocated means it grows as yoou store stuff in it. pre-allocated can be a good idea as it will error during setup if you're outta space17:28
satoshiYeah, I think that was the reason for the error. 17:29
JayantaPradhan[m]satoshi: that means i need to increase ebs space17:37
JayFI provision a 200GB block device when I spin up nodes for use with devstack 17:38
JayFI think that's overkill, but the differential cost for overkill is not a lot :)17:38
satoshiIncrease the disk size and use pre-allocated instead of dynamic allocation(I don't know if you use it or not).17:42
JayFI don't use bifrost test envs with a lot of frequency, but I'd generally trust defaults for stuff like that since they're set by the folks that do use it frequently17:42
freemanboss[m]JayF: I allocated 30gb of memory so I should increase it? Or it's the ram that needs to be increased?18:29
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: network testing: hooking in an external network simulator
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: upstream, we test with a minimum of 40GB of disk storage18:35
fricklerTheJulia: I did some further testing trying to reproduce the tox issue, in the end it went away after a git clean just like for stephenfin, so meh ;) at least that explains why CI isn't affected I guess18:47
TheJuliaThat sounds as frustrating as my current devstack issue18:48
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: network testing: hooking in an external network simulator
freemanboss[m]<TheJulia> "Freeman Boss: upstream, we..." <- Alright I'll increase the size now19:26
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Ironic Container Cofig for IPA Integration
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: Create Support Resources Page
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Automated cleaning by runbook
JayFI don't have time to implement any of the logic for ^^ today, but if anyone has a couple of minutes and wants to give me feedback on the shape of the config/docs, let me know.21:07
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Automated cleaning by runbook
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: network testing: hooking in an external network simulator
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (106KiB) < >22:16
freemanboss[m]rpittau: JayF: please I just successfully create a node and I don't really know the way forward yet 22:17
cardoeJayF: so that PR about automated cleaning runbook kinda goes along with the PTG topic I have about visualizing this via API22:33
TheJuliaI'm kind of out of brains for the day, but ping me on monday morning and I'll take a look. I've been fighting jinja2 today. :(22:53
TheJuliaJayF: ^22:53
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (153KiB) < >22:55
TheJuliavsaienko: go to bed ;)22:55
freemanboss[m]freemanboss[m]: This is what I got when I installed using sensible 22:56
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: seems like the ansible-playbook command works... or at least, starts22:57
JayFTheJulia: sure. I basically decided to do the config first, because if we can all agree on the shape of the config I think it will dictate implementation. 22:57
TheJuliaJayF: how very wise22:57
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: But what's next please? 22:58
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: a good starting point is is the command erroring? "echo $?" will tell you if there is a return code or not22:58
TheJulia0 is success, anything else is an error. That being said, I also don't know what the next step is specifically in your context and case. rpittau is likely asleep at the moment.22:59
freemanboss[m]ansible-playbook -K -vvvv -i inventory/target install.yaml -e cleaning_disk_erase=true23:00
freemanboss[m]This is what I'm currently running to test the execution23:00
freemanboss[m]Is this the same as enrollment?23:00
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: Oh alright thank you.23:02
freemanboss[m]I'll try output the exit status after this runs finish 23:02
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: network testing: hooking in an external network simulator
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Add network simulator support for force10 OS 10
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: docs: detail network switch simulator support
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: network simulator support for Cisco Nexus 9k
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: install is not enrollment, install is your just putting the services in place23:21
TheJuliaenrolling baremetal nodes is a separate action you perform on an installed service23:22
* JayantaPradhan[m] uploaded an image: (59KiB) < >23:44

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