Monday, 2025-03-24

ayo_The Epel code for centos 9 to install the next-release package was already included in the provided cl?00:39
ayo_It was01:08
Amarachi_OPlease is it advisable to use a MacOS for this process because I have been running into issues03:05
Amarachi_OEven with a VM installed03:05
freemanboss[m]<Amarachi_O> "Please is it advisable to use..." <- Only Linux is encouraged to be used and the reliable distro is stated in the documention 03:11
Amarachi_OOh I am using that already, I am using Ubuntu currently on a VM03:12
freemanboss[m]Amarachi_O: Alright let's see the error 03:12
freemanboss[m]And how much resources you allocated to the VM?03:13
freemanboss[m]<Amarachi_O> "https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn..." <- It indicates no enough memory 03:57
freemanboss[m]<freemanboss[m]> "And how much resources you..." <- .....03:57
Amarachi_OThank you'll03:58
freemanboss[m]You should at least go for 2CPU 8gb ram and 50gb head disk memory03:59
Amarachi_OOh I have that currently04:07
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:25
Amarachi_OGood morning Rpittau, how are you?     Please I was able to finish my installation, what next am I meant to do09:00
rpittauAmarachi_O: hi! I suggest to keep playing with bifrost and write down about your experience with it in a doc, you should record that as second contribution on the outreachy site09:06
Amarachi_OOkay thank you, I will get on that today09:10
queensly[m]Good morning rpittau . I hope you enjoyed your weekend. With the first contribution, should we wait for you feedback before we add the date of acceptance on the Outreachy site? I have recorded the first contribution but didn't add the date of acceptance since I hadn't heard from you via email. 10:47
rpittauqueensly[m]: we'll review the contributions on the outreachy project page, so be sure to record yours there, both of them (ironic + bifrost)10:50
queensly[m]Alright. Thank you.10:51
stephenfinWe're seeing openstacksdk CI failures because the 'metalsmith-integration-glance-netboot-cirros-direct' job appears to no longer exist. Could anyone suggest an alternative, or should we simply rip the job out?11:36
rpittaustephenfin: that job is gone since 3 years, you can use metalsmith-integration-http-cirros instead11:49
stephenfinI wonder how was it working before now? Did a branch recently get deleted?11:49
rpittauI'm looking at that11:49
freemanboss[m]<rpittau> "good morning ironic! o/" <- Good morning11:50
freemanboss[m]<rpittau> "queensly: we'll review the..." <- Please bifrost enrolment us giving me issue 11:51
rpittaustephenfin: yep, I think that was in wallaby, it's been changed in zed, which is unmaintained now11:51
rpittausorry, in yoga11:52
stephenfinpatch for SDK is here, fwiw
freemanboss[m]rpittau: please the standalone method relates to when one has a real machine to run ironic on? Or can also be used in testing environment?11:59
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: that can also be used in testing env11:59
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Ohh alright12:00
freemanboss[m]rpittau: please are these two commands the same?12:06
freemanboss[m]./bifrost-cli testenv 12:06
freemanboss[m]./bifrost-cli install --testenv 12:06
ayo_I believe the second command will install the bifrost env in a test environment12:14
ayo_but the first would likely be an error12:14
ayo_The first is likely an incomplete syntax of the second command12:16
ayo_Hey freemanboss[m] were you trying to run the standalone environment?12:19
freemanboss[m]<ayo_> "The first is likely an incomplet..." <- Ohhhhh yeah I noticed it's always ending in error 12:28
freemanboss[m]<ayo_> "Hey Freeman Boss were you trying..." <- Not the standalone yet12:29
freemanboss[m]My major error has been from the enrollment 12:29
freemanboss[m]<freemanboss[m]> "Screenshot From 2025-03-21 23-48..." <- ayo_: 12:29
freemanboss[m]<freemanboss[m]> "Screenshot From 2025-03-21 23-48..." <- This12:31
ayo_freemanboss[m]: you’re trying to attach a screenshot?12:32
ayo_Can’t seem to see anything12:32
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (202KiB) < >12:32
freemanboss[m]ayo_: I guessed after running the installation command the next should be enrol then deployment command?12:34
TheJuliagood morning13:21
opendevreviewDominic Dumrauf proposed openstack/bifrost master: Closes-Bug: #2103448: Extending  to also accept new  variable
freemanboss[m]<TheJulia> "good morning" <- Good mornimg13:29
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: Is that some sort of threaded reply handing in matrix?13:31
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: I don`t understand13:34
TheJuliaThe portion "<-- Good mornimg" seems odd since it is taking my message and sending it back to the channel with your message. :)13:35
ayo_Hey freemanboss[m] I just got logged out my bifrost cli, do you know how to invoke it back?13:35
freemanboss[m]Oh i cant say i only saw it recently and i replied13:36
freemanboss[m]ayo_: yeah 13:36
ayo_How, do you source it ?13:36
freemanboss[m]sudo systemctl restart ironic13:36
freemanboss[m]then cd into bifrost and continue13:37
ayo_You’re not using ironic as a testenv freemanboss[m] ?13:39
freemanboss[m]Hi everyone queensly: ayo_: and others. Please may I know your resources allocated for the machine you're running bifrost on?13:39
freemanboss[m]I dedicated 2CPU out of 4, 4gb ram out of 8gb and 70gb disk space. But my system is actually slow and also the VM gets aborted most time 13:39
TheJuliaFWIW, Ironic shouldn't need to to be "restarted" if you lost a terminal connection for you to interact with the service again13:39
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: how many VMs are you trying to use?13:40
freemanboss[m]ayo_: I said that cause I assumed you've installed ironic using bifrost already so everything is in place13:40
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: Oh alright but it seems I've got an error before and I was able to use baremetal command after restarting it 13:41
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: Just one VM13:41
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: weird, if you encounter the error again, please let me know13:42
freemanboss[m]I allocated that resources of my system to the VM I'm running ironic on 13:42
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: okay...uhh.. hmmm13:42
ayo_Are we meant to install bifrost on our system without the —testenv?13:42
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: Alright I'll do that13:42
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: The resources is small?13:43
freemanboss[m]Cause I want to understand if it's my system issue or something else 13:43
freemanboss[m]ayo_: Testing environment is encouraged first 13:43
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: Functionally, your low on ram. The VMs we test CI on have 8 GB of ram. Your trying to operate with half of that.. and it looks like the default VM is 3 GB13:43
TheJuliaso functionally, the VM can't be started with that little memory13:44
TheJuliaat least, with defaults13:44
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: Ohhhhh. That's disheartening cause my system only has 8gb ram 13:45
freemanboss[m]freemanboss[m]: What about fir running devstack. It's 8gb also? Or requires more for testing?13:46
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: devstack requires even more resources13:47
freemanboss[m]Please another question is hope the requirements for testenv environment is enough for production level environment too?13:47
freemanboss[m]rpittau: TheJulia: 13:47
TheJuliaYou might be able to lower the test_vm_memory_size setting but it is largely dependent upon *what* your doing and if the VM requires that much memory to boot. Largely this is related to how large the ramdisk ends up being. For example, if a ramdisk file (which is a cpio archive, is extracted and consumes 1 GB of 13:47
TheJuliaspace, generally it will take 2.5x that footprint to boot that ramdisk.13:47
rpittauayo_: using testenv with bifrost-cli should make things easier13:48
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Ahh that's something huge13:48
freemanboss[m]Is there a web space to run bifrost? Devstack? Or must be locally?13:48
TheJuliaProduction doesn't use VMs, however unless you have enterprise class hardware off to the side of your test virtual machine, your generally best to use test VMs in the test environment13:48
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: network simulator support for Cisco Nexus 9k
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: Alright I'll go through this 13:50
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: VMs for testing is ideal, I think you can use free tiers on various cloud providers to get a small VM for that13:50
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Alright I'll explore that then 13:51
TheJuliaThat is not a bad idea. The more memory pressure you put your machine under, the slower it is going to run because your essentially creating excess stress and forcing the operating system to try and store memory on disk storage as swap which adds latency to any and all interactions because you then need to go over a slower IO bus which may have many commands ahead of the command result needed to respond to user input.13:52
freemanboss[m]TheJulia: Oh thank you13:55
freemanboss[m]<rpittau> "Freeman Boss: VMs for testing is..." <- You meant servers like EC2? Or virtual machine can be gotten externally?13:57
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: like ec213:58
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Alright 13:58
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Follow up to unprovision service failed
rpittau#startmeeting ironic15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Mar 24 15:00:05 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:00
rpittauHello everyone!15:00
rpittauWelcome to our weekly meeting!15:00
rpittauThe meeting agenda can be found here:15:00
rpittaugiving a couple of minutes for people to join15:01
rpittaualright, let's start!15:02
rpittau#topic Announcements/Reminders15:02
freemanboss[m]I will join now15:03
rpittau#info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio:15:03
opendevreviewMatt Crees proposed openstack/bifrost master: Support IPA download with authenticated requests
rpittauit looks like we're in good shape15:03
TheJuliaIndeed, I'd love some reviews on the network simulator stuff. The intent is just to enable local work, not necessarily in CI since switch simulators are on a scale of medium to heavy weight in terms of resource requirements.15:04
freemanboss[m]please meeting link15:04
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: the meeting is here on irc :)15:05
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: This is an IRC meeting, we just message back and forth during the course of this meeting15:05
freemanboss[m]ohhh alright15:05
TheJuliaNot an actual zoom or gmeet. This saves a number of us since mondays tend to be meeting heavy for contributors15:05
rpittauJayF: do you want to keep in the list? last update is 2 months old15:06
rpittauvsaienko: same for in merge conflict15:07
rpittauI guess you can answer out of  the meeting, just wondering what the status was on the two patches :)15:08
JayFrpittau: Good call, I can drop the # from that15:08
rpittauJayF: ack thanks15:08
rpittau#info 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule15:09
rpittauwell we're one week to go!15:09
rpittauall ironic projects have been released15:09
rpittaubranches are cut15:09
rpittauwe should be ready :)15:09
rpittauand following that15:10
rpittau#info Flamingo PTG will take place place April 7-11, 2025!15:10
rpittaudon't forget to register!15:10
rpittauAnd add your topics here:15:10
freemanboss[m]<TheJulia> "Freeman Boss: This is an IRC..." <- So the meeting in in chat format in here?15:11
TheJuliafreemanboss[m]: yes15:11
TheJuliawe need to go back and denote time estiamtes15:11
rpittauI've booked the timeslots for ironic15:11
rpittauplease have a look when you got a minute
rpittauI'll probably also adjust that based on the topic list in the coming week15:11
rpittauTheJulia: yeah15:12
TheJuliaI'm tagging stuff with swag time estimates15:12
TheJuliaothers should look at and reply/add/subtract15:12
TheJuliaAny topic over, say an hour, we might want to consider splitting15:12
TheJuliai.e. is there a specific aspect which we can schedule specifically15:13
rpittauone last announcement!15:15
rpittauas you probably noticed the Outreachy application round has started :)15:15
rpittauI'd like to do an official welcome to all the Outreachy applicants from the ironic community!15:15
rpittauand good luck!15:15
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Follow up to unprovision service failed
rpittaualright, anything else to announce/remind today?15:16
TheJuliacardoe: if you could add some sort of overarching goal to it might help to frame it. I'm thinking an hour but without a solid goal understanding aside from the broad strokes of the paint brush, I can't be sure an hour is enough time15:17
rpittauwe can probably move on15:18
rpittau#topic Discussions 15:18
rpittauthere's one topic but I don;'t know who put it there :D15:18
rpittau#topic core-plugin.update_port_status function in the trunk driver session fails, is this a bug or should use rpc 15:19
TheJuliayeah, that is an interesting error15:19
TheJuliaI think it is a mix of both a design flaw with the data model and how the database is being interacted with, if I'm properly groking it.15:20
TheJuliamight be just a bug, but it would need to be better understood since we're apparently mid-transaction trying to commit changes I guess...15:21
cidrpittau, Oh, I did.15:22
cidI do think it's a bug15:22
rpittaucid: ack :)15:22
cidBut, cannot be too sure15:22
rpittauwe can ask for more info15:23
rpittauif we're unsure15:23
cidThe thing is that I don't know what more info we'll need to arrive at a conclusion :D15:24
TheJuliaoh, definitely a bug, my concern is why are we trying to do a thing mid-transaction15:24
TheJuliaand is that a design flaw or are we using neutron_lib reasonably and something is going sideways under the hood15:24
TheJuliaIssue is, taking RPC as a path also seems wrong15:25
TheJuliabecause your adding another piece of work which you cannot see/rely upon in your current database transaction15:25
TheJuliaFor example, I start a transaction, call it context A. Context B gets started by an RPC user or some other api request. Anyway, B could complete first potentially which could be incompatible for context A.15:26
TheJuliaOr if A requires the change committed in B, A's context is not updated until after the transaction is committed15:26
TheJuliayay for databases15:26
TheJuliaJayF: I think might need to be split into two distinct topics for the purposes of scheduling15:28
opendevreviewMatt Crees proposed openstack/bifrost master: Support IPA download with authenticated requests
cardoesorry I'm late15:29
cardoeso I'm less interested in the anaconda stuff now that I've got this image creation going.15:29
cardoeSo I can drop that out.15:29
TheJuliaI've added thoughts to the ngs bug15:30
rpittauthanks TheJulia 15:30
cidTheJulia, oh, tks15:30
rpittauanything else to discuss today? :)15:32
JayFTheJulia: I figured the chat today would inform that some15:32
TheJuliaJayF: sounds good15:32
rpittaugoing once15:33
rpittaugoing twice15:33
rpittauthanks everyone!15:33
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Mar 24 15:33:56 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:33
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
vsaienkorpittau: I will rebase this and planning to add additional job to n-g-s with portgroups.15:37
TheJuliacardoe: might be a good separate topic, any chance we can delineate it a little more ?15:39
cardoeoh 74 yeah15:41
*** awb_ is now known as awb15:41
opendevreviewMatt Crees proposed openstack/bifrost master: Support IPA download with authenticated requests
freemanboss[m]<adeolaadesina[m]> "I am currently stuck with the..." <- Send the error you're getting16:26
freemanboss[m]File doesn't exist16:29
freemanboss[m]Which command you used install?16:30
freemanboss[m]The system can't really make a mistake 16:31
freemanboss[m]tmp is a temp folder hope you never close your instance?16:31
TheJuliaHmm, I guess matrix is not bridging the entire conversation over to irc :\16:32
JayFYeah, it's extremely hard to follow on the IRC side users from matrix. It's part of why I think suggesting it as an alternative to new folks is unfortunate.16:33
TheJuliaI expanded the eventlet topic on the etherpad so we're talking more about what and specifics16:47
ayo_Hi rpittau I keep getting this error anytime I try to deploy the os on the nodes I enrolled, I didn’t make any edits to the .json file that was provide for test enrollment and the nodes seem to have been enrolled, help please
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: WIP Ironic Config Intergration for IPA
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: WIP Ironic Config Intergration for IPA
JayF and are both +2 from me and good to merge18:38
TheJuliaayo_: For context, it is rather late past rpittau's workday at this time.19:28
JayFrpittau: lmk if you wanna do the OIF live about epoxy release this time; if not I'll do it :)19:59
ayo_TheJulia: ok20:19
* TheJulia finally exits the final call of the day20:46

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