Tuesday, 2025-03-25

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic master: Imported Translations from Zanata  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94517903:29
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:50
ayo_Good morning rpittau :)08:11
ayo_I encountered an issue i encountered yesterday while deploying OS on nodes i enrolled in the testenv https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ep9GQQrL/9e1faf0e-4d99-45fd-aa9f-b5952a5a942e.JPG08:21
freemanboss[m]Good morning rpittau: 08:35
freemanboss[m]ayo_:  there are two errors there. I was able to solve the first one actually but not the second one 08:36
freemanboss[m]It's in the second one I was stuck ans trying to get a VPS to then continue... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AUZgxQLYCuGSZcWg3X_CKkvzPJ-RYhwFF9M7etM2LaTvZVAOIbfyB1H8KiUqrmaxkFkXRgw1FcDJ8X-Hh-9NpnBCeWFI-ecwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvelBxUmx1U1RLR3FUbVZwSkxBUnZ1TnBt>)08:41
freemanboss[m]- hosts: all... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AXZpL-R9HBLJwYIV_-zX8WtXlp3_75tmw2v4b71loJiBTaaDHBmjpcxTecyO5JmtWeFGgw5N0rcidKig58DKF3tCeWFJAj4gAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvWXZua2NEbllUaGdpcEtMdlRlSWhuSkVU>)08:41
freemanboss[m]`{... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AZ_i95malde5sXEzCRR7V1qer3TfHPujVXjoE80aMx_dkbEtwhRs7fEy5PlXjnTnCUl4DG3xuBV2TcWKmD4bzjxCeWFJE9OwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvZUdiSkhjcHdJcGFldExua0hhQ3RibWRW>)08:43
freemanboss[m]ayo_: you're using ansible-playbook or bifrost-cli?08:47
freemanboss[m]Also you were able to enrolled successfully?08:47
rpittauJayF: I'd really like to do it, miraculously I don't even have conflicts for the day/time! :)08:53
ayo_freemanboss[m]: so basically for the first task the OS file was targeting a single unspecified node?09:02
freemanboss[m]ayo_: Yeah exactly 09:05
*** dmellado0755393737 is now known as dmellado07553937309:09
ayo_freemanboss[m]: I’m currently using the ansible playbook09:09
ayo_But I might probably still work with the ansible playbook later on (error in my probiotics message) I’m currently using the bifrost cli09:10
ayo_What are you using freemanboss[m] ?09:11
freemanboss[m]ayo_: Alright. You were able to enroll without any error?09:13
freemanboss[m]freemanboss[m]: I've used both. It's the enrollment that I was stuck on09:13
freemanboss[m]With that same error you're encountering 09:13
freemanboss[m]JayF: rpittau: please what can you say with passing additional options to ./bifrost-cli install --testenv 11:36
freemanboss[m]Should I pass additional options like --uefi --driver?11:37
vsaienkoJayF: hello, have you tried ovn with hardware VTEPs and ironic https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/900568 ?11:45
vsaienkoI'm trying to setup this topology on my lab11:45
masgharfreemanboss: depends on what you're doing and what you need, but I'm usually happy with most defaults :)11:48
masgharyou might want to enable the redfish driver, for example (but that could possibly be enabled by default already)11:49
freemanboss[m]masghar: Alright. I've gone with the default of not setting any flags 11:49
freemanboss[m]masghar: I actually asked because in my previous environment I had a clash between IPMI and redfish and knew not what I did wrong. That's why I want to be careful in this new environment 11:50
cardoevsaienko: what switch hardware?12:22
vsaienkofor now ovs-vtep emulator, but in future cumulus12:23
vsaienkoI wondered if any docs around ovn ironic and hardware vteps are available12:24
vsaienkoironic code seems to be not really tested, its failing with keyerrors because key names messing with - and _12:24
vsaienkoso I wondered if anyone used this feature on the lab or anywhere, maybe I'm doing something wrong12:24
fricklervsaienko: yesterday there was some issue with setuptools that matches your - vs. _ description, however that should be fixed again with the latest version12:36
TheJuliagood morning13:02
TheJuliavsaienko: I think someone only recently reported trying it and noted there performance problems I think, at least in passing discussion. It was definitely one of those features none of us regular contributors have been in a position to exercise13:13
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (233KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AeoIU88kP9pD_2O3doqKZT5pP7gaGBJLk6kZt7M9gEVoCGmllKa-p-PgvA3ynvoueCbeNI-xZeMx0ZD74a2NxSBCeWFZZ61AAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvbHdLaG1kUGJ5VHFGYVdyWHNnVEpXVVd0 >13:28
freemanboss[m]This has been running for some minutes now rpittau: masghar: I hope I'm on the right track?13:29
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: it looks ok now :)13:30
freemanboss[m]rpittau: alright thanks 13:30
freemanboss[m]rpittau: how much time should it take? It's been over 15 minutes on enrollments like that 13:38
freemanboss[m]I'm on 16gb ram 4VCPU13:38
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (294KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/Af79OB7iIe-0J6z5DI36vYRqpKE4FVvFb7Zf24eoGqnUGdFnzhoVR1JpfTXqnLVyFqjW7LFWg3nLdtyMwv7Oay1CeWFaNBTwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvVVpMYkNFUmp2QkRWSkRuQUFCQ0dSekJ0 >13:42
JayFrpittau: sure, you're completely welcome to it. I just wanted to make sure that ironic wasn't forgotten 13:58
rpittauJayF: never :D13:58
JayFvsaienko: as Julia said, that feature was actually implemented partially by juniper engineer with access to a juniper OVN vtep switch. There's some notes in the bug about it. But it was finished by an mlh fellow on my team who had zero access to the hardware and who didn't understand OVN well enough to run the emulator13:59
queensly[m]<freemanboss[m]> "rpittau: how much time should it..." <- Are you enrolling on a VM?13:59
JayFvsaienko: I'd be amazed if it worked 100% flawlessly the first time, but we put all the information in the right places so maybe it does13:59
vsaienkook got it thanks TheJulia, JayF13:59
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: Yes on VPS14:00
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix confusing logs on tenant network configuration  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94546214:19
* queensly[m] uploaded an image: (58KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AWUfVkf3wg0Vms_jpHhwzWNwscz3kF7kGnmjtT5Dp_p1UM48fD44EoHCN_ppzWLdis92uwKdsA1F03VOQ2nuLCJCeWFcU5LgAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvdFZpYXdzaVV2ZXRwc1VRUG9HbmRIc0JP >14:19
queensly[m]Ohk. I installed a virtualbmc to help simulate a server for testing an enrollment in Ironic but after the installation, i checked the status of the vbmcd and had the attached error. Is there any suggestion? 14:19
queensly[m] 14:19
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: > <@queensly:matrix.org> Ohk. I installed a virtualbmc to help simulate a server for testing an enrollment in Ironic but after the installation, i checked the status of the vbmcd and had the attached error. Is there any suggestion? 14:20
freemanboss[m]>  14:20
freemanboss[m]I didn't see the image you sent 14:20
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: > <@queensly:matrix.org> Ohk. I installed a virtualbmc to help simulate a server for testing an enrollment in Ironic but after the installation, i checked the status of the vbmcd and had the attached error. Is there any suggestion? 14:20
freemanboss[m]>  14:20
freemanboss[m]You've not been able to enroll successfully too?14:20
* queensly[m] uploaded an image: (58KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AfE8vhUNKckEspz-cLdAqzUlyIrNdn2gLV5vSyd28GwJ6j41ng32ggpLnz4MY-6Cf0nfWbToaw0chBfQdINCJIpCeWFceGggAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvWWRNQ3dzWlp3YnNnZU1qeUNOaVFTc2VW >14:21
queensly[m]freemanboss[m]: Yeah14:22
queensly[m]queensly[m]: Can you see the image now?14:22
freemanboss[m]Maybe use Imgur I can't see the image 14:22
queensly[m]Alright. Let me do that.14:23
freemanboss[m]Start the service and see if it works fine 14:26
freemanboss[m]sudo systemctl start vbmc 14:27
freemanboss[m]sudo systemctl enable vbmc queensly: 14:27
queensly[m]I checked the status and had this error:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AbM6krUHsQM7661Ss5lNvmQNNCIpE543dzBYPbL7aBdsz-8VqtztpBOARDc97KTeacN96HFseQFV5lCvkaUKjCxCeWFdKs_gAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvak9vYVV3Q3F2TWxqdXdwdmpWSFdDRFFa>)14:34
ps_adavize__freemanboss[m] : have you been able to enroll nodes? after running "./bifrost-cli install --testenv" what did you do from there?14:35
freemanboss[m]<queensly[m]> "I checked the status and had..." <- > <@queensly:matrix.org> I checked the status and had this error:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AWirEbKh7uKB3yRCXJcyhVyxn7CsC5MYYPherUO4XmigGObGvzr4Xk7RXNxlSRpmGbUxh3gtDAIvw8rppzd50ABCeWFdfUsgAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvc1hTb1daS2JlcW5TRmxkYVZjbHdTblhX>)14:39
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize__: I hope it worked well?14:40
freemanboss[m]After that enroll the baremetal-inventory.json14:40
ps_adavize__freemanboss[m] : mine is showing failed , retrying for the two deafult test vms testvm1 and testvm214:42
queensly[m]<freemanboss[m]> "> <@queensly:matrix.org> I..." <- Yes. I had the error after that. I had to run it manually in the background and it's working now. 14:45
queensly[m]This is the current state14:45
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (316KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AVfbkeZU7Q4NMS7HgryEwRPkbTwU11OFE1Of_C3dol54jGoGkirpoowo5TWUVcnogHpPq1hx4FTXm5QgBgRF7PNCeWFd7cdAAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvSEF2YUJ1QUxtcUtQUFdXa1pzWUpTd3Zu >14:47
freemanboss[m]rpittau: stuck here. During the enrollment the nodes cleaning processes failed and the nodes are turned off now 14:48
freemanboss[m]<ps_adavize__> "Freeman Boss : mine is showing..." <- Which command is that? Or you meant the enrollment?14:48
ps_adavize__freemanboss[m] : yes enrollment14:49
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: > <@queensly:matrix.org> Yes. I had the error after that. I had to run it manually in the background and it's working now.... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AcOVfMxBRXRktUB1diw_c4Sbgn3xJzFPq4HYmuxfHLAHJmyOruIJWrHRV-r1tRQwWbX_LTWaHtj1mOumq8TOw91CeWFeEPngAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvT0JtcVFlRUFaeVp6dWRMUkNtZVFXZWhj>)14:49
freemanboss[m]ps_adavize__: Same here but failing with what?14:50
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: the error seems clear there, have a look at the parameters you can pass using bifrost14:51
queensly[m]freemanboss[m]: Are you asking why I am using the virtualbmc?14:51
freemanboss[m]rpittau: I didn't pass in any parameters I'm just using the default 14:52
freemanboss[m]queensly[m]: Yes 14:52
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: I know,14:53
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: look at the instance definition, you're probably missing something14:53
queensly[m]freemanboss[m]: Since I don't have "real" baremetal and still want to check how Ironic works, I had to find a virtual environment to simulate a server. 14:53
queensly[m]check the virtualbmc docs here: https://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-docs/environments/virtualbmc.html14:53
rpittaufreemanboss[m]: for example https://docs.openstack.org/bifrost/latest/user/howto.html#overriding-instance-information14:54
rpittauqueensly[m]: you can check how ironic works using bifrost14:54
ps_adavize__rpittau : are we supposed to set the image source manually?14:54
rpittauusing the testenv option will set up virtual servers for you14:54
rpittaups_adavize__: if it's not set yet, look what the image_source is to understand better14:55
queensly[m]rpittau: Oh I see. I will check that. 14:56
freemanboss[m]rpittau: Alright I'll take a look now 14:58
ps_adavize__rpittau : the whole instance_info seems ommitted completely from the baremetal-nodes.json used to create these two nodes. Are you saying the file for instance "baremetal-nodes.json" should be edited and the 'instance_info':{} section added?14:59
freemanboss[m]rpittau: I'm in the test environment so how so I actually know the image URL to use?15:03
jrosserTheJulia: you might be interested in this https://github.com/netreplica/containerlab15:08
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (247KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/Ab7NI_V-Ak9lluOPduH6HdGK9VWUVhDnAFE3ea4ZYCgl7D_CL4A0ytJ_QGXYkVMDOw7UXSDur2YgezEAEMql8v1CeWFfNbAAAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvR3BCZFRPZVRpeGtqYlVNaWhXVXJDUnZh >15:09
freemanboss[m]I guessed the enrollment I'd a success now?15:10
freemanboss[m]I just rerun the enrollment that's all what I did 15:10
adavize_freemanboss[m] : did your nodes take some time showing provisioning status as "inspect wait"?15:11
masgharps_adavize__: You may be interested in this: https://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/user/deploy.html#populating-instance-information15:15
freemanboss[m]Nope first time I enrolled took time though before getting error 15:16
freemanboss[m]But I don't understand you 15:16
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (302KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/ASm_6wDn8lKOkqtVys9t0p4aFSacNZ4Z3k1ddkdNg-mYfPDO7DJf6eLunUfqZUJwlaonCNPpgeFQLral8tmvzUNCeWFgHDsgAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvekJhb0NRd0N4UnVUUXNkYkd1d01ob1JJ >15:25
freemanboss[m]rpittau: masghar: I'm now trying to deploy now after I was able to enroll15:26
freemanboss[m]Please do you know the solution to this?15:26
freemanboss[m] ./bifrost-cli deploy baremetal-inventory.json     -e @baremetal-install-env.json15:26
freemanboss[m]How do I enable ssh connections? I don't fully understand since I'm in a testenv rpittau: 15:28
queensly[m]Freeman Boss: after enrolling the nodes, did you have to manually move them from the "enroll" state to "manageable" state? I had this when i checked my baremetal node list . Since it's showing as enroll, I want to move them to the "manageable" state.15:32
freemanboss[m]queensly: yes I did that when the power was off15:34
keekz`openstack baremetal node manage $uuid` should move it to manageable for you15:35
masghar(The docs have many answers)15:41
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: doc: Migrate Inspection Rules  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94547415:42
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix mismatch in expected loop functionality  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94547515:42
adavize_freemanboss[m] : what did you do after you got this ? "https://postimg.cc/1fZhWK7C"15:49
freemanboss[m]I went ahead and enroll again 16:00
adavize_freemanboss[m] : did you use this command "./bifrost-cli enroll /tmp/baremetal.json"? did you create the file in tmp manually?16:02
freemanboss[m]baremetal-inventory.json in current directory 16:03
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (322KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AYZOa4YTOvKXZrxlfYdDhyfbQXpNJ2iqPI0WIIgrE5-hLnxXP8ycHaASVybIzRjTl4X3q5Zt_A28nxNs5wfAfUdCeWFihg_QAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvT3ZheXdNVklxWmVnRkdVZElzZ3JLQm1k >16:07
freemanboss[m]rpittau: masghar: keekz: please what should happen after deployment? I think this result is current?16:08
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: De-duplicate two WSGIService's  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94548016:11
keekz@freemanboss: your ansible run didn't work. it didn't find any hosts.16:15
keekzalso the error says your ansible inventory couldn't be parsed, so probably start there16:15
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow configuring RPC client TLS separately from server  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94548216:22
TheJuliajrosser: interesting, although mainly the focus I have at the moment is largely driven by customers needing switch vendor OS integration. Definitely something to file away in my brain for later17:07
jrosserTheJulia: are you planning to look at EOS at all?17:10
TheJuliajrosser: no, not on my list, largely because of a lack of customer requirement... and they seem to have a maintained ML2 plugin17:13
mnasiadkadtantsur: I think https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/bifrost/+/930024 could go now, given https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/bifrost/+/943180 was merged?17:44
opendevreviewAnton proposed openstack/networking-baremetal master: Clean up baremetal agents on node delete  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/networking-baremetal/+/94550017:50
dtantsurno objections18:09
mnasiadkaThanks :)18:11
simondodsley can ironic be requested to use a cinder driver to attach multiple volumes at build time, together with the boot volume?18:36
TheJuliasimondodsley: fiberchannel, in theory if appropriately mapped because you can populate the volume connectors information for the HBAs and that will get shipped across, but in practice I'm not sure if that feature got much use since it is largely reliant upon cinder to bridge the gap to the SAN and storage area networking18:38
simondodsleyTheJulia: doesn't ironinc send the request to cinder to create and map the volumes? If so, then the drivers should present the volumes correctly to the initiators HBAs (assuming the zoning os preconfigured). I guess I'm asking what the command line is in ironic to request multiple disks on build18:44
TheJuliaso you basically have to tell ironic about the target by the id, and then it will trigger volume attachmnet/detachment flows with Cinder. Using nova to request a build, you'd need the host HBA ports recorded as volume connectors, and then request the volumes as part of the deployment with nova, it then creates and populates the targets18:46
TheJuliathe targets then get the attach flow handled by ironic18:46
TheJuliaand in theory it should boot18:46
TheJuliaif your doing it nova-less, you'd have to create the volume target records manually then deploy18:46
TheJuliabut, your in the realm of heavy theory since fiberchannel storage network usage is super rare these days18:47
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: api: Add schema for allocations API (responses)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/92892118:54
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/ironic master: conf: Add '[api] response_validation' option  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94551518:54
simondodsleyTheJulia I know FC is rare, but it still exists and I have a customer asking how to do this. Let me get back to them to see if they are doing this with or without nova19:02
TheJuliasimondodsley: It should work... should. but yeah, that starting point is critical. You don't want the extra volumes to remain attached outside of cinder as well because Ironic's cleaning logic would erase the volume contents19:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/2024.1: Fix missed occurrence of SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/bifrost/+/93002419:52
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Ironic Container Cofig for IPA Integration  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94479621:08
* freemanboss[m] uploaded an image: (253KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AYAxdvesTRuBtrGl4eddtmy2jyekWa_xlm8D7eltu3JsdJaPbLT3qEIrJpazNkMfJwg9YZxzUjC7-5V2sBlRR2dCeWF0ONkgAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvbFBZbGVab1ZIdFhEWnd6eUxmU1RVYmJk >21:17
freemanboss[m]I've been able to deploy successfully please anything else to actually be done?21:17
freemanboss[m]rpittau: masghar: thank you!21:17
freemanboss[m]Wow I'm happy o if this is actually the end result of deployment. Been on this for days now 21:20
Hashaam[m]Hello I am Meer Hashaam, I am a Software Developer and also an Outreachy applicant. I have also send the email with first task, waiting on further instruction and issue assignment. Thankyou. masghar rpittau .21:21
JayFfreemanboss[m]: I don't know what next outreachy-steps are, but if you wanna learn more about ironic from there, just poke at the API some with the CLI :) 21:22
JayFe.g. baremetal node list; baremetal node show $nodename; etc21:22
freemanboss[m]JayF: Yeah been doing this also to understand how the API (RPC) works better. 21:24
JayFwell, the primary Ironic API is not RPC; it's http21:24
freemanboss[m]JayF: I'm thinking is there a way to actually visualise the deployment?21:24
JayFthe RPC api is internal, Ironic API uses it to talk to Ironic Conductor21:24
freemanboss[m]JayF: Yeah thank you 21:25
freemanboss[m]JayF: Yeah that's the point I'm trying to make 21:25
JayFhttps://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/user/architecture.html is a little dated21:26
JayFbut has some interesting generic informational pointers21:26
freemanboss[m]But is there a way to actually see the work done in action?21:26
freemanboss[m]Like why we need to enroll and what actually happened that time about from the logs. What was deployed and his it got deployed 21:26
JayFcid: ^ if you have any useful new contributor docs, freemanboss[m] might appreciate them21:26
freemanboss[m]JayF: Alright I'll go through it thank you21:26
JayFfreemanboss[m]: the services log; I'm not sure where they go in the bifrost testenv-style install21:27
freemanboss[m]JayF: Ohh yeah that's what I'm trying to understand 21:27
freemanboss[m]<Hashaam[m]> "Hello I am Meer Hashaam, I am..." <- You just joined recently right?21:33
freemanboss[m]The next procedure is make sure you record that contribution (writeup) and then proceed with exploring installing ironic using bifrost and write on it 21:33
freemanboss[m]Hashaam: 21:34
JayFfreemanboss[m]: you can likely look at the ansible playbooks themselves and use it to figure out how the services are installed and where their logs are :)21:36
JayFfreemanboss[m]: there's a good chance they are systemd units, and the logs are in the system journal (access via journalctl)21:36
Hashaam[m]Yes I Joined recently but I was lil bit confused about how IRC channels work, thankyou. I will do.21:37
JayFHashaam[m]: just a giant box with text and humans typing in it ;) 21:37
freemanboss[m]JayF: Alright I'll do that and understand things better 21:37
Hashaam[m]thanks JayF 21:37
freemanboss[m]Hashaam[m]: Alright good 21:38
freemanboss[m]JayF: Sure I noticed this too21:38
cidfreemanboss[m], so this command `journalctl -u` can be handy to see logs of a service in real-time. You can also append a `--debug` flag to cli commands to see all what the command is doing underneath. I don't know if these work the same way in bifrost, I'm only familiar with devstack.21:53
cidAs far as virtualization goes, this is the closest I have come to it.21:53
JayFyeah, bifrost testenv is basically similar pieces as devstack21:53
JayFvbmc/sushy-tools fronted VMs providing a testbed for ironic21:54
freemanboss[m]cid: Which services should I run the journalctl against? The ironic? 21:54
cidYup. The ironic, the conductor, ...21:55
freemanboss[m]cid: Alright thank you.21:55
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Automated cleaning by runbook  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/94525921:56
JayFfreemanboss[m]: `systemctl list-units` can list all running systemd units on the system; if you find what you're looking for, you can pass that unit name (e.g. ironic.service) to journalctl -u (e.g. journalctl -u myservice.service)21:56
JayFfreemanboss[m]: this is all sorta generic systems stuff moreso than Ironic :) knowing it helps make you more powerful for any linux-based endeavor :)21:57
freemanboss[m]JayF: Alright thanks21:57
JayFjournalctl can do a lot of cool things21:57
JayFman journalctl (man commandname in general) will have the full information 21:57
freemanboss[m]JayF: Yeah yeah thank you. It's very useful 21:58
freemanboss[m]JayF: Yeah thank you it's really useful 21:59
rm_work[m]JayF: the `physical_network` field on a baremetal port ... needs to be ...  a name not a uuid of a segment? is this a normal upstream thing or an "us" thing?22:07
JayFuh, what22:08
rm_work[m]maybe it's an "us" thing :P22:08
JayF> physical_network The name of the physical network to which a port is connected. May be empty.22:08
JayFit's in the API ref22:08
rm_work[m]ok but like... the "must be name" part threw me so hard I had to check22:09
rm_work[m]because that's so opposite to everything else I've touched in openstack22:09
JayFAFAICT, it's just informational22:09
rm_work[m]definitely not informational for us :P22:09
JayFironic living in the real world means we're more likely to put useful text descriptions22:09
rm_work[m]I think something else is abusing that field for OVN config22:09
JayFthere's a test_physical_network in inspector22:10
JayFso maybe it does a thing22:10
JayFrm_work[m]: https://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/admin/networking.html#physical-networks22:11
rm_work[m]I think it must be a routed networks thing22:13
JayFI mean, all I can suggest is grep the codebase and look 22:14
JayFand if it should be better documented, thank you for volunteering ;)22:14
rm_work[m]yeah trying to figure it out now :D22:15
rm_work[m]I assume it started off as informational and someone found out they could get the info they needed from that field and suddenly a dependency was born :P22:15
JayFwell, or it's somehow a loose mapping to $something in neutron22:16
JayFas I told Julia in DM earlier today, between working at Rackspace w/the weird networking they had then, working at large places with completely zero network automation ... most of my knowledge of the network model is dusty and confused :)22:16
JayFI'm improving it 22:16
adavize_when installing bifrost does ironic-inspector get installed too just like ironic?22:29

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