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openstackgerrit | Jacqueline Haefke proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: Add Support for a list of additional-credentials in the SVN-plugin https://review.openstack.org/494307 | 08:09 |
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zxiiro | electrofelix: waynr reminder that we have the biweekly meeting today if y'all around. | 13:33 |
zxiiro | Odd_Bloke: I reviewed your patch | 13:40 |
zxiiro | apparently I spend my holidays working on jjb | 13:40 |
Odd_Bloke | zxiiro: Thanks! | 13:43 |
zxiiro | I want to spend time looking at that issue with the macros inside of other plugins now. it's a blocker to releasing jjb 2.0 imo | 13:45 |
zxiiro | which sadly means we cannot release soon most likely :( | 13:45 |
waynr | yo | 13:46 |
zxiiro | morning! | 13:47 |
waynr | i'm actually on time for a meeting for once...yay | 13:51 |
waynr | i also happen to be moving across the country next week so i'm pretty sure i won't be able to commit to much | 13:51 |
zxiiro | waynr: cool that's exciting. Where you off to? | 13:52 |
electrofelix | zxiiro: around | 13:54 |
electrofelix | so there is a python conference in Ireland coming up in 2 weekends time and I'm hoping to attend. I'm hoping there will be a hacking space and as JJB is python based, planning to spend time there hacking on it ;-) | 13:56 |
electrofelix | or at least assuming I get permission.... | 13:56 |
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zxiiro | nice! | 14:01 |
zxiiro | maybe you can try to get some new contributors haha | 14:01 |
zxiiro | waynr: electrofelix: So I think the only things on the agenda is electrofelix's patch and to figure out what to do about the YAML parser patch which broke macros for inside plugins | 14:02 |
zxiiro | #startmeeting jjb | 14:03 |
openstack | Meeting started Fri Oct 6 14:03:30 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zxiiro. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:03 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:03 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'jjb' | 14:03 |
zxiiro | #chair waynr electrofelix | 14:03 |
openstack | Current chairs: electrofelix waynr zxiiro | 14:03 |
zxiiro | #topic JJB 2.0 | 14:03 |
*** openstack changes topic to "JJB 2.0 (Meeting topic: jjb)" | 14:03 | |
zxiiro | #info need to review electrofelix's patch https://review.openstack.org/506691 | 14:04 |
zxiiro | #info The YAML Parser patch that was merged recently breaks using macros from inside other plugins. | 14:06 |
zxiiro | #link https://review.openstack.org/333076 YAML Parser patch | 14:06 |
zxiiro | #info waynr provided one possible solution https://review.openstack.org/503771 | 14:07 |
zxiiro | waynr: I'm not sure about this solution though as I think it means we will have to know every plugin that allows macros and add explicit support for them right? | 14:08 |
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waynr | zxiiro: that's right | 14:09 |
waynr | however, embedding the yaml parser in the module registry in order to refer back to it during xml expansion completely defeats the original motive for jjb 2 as far as i am concerned | 14:11 |
waynr | although it's worth pointing out that i no longer use JJB at all so my concerns shouldn't be considered a high priority | 14:11 |
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zxiiro | We use macro expansion inside of various plugins extensively and it breaks our jobs so I think we need a solution. Whatever it ends up being. | 14:15 |
zxiiro | electrofelix: any thoughts? | 14:16 |
electrofelix | sorry. distracted | 14:20 |
electrofelix | just looking at the patch mentioned above | 14:21 |
electrofelix | I wonder is there a way to annotate the function to tell registry what to look for and then expand? | 14:23 |
electrofelix | i.e. move the dispatch code from inside the function, to being a decorator that adds some pointers that are added to the registry for added help when processing specific plugins on how to expand? | 14:24 |
waynr | ah yeah that's not a bad idea | 14:25 |
electrofelix | then once it's in the function it can just process the expanded content | 14:28 |
electrofelix | it would mean adding to the entrypoint loading code | 14:28 |
electrofelix | but I think that shouldn't be too difficult | 14:29 |
waynr | yeah | 14:29 |
zxiiro | hmm waynr is that something you can look into? | 14:30 |
electrofelix | I don't mind looking at it next, just been slow to get to things | 14:36 |
zxiiro | electrofelix: ok sure | 14:36 |
waynr | yeah i can't commit to much right now with the chicago move and all | 14:38 |
waynr | (moving from portland to chicago next weekend) | 14:38 |
zxiiro | #action electrofelix to look into fixing macro expansion issue caused by 333076 possibly using an annotated function call | 14:38 |
zxiiro | thanks | 14:38 |
zxiiro | #action waynr and zxiiro to review https://review.openstack.org/506691 | 14:39 |
zxiiro | I think that's all i got. | 14:39 |
zxiiro | you guys got anything else to discuss? | 14:39 |
electrofelix | that's it from me | 14:40 |
zxiiro | alright I'll take that as meeting adjourned | 14:55 |
zxiiro | thanks guys | 14:55 |
zxiiro | #endmeeting | 14:55 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Fri Oct 6 14:55:55 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:55 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/jjb/2017/jjb.2017-10-06-14.03.html | 14:55 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/jjb/2017/jjb.2017-10-06-14.03.txt | 14:55 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/jjb/2017/jjb.2017-10-06-14.03.log.html | 14:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: Add Support for a list of additional-credentials in the SVN-plugin https://review.openstack.org/494307 | 15:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: Add support for unstable return parameter for shell builders https://review.openstack.org/509865 | 15:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Daniel Watkins proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: Add support for {% include %} in Jinja2 templates https://review.openstack.org/493694 | 18:22 |
openstackgerrit | Daniel Watkins proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: Add default columns to list views https://review.openstack.org/492221 | 18:24 |
openstackgerrit | Daniel Watkins proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: Give an explicit error message when unsupported view type used https://review.openstack.org/498848 | 18:26 |
openstackgerrit | Daniel Watkins proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: Update tox.ini to run voting tests by default https://review.openstack.org/489690 | 18:30 |
Odd_Bloke | ^ are just rebases of ageing change requests; the one I'm most interested in getting reviewed/merged is the Jinja2 one. | 18:32 |
Odd_Bloke | Zuul is claiming one of them has conflicts, despite being a rebase on to master. >.< | 18:33 |
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