Tuesday, 2019-08-13

*** electrofelix has joined #openstack-jjb12:32
lennybhi, are are you search for keywords in jjb code after it moved to opendev.org?  search field in the repo returns nothing14:20
zxiirolennyb: not sure I understand the question. can you clarify?15:27
lennybzxiiro, I've discussed this already on #openstack-infra channel. Looks like there is no convenient search repo engine in opendev.org15:29
zxiirook good to know15:29
zxiirothat's a shame15:29
zxiirowait JJB's not mirrored to github anymore?15:32
zxiirohuh that's kinda annoying15:34
*** harlowja has joined #openstack-jjb17:13
*** electrofelix has quit IRC19:06

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