Tuesday, 2023-03-28

hammerstefanHi, I've been testing the recent YAML parser rewrite changes against our pipeline, and I think I've found a regression.  job-template names are not being generated correctly if the argument values are being provided via an !include tag.  Here is a simple example test that passes in 4.3.0 but does not pass against HEAD https://gist.github.com/hammerstefan/63101d3d5f0d2a4e8e2b4cbf393f611115:29
hammerstefanLMK if I should log an issue on the storyboard for this15:29
hammerstefanThis is what the failure looks like against HEAD https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ONfqgvk8/15:44
hammerstefanIt only generates one project instead of 3, and {var} is "['value1', 'value2', 'value3']" instead a single value15:45
hammerstefanthis only happens with !include and !j2-yaml, does not happen when using a direct YAML list21:08

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