Tuesday, 2023-04-18

hammerstefanHi, what is the correct way to report a bug? I tried mentioning it here a month ago, but it looks like it has not been fixed in the 5.0.x release. It is a regression caused by the yaml parser13:51
hammerstefanI could propose a commit with a test that shows the regression13:52
vsevolodhammerstefan: Bugs are here: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/list?status=active&project_id=72314:25
vsevolodPatchsets are here: https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+-is:wip+project:jjb/jenkins-job-builder14:25
vsevolodIt would be best to create a patchset with your test - then fixing it should be easy.14:26
vsevolodAs it takes most efforts to create a proper test14:26
vsevolodBut you can also just create a bug with your jjb sample14:27
vsevolodAs far as i know, only author or patchset can push there. But I may be mistaken.14:27
hammerstefanI've got a simplified test that passes in 4.3 and fails in 5.0, so creating a patchset should be easy.  I'll try to find time today or tomorrow to get that created (first time going through the OpenDev workflow)14:37
abelurvsevolod: I'm getting this error while running a jjb test "While formatting string '{obj:disabled}': Missing parameter: 'obj'" on the file https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/gitweb?p=ci-management.git;a=blob;f=jjb/akraino-templates/akraino-jjb-templates.yaml;h=ed7e8f07922ee4cc500bdbcdd4e4159a3b856fe4;hb=HEAD22:03
abelurPlease ignore this is sorted out! I'll get back if I have more questions. 22:49

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