Wednesday, 2024-02-28

abelurvsevolod: Is this (below) correct way to use  `exclusion-pattern: ` for a jacaco publisher when multiple patterns are to be passed. I might have narrowed the Jenkins internal error , that is breaking the `JJB update` -> Jenkins, while `JJB test` does not really throw any errors at all. Might need more tests to be added?  02:06
abelurIn the job template we are setting this to:02:07
abelurWith JJB 5.x used to work with:02:12
vsevolodCheck that JJB test not only not throwing errors, but produce correct xml06:48
vsevolodI have not ever touched this publisher06:48
vsevolodSo, it should not be broken by recent releases06:48
abelurvsevolod: IDK if its because we are using double quote instead of single quotes as per the JJB examples in the tests `source-inclusion-pattern: '**/*.java,**/*.kt'`07:19
vsevolodI think it should not matter - quotes are just per yaml rules07:25
aslandroHello. Is there any way to skip SSL certificates validation?23:14

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