Monday, 2017-05-15

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chenyingping yuval07:27
yuvalhey chenying07:27
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chenyingyuval  jiaopengju did some test about rclone in his environment. I seem that the rclone tool work.07:31
yuvalchenying: very good07:32
yuvalchenying: does jiaopengju think about protecting files as part of a plan with more resources, or just the files?07:32
chenyingyuval: I have a question about using rclone to backup files. It means that the bank in karbor will not been used, the rclone tools can backup files to swift/ceph/s3 directly in the vm.07:33
chenyingping jiaopengju07:33
yuvalchenying: this breaks the bank abstraction07:34
yuvalchenying: it is possible to do in a protection plugin, but not recommended07:34
jiaopengjuyuval: i think the files should be a  independent plan07:35
chenyingyuval IMO , the files or07:37
chenyingdirectory just the parameters for the vm resoures, if user want to protect the files in the vm. We can refer to network protectable plugin, we define that the vm id as the files resources id.07:37
yuvalchenying: I don't understand07:38
chenyingyuval:   I am thinking about that the implementation of files protectable plugin.07:40
chenyingyuval  protecting files as part of a plan with more resources, or just the files?  What does it mean?07:40
yuvalchenying: Ok. Right now we have a protectable roughly for each resource type. If we add a protectable called 'Files', it can be added to plan together with more protectables. I was asking what is the intent of jiaopengju: let users protect 'Files' only in a plan, or let them create a plan with multiple resource types including 'Files'07:43
jiaopengjulet users protect 'Files' only in a plan07:44
chenyingjiaopengju:  let users protect 'Files' only in a plan. IMO, you will create a plan only include 'Files'.07:44
yuvalchenying: jiaopengju: so, do you plan on restricting users for adding non-files resources to a files plan?07:46
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jiaopengjuyuaval: I seem to be wrong about your question. I think users should specify the protection files only, or with other resource. For example, users can protect some volumes and  some files in a plan or just protect some files in a plan.07:52
jiaopengjusorry, yuval07:52
chenyingyuval Do we need condsider the restricting?  adding non-files resources to a files plan, It depend on the user.07:53
jiaopengjuName misspellings07:53
yuvalchenying: the scope of the question is the intent of jiaopengju, not the technical restrictions of karbor07:53
chenyingSo you think that the restricting is not needed.07:58
jiaopengjujust like what karbor do about other resources07:59
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chenying  hi yuval, you comments bave been adressed.08:22
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