Tuesday, 2018-05-22

*** ktibi has joined #openstack-kayobe07:57
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ktibi@mgoddard, hi mark, maybe you know If I can run just a k-a role  ?09:09
mgoddardktibi: you can specify tags, via --kolla-tags <tags>09:13
mgoddarde.g. --kolla-tags nova09:13
ktibiyes but I don't know if we have tag for host configure09:13
ktibiI'll try to override redhat_pkg_install in kolla/globals.yml09:14
mgoddardit's only one role - baremetal09:14
ktibiand run host configure for upgrade my docker09:14
mgoddardthat should work09:15
ktibiyes I hope :p09:15
ktibikayobe overcloud host configure --limit ctrl0209:16
ktibiwithout live-restore09:16
ktibiI don't know how containers will react :/09:16
mgoddardone node at a time should be ok - containers will restart09:17
ktibiho ho09:18
ktibiforget kolla-limit ><09:18
ktibictrl-c on the first task :D09:18
ktibimgoddard, ho, no change :/ maybe I can't override this var in globals.yml :/09:21
ktibiI can't find my var in etc/kolla/globals.yml09:22
ktibibut I can see it in etc/kayobe/kolla/globals.yml09:22
mgoddardmaybe the kolla-ansible.yml playbook didn't run?09:23
mgoddardmaybe add localhost: to --limit09:23
ktibifirst task is : PLAY [Ensure IP addresses are allocated]09:24
ktibiwith kayobe overcloud host configure --limit localhost:ctrl02 --kolla-limit ctrl0209:24
mgoddardthat's ok09:25
mgoddardlook in kayobe/cli/commands.py for the order09:26
ktibinever add kolla-ansible09:26
ktibior maybe here : playbooks = _build_playbook_list("kolla-ansible")09:26
ktibiok so maybe need to plya that before other tasks ?09:26
mgoddardit runs before kolla-ansible, so I think it's ok09:27
ktibiPLAY [Ensure Kolla Ansible is configured] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************09:28
ktibiskipping: no hosts matched09:28
ktibiok wait I'll try with localhost because I think I stop before that09:29
ktibiwork :)09:33
mgoddardyou can probably use --tags if you want to further limit the kayobe playbooks that get run09:34
ktibi--tags baremetal ?09:39
mgoddardthat is for kayobe tags - normally the same name as the playbook09:45
mgoddard--tags kolla-ansible09:45
mgoddardktibi: if you have a little time, https://review.openstack.org/#/dashboard/?foreach=%28project%3Aopenstack%2Fkayobe%29+status%3Aopen+NOT+label%3ACode-Review%3C%3D-2&title=Kayobe+Review+Dashboard&My+Patches+Requiring+Attention=owner%3Aself+%28label%3AVerified-1%2Czuul+OR+label%3ACode-Review-1+OR+label%3AWorkflow%3C%3D-1%29&Small+things+%28%3C25+LOC%2C+limit+10%29=delta%3A%3C%3D25+limit%3A10+%28NOT+label%3ACode-Review-1%2Ckayobe-core%29+label%3AV10:16
mgoddardthat's a long url10:16
ktibiyes ^^10:17
mgoddardkayobe review dashboard, you have the link already?10:17
ktibiyes I'll check10:17
ktibimgoddard, question about custom playbook10:32
ktibiif I want to use openstack module (os_), it's easy to use credentiel generated by kolla ? did you have already test that?10:33
mgoddardyes, we do that in 'kayobe overcloud post configure'10:33
mgoddardbut possibly only for bare metal deployments10:33
ktibiho why ?10:34
mgoddardregister deployment images, inspector rules, provisioning networks10:34
ktibiha, post deployement if for baremetal. But I can use credentiel on a virtual env10:35
ktibiis ofr*10:35
ktibifor* T_T10:35
mgoddardyes - it will work10:35
mgoddarduse {{ openstack_auth }}10:35
ktibiok you use env vars, so kayobe have a task for source the file ?10:36
mgoddardno, you need to do it manually before10:44
ktibimgoddard, ok compute doesn't like new version of docker http://paste.openstack.org/show/721582/10:51
mgoddardthat's not good10:52
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openstackgerritNick Jones proposed openstack/kayobe master: Specify Vagrant box version  https://review.openstack.org/57000316:15
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