Monday, 2019-01-21

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mgoddardmeeting in a few minutes, agenda:
mgoddard#startmeeting kayobe14:00
openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 21 14:00:46 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mgoddard. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: kayobe)"14:00
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'kayobe'14:00
mgoddardWelcome to the first Kayobe IRC meeting!14:01
mgoddardWe'll start with a rollcall14:01
mgoddard#topic rollcall14:01
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mgoddardPlease raise your hands14:01
mgoddard#topic agenda14:03
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mgoddard* Roll-call14:03
mgoddard* Announcements14:03
mgoddard  * yankcrime leaving core14:03
mgoddard* Discussion14:03
mgoddard  * Meeting format14:04
mgoddard  * Rocky release (
mgoddard  * Stein release (
mgoddard  * Summit CFP14:04
mgoddard* Open Discussion14:04
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mgoddard#topic announcements14:04
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mgoddardSorry to start the first meeting on a low note, but yankcrime will be leaving the core group in a few weeks to due a change of role14:05
mgoddardThanks for all your work yankcrime, you've made some good contributions14:05
jovial[m]he will very much be missed14:05
mgoddardAny other announcements?14:06
yankcrimeit's been both a pleasure and an honour to work with you all14:06
mgoddard#topic meeting format14:07
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mgoddardSince it's the first time we're doing this, I thought I'd just go over how we expect it to work. It should be familiar for anyone who attends other OpenStack IRC meetings14:07
mgoddardMeetings will be at this time (1400 UTC) on every other Monday, even calendar weeks14:08
mgoddardPlease add anything you'd like to be discussed to the agenda
mgoddardIdeally prior to the meeting. If not, other things can be brought up in the final 'open discussion'14:09
mgoddardAny thoughts/questions?14:09
jovial[m]Do you just edit `Agenda for next meeting `?14:10
mgoddardI'll add some words to the wiki to make that a little clearer14:10
jovial[m]What happens to the old agenda?14:10
mgoddard#action mgoddard to add some words to the wiki to make that a little clearer14:10
mgoddardGetting the hang of this14:10
mgoddardAny others?14:11
priteauJust a reminder that come end of March, the United Kingdom will be on UTC+1 and that will make the meeting be at 15:00 London Time14:11
mgoddardGood point priteau, thanks14:11
mgoddard#topic rocky release14:11
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mgoddardso we're still trailing upstream releases, but are hopefully on track to catch up during Stein14:12
mgoddardNext kayobe release will be for Rocky, within the next few weeks if possible14:12
mgoddard#link add some words to the wiki to make that a little clearer14:13
openstackRemoving item from minutes: #link add14:13
mgoddardPlease update the above with any features or bugs you think should be in the release14:13
mgoddardThis will be used more particularly as we get closer to the end, to decide at what point to branch and release, and which features to hold until stein14:14
mgoddard#topic stein release14:16
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mgoddardThe openstack stein release is planned to be made on 8th - 12th April14:17
mgoddardKolla releases typically trail this by a few weeks, I would expect us to do the same since we depend on kolla14:18
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mgoddardI don't expect it to be a big release for us, due to the timescale, but hopefully time for a few features14:18
mgoddardAgain, if there is anything you would particularly like to see in the release, please add it to the release page14:19
mgoddardAnyone have features they'd particularly like to see in Stein?14:19
mgoddardI guess we'll take it as we go. Certainly plenty on the backlog14:21
mgoddard#topic Summit CFP14:21
*** openstack changes topic to "Summit CFP (Meeting topic: kayobe)"14:21
mgoddardThis is more of an announcement really14:21
mgoddardOpenStack summit call for presentations is open14:22
mgoddardThe deadline to submit is Wednesday, January 23 at 11:59pm PT.14:22
mgoddardSo not long to go14:22
jovial[m]Are you thinking of presenting?14:23
mgoddardI'd like to submit an 'intro to kayobe' talk14:23
mgoddardif anyone else has any ideas for talks related to kayobe, now's the time14:24
mgoddardpairing up with others is often well received14:24
mgoddardjovial[m]: are you going to submit any?14:25
jovial[m]I've got nothing sufficently interesting to talk about - sorry14:26
mgoddardI'm sure that's not true!14:26
mgoddard#topic open discussion14:27
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jovial[m]battle stories from kayobe in the field?14:27
mgoddardjovial[m]: those kinds of talks are always interesting14:27
mgoddardAnyone have anything else they'd like to discuss?14:28
mgoddardjovial[m]: how is your pip install work going?14:31
jovial[m]Seems to work well enough. I was awaiting to see if anyone had any more feedback.14:32
jovial[m]I guess we still need those PBR fixes merged.14:32
mgoddardGood. I'd like to pull it down at some point to try to break it :)14:33
mgoddarddoes it depend on the PBR changes?14:33
jovial[m]At least the one that fixes the handling of whitespace changes:
jovial[m]only if you want to use it in the editable install mode14:34
jovial[m]which could install galaxy dpenedencies into your git checkout14:34
mgoddardany workaround possible?14:35
mgoddardwe know which files cause problems, and they're only necessary for Arch, which we don't support. Could we remove them?14:35
jovial[m]manually removing "ansible/roles/yatesr.timezone/templates/timezone-Arch Linux.j2"?14:36
jovial[m]that is the only file that causes trouble14:36
mgoddardwould be a shame to get blocked on PBR merge & release, given we're quite close to release14:36
priteauChange the control host bootstrap to remove this file?14:36
mgoddardwe might also have issues with Rocky upper-constraints - they won't get a PBR bump14:37
mgoddardwe don't normally use UC to install, but might do in CI/tox, can't remember14:37
jovial[m]we could manually expand the glob and list everyfile in setup.cfg?14:38
jovial[m]without that one :D14:38
mgoddardsounds difficult to maintain14:38
mgoddarddoes removing the file not work?14:39
mgoddardI know it's a bit gross, but at least it's small and gross :)14:39
jovial[m]I think it may be possible to use a hook when the file is packaged. Does anyone know?14:40
mgoddardthe problem being that we might not get to run e.g. control host bootstrap between pip installs?14:41
jovial[m]or we could fork:
jovial[m]at least until we have PBR support14:42
mgoddardthat might not be the worst option14:42
mgoddardI think that is the simplest path forward14:43
mgoddardwe can always go back once PBR is fixed14:44
mgoddardI'll review those PBR patches in the meantime to see if that helps nudge them along14:45
jovial[m]OK, sounds good to me.14:45
mgoddardok, thanks jovial[m]14:45
mgoddardany others?14:45
mgoddardI guess not. Thanks for coming everyone!14:46
*** openstack changes topic to "Deployment of containerised OpenStack to bare metal |"14:46
openstackMeeting ended Mon Jan 21 14:46:22 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:46
openstackMinutes (text):
jovial[m]It's been good to be a part of the first meeting - I'm sure this will be a historic moment14:47
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