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openstackgerrit | Matt Fischer proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Make the LDAP debug option a configurable setting https://review.openstack.org/87068 | 02:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Jenkins proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/83955 | 06:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Li Ma proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Password trunction makes password insecure https://review.openstack.org/77325 | 11:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Li Ma proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Password trunction makes password insecure https://review.openstack.org/77325 | 13:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Nathanael I Burton proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fix typo of ANS1 to ASN1 https://review.openstack.org/87069 | 16:18 |
openstackgerrit | Marek Denis proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Add CRUD operations for Federation Mapping Rules. https://review.openstack.org/83742 | 16:20 |
openstackgerrit | Nathanael I Burton proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Fix typo of ANS1 to ASN1 https://review.openstack.org/87071 | 16:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Check that all po/pot files are valid https://review.openstack.org/84211 | 16:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Nathanael I Burton proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fix typo of ANS1 to ASN1 https://review.openstack.org/87069 | 17:46 |
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jamielennox | bknudson: not sure if you're here, thanks for all the reviews | 23:10 |
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morganfainberg | jamielennox, i'm feeling in adequate on the review front seeing all of bknudson's ;) | 23:25 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, also, had a question for you ... now let me see if I can remember what it was | 23:26 |
jamielennox | morganfainberg: i was all prepared to come to this weeks meeting ranting about how i hadn't got any client reviews this week | 23:26 |
morganfainberg | (this was pre-coffee) | 23:26 |
jamielennox | then just a flood of them | 23:26 |
morganfainberg | hehe | 23:26 |
morganfainberg | i have a window open for reviews right now actually, specifically all the client reviews. | 23:26 |
morganfainberg | rather than writing code thats my goal for the rest of today | 23:26 |
jamielennox | not to discourage that - but isn't it sunday night? | 23:27 |
morganfainberg | it is. | 23:27 |
morganfainberg | but to be fair, bknudson is on vacation iirc | 23:27 |
morganfainberg | :P | 23:27 |
jamielennox | really? i'm going to get so much merged this week :) | 23:27 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, actually i did nothing useful this weekend. played diablo 3 yesterday, realized i needed to do something productive so today = code review (now that i have coffee and did some errands) | 23:28 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, just because it's been a bit... the stup_entity is how we get the responses into httpretty | 23:30 |
morganfainberg | and the @activate decorator is the "patch the socket" mechanism, right? | 23:31 |
jamielennox | right, activate does the patch | 23:32 |
jamielennox | normally you then use register_uri but i abstracted it a bit because almost always the base url is the same and stuff | 23:32 |
morganfainberg | right | 23:32 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, i like your positional decorator more an more | 23:34 |
jamielennox | i'm actually a little sick of httpretty, someone on the mailing list wants to replace it with httmock but i don't see that as much better | 23:34 |
jamielennox | :) | 23:34 |
morganfainberg | looking at: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/83630/4/keystoneclient/session.py | 23:34 |
jamielennox | morganfainberg: i'm fixing up bknudson's comments right now on that one | 23:34 |
morganfainberg | and it reminded me of it | 23:34 |
morganfainberg | cause... it's there | 23:34 |
morganfainberg | :P | 23:34 |
jamielennox | i don't think it needs a blueprint though | 23:35 |
morganfainberg | well i'm looking it over, have a nit about the commit message. | 23:35 |
jamielennox | tell me now cause i'm about to resubmit | 23:35 |
morganfainberg | i would say it needs a BP or a bug at least | 23:35 |
morganfainberg | i'd say BP if it has more changes to associate with it | 23:35 |
morganfainberg | sec let me finish reviewing :P | 23:35 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox ok comment on the commit message posted, it's a NIT but just something to make it less "we should do ... | 23:37 |
morganfainberg | " and more "this now is the case" | 23:37 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, and in general i think we've become too lax on bug/bp enforcement in both client and server, I'd like most things to have tracking -- and this comes from simply a way to track changes to a feature. | 23:38 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, i know... it's paperwork, but it helps for correlating code to releases. | 23:38 |
jamielennox | morganfainberg: i don't disagree - particularly small changes like that though were a response to make migrating to other clients easier | 23:39 |
jamielennox | it's not part of any particular bp, i guess it can always be a bug but it's not a 'bug' it's a feature request | 23:39 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, and i think that can all go into a single BP "ease migration for other clients" | 23:39 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, thats how i'd handle it | 23:39 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, you could just create a aggregate BP for this stuff, features-requests-for-client-integration | 23:43 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, it's not a specific BP but it's a place we can track that work. | 23:44 |
bknudson | jamielennox: I'm around... was just trying to catch up with reviews because we've had so many outstanding reviews for the past several months | 23:44 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, vacation and weekend, you're a machine | 23:44 |
bknudson | plus I'm paying back for reviews of the configurable hashing algorithms reviews I got | 23:44 |
bknudson | it's been raining all day | 23:45 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, i'm kind of jealous atm. send some rain to SoCal, we could use it | 23:45 |
openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Allow session to return an error response object https://review.openstack.org/83630 | 23:46 |
jamielennox | bknudson, morganfainberg: done, thansk | 23:47 |
morganfainberg | jamielennox, wow, there are less reviews for client than last time i looked. | 23:49 |
jamielennox | morganfainberg: other than me it's been quiet lately | 23:49 |
jamielennox | not sure if i'm just scaring everyone off | 23:49 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, iirc global-reqs and translations don't need 2x+2 to go in. | 23:50 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, as long as they are unadulterated (e.g. jenkins proposed and look good) | 23:50 |
bknudson | morganfainberg: oh, I'd never heard that before. | 23:50 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, translations for sure. | 23:51 |
morganfainberg | i'd 2x check on global-reqs but pretty sure the same. | 23:51 |
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