Friday, 2014-05-09

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Updated from global requirements
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dcWhat is the best way to make keystone HA?01:15
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mfischanyone know if keystone can handle client-side certs?01:49
mfischI'm hoping that if I configure the underlying python lib correctly it won't care01:49
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritayoung proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Example Initialization scripts
openstackgerritayoung proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: revocation_events script
openstackgerritayoung proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Revocation event API
ayoungmfisch, pretty sure it can02:37
mfischayoung: yeah I was thinking I'd just need to setup the ldap.conf correctly02:38
mfischmy AD guys say I need a client-side cert to talk to them02:38
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openstackgerritayoung proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Compressed Signature and Validation
ayoungmfisch, almost positive I saw a param for that poking through the client02:43 mean for TLS in LDAP?02:43
mfischtls_cacertfile is for the server cert02:44
mfischit should be tls_certfile if it matches ldap.conf02:44
mfischayoung: and yes to your question02:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1040115 in keystone "TLS support for LDAP back end" [High,Fix released]02:44
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mfischayoung: yes, ldaps works great with tls02:47
mfischayoung: but in addition to a server cert, apparently I need a client-side cert02:47
ayoungmfisch, that actually makes sense.02:48
mfischso not TLS_CACERT, TLS_CERT02:48
ayoungmfisch, you good?02:51
mfischayoung: yeah I'm just going to try it out and see what happens02:52
mfischafter atl02:52
ayoungmorganfainberg, I don't think that was a token you pasted03:10
ayoungthat is from
ayoungno token body in there, unless it is in that section called PKCS #7 Data03:11
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sldis anyone around by chance?03:43
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openstackgerritSteven Deaton proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Change get to show
sldif anyone can look at that review and offer feedback, it'd be great. thanks.04:48
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openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Add support for extensions-list
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Refactor tests regarding required attributes
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atmarkhello all, i accidentally deleted the tenant admin and now i'm unable to login and query from the cli06:34
atmarkhow am i suppose to get it back?06:34
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sldnever done that before, but the only thing i can think of is trying to use the admin token to connect... admin username and admin token should give you full access to everything, so you should be able to recreate it, in theory.06:58
jaosorior:t face07:00
jaosoriorwrong application07:00
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Abhijeet_Hi all, can anyone help me with keystone identity module in openstack/tempest08:56
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/identity-api: Pretty print JSON sample files
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack/keystone: debug level logs should not be translated
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack/keystone: debug level logs should not be translated
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack/keystone: debug level logs should not be translated
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ayoungdolphm, bknudson I'm attempting to use next-review.  Keep getting "paramiko.PasswordRequiredException: Private key file is encrypted"13:54
ayoung1.  What is paramiko using for Key/password mgmgt13:55
ayoung2.  How do I kick it to let me try to use my password again?  I got it wrong too many times.13:55
dolphmayoung: ha, hmm...13:55
dolphmayoung: i have no idea what paramiko uses -- and i've never been locked out (?) of an ssh key. so you don't get the SSH Key Passphrase prompt anymore?13:56
ayoungdolphm, not anymore, and it was rejecting the one I have been using.13:57
dolphmayoung: is that a red hat thing?13:57
ayoungdolphm, possibly.13:57
ayoungThe password dialog is gnome based, probably13:57
ayoungdolphm, I might just need to package that for Fedora.....13:58
bknudsonI had to set my username since it's not the same as on my box -- username=blk-u in ~/.next_review13:58
bknudsonif git-review works then next-review should also work... I think it's mostly the same code13:59
ayoungbknudson, OK,: pip installl --upgrade  and now I got prompted...and now13:59
ayoungparamiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: No existing session13:59
ayoungis it looking for an ssh-agent?13:59
bknudsonI always have ssh-agent running14:00
ayoungyeah, that was it.  Doing an explicit ssh-add made it work14:01
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* larsks notes that "No existing session" is also paramiko's secret code for "you're using the wrong username"14:13
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dolphmlarsks: good to know14:28
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack/keystone: debug level logs should not be translated
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andriyk0Hello guys! Could you please help me to understand how the keystone-client tests work? For me it looks like it is kind of "fake everything". What 'ref' and 'req_ref' are?15:04
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dolphmandriyk0: can you link to a specific test that you're looking at?15:32
dolphmandriyk0: happy to talk through one15:32
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andriyk0dolphm: /.venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/tests/v3/utils.py15:39
andriyk0I am interested in ref and req_ref15:39
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andriyk0what should be passed to self.stub_entity entity argument? I suspect that is body of request?15:42
andriyk0and then self.assertEntityRequestBodyIs(req_ref). Is it not a fake? We set params for body in request and then check it? Of course it will never fail15:43
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ayoungandriyk0, just dealt with this last night15:49
ayoungthe refs are assuming that the whole thing is going to be built up into a response.  But there are other ways to do it.15:49
ayoungandriyk0,,cm   line 4215:52
ayoungI actually produce the expected result out of the JSON read from the examples directory15:52
dolphmandriyk0: this isn't actually a standalone test, though15:54
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack/identity-api: Add ``user`` object to the mapping rules examples.
ayoungstevemar, do we need a User in each rule?   I don't think we do16:05
stevemarayoung, was going to ping you about that, the way the mapping rules are evaluated, there has to be at least one 'user' rule16:06
andriyk0ayoung: so 'ref' is what I expect in response and 'req_ref' is reuest's body. correct?16:06
ayoungstevemar, right...16:06
ayoungstevemar, not really sufficient, though16:07
ayoungyou need to make sure that everyone is covered.  So a rule that only covers, say, ayoung@REDHAT.COM won't cut it16:07
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andriyk0dolphm: yes. I know that it is not a standalone test, but it is inherited by all tests that do crud operations16:07
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andriyk0so understanding of is crucial for me16:08
ayoungandriyk0, the stub_entity call basically builds the response for HTTPretty.
ayoungandriyk0, and that calls self.stub_url...16:09
ayoungand I can't see where that is defined in that sec16:09
stevemarotherwise, we wouldn;t know what to drop into the token16:10
stevemarayoung, ^ the user option can take advantage of the wildcard operation {0}16:11
stevemarsince it's normally just specifying a SAML attribute, and not SAML attribute+value16:11
ayoungstevemar, right...I think what we need to say is that all valid users need to have a rule that maps userids.16:11
stevemarayoung, we're not saying that?16:12
stevemarlet me look at the patch again16:12
ayoungstevemar, is there an ordering of the rules, that ensures the wildcard only applies if no other rule applies?16:12
stevemarayoung, you mean if there were 2 rules that were the same 'remote' value?16:13
stevemareither way, i think the answer is no16:14
ayoungstevemar, say on that mapped  to Admin and another that was a {0}16:14
stevemarayoung, i see what you mean16:16
andriyk0ok. thanks, guys16:16
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ayoungstevemar, Juno feature waiting there, I think16:17
ayoungandriyk0, got what you needed?  What are you trying to test?16:17
stevemarayoung, i believe we pick the first one, and log the second16:17
ayoungstevemar, but how do we define first and second?16:17
stevemarayoung, there is no notion of priority16:17
ayoungordering should be explicit16:17
andriyk0actually not :), but I will spend some time to put correct prints for debugging in order to understand where those ref and req_ref are used16:18
andriyk0but this is helpful "the stub_entity call basically builds the response for HTTPretty" - now I know the place where the response is built16:19
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ayoungdolphm, do we have a mechanism to do away with URL building  code like this and instead detect how the object was referecnes/called?          return self._create('/users/%s/credentials/OS-EC2' % user_id,16:36
ayoung                            params, "credential", management=False)16:36
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openstackgerritayoung proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Basic-Auth middleware
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AmritaHow can I restore my clustre's mysql service ?17:17
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ayoungAmrita, depends on your distro, but probably just service mysqld start on each node17:37
gabriel-bezerraayoung: I figured out that I couldn't authenticate with curl but it worked ok when I used Postman REST Client. Are you still using curl to test keystone api? The command I was issuing was pretty much the same I could find on some post of your blog.17:41
ayoung" I couldn't authenticate with curl " what do you mean by that?17:41
gabriel-bezerraI mean.. have you had any problems working with curl to test keystone on apache recently?17:42
ayounguse it just the other day17:42
ayoungwith Kerberos17:42
gabriel-bezerrait always returns me Unauthorized17:42
ayoungit doesn't like you17:42
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ayounggabriel-bezerra, grep through the code for if username = "gabriel-bezerra" and you can see where I explicitly lock you out.17:43
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nkinderayoung: that referral backport needs some changes to make the tests work17:43
ayoungnkinder, no surprise17:43
nkinderayoung: fakeldap had quite a few changes, so the tests don't work.17:44
gabriel-bezerrahehehe.. I take a token with a POST to /v3/auth/tokens and | awk '/X-Subject-Token/ {print $2}'17:44
ayoungthe whole FakeLDAP/...yep17:44
nkinderI think the actual fix is the easy part, it's just the tests that are difficult (and maybe not worth worrying about)?17:44
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ayoungnkinder, hmmm....hate to have it without tests, but the FakeLDAP tests are kindof meaningless17:45
nkinderayoung: I don't see how it is actually testing referral chasing17:45
ayounggabriel-bezerra, can you run keystone in a debugger?  Guessing you are not getting the token.  Turn on Keystone debugging in the conf file anyway17:45
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ayoungnkinder, so long as we run something in liveldap that shows Just adding the option doesn't break a normal usage it is safe.17:46
ayoungBut yeah, chop out the tests, and we can test that by hand as we need to anyway17:46
gabriel-bezerraexport ADMIN_TOKEN=$(curl -si -d @token-request.json -H "Content-type: application/json" | awk '/X-Subject-Token/ {print $2}')17:47
gabriel-bezerracurl -si -H "X-Auth-Token: $ADMIN_TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json"
gabriel-bezerrareturns Unauthorized17:48
gabriel-bezerra$ echo $ADMIN_TOKEN | wc -c17:48
gabriel-bezerrait does look like a token17:49
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gabriel-bezerraayoung: I set debug=True on keystone.conf, but I couldn't find usefulh information on the logs.17:53
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ayounggabriel-bezerra  let me see your code?17:55
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gabriel-bezerraayoung: what part of the code you mean? keystone.conf?17:56
ayoungno, the calling code.  fpaste your curl call17:56
ayounggabriel-bezerra, you are sure you got back a token?17:57
gabriel-bezerrayes I am17:57
ayounggabriel-bezerra, then you got authenticated properly17:57
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ayoungthe problem is either that you are requesting a resource that you have no permissions on17:58
ayoungor that the URL is configured to do Authentication (Kerberos or whatever) and you are not calling curl with the right options to pass through that.  Or something17:58
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ayoungshouldn't that be 35357?18:03
gabriel-bezerraanyway, the result is the same18:04
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ayoungyeah, it would be a 404 otherwise18:04
gabriel-bezerraI've just done it to check. Got same result.18:04
morganfainbergayoung, compressed tokens is looking good (trying to get the full review done before hopping on a plane)18:04
ayoungmorganfainberg, that would be swell18:05
morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, for the mod-shib documentation for apache 2.4, would including at the top that this was done on 12.04 be sufficient (vs just "ubuntu")?18:05
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morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, 12.04 ships apache 2.2 (not 2.4)18:05
gabriel-bezerraayoung: when I used Postman, I copied and pasted the token and it worked out. With curl, I get that error.18:06
ayounggabriel-bezerra, I've not seen that.18:07
ayounggabriel-bezerra, how long is your token?18:08
gabriel-bezerramorganfainberg: Ubuntu 12.04 and Apache 2.2. It would make clear that the apache version is not recent.18:09
gabriel-bezerramorganfainberg: does it make sense to you?18:09
morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, would you be opposed to that coming as a followup patch?18:09
morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, i'd like to get that documentation merged, i can propose that change today as a followup if that works.18:10
gabriel-bezerraayoung: you mean the token I got with postman?18:10
morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, and yes, that makes sense.18:10
ayounggabriel-bezerra, ah, you are getting the token via a different clue.  You going to be at the Summit next week?18:10
gabriel-bezerramorganfainberg: no, I wouldn't. I just got the error and would like that the doc at least warned about that.18:12
morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, great, i'll respond to your comment on that and get a follwup being more specific propsed :)18:12
gabriel-bezerraayoung: When I both got the token and used the api with Postman, it worked. When I both got the token and used the api with curl, I got the error.18:13
morganfainbergayoung, line #315, is that meant to be encoding text_types only (unicode) or also convert byte_str to bytearray as well?18:13
ayoungmorganfainberg, whatever it is, it works for both py3 and py2718:14
gabriel-bezerraayoung: I won't make it to this Summit.18:14
morganfainbergayoung, ok works for me.18:14
ayounggabriel-bezerra, bummer...18:14
morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, :( thats unfortunate!18:15
ayoungmorganfainberg, txt types only18:15
morganfainbergayoung, in py27, six.string_types will be str() and unicode()18:15
ayoungnot sure what  byte_str  means in that case.18:15
ayoungmorganfainberg, yep18:15
morganfainbergbyte_str = py27 str()18:16
morganfainbergtext_type = unicode()18:16
morganfainbergin 27 you shouldn't need that conversion, but i don't think it hurts...18:16
ayoungmorganfainberg, pretty sure that conversion was for 3318:16
morganfainbergi'm not sure you'll ever hit the else in py2718:16
morganfainbergayoung, right,18:16
morganfainbergayoung, it's fine, just making sure i understood the intention :)18:17
ayoungmorganfainberg, we need to make sure that what we pass to popen is a string format18:17
ayoungI mean "not" a string format, for py318:18
morganfainbergayoung, ++18:18
ayoungit was that whole universal newline thing18:18
morganfainbergayoung, ahhh ok yeah18:18
ayoungthat might be the py27 specific code.  as py33 is alreay a byte array, no?18:18
morganfainbergayoung, no py33 str() = py27 unicode18:19
morganfainbergayoung, bytes() is the type in py33 you'd want, but bytearray is 27/33 compatible18:19
morganfainbergbytes() in 27 = str() in 2718:19
morganfainbergit's... stupidly confusing18:19
ayoungmorganfainberg, my head hurts18:19
morganfainbergayoung, so does mine :P18:20
ayoungyeah, and this works, and was done by trial and error over a month ago and I forget18:20
morganfainbergayoung, i'm going to stop worrying about this. it looks good.18:20
morganfainbergayoung, and if it works -- we can make it better in the future18:20
morganfainbergif needed18:20
ayoungmorganfainberg, yep.18:21
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morganfainbergayoung, line 188 is that supposed to be zlib- or PKIZ_ prefixing the token?18:23
ayoungmorganfainberg, just garbage18:24
morganfainbergayoung, sure, wasn't sure if you were planning on using the real prefix or not18:24
ayoungI guess PKIZ_ would go deeper into the test, though18:24
morganfainbergayoung, the ASN1 has the real prefix is all18:25
ayoungmorganfainberg, can't hurt to change that,18:25
morganfainbergayoung, ok i'll tag it / comment18:25
ayoungyreah, should be PKIZ I think.  That might be based on an old appraoch.18:25
morganfainbergayoung, cool18:25
stevemarmarekd|away, ping?18:32
morganfainbergstevemar, add a followup patch that fixes gabriel-bezerra's concern about apache 2.4 (or i can later today)18:35
morganfainbergstevemar, just approved that one after the irc convo.18:35
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stevemarmorganfainberg, doing that now, was hoping to ask marekd|away what his system was specically18:35
morganfainbergstevemar, ++18:35
stevemarmorganfainberg, i'll just have to call out < 2.4 instead18:35
morganfainbergstevemar, sure.18:36
morganfainbergstevemar, it's safe to call it 2.2 - my guess18:36
morganfainbergstevemar, rather than < 2.418:36
stevemarmorganfainberg, "The following configuration steps were performed on a machine running18:37
stevemarUbuntu 12.04 and Apache 2.2.22."18:37
morganfainbergstevemar, ++ works for me.18:37
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Add detailed federation configuration docs
morganfainbergstevemar, or.. you could update the patch and punt it out of gate :P18:38
stevemarmorganfainberg, i wrote a good chunk of this, i feel bad even +2'ing it18:39
morganfainbergstevemar, ah ok18:39
morganfainbergi see the co-author now.18:39
morganfainbergstevemar, works for me18:39
stevemari mean, a lot of it was just moving things around and putting the structure in place, and making it rst friendly18:39
stevemarbut ya know18:39
morganfainbergwell +2 then.18:40
morganfainbergi'll let you chase soemone else down for the followup +2+A18:40
stevemarmorganfainberg, ah shoot, i didn't realize you had +A'ed it18:41
morganfainbergstevemar, i told you specifically before you revised it :P18:41
stevemarmorganfainberg, you said patch!18:41
stevemarmorganfainberg, that means put up another revision18:42
morganfainbergstevemar, [20140509 11:35:14] <morganfainberg> stevemar, just approved that one after the irc convo.18:42
morganfainbergstevemar, [20140509 11:35:34] <stevemar> morganfainberg, doing that now, was hoping to ask marekd|away what his system was specically18:42
stevemarmorganfainberg, man, now i went and destroyed the gate18:42
morganfainbergstevemar, hehe18:43
stevemarmorganfainberg, our mail server is too slow, i get the notice a few minutes too late18:43
morganfainbergstevemar, aww :(18:43
* morganfainberg writes a gerritbot to send notices to stevemar on all voting of patches he's watching. (private messages)18:43
* stevemar apologizes to the magical gate18:43
stevemarmorganfainberg, no worries, i can always get dolphm to take another look at it18:44
morganfainbergstevemar, looks like mod_wsgi wont ever work until we get compressed tokens :(18:45
dolphmmorganfainberg: there's a patch for that18:45
morganfainbergstevemar, tempest that is18:45
morganfainbergdolphm, lol just reviewed it. minor issue with the client fixture, but ti's close18:45
dolphmmorganfainberg: upload a patchset!18:46
morganfainbergdolphm, planning on it.18:46
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Compressed Signature and Validation
morganfainbergdolphm, otherwise keystoneclient change looks good to me.18:49
morganfainbergok gotta head out for a bit. be back... in a few hours i hope.18:51
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kfox1111ok, so I added a heat domain as described in the release notes, and lots of things just broke.18:58
kfox1111are there other things I need to do to enable multiple domains?18:58
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kfox1111some of my tenants disapeared...19:04
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kfox1111how can that happen?!?19:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/keystone: Reduce excess LDAP searches
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dolphm(does heat ever delete tenants/projects?)19:17
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kfox1111I should think not...19:23
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kfox1111whatever the case, this is a serious issue.19:23
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kfox1111shoudln't keystone.user_group_membership have stuff in it?19:27
kfox1111hmm.. assignment table I guess...19:28
kfox1111keystone user-role-list --user-id f5a3891411f34614b499f53fae5674ad prints nothing19:29
kfox1111but if I look in assignments, I see:19:29
kfox1111| UserProject | f5a3891411f34614b499f53fae5674ad | 94c1fbbc041f477f9b56275c887ac724 | 373c8af87f224286810eff872d3ac042 |         0 |19:29
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ayoungnkinder, We can finally forget about "Remember the DN."19:30
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nkinderayoung: yay!19:31
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stevemarkfox1111, did you get any farther?19:43
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kfox1111well, I recovered...19:51
kfox1111I recreated the tenant manually in the database,19:51
kfox1111then readded users to the tenant and things are back to working.19:51
kfox1111all the vm's are still there.19:51
kfox1111I'm wondering if heat behaves badly if you don't update the keystone endpoing url to be v3.19:52
ayoungnkinder,   Just realized that was on the schedule.19:53
ayoungSigned Images....which means certificate management19:53
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ayoungbknudson,,cm   You are calling Tokens an extension,  but it really is not.  We need to have a standard name for the core modules.20:08
bknudsonayoung: yes, what should it be called?20:08
dc_what is the best way to make keystone HA?20:08
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ayoungbknudson, I was thinking "modules" but I'm flexible?20:16
bknudsonayoung: so you think there should be a v2.0/modules reponse?20:16
bknudsonand not in v2.0/extensions?20:16
ayoungbknudson, I was not sure.  I was toying with just doing it all in Links20:16
bknudsonor v2.0/extensions returns both 'extensions' and 'modules'?20:17
ayoungtoken and other core things should be in sync with the /v2.0 page20:17
bknudsonthis is also something that we could do with v320:17
bknudsonactually there is a v3 revocation list20:17
dolphmdc_: spread keystone horizontally and focus your HA efforts on keystone's backend20:17
bknudsonI don't think auth_token will use the v3 revocation list20:17
ayoungbknudson, they are both the same format.20:18
ayoungAt least, I think they were when I did it20:18
bknudsony, the code is copy-pasted. it should be easy to change auth_token to use it.20:18
dolphmbknudson: there's a patch for it to do so20:18
dolphmbknudson: that looked *really* close20:18
dolphmbknudson: the patch actually eliminated any dep on v220:19
bknudsondolphm: I think I saw one for fetching PKI certs, but did that handle revocation list, too?20:19
dolphmbknudson: probalby the same patch, yeah20:19
dc_@dolphm: so cluster the mysql database? with galera or something?20:21
bknudsonyep, it does use /v3/auth/tokens/OS-PKI/revoked --
bknudsonI should stop working on other stuff and get these things merged20:22
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stevemarayoung, another doc patch for federation coming up20:38
stevemarhot and freshly made to order20:38
ayoungstevemar, you see the distinction I'm going for?20:39
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Add detailed federation configuration docs
dc_@dolphm: so cluster the mysql database? with galera or something?20:41
openstackgerritDiane Fleming proposed a change to openstack/identity-api: Pretty print JSON sample files
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openstackgerritDiane Fleming proposed a change to openstack/identity-api: Pretty print JSON sample files
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gabriel-bezerramorganfainberg, regarding I've just seen that a2ensite on ubuntu 14.04 (apache 2.4) ignores .conf in the end of the file...21:25
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gabriel-bezerraso, it only accepts sites that end with .conf; it shows the message "available sites: keystone, horizon"; but it will recognize as 'keystone' if you put 'keystone.conf' as parameter21:27
gabriel-bezerramy idea then is to change ubuntu's enable_apache_site to receive as parameter just the site name and use a2ensite ${site}.conf21:29
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gabriel-bezerrathe problem is that swift and horizon also use the same function and configuration files in different ways.21:33
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gabriel-bezerramorganfainberg: I'll put that on gerrit21:51
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boris-42ayoung around?22:10
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arosenI got a quick keystone question. As a normal tenant doing keystone tenant-list you get a 40322:11
arosenThat cli command makes a request to keystone on :35357 but if i take the same auth token and make the  request on 5000 it works fine.22:11
arosen I'm curious if this is intended or not and why?22:11
ayoungboris-42, yep22:15
boris-42ayoung does keystone use ceilometer stuff?22:15
ayoungboris-42, nope22:15
boris-42ayoung oh at all?22:15
ayoungboris-42, not at all.  Ceilometer might collect events from Keystone, but Keystone doesn't know about it if it happens.22:16
boris-42ayoung I mean I would like to send from keystone notifications22:16
boris-42ayoung e.g. using notification.api22:17
nkinderayoung: I have ipsilon and freeipa up and running, and I'm working on setting keystone up to use it.22:17
ayoungnkinder, nice!22:17
nkinderayoung: hopefully I have a working setup on my laptop that I can show to others22:17
ayoungthat would be great22:17
nkinderayoung: ipsilon is pretty nice given that I can use kerberos to login to the idp22:18
ayoungnkinder, Oh, yeah, it makes a lot of sense.22:19
openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fix Client to use admin_url when querying for tenants
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gabriel-bezerraarosen: AFAIK that api on 35357 was a bad idea on history of Keystone and the plan is to make both apis equal.23:00
gabriel-bezerraother people in this channel should have a better answer23:01
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morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, ++ or better yet, deploy behind apache on port 443 (https) behind something akin to /identity for the first part of the URL23:32
morganfainbergarosen, ^ (what i said to gabriel-bezerra)23:32
morganfainberggabriel-bezerra, arosen, that claim (same on both ports) would be for v3 not v2 of the API23:33
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/identity-api: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/keystone: Updated from global requirements
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