gyee | dstanek, heh, I've got nothin but love | 00:03 |
dstanek | gyee: i think i'm switching to an x1 carbon now that they fixed the keyboard | 00:03 |
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gyee | dstanek, cool, let me know how it goes with x1 | 00:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Rodrigo Duarte proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Fixes HEAD return code for OS-INHERIT extension | 00:08 |
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rodrigods | bknudson, indeed it was fixing the wrong section, now it's fixing the HEAD return codes: | 00:09 |
openstackgerrit | Rodrigo Duarte proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Fixes HEAD return code for OS-INHERIT extension | 00:11 |
morganfainberg | Yosemite really doesn't support everything we need for unit tests anymore. This is because apple doesn't ship updated libs for OpenSSL or ldap. They opted for their own instead. | 00:17 |
morganfainberg | And some of the fixes aren't appropriate for venv. It would require changes to true for the lib to make it work right. | 00:18 |
bknudson | morganfainberg: shipping their own openssl could never come back to bite them. | 00:18 |
morganfainberg | It's not OpenSSL, it's a different lib completely. But yeah. Google "goto fail" for fun | 00:18 |
morganfainberg | In short we removed docs indicating support for unit tests (or runtime) on OS X for keystone. | 00:19 |
atiwari | morganfainberg, what is recommended? use ubuntu on virtual box to for keystone dev setup on MAC? | 00:20 |
morganfainberg | atiwari, i use vmware, but yes, a linux distro in a VM | 00:21 |
morganfainberg | hm, stevemar isn't here... will need to look for him later | 00:22 |
atiwari | hmm, OK :( | 00:22 |
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rodrigods | bknudson, just commented in | 00:24 |
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morganfainberg | bknudson, dstanek, so due to last minute meetings i think we'll just do the non-spec-bps at the mid-cycle (should be super quick in person) | 00:28 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, dstanek, unless you want to do them not-too-late today [i'm on an airplane at 7am tomorrow] | 00:28 |
morganfainberg | and not back until ~10pm | 00:28 |
dstanek | morganfainberg: bknudson: i'm fine with in person | 00:28 |
morganfainberg | dstanek, great. | 00:28 |
bknudson | morganfainberg: doesn't matter to me. | 00:29 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, cool lets go with in-person then | 00:29 |
bknudson | we seem to be spending more time trying to decide to do it that it would take to review the change and merge it. | 00:29 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, i think it's just a confirm it's good w/o spec, it shouldn't be much time even on irc. | 00:29 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, heck, i'd be ok with 2x core (like a code review) confirming that status | 00:30 |
bknudson | morganfainberg: isn't that all that's required for a spec? | 00:30 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, yep. but this means no need to write a spec up [and have it reviewed / conform to a template, etc] | 00:31 |
bknudson | plus it seems to take forever to get a spec approved. | 00:31 |
bknudson | we actually do have quite a few kilo-approved specs already | 00:32 |
bknudson | it would be nice to have show which were completed already. | 00:32 |
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morganfainberg | bknudson, so lets go with 2x core with same rules as code review to approve a BP w/o needing a spec. probably need some way to track it besides LP [or at least have those two people agree to +2/comment that it doesn't need the spec on the review itself] | 00:33 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, we can discuss that policy ^ at the midcycle | 00:33 |
bknudson | morganfainberg: for that I'd have to make the bp first | 00:34 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, and yeah, need to figure out marking a spec as complete [besides looking at the status of the bp] | 00:34 |
bknudson | I didn't make bps... I just posted the code change | 00:34 |
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morganfainberg | bknudson i's ok to make a bp before the spec - if it needs a spec we can mark the BP as blocked (ttx's recommendation, if it's landing in a specific milestone) | 00:35 |
bknudson | ok, I'll make bps. | 00:35 |
bknudson | I'll mark them as blocked. | 00:35 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, if you tag them to a milestone, make sure they have a priority (or a script will auto-un-tag them) | 00:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Deprecate various methods and attributes | 01:07 |
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openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Fix incorrect filter test name | 01:21 |
bknudson | morganfainberg: I don't know how to set it to blocked. | 01:29 |
morganfainberg | bknudson, hmm. implementation i think | 01:29 |
morganfainberg | blocked should be a status | 01:29 |
bknudson | morganfainberg: yep, that was it. | 01:29 |
morganfainberg | :) | 01:30 |
openstackgerrit | Brant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Use RequestBodySizeLimiter from oslo.middleware | 01:30 |
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openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Move sql specific filter test code into test_backend_sql | 01:33 |
openstackgerrit | Brant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Move eventlet server options to a config section | 01:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Dave Chen proposed openstack/keystone: Minor fix in RestfulTestCase | 01:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Provide a deprecation warning for old functionality | 02:12 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone: Updated from global requirements | 02:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware: Deprecate passing config options via paste file | 02:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Brant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Consistently use oslo_config.cfg.CONF | 02:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Brant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Consistently use oslo_config.cfg.CONF | 02:21 |
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openstackgerrit | ayoung proposed openstack/keystone: domain as project | 03:23 |
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Sanchit | Hi, I am having a setup of objectStorage which can handle a load of about 10,000 requests. | 03:43 |
Sanchit | I am using UUID type tokens. | 03:43 |
Sanchit | Will my keystone server be able to handle the same load? | 03:43 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Move to hacking 0.10 | 03:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Correct failures for check W292 | 03:51 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone: Imported Translations from Transifex | 06:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Abhishek Talwar proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: User-password-update accepts blank as password | 06:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Improve List Role Assignments Filters Performance | 08:01 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Improve List Role Assignment Tests | 08:01 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Check for invalid filtering on v3/role_assignments | 08:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Abhishek Talwar proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: User-password-update accepts blank as password | 09:12 |
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openstackgerrit | Marek Denis proposed openstack/keystone: Identify groups by name/domain in mapping rules. | 09:19 |
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waverider | hello | 09:29 |
waverider | where can i find some documentation for adding a user role to project via v3 API. Looking at source looks like Keystone v2 was using Roles.add_user_role - mathod that is removed in v3. I've noticed RoleAssignmentManager.create and .put but there's no docs of how to use those. | 09:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Abhishek Talwar proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: User-password-update accepts blank as password | 10:32 |
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openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Fix incorrect filter test name | 11:00 |
openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Move sql specific filter test code into test_backend_sql | 11:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Bogun Dmitriy proposed openstack/keystone: FIX multiple SQL backend usage validation | 11:39 |
samueldmq | waverider, morning :) | 11:40 |
samueldmq | waverider, you may take a look at the API spec ( | 11:40 |
samueldmq | waverider, more precisely at Projects section, for grants/assignments on projects | 11:41 |
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openstackgerrit | ZhiQiang Fan proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Enable hacking rule F821 | 13:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Boris Bobrov proposed openstack/keystone: Use migration_cli for db migrations | 15:03 |
openstackgerrit | Marek Denis proposed openstack/keystone: Implements whitelist and blacklist mapping rules | 15:06 |
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lufix | Quick question about the keystone api. What is the difference between specifying a domain in the user object versus the scope object? | 15:16 |
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openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Refactor filter tests in prepartion for LDAP support | 15:16 |
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openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Refactor filter tests in prepartion for LDAP support | 15:23 |
marekd | ayoung: you have already +2'd it once. Can you take a look again? | 15:24 |
ayoung | marekd, happy to look | 15:25 |
ayoung | marekd, +A | 15:33 |
marekd | ayoung: thank you. | 15:33 |
ayoung | marekd, YW | 15:33 |
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ayoung | marekd, so what to do about the WebSSO spec? | 15:44 |
marekd | ayoung: i'd split and focus on SAML/Oidc only for now. | 15:44 |
marekd | unless krb will work in a excatly same way. | 15:45 |
marekd | I'd drop user/pass for now. | 15:45 |
marekd | ayoung: did you see my comments on the spec? | 15:45 |
ayoung | marekd, but where to put the UI? | 15:45 |
marekd | Horizon. | 15:45 |
marekd | or any Horizon-like app. | 15:45 |
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ayoung | marekd, but then Horizon ends up with the power to issue tokens | 15:46 |
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marekd | ayoung: no. | 15:46 |
ayoung | You guys have a stand alone service | 15:46 |
marekd | ayoung: horizon know that for saml it should redirect to v3/OS-FEDERATION/websso/saml2 and for oidc to /v3/OS-FEDERATION/websso/oidc | 15:47 |
marekd | and later it will let user through if he presents a token (issued by Keystone). | 15:47 |
ayoung | So you have a button you add to Horizon telling the user to click one or the other? I didn't see that on the cern site | 15:47 |
marekd | because we made saml2 default and only possible way to authenticate | 15:48 |
marekd | that general cern-wide rule. | 15:48 |
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marekd | but in general use case I would imagine some buttons/form/whatever where user chooses his preffered auth way. | 15:48 |
marekd | (constrained to what admins allows there) | 15:49 |
marekd | in this particular case Horizon's job is to look nice and be able to issue HTTP 302 to Keystone with 2-3 differenc endpoints. | 15:49 |
marekd | v3/OS-FEDERATION/websso/saml2, /v3/OS-FEDERATION/websso/oidc, /v3/krb | 15:50 |
marekd | or something like that. | 15:50 |
ayoung | marekd, Heh, that is what /auth/token was originally supposed to be. those should be /auth/<mechanism> | 15:50 |
marekd | ayoung: /auth/websso/saml2 (or any other format) would work for me too. | 15:51 |
ayoung | but then, we need to allow the user to slect the saml provider, which means a sync between Keystone and the webui | 15:51 |
marekd | ayoung: let's be hones - Keystone doesn't understand SAML | 15:52 |
marekd | identity_provider objects are stubs, nothing else. | 15:52 |
ayoung | Neither do I, if we are being Honest. | 15:52 |
marekd | ayoung: i also have lots of work in that matter. | 15:53 |
marekd | ayoung: but this sync step is actually done by the admin. | 15:53 |
ayoung | So, you know how we have the auth mechanisms list for the token controller? I would like that to be multiple, different urls get different methods allowed. | 15:53 |
marekd | what do you mean? | 15:54 |
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ayoung | marekd, in the token request we list htemoethods...I would like to be able to distinguish between "SAML" and "KERBEROS" say and have botha cceptable, but on different urls | 16:12 |
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marekd | ayoung: as long as keystone is not a first class Service Provider (understanding SAML/OIDC) we cannot do it this way. | 16:16 |
ayoung | Yes we must mean something other than I do here. | 16:16 |
ayoung | I just mean that | 16:16 |
ayoung | if I have SAML and Kerberos, both handled by Apache, I can distinguish between them | 16:17 |
marekd | ayoung: yes, by using different urls | 16:17 |
ayoung | so /v3/auth/kerberos would have "method"="kerberos" set and the same for SAML | 16:17 |
marekd | but you still want to have /v3/auth/kerberos and /v3/auth/saml2 | 16:18 |
marekd | right? | 16:18 |
marekd | stevemar: thanks for the reviews. | 16:20 |
stevemar | np! | 16:20 |
ayoung | marekd, yeah, I think it makes sense to have many different auth urls. | 16:23 |
richm | stevemar: ping - is there some reason 'description' was dropped as a property of services? That is, with the identity v2.0 api, you can specify --description foo for service create - but not with v3 | 16:23 |
marekd | ayoung: so we are on the same page. | 16:23 |
marekd | ayoung: also, we don't need to have identity methods specifying kerberos, saml2 et all. | 16:24 |
marekd | at least in the current Keystone's shape. | 16:24 |
ayoung | the Auth urls can even be on different systems. I was talking with my boss yesterday. He had a really interesting idea of using multiple containers for each domain. | 16:24 |
marekd | containers like Docker? | 16:24 |
stevemar | richm, hmm... with OSC v3 you mean description doesn't work right | 16:24 |
ayoung | where the container was configured using SSSD, and each could talk to a different IdP | 16:24 |
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ayoung | marekd, yes | 16:24 |
stevemar | cause it looks like description is allowed here: (at the API level) | 16:24 |
richm | stevemar: yes - openstack --os-identity-api-version 3 help service create | 16:25 |
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ayoung | marekd, if we completely split the Identity part off the rest of Keystone, and then the "traditional" keystone would start with "unscoped->scoped" token exchanges | 16:25 |
stevemar | richm, ahhh someone caught that and fixed it :) | 16:26 |
stevemar | 24 days ago | 16:26 |
marekd | ayoung: it would handle only one auth method - token | 16:26 |
stevemar | we will be releasing a new version soon... 1.0.2 | 16:26 |
richm | ok - so I guess I'm stuck with calling the rest api directly for this case for puppet . . . | 16:27 |
ayoung | marekd, ooh, what if we put groups in unscoped tokens | 16:27 |
marekd | ayoung: ...and? | 16:27 |
stevemar | richm, :( would it help if we released something soon? like tomorrow? | 16:27 |
ayoung | marekd, and used PKIZ tokens for the Unscoped | 16:27 |
marekd | so you see it as a problem ? | 16:27 |
stevemar | or even today? | 16:28 |
ayoung | we'd have a bunch of different Idps issuing the unscoped tokens, and then the user could go to the Keystone assignement server to get a scoped tokenm | 16:28 |
richm | stevemar: we can't even get all of the supported debian/ubuntu platforms off of osc 0.3 :P | 16:28 |
stevemar | bah | 16:28 |
marekd | ayoung: Idp == keystone in this case (?) | 16:28 |
stevemar | alright, time to go appeal to the packagers | 16:28 |
ayoung | marekd, yes | 16:28 |
stevemar | morganfainberg, ping | 16:29 |
ayoung | marekd, keystone identity vs keystone assignment | 16:29 |
ayoung | if we knew that an unscoped token had performed all of the mapping from IdP specific data (SAML, OIDC) to Keystone, we can just use what is in the token body | 16:29 |
marekd | that's an idea. | 16:30 |
ayoung | marekd, and all unscoped tokens would have for a service catalog is the endpoint for Keystone assignment | 16:32 |
ayoung | jamielennox|away, has been proposing that for a while. It makes good sense. | 16:32 |
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marekd | SC un unscoped tokens? Yes. I think so too. | 16:32 |
marekd | ayoung: are you ok if i edit websso spec? | 16:34 |
ayoung | marekd, please do so! | 16:34 |
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morganfainberg | stevemar: pong. But in Bay Area heading to the office shortly for meetings. | 16:35 |
stevemar | morganfainberg, wanted to know who i should contact to update the OSC being packaged by ubuntu | 16:36 |
stevemar | morganfainberg, but i suspect it's zul? | 16:36 |
morganfainberg | zigo I think. | 16:36 |
zigo | stevemar: OSC ? | 16:37 |
zigo | As in openstackclient ? | 16:37 |
stevemar | zigo, python-openstackclient | 16:37 |
zigo | That would be me ... | 16:37 |
stevemar | zigo, yay, found the right person | 16:38 |
zigo | stevemar: You need the last version ? | 16:38 |
zigo | stevemar: Will it work with the global-requirements for Juno? | 16:38 |
stevemar | zigo, i believe the latest version supported is 0.3 and there's a been at least 2 or 3 new releases since | 16:39 |
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stevemar | i suspect so, our requirements doesn't move much... just oslo libraries and other openstack python-*client libraries | 16:39 |
zigo | stevemar: I have packaged and uploaded version 1.0.1-1 of python-openstackclient to Debian Experimental, and that's what Ubuntu uses too. | 16:40 |
zigo | Plus a bit of changes, let me check what they did. | 16:40 |
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stevemar | zigo, oh maybe richm is speaking about 'all supported platforms' specifically? | 16:41 |
richm | right | 16:42 |
stevemar | richm, i guess y'all don't use experimental either? | 16:42 |
richm | I'm not sure what all of the platforms that have to be supported by puppet are | 16:42 |
zigo | stevemar: There's nothing interesting in the debian/changelog of Ubuntu for openstackclient, so I'd say we have the same version. | 16:43 |
richm | we can go over to #puppet-openstack and find out | 16:43 |
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stevemar | zigo, ah i guess trusty is at 0.3.0 still:§ion=all | 16:45 |
stevemar | i'm guessing that's the one causing richm a headache | 16:45 |
richm | yes | 16:45 |
zigo | stevemar: I don't think they will ever update it. | 16:45 |
stevemar | zigo, :( | 16:45 |
stevemar | zigo why is that? | 16:45 |
zigo | richm: & stevemar: I have a backport of it for Trusty if you need it. | 16:45 |
richm | then we can never rely on any bug/feature past 0.3 | 16:45 |
zigo | richm: & stevemar: The concept of a stable release is that you don't update it. | 16:45 |
zigo | richm: & stevemar: | 16:46 |
richm | . . . which puts the burden on puppet-openstack to hack/code around it | 16:46 |
zigo | It's there ... | 16:46 |
zigo | richm: Did you test puppet-openstack with Debian? | 16:47 |
zigo | richm: I'd be happy to have more support for it, as I know there's some users for that. | 16:47 |
zigo | Especially for with Icehouse. | 16:47 |
richm | zigo: I didn't - there were some people on #puppet-openstack | 16:47 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Makarov proposed openstack/keystone: LDAP additional attribute mappings description | 16:47 |
richm | I'm a Red Hat/Fedora guy | 16:47 |
zigo | Ah ok. | 16:48 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Makarov proposed openstack/keystone: LDAP additional attribute mappings description | 16:48 |
richm | I know whose arm to twist to get updated packages in rdo . . . | 16:48 |
zigo | richm: I do as well! :) | 16:48 |
stevemar | richm, sounds like we're stuck =\ | 16:51 |
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stevemar | i didn't know stable releases don't get updates | 16:52 |
richm | they do, but they have to be "proven" not to break anything or cause regressions (or be a CVE . . .) | 16:52 |
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stevemar | richm, sounds like the odds of it happening are slim | 16:55 |
stevemar | richm, can you use the backport? or the one from pypi instead of the packaged one? | 16:56 |
ayoung | richm, can Puppet usage require an updated package? | 16:56 |
ayoung | I know when I was doing Debian, I was mixing in packages from unstable on a regular basis | 16:56 |
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richm | I don't know - let's have this discussion in #puppet-openstack | 17:01 |
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richm | zigo: according to crinkle in #puppet-openstack, uca needs to upgrade the juno version of python-openstackclient to 1.0.1 (and later) | 17:23 |
crinkle | they don't just need to update, they need to add it | 17:23 |
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crinkle | the ubuntu-server mailing list told me they wouldn't be adding it till kilo | 17:24 |
crinkle | | 17:24 |
richm | stevemar: If I'm reading correctly, does that add the "description" column to the service list output? | 17:25 |
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stevemar | richm, it just added description to create and set, | 17:31 |
richm | stevemar: ok - need description in service list and service show | 17:31 |
stevemar | richm, it'll appear in show, that's automagic | 17:32 |
richm | ok | 17:32 |
stevemar | richm, for list we need to fix it up, blah... | 17:32 |
openstackgerrit | Raildo Mascena de Sousa Filho proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Reseller | 17:32 |
stevemar | dtroyer, ^ bug + interesting convo | 17:32 |
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richm | stevemar: dtroyer | 17:35 |
openstackgerrit | ayoung proposed openstack/keystone: Multiple IdP authentication URL | 17:36 |
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openstackgerrit | ayoung proposed openstack/keystone: Multiple IdP authentication URL | 17:36 |
openstackgerrit | Raildo Mascena de Sousa Filho proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Reseller | 17:36 |
openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Refactor filter tests in prepartion for LDAP support | 17:37 |
dtroyer | thanks richm. fwiw, we're not guaranteeing compatibility with the prettytable outputs so adding description by default should be ok. | 17:37 |
dtroyer | I'll target that to the soon-now m7 release | 17:37 |
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henrynash | ayoung: ping | 17:47 |
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ayoung | henrynash, hey | 17:47 |
henrynash | ayoung: howdy…..old question…do you think ldap searches are typically case sensitive or insensitive? | 17:48 |
ayoung | henrynash, I'd ask richm or nkinder_away | 17:48 |
ayoung | I'd just be making up an answer | 17:49 |
henrynash | ayoung: ok, thxI’ll ping thme | 17:49 |
stevemar | ayoung, i like your honesty in that reply | 17:49 |
henrynash | richm, nkinder_away: any ideas? | 17:49 |
ayoung | nkinder_away is travelling. | 17:49 |
ayoung | LUNCH AND THEN GYM! | 17:50 |
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openstackgerrit | David Stanek proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Spec for adding functional testing support | 17:58 |
richm | henrynash: typically case insensitive - it depends on the syntax/matching rules defined for the attribute that you are using in the search filter, and those are typically case insensitive | 18:00 |
henrynash | richm: ok, that’s what I thought…just tring to get a 2nd opinion…thanks! | 18:01 |
richm | for example - (cn=Henry Nash) and (cn=henry nash) | 18:01 |
richm | because 'cn' is a subclass of 'name', which is defined with EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch | 18:01 |
henrynash | richm: and the equality rules are defined as part of the “schema” I assume (well the object definition anyway) | 18:02 |
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richm | henrynash: right | 18:04 |
richm | e.g. ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 NAME ( 'uid' 'userid' ) EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch | 18:04 |
richm | so searches for (uid=somevalue) are also case insensitive | 18:05 |
dstanek | bknudson: you around? | 18:05 |
henrynash | richm: ok, thx…fyi, reason why I’m asking is that I’m adding filtering into our ldap backend…..and need to modify our tests (and our fakeldap) so that they do teh right thing for matching (including wildcards) | 18:06 |
bknudson | dstanek: yes | 18:07 |
richm | henrynash: ok - then yes, in general, ldap filter comparisons will be case insensitive for keystone since (almost?) all of the attributes used there use caseIgnore matching for equality and substring (i.e. wildcards) | 18:07 |
henrynash | richm: yep, agreed | 18:08 |
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dstanek | bknudson: i get the feeling that test_bootstrap isn't really doing anything useful - | 18:09 |
dstanek | bknudson: called anytime effectively does nothing | 18:09 |
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openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Enable filtering in LDAP backend for listing entities | 18:09 |
bknudson | dstanek: I didn't look into it too much since it's v2 shell test code... but it's obviously not doing what the original code thought it was doing. | 18:10 |
bknudson | if somebody wanted to rewrite it to do something sane then I would be happy with that | 18:10 |
dstanek | bknudson: i'll look at it real quick and see | 18:10 |
bknudson | I didn't know there was a bootstrap command | 18:11 |
dstanek | bknudson: like you said 'old shell test code' and i don't want to spend too much time on it | 18:11 |
openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Enable filtering in LDAP backend for listing entities | 18:13 |
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bknudson | dstanek: looks like it should be going through the request history and make sure that a request with that body was made. | 18:14 |
bknudson | but that's not what it was doing. | 18:14 |
dstanek | well i just raised an exception in stead or returning false in called_anytime and got failures | 18:15 |
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bknudson | dstanek: looks like called_anytime is supposed to raise or the caller is supposed to check the return code. | 18:16 |
dstanek | bknudson: yeah, but it seems to fail anytime it's called; maybe the logic is incorrect | 18:17 |
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dstanek | bknudson: ah, i think i got it - the path never matches | 18:19 |
bknudson | dstanek: the right request isn't made? | 18:19 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone: Scope federated token with 'token' identity method | 18:20 |
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dstanek | bknudson: no i think it's fine - i'll push up a patch showing what i did | 18:23 |
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openstackgerrit | David Stanek proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixes bootstrap tests | 18:32 |
dstanek | bknudson: ^ | 18:32 |
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bknudson | dstanek: failed on py33 | 19:20 |
dstanek | bknudson: yeah, i saw - working on a fix now | 19:20 |
dims | hi all, need some help, chasing a boto 401 problem with latest boto, logs show this, where should i look for more info? | 19:21 |
dims | keystone_access.txt.gz: - - [15/Jan/2015:18:18:15 +0000] "POST /v2.0/ec2tokens HTTP/1.1" 401 366 "-" "python-requests/2.2.1 CPython/2.7.6 Linux/3.13.0-43-generic" | 19:21 |
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ayoung-gym | dims, what is boto? | 19:23 |
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dims | ayoung-gym: boto is the python client library for ec2, bug is here - | 19:24 |
dims | ayoung: several tests got fixed in by adding hmac-v4 auth | 19:25 |
dims | ayoung: in this review - | 19:26 |
ayoung | POST /v2.0/ec2tokens HTTP/1.1" 401 seems pretty self explanatory: bad token | 19:26 |
dims | however, we still see 2 tests fail in tempest | 19:26 |
ayoung | dims, or some other permission issue | 19:26 |
ayoung | dims, can you reproduce it ? | 19:26 |
dims | yep | 19:26 |
dims | in the gate | 19:26 |
dims | | 19:27 |
ayoung | dims, can you reproduce it on systems that you can affect change on? | 19:27 |
dims | haven't tried that yet, guess i am trying to see how to enable some verbose logging on the keystone side? | 19:28 |
ayoung | dims, rpdb is my friend. rpdb should be yours, too. | 19:29 |
dims | ah debugger :) | 19:30 |
ayoung | its fantastic | 19:30 |
ayoung | if you can't get the logging you need to figure out what is wrong, it is just super friendly | 19:30 |
dims | cool, will poke around a bit before i jump in there | 19:31 |
dims | thanks | 19:31 |
ayoung | import rpdb; rpdb.set_trace(); then trigger it and, in another window, do | 19:31 |
ayoung | telnet localhost 4444 | 19:31 |
ayoung | dims, let me look at the log, though | 19:31 |
dims | ayoung: found it i think | 19:32 |
dims | Authorization failed. EC2 signature not supplied. | 19:32 |
dims | | 19:32 |
dims | thanks again :) | 19:33 |
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ayoung | henrynash, just +Aed a few of your split-role patches. Consider that sticky and shepherd them through if the gate fails you | 19:51 |
rodrigods | ayoung, henrynash yay | 19:54 |
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rodrigods | can someone add some thoughts here: ? | 20:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Matt Riedemann proposed openstack/keystone: Distinguish between missing access/signature ec2 creds 401 errors | 20:04 |
henrynash | ayoung: thx…morganfainberg, you ok with it..? | 20:09 |
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morganfainberg | henrynash: with which? I'm actually in a meeting until like 4pm (noon now) | 20:10 |
esp | ayoung: got a noobie question for ya regarding keystone policy files again | 20:11 |
henrynash | morganfainberg: the first of the role split patches was just given +A….just checking in case you had had any negative thoughts following your +1 | 20:11 |
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zigo | richm: I can't do anything about what Canonical/Ubuntu does, and frankly, I don't really care what they do, I'm doing *debian* packages, they only use my work they way they are pleased to. | 20:14 |
zigo | richm: Feel free to just use my Trusty repository if you don't like theirs. | 20:14 |
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henrynash | esp: I may be able to answer too…what’s the question? | 20:16 |
esp | thx henrynash :) | 20:16 |
esp | I just needed a bit of clarification | 20:17 |
esp | so keystone API runs v2 and v3 at simulatneously | 20:17 |
henrynash | esp: yep | 20:17 |
esp | but does the v2 api care about or use the /etc/keystone/policy.json ? | 20:18 |
henrynash | esp: no | 20:18 |
esp | cool | 20:18 |
esp | thx henrynash | 20:18 |
henrynash | esp: well, you have to be admin, basically to use the v2 API | 20:18 |
esp | right, so like in devstack for example | 20:18 |
esp | you need to do this $ source .openrc admin admin | 20:19 |
esp | ^ use admin creds to do anything in keystone v2 | 20:19 |
esp | correct ? | 20:19 |
henrynash | esp: not true for other pojects (e.g. nova)…you can run keystone v2, but still have propert API policy proteciton for other projects (nova, galnce etc.)….just not for keystone | 20:19 |
henrynash | esp: basically, yes | 20:19 |
esp | k, I think I understand | 20:20 |
esp | thx for the help | 20:20 |
henrynash | esp: no problem | 20:20 |
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rodrigods | ayoung, receiving a "Database Error" when I try to access your "Dynamic Policy" blog post =/ | 20:24 |
ayoung | rodrigods, hmmm, really? Wordpress just updated. | 20:25 |
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ayoung | rodrigods, worked for me | 20:25 |
ayoung | | 20:25 |
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rodrigods | ayoung, now it worked :) | 20:27 |
rodrigods | bknudson, changed the bug description to the other way around :) | 20:27 |
ayoung | rodrigods, I'm going to make that into a spec | 20:28 |
bknudson | rodrigods: were you able to recreate it yourself? | 20:28 |
bknudson | maybe there's a difference between eventlet and apache? | 20:28 |
rodrigods | bknudson, were you testing in which env? | 20:29 |
rodrigods | ayoung, heh | 20:29 |
bknudson | rodrigods: eventlet | 20:29 |
bknudson | (so that I can debug!) | 20:29 |
rodrigods | ayoung, btw, we are just one +2 apart from having the last step from the oslo.policy graduation, right? (anything else?) | 20:29 |
rodrigods | bknudson, will reproduce here using apache | 20:30 |
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henrynash | fyi…keystone sample config is out of date again…just pushing an update… | 20:35 |
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openstackgerrit | ayoung proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Dynamic Policy Overview | 20:38 |
rodrigods | ayoung, haha | 20:39 |
ayoung | rodrigods, btw, I got "domain is a project" to pass tests. | 20:39 |
ayoung | look at it, bleed on it. | 20:39 |
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ayoung-afk | Gotta run out for a bit | 20:40 |
rodrigods | ayoung-afk, ++ think raildo is back on action tomorrow or monday | 20:40 |
openstackgerrit | David Stanek proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient: Fixes bootstrap tests | 20:40 |
ayoung-afk | cool | 20:44 |
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openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Update the keystone sample config | 20:45 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone: Split roles into their own backend within assignments | 20:45 |
henrynash | wahhooooo | 20:46 |
morganfainberg | henrynash, nice | 20:46 |
henrynash | morganfainberg, ayoung: fyi…nearly done on this ldap one… | 20:47 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone: Correct doc string for grant driver methods | 20:51 |
openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Update the keystone sample config | 20:52 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone: Make controllers call the new, split out, role manager | 20:52 |
rodrigods | henrynash, the gate likes you :) | 20:52 |
openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Fix incorrect filter test name | 20:52 |
henrynash | rodigods: never turn down a gift-gate in the mouth….or something like that | 20:53 |
openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Move sql specific filter test code into test_backend_sql | 20:54 |
openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Refactor filter and sensitivity tests in prepartion for LDAP support | 20:55 |
openstackgerrit | henry-nash proposed openstack/keystone: Enable filtering in LDAP backend for listing entities | 20:59 |
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henrynash | morganfainberg: quick view on whether you think needs a spec? | 21:01 |
openstackgerrit | Brant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Consistently use oslo_config.cfg.CONF | 21:05 |
openstackgerrit | Brant Knudson proposed openstack/keystone: Consistently use oslo_config.cfg.CONF | 21:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Matt Riedemann proposed openstack/keystone: DO NOT MERGE: more logging for failed ec2 creds | 21:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Matt Riedemann proposed openstack/keystone: DO NOT MERGE: more logging for failed ec2 creds | 21:26 |
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henrynash | ayoung: could I trouble for a quick +2/A on this before someone else trips over it: | 21:43 |
ayoung | henrynash, looking | 21:43 |
henrynash | ayoung: easy one | 21:43 |
ayoung | henrynash, +A | 21:44 |
openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone: Updated from global requirements | 21:44 |
henrynash | ayoung: thx….we shame we can’t somehow prevent taht sort of thing slipping in | 21:44 |
ayoung | henrynash, for one liners or things like that, we really should relax the review ruls: | 21:44 |
ayoung | rule | 21:44 |
ayoung | I should be able to +A this one, for example:,cm | 21:45 |
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henrynash | ayoung: yep….I guess it isn’t taht hard to fine someone else to push it in….but I know what you mean | 21:46 |
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ayoung | henrynash, it would be cool if we could sort the outstanding reviews by the number of lines changed | 21:47 |
henrynash | ayoung: …and have a more iintellegent caompare that spotted lines moved ! | 21:48 |
ayoung | henrynash, ++ | 21:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone: Update the keystone sample config | 22:42 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone: Make unit tests call the new, split out, role manager | 22:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Improve List Role Assignments Filters Performance | 23:21 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Improve creation of expected role assignments | 23:21 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Improve List Role Assignment Tests | 23:21 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Refactor check of targets and actors on RoleV3 | 23:21 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Check for invalid filtering on v3/role_assignments | 23:21 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Refactor role assignment assertions | 23:21 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes 'OS-INHERIT:inherited_to' info in tests | 23:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone: Fix transaction issue in migration 44 downgrade | 23:24 |
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jamielennox | I'm sure i'm right on this, but the X-Auth-Token header will be ignored if you pass it when getting a token - right? | 23:26 |
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jamielennox | the token method takes the token within the body - and i can't think (or see in a quick look over) anywhere you would use the header | 23:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Improve List Role Assignments Filters Performance | 23:28 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Improve creation of expected role assignments | 23:28 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Improve List Role Assignment Tests | 23:28 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Refactor check of targets and actors on RoleV3 | 23:28 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Check for invalid filtering on v3/role_assignments | 23:28 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Refactor role assignment assertions | 23:28 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes 'OS-INHERIT:inherited_to' info in tests | 23:28 |
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