Sunday, 2015-08-16

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morgan_503notmyname: does anyone really pass swift's cache object into keystonemiddleware? it make things really awful in our code.00:30
morgan_503notmyname: if we could drop the swift memcache thing on the floor it would make keystonemiddleware a lot less bizzare/hard to understand.00:31
* morgan_503 can probably work around this...00:31
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jamielennoxmorgan_503: have you seen my reviews or going at this yourself?00:56
morgan_503jamielennox: trying to convert over to dogpile00:56
morgan_503jamielennox: this whole thing is a total trainwreck00:56
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jamielennoxmorgan_503: right, but i at least got rid of memorycache and wanted to check you weren't doing the same thing00:56
morgan_503jamielennox: uh that is the same thing00:57
morgan_503but it's using oslo_cache and dogpile00:57
morgan_503and baking the secure/crypt stuff inline rather than a magical factory needing class00:57
morgan_503basically this change will make _cache drop on the floor almost 100% of the code00:57
jamielennoxmorgan_503: start approving from and then build on top00:57
jamielennoxexcellent, still look at that stuff first00:58
morgan_503sorry just looking at your code, if we approve that chain as is it'll make the refactor i'm doing much more difficult00:59
morgan_503i thin00:59
morgan_503the fact that we need to take args from paste-ini and possibly a random cache object from the env makes this just nightmareish nomatter what00:59
* morgan_503 is grumpy about this whole thing.01:00
morgan_503because it has been so bad for so long01:00
jamielennoxmorgan_503: did you see the thread on the ML about paste arguments/01:00
morgan_503i saw you sent one01:00
morgan_503didn't read the responses01:00
morgan_503but i assume it was a lot of "I USE THIS AND LIKE IT SO NEYAH"01:00
jamielennoxi finished with, i know global oslo.config sucks but i'm not sure i want to redesign everything because aodh decides it wants to make a stand01:01
* morgan_503 reads some responses about that stuff as more petulant than they really are01:01
jamielennoxwhich was a little harsh01:01
jamielennoxbut they rapid approved a whole bunch of changes through oslo middleware which i guess we're now going to have support eventually01:01
morgan_503we could just say "keystonemiddleware is no longer taking paste-ini arguments, you can either pass a constructed conf object to it, or we take global conf"01:01
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morgan_503and deprecate the paste-ini args01:02
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morgan_503if oslo_config had a "load / validate opts from dict" and you got a conf object out the other end, it might solve the "global conf" complaints01:06
morgan_503our requirement is a config object. you can hand it to us or not, but it needs to be formulated like oslo_config01:06
morgan_503i did agree with the "no we don't want to just take kwargs"01:06
jamielennoxmorgan_503: sorry, back - call01:14
jamielennoxmorgan_503: so i had a plan to make AuthProtocol take everything as kwargs01:15
morgan_503yeah i'll go through your reviews and see how i can rip out the awful cache stuff.01:15
morgan_503it's still icky.01:15
jamielennoxand then have a factory function which populated the kwargs from CONF01:15
jamielennoxbecause there's the zaqaar problem which i think is a real problem01:15
jamielennoxand then the aodh, which i'm not convinced on01:15
morgan_503i would like it if we could make them populate the oslo_config object instead and hand us an object01:15
morgan_503to our constructor.01:15
morgan_503if they aren't going to let us use normal file loading stuff01:16
morgan_503or at leas that the kwargs => oslo_config object was something we did from oslo_conf vs. building code ourselves in ksm01:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystonemiddleware: Prevent a UnicodeDecodeError in the s3token middleware
jamielennoxmorgan_503: i feel like we should ditch paste01:17
jamielennoxor at least if you use paste you understand what that means01:18
morgan_503i'd be happy with that.01:18
jamielennoxand if something is a required part of the deployment even if it's implemented as middleware it hsouldn't be in paste01:18
morgan_503to be fair, i think we should just *not* support paste-ini options. you can load auth_protocol and pass it an obj (or use a constructor) for pecan-isms01:18
jamielennoxhaving code break or things not function because you got your paste pipeline in a weird order is just wrong01:18
morgan_503in keystone i don't think we can ditch paste01:19
morgan_503but we *should* have all of our APIs as "keystone" entry01:19
jamielennoxmorgan_503: in tokyo i'll buy you and PTL a beer and tell you that massive refactor i want to do around how keystone is started and loaded :)01:20
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jamielennoxanyway - if that memcache stuff gets in the way of just ripping it out then do your thing01:24
jamielennoxbut there shouldn't be a compatibiilty issue01:24
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morgan_503nah. your stuff makes sense i think i can use it01:25
morgan_503just need to rethink some stuff01:25
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mordredyay it's jamielennox !01:46
jamielennoxoh o01:46
mordredjamielennox: did you see the scrollback convo about naming the thing in ksc/ksa "admin_token" ?01:47
jamielennoxmordred: no, i had what i think was a bad gtk3 update so i've been connected & disconnected a bunch of times01:48
jamielennoxmight be there and i lost the notification or might have lost scrollback01:48
mordredso - tl;dr,n,z01:48
mordredand also, the idea is taht to deal with teh osc/ksc issues around people who are trying to use token_endpoint to do keystone bootstrapping01:49
mordredto just expose the ksc class as a plugin called "admin_token"01:49
mordredso that we don't have two different things called token_endpoint - and so that it's clear that the thing caled admin_token is keystone's and it has two clear parameters01:50
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jamielennoxkind of agree with terry, i like token_endpoint better, but to be honest if it solves the problem i don't care01:51
jamielennoxand maybe it makes it more obvious as it took me a while to convince someone the other day from the puppet side of things that the ADMIN_TOKEN isn't a real token01:51
jamielennoxthere is no service catalog or anything like that01:51
mordredyah. that' the reason I disagree with osc that the param should be called "url"'01:52
mordredsince url is an auth-url and I'd expect a catalog from that01:52
jamielennoxthe other thing we could do is just deprecated --endpoint to --url01:52
jamielennoxmeh - k01:52
jamielennoxi feel this is a problem where auth competes with other parameters01:52
mordredyah- the UI around pluggable auth and the parameters auth takes is ... interesting01:53
jamielennoxbecause i think there is a valid case where you want to provide --os-url as a bypass/override url to use instead of the catalog01:53
jamielennoxmordred: oh, also we merged removing oslo.config from ksa the other day, you might want to take a look at what you use from the old options01:54
jamielennoxfor example i know that there is currently no "required" parameter and we need to add it back01:54
jamielennoxbut that's into a larger topic around plugin validation01:54
mordredooh, that'll be fun01:54
morgan_503mordred: i didnt push the ksa change for the plugins until we get ksc one changing brw01:54
morgan_503just wanted to make sure those two stayed as close to in-sync as it can01:55
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jamielennoxmorgan_503: we didn't merge that?01:55
morgan_503jamielennox: the ksc plugin new name thing?01:55
morgan_503i needed an extra core iirc01:55
jamielennoxoh, changing the name in ksc01:56
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/keystoneauth: Finalize rename of token_endpoint to admin_token
morgan_503just wanted to be sure ksc was making the name available01:57
morgan_503the rest of the stuff we can eaisly land01:57
morgan_503so if you're good with that01:57
morgan_503and toss +a on the ksc one we can land the ones mordred proposed for ksa01:57
jamielennoxyea, i'm ok01:57
jamielennoxi gave it a +2, figured we're both kind of close to this maybe someone else should see if it makes sense - but whateer01:58
morgan_503we're just adding aname01:58
morgan_503not removing the old one01:58
jamielennoxmordred: so i want to figure out how we can better support what OCC does from ksa01:58
jamielennoxsomething i have now is
jamielennoxwhere the plugin should be able to refine the process of being loaded from CLI02:00
jamielennoxa real example of this is:
jamielennoxthough that is massively out of date02:00
jamielennoxi'm thinking that maybe having that as a method on the loader object is a bad idea02:01
mordredyah. also - please make it possible to disable that02:01
jamielennoxwell the thinking was there it iwll only ever get triggered from CLI and only if there is a tty02:02
mordredoh- wait - you look for tty02:02
jamielennoxin the "i want this to work for every CLI app" it seemed reasonable02:02
mordredyah - I think that's the flipside of the same problem for sure02:02
jamielennoxbut i want to see how we can support OSC in the same way and i'm not sure how it would work02:03
jamielennoxyou end up doing what OSC does in looking for special cases to provide added info02:03
morgan_503mordred: approved ksc change and ksa (entry point one)02:03
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mordredjamielennox: I'll take a spin at the interaction between ksa and what occ is doing for params02:04
mordred(I have many more hours on a plane today)02:04
morgan_503mordred: i'm ok with renaming the actual plugin but i'd be inclined to say we should name it something more intuitive unless it only should ever be used for "admin token"02:05
jamielennoxfor another point i found this nugget yesterday:
morgan_503jamielennox: ...02:06
morgan_503jamielennox: ooooh boy02:06
jamielennoxwhere not only do they hardcode v2 arguments they default it from the ENVIRON02:06
jamielennoxwhich is a whole new loading pattern i've not encountered on a service before02:07
jamielennoxanyway, maybe for KSA 1.0 i might just remove the load_from_argparse on the plugin object02:08
morgan_503well at least they stopped naming it "glance_<thing>"
jamielennoxand later we'll come up with some way for OCC and other mechanisms to register any additional work that needs to be done for a plugin02:09
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morgan_503jamielennox: i think that is a good plan02:09
morgan_503we can *add* it without breaking compat02:09
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mordredjamielennox: turns out I don't need required/nt (or don't use it right now)02:10
jamielennoxanyway, my point was mordred in looking at how ksa and OCC work together i'd like to integrate them more closely so if you see a way that works i'd be keen02:10
mordredjamielennox: although if there were required/optional flags, that would be neat02:10
jamielennoxyep, required and secret are the two that come to mind02:10
mordredoh! nope. I lied02:10
mordredI do use required currently02:11
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mordredit's the only thing missing from the current code. however, I think I can add a method to ksa that would let me just call it from occ and remove a pile of code02:12
jamielennoxmordred: just add the parameter to ksa.loading.opts02:13
mordredyah. some patches incoming02:13
jamielennoxit's needed (trying not to say required) i just haven't go to it02:13
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/keystoneauth: Mark tenant-name and tenant-id deprecate
morgan_503jamielennox: +2 on the session thing, but mordred and lbragstad had questions02:17
morgan_503jamielennox: also +2/+A'd terry's cleanup of exceptions02:18
jamielennoxmorgan_503: i'm happy to clean that up02:18
mordredjamielennox: yah - are we expecting pluggable sessions?02:18
morgan_503just inline questions nothing that blocked it02:18
mordred(plugin interfaces scare me)02:18
morgan_503but wanted to give you a chance to answer them before +A02:18
jamielennoxalso, i think what we'll do is just provide a wrapper function that creates a Session() object02:18
jamielennoxand then loads it02:18
jamielennoxie, keep the loader object but hide it02:18
morgan_503jamielennox: I prefer clearly defined interfaces for loading02:18
jamielennoxi don't want people to define their own methods their02:19
jamielennoxi just want to share the code between everything that is "loadable"02:19
morgan_503yes no "custom" sessions please; use an adapter for that02:19
jamielennoxstill wish i had a better name than adapter02:19
morgan_503there are worse names02:19
morgan_503you could name it fluffy_bunny_foo_foo and people would live02:20
morgan_503btw: i didn't see why you -1'd jamielennox02:21
mordredmorgan_503: nope. pretty sure humans would die02:21
morgan_503mordred: oh i said people would live, nothing about humans02:21
jamielennoxmorgan_503: oh that was a while ago02:21
* morgan_503 renames the adapter to "angry_emu"02:21
jamielennoxmorgan_503: pre the understanding that this was ksc 2 not just depending on ksa02:21
jamielennoxif it's ksc2 lets ditch it02:21
morgan_503yeah it's ksc202:22
morgan_503we can have rel_mngrs do a "new branch name" if we want02:22
jamielennoxmorgan_503: so you took a bit much with that patch, for example ksc/auth/cli is loading from cli which is still used02:22
jamielennoxbut it'll go to ksa02:22
morgan_503the original one was much more targeted02:22
jamielennoxi'm not too worried about git history here, whether you just want a "delete everything" patch02:23
morgan_503but i yanked in dolphm's patch too'02:23
morgan_503i'm ok if we need to respin part of it02:23
morgan_503but i do want a "ditch cli" patch or two02:24
morgan_503or five.02:24
jamielennoxthe only problem with a delete everything patch is you'll need to do a bunch of test work02:24
* morgan_503 doesn't care if it's "one" patch02:24
morgan_503or many02:24
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/keystoneauth: Add required property to Opt class
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/keystoneauth: Port in the argument scrubbing from OCC
mordredjamielennox, morgan_503 ^^ there you go - stil needs work prolly , byt tat's my first thought03:04
morgan_503ooh nea03:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-keystoneclient: Expose token_endpoint.Token as admin_token
morgan_503the scrubbing is cool03:06
morgan_503going to need to look harder at it though03:06
jamielennoxmordred: first fine, why not just incorporate validate into ?03:07
jamielennoxdo you expect you'll want it seperately?03:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystoneauth: Use human readable exception messages
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mordredjamielennox: yah ... I currently use it to validate the params that have been passed in before I get into the middle of doing work04:45
mordred(I thought about doing it in the loader ... will definite spend more brain cycles on if I can make that be a win)04:47
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jamielennoxmordred: i guess this is part of why i would prefer OCC just return a plugin object, the validation would happen at that time04:47
jamielennoxrather than doing multiple steps of looking at options dictionaries04:47
mordredsure ... I'll look at that too04:49
mordredI don't have an intuitive feel for what that would be like yet.04:49
jamielennoxmordred: how do you combine yaml dicts in OCC?04:50
jamielennoxif you have for example the dreamhost.yaml file, how do you say "use these options from dreamhost with this extra stuff"04:50
jamielennoxi know there is a standard yaml way to do it but it doesn't seem to be used04:51
mordredwe just to it in python04:52
mordredstart with the dreamhost dict, merge addition options overtop (doing deep merge so that subdicts work)04:53
mordredwe actually start with defaults04:54
mordredthen merge dreamhost. then user data04:54
jamielennoxkk, trying to figure something out there - just not sure what exactly04:57
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystoneauth: Expose admin_token plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.policy: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritHenrique Truta proposed openstack/keystone: Unit tests for is_domain field in project's table
openstackgerritHenrique Truta proposed openstack/keystone: Add is_domain field in Project Table
openstackgerritHenrique Truta proposed openstack/keystone: Manager support for projects acting as domains
openstackgerritHenrique Truta proposed openstack/keystone: Add is_domain parameter to get_project_by_name
openstackgerritHenrique Truta proposed openstack/keystone: Change project name constraints
openstackgerritHenrique Truta proposed openstack/keystone: Limit subtree and parents queries
openstackgerritHenrique Truta proposed openstack/keystone: Replicate domain info in projects table
openstackgerritHenrique Truta proposed openstack/keystone: Creating tests for projects acting as domains
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