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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone master: Add project hierarchical tree check when Keystone start https://review.openstack.org/580331 | 00:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone master: Delete project limits when deleting project https://review.openstack.org/538371 | 02:34 |
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wxy | abhi89: https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/resource/core.py#L230 https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/resource/core.py#L458 | 03:00 |
wxy | abhi89: seems the notification is sent? | 03:01 |
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abhi89 | wxy: are audit events & service events same? we have audit.http.request & audit.http.response as event types under which all service audit events are collected.. the code snippet you mentioned is for these audit events i guess.. | 03:13 |
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wxy | abhi89: they are not the same. | 03:46 |
wxy | abhi89: audit.http.request & audit.http.response is sent by keystonemiddleware. | 03:46 |
wxy | abhi89: The code I pointed is sent by Keystone. it's service events, the event can be used for audit as well. | 03:48 |
wxy | abhi89: the event_type is https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/notifications.py#L404 or https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/notifications.py#L441 | 03:50 |
wxy | abhi89: depends on the options `notification_format` you set (basic or cadf). default is cadf format. | 03:51 |
abhi89 | wxy: the events are getting generated by keystone.. but they are not there in panko db 'event' table.. may be they getting lost somewhere in between.. need to check whether they are reaching the message queue & then if panko is able to listen to these notifications.. | 03:56 |
wxy | abhi89: emm. from my sight, Keystone has sent the notifications to message bus already. Not sure what happened during the transport. It's worth to trace a message in the message bus to see what the input from Keystone and how panko query it | 04:01 |
abhi89 | wxy: yes, event is getting generated in keystone & is being sent.. need to check further as you mentioned.. thanks.. | 04:02 |
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kmalloc | Do you have keystone confifured to talk on the bus? | 04:53 |
kmalloc | It's pretty explicit to do so. | 04:53 |
kmalloc | Keystone by default doesn't emit on the bus, but still generates the notification, since we use the same framework to talk between keystone subsystems. | 04:55 |
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knikolla | o/ | 12:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone master: Allow for 'extension' rel in json home https://review.openstack.org/583357 | 13:03 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone master: Trusts do not implement patch. https://review.openstack.org/583358 | 13:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Lance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Address nits in strict-two-level implementation https://review.openstack.org/585379 | 13:57 |
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gagehugo | o/ | 14:30 |
lbragstad | o/ | 14:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Lance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Reduce duplication in federated auth APIs https://review.openstack.org/585782 | 15:20 |
jaosorior | lbragstad: hey! Back from vacations. Was the bug fixed where it wasn't passed if a token is system scoped? (forgot the bug ID) | 15:22 |
lbragstad | jaosorior: yep - let me grab you a link | 15:22 |
lbragstad | welcome back :) | 15:22 |
lbragstad | jaosorior: https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.policy/+bug/1779172 was it - yeah? | 15:24 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1779172 in oslo.policy "RFE: policy enforcement should accept context objects" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Lance Bragstad (lbragstad) | 15:24 |
lbragstad | if so - that was addressed with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/578995/ | 15:24 |
jaosorior | lbragstad: that looks about right | 15:25 |
jaosorior | nice! | 15:25 |
lbragstad | yeah - that should be fixed in oslo.policy 1.38.0 | 15:25 |
jaosorior | so, currently only projects passing the context object to the policy enforcer will be able to use system scopes, right? (unless they explicitly pass the key "system" in the creds) | 15:26 |
lbragstad | (latest release is 1.38.1) | 15:26 |
lbragstad | correct | 15:26 |
lbragstad | IMO - having the ability to use a context object is a nice carrot that might help move projects in that direction (and hopefully away from building creds dictionaries by hand) | 15:26 |
jaosorior | agreed | 15:27 |
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lbragstad | then we should be able to control all that stuff with just oslo.context and oslo.policy patches if projects are just using context objects | 15:28 |
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jaosorior | that sounds like the way to go | 15:30 |
lbragstad | i hope so | 15:30 |
jaosorior | way less error-prone | 15:30 |
lbragstad | ++ | 15:30 |
jaosorior | and if folks need extra attributes, then they can just subclass the context class (would probably be the case for nova) | 15:31 |
lbragstad | yeah - some projects are already doing that (i know we do in keystone) | 15:31 |
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dtantsur | hi folks! I desperately need help with understanding https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystoneauth/+bug/1783590 | 15:43 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1783590 in keystoneauth "EmptyCatalog raised when the catalog is not empty" [Undecided,New] | 15:43 |
dtantsur | the only thing I understand is that the exception message is wrong.. but I have no ideas on what could cause it to not see the catalog | 15:43 |
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dtantsur | the only conclusion I can make from local testing is that Token auth is completely broken :-/ | 15:51 |
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ayoung | jaosorior, lets set up some time for you me and hrybacki to talk through what we want to present on policy. We can then backbrief the rest of the Keystoners in the next couple weeks. | 16:50 |
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hrybacki | ayoung: perhaps Tuesday morning? I'm off this Fri/Mon | 17:45 |
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jaosorior | ayoung: sounds good to me | 17:47 |
ayoung | im out tuesday and wednesday | 17:47 |
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ayoung | hrybacki, jaosorior sorry, I should have notified you on that; I'm moving on Tuesday/Wednesday next week. | 18:25 |
hrybacki | ayoung: oh nice! to where?? | 18:27 |
ayoung | Same town, but we bought a house. | 18:27 |
ayoung | 1850s | 18:28 |
openstackgerrit | Kristi Nikolla proposed openstack/keystone master: Enable mutable config https://review.openstack.org/585417 | 18:30 |
knikolla | lbragstad, kmalloc ^^ | 18:31 |
lbragstad | ayoung: congrats! | 18:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Kristi Nikolla proposed openstack/keystone master: Deprecate [token] infer_roles=False https://review.openstack.org/574869 | 19:04 |
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ayoung | lbragstad, thanks | 19:18 |
gagehugo | ayoung nice! | 19:23 |
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kmalloc | lbragstad: is revoked token list deprecated? | 19:52 |
kmalloc | lbragstad: it sure would be easier if i could just always make it return 410 | 19:53 |
* lbragstad hands kmalloc https://review.openstack.org/#/c/545009/ | 19:54 | |
lbragstad | gagehugo: thanks for the rechecks | 19:55 |
lbragstad | i'm hoping that fix doesn't drab out because of zuul tripping | 19:55 |
kmalloc | lol, i thought we landed that one lbragstad | 19:56 |
kmalloc | bah. | 19:56 |
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jaosorior | ayoung: congrats! | 19:56 |
* gagehugo stares at zuul | 19:58 | |
openstackgerrit | Morgan Fainberg proposed openstack/keystone master: Address FIXMEs for listing revoked tokens https://review.openstack.org/545009 | 20:03 |
openstackgerrit | Morgan Fainberg proposed openstack/keystone master: Move unenforced_api decorator to module function https://review.openstack.org/585869 | 20:03 |
kmalloc | lbragstad: ^ it's now part of the flask chain | 20:03 |
lbragstad | kmalloc: nice - i can abandon mine then | 20:12 |
lbragstad | oh - wait... nevermind | 20:13 |
lbragstad | thanks for working that into the chain | 20:13 |
kmalloc | lbragstad: makes my life a TON easier for auth->api.auth | 20:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone master: Introduce new TokenModel object https://review.openstack.org/559129 | 20:31 |
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gagehugo | lbragstad kmalloc for the FIXMEs it's going from a 2XX -> 403, we're not breaking any contracts there are we? | 21:01 |
kmalloc | it isn't actually moving to a 200 | 21:03 |
kmalloc | erm from | 21:03 |
kmalloc | if you don't have signing stuff, you end up with 500s | 21:03 |
kmalloc | look at the comment on the previous patchset | 21:03 |
kmalloc | basically we move from consistent 500 -> 403 | 21:03 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystone master: Add docs for case-insensitivity in keystone https://review.openstack.org/576640 | 21:04 |
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gagehugo | kmalloc welp idk how I missed that | 21:07 |
gagehugo | seeing as I left the same comment back in Feb | 21:08 |
kmalloc | hehe | 21:08 |
* gagehugo facepalms | 21:08 | |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystonemiddleware master: Replace port 35357 with 5000 https://review.openstack.org/584251 | 23:06 |
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