Friday, 2020-12-18

rm_workPer above -- we use keystoneauth1 Session objects for all service clients, which handles a ton of stuff basically from config loading, like (in our interest here) the use of client certificates00:16
rm_workBut in one spot, we need to reuse a user's token to make a follow-up request in their auth scope00:17
rm_workSo we didn't use a keystone session, which means the client isn't capable of client certificate auth00:17
rm_workIs there a way to reuse the user's token WITH a keystone Session object loaded from config? Overriding the user/pass from config in favor of the token, but still using all the other client options?00:18
rm_workCompare to the other neutron client generator function above, which does pass a Session object00:21
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rm_workIt seems like I can create a fresh keystone session using a token based auth plugin -- but then it doesn't have all the other stuff from config00:39
rm_workAnd if I use the config loader methods to create it, I'm not sure how to REPLACE the auth plugin it's using safely00:40
rm_workok nm, maybe the config loader does take an auth param00:41
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rm_workFor the record, this is what I'm trying to do, after all of that rubber-ducking:
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openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.limit master: Dropping lower constraints testing
openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Dropping lower constraints testing
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