Wednesday, 2025-01-15

opendevreviewStanislav Zaprudskiy proposed openstack/keystone master: Support emitting partial hash of invalid password
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel13:43
d34dh0r53#startmeeting keystone15:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan 15 15:02:02 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is d34dh0r53. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'keystone'15:02
d34dh0r53Reminder: This meeting takes place under the OpenInfra Foundation Code of Conduct15:02
d34dh0r53#topic roll call15:02
d34dh0r53admiyo, bbobrov, crisloma, d34dh0r53, dpar, dstanek, hrybacki, lbragstad, lwanderley, kmalloc, rodrigods, samueldmq, ruan_he, wxy, sonuk, vishakha, Ajay, rafaelwe, xek, gmann, zaitcev, reqa, dmendiza[m], dmendiza, mharley, jph, gtema, cardoe15:02
d34dh0r53and a special ding for dmendiza 15:03
d34dh0r53#topic review past meeting work items15:04
d34dh0r53had to update the link15:05
d34dh0r53no action items from the last meeting15:05
d34dh0r53#topic liaison updates15:05
d34dh0r53nothing from releases or vmt15:05
d34dh0r53#topic specification OAuth 2.0 (hiromu)15:07
d34dh0r53External OAuth 2.0 Specification15:08
d34dh0r53#link (merged)15:08
d34dh0r53OAuth 2.0 Implementation15:08
d34dh0r53OAuth 2.0 Documentation15:08
d34dh0r53#link (merged)15:08
d34dh0r53#link (merged)15:08
d34dh0r53no updates15:08
d34dh0r53#topic specification Secure RBAC (dmendiza[m])15:10
d34dh0r532024.1 Release Timeline15:10
d34dh0r53Update oslo.policy in keystone to enforce_new_defaults=True15:10
d34dh0r53Update oslo.policy in keystone to enforce_scope=True15:10
d34dh0r53dmendiza: any SRBAC updates?15:10
dmendiza[m]I shoudl get back to that some time soon hopefully15:11
d34dh0r53cool, thanks dmendiza 15:11
d34dh0r53#topic specification OpenAPI support (gtema)15:11
gtemathanks Dave for reviewing some changes15:12
gtemagenerally - there are things to review and land15:12
gtemafurther work is in progress15:12
xekI'll get to reviewing those soon15:12
gtemabtw, I started work on building openapi for barbican, which is not trivial ;-)15:13
dmendiza[m]Oh, yeah, Barbican API is kinda ugly in some parts15:13
gtemanot only that, I mean introspecting the code is not really possible without hardcoding routing table due to the extensive use of dynamic routing15:14
gtemabecause of that I can only natively find only half of the routes15:14
gtemaI got request from somebody in the community to add this 15:15
gtemaso anyway, will look further in next days, but keystone jsonschemas are in progress but need reviews ;-)15:15
gtemanothing else on that15:15
d34dh0r53thanks gtema 15:16
d34dh0r53#topic specification domain manager (mhen)15:16
d34dh0r53still unmerged are:15:16
d34dh0r53tempest tests:
d34dh0r53dmendiza: mind taking a look at those?15:16
dmendiza[m]Yeah... I need to get back to reviewing things 😅15:17
d34dh0r53No worries, it's been a busy few months15:18
gtemayeah, Christmas, New Year and such sort of things ;-)15:18
d34dh0r53#topic specification Include bad password details in audit messages (stanislav-z)15:19
d34dh0r5315-Jan update: there are some open conversations in the spec - would appreciate the feedback and general reviews15:19
stanislav-zyes, turned out I had my responses in the keystone-spec submitted weeks ago, but not published 😞. but I did it today15:19
gtemaok, will have a look this week (if nothing explodes)15:20
d34dh0r53thanks gtema 15:21
d34dh0r53#topic open discussion15:21
d34dh0r53nothing from me15:21
gtemaI have few things15:21
gtemaI mentioned last friday I joined SysEleven and there is interesting usage of OpenFGA for managing authorization externally15:21
gtemaso I created role-assignment plugin for communicating with openfga15:22
gtemabut noticed that if we want to delegate role assignments to the external system which itself is capable dealing with role inference and inheritance there is no way to do this in driver15:22
gtemabasically keystone role-assignment provider is enforcing lots of things which can be done in the external system (openfga/aws cedar/opa/etc)15:23
gtemaI think it would make sense to have possibility to externalize this more natively15:23
dmendiza[m]I've got something too15:23
gtemai.e. there is a call to list_role_assignments which gets bazilion of params and is being invoked few times15:24
gtemawhich this is not necessary if external system can deal with that and it doesn't differentiate between "effective" roles and direct what might be necessary15:25
gtemaso: are you guys ok reworking role-assignment provider slightly to allow to put all logic to the external system if such system support that?15:25
gtemabasically for now it means splitting some methods to allow more granular overloading and having possibility to disable auth caching to allow roles being read dynamically from external system15:26
xekI'm for it +115:27
gtemacool, thks. This is more or less for now to allow external system to make decision which roles are assigned to the user15:28
gtemaand a second question: here they do not use domains at all and (together with keycloak and openfga) manage user/projects directly under the default domain15:29
gtemaI am struggling at the moment to find enough arguments against that (to start using domains for better segregation). Do you know any reasons why this should be preferred in a public cloud?15:29
gtemastatement "it is not scalable" is not sufficient, I need something with more weight15:30
dmendiza[m]The main use of Domains is to group Projects together.  In a public cloud you could map a client's account to be their domain.  That way a single account could own many projects while being insulated from other accounts.15:31
gtemaright, but it is also possible to grant user(s) access to projects directly bypassing domains grouping15:32
dmendiza[m]I think the main argument for Domains would be the Domain Manager persona whereby you could have an end user manage permissions for their domain as opposed to having to call the deployer every time.15:32
gtemaI was thinking more into the performance of certain queries, quotas/limits or similar stuff15:32
gtemacorrect, domain manager is here a perfect fit, but if permissions are managed externally (because they want to unify authz for openstack/kubernetes/ceph/etc all the other things)15:33
gtemathen domain manager becomes somehow unnecessary (or better to say not appliable). Anyway, I definitely ack that and it is one of the arguments, but I need a bit more15:34
dmendiza[m]Yeah, I'm not sure about performance implications. 🤔15:37
gtemawhen domain_id is part of the index then it is definitely faster to find entry15:38
gtemabut whether it is "noticable" I have no clue15:38
gtemaand since all other services do not deal with domains, but only with projects it is hard to justify15:39
gtemaanyway, if there are no known things - thanks15:41
gtemawill still try to convince from the "upstream and all other CSPs" do it this way15:41
dmendiza[m]On my end, I still need to file a LP bug for this, but we found a breaking bug in the LDAP backend15:42
dmendiza[m]Bugfix patch is here, but it's currently failing the gate jobs:
d34dh0r53I haven't looked yet, any idea what's failing?15:45
gtemalooks mypy is now complaining in pep8 checks15:45
gtemaI will have a look today/tomorrow whether there is a new gate blocker due to updated additional SW15:46
d34dh0r53thanks gtema 15:46
d34dh0r53anything else for open discussion?15:46
gtemanot from me15:46
d34dh0r53#topic bug review15:47
d34dh0r53no new bugs in keystone15:47
d34dh0r53python-keystoneclient has no new bugs15:48
d34dh0r53nothing in keystoneauth either15:48
d34dh0r53keystonemiddleware is good15:48
d34dh0r53pycadf is also good15:48
d34dh0r53no new bugs in ldappool15:48
d34dh0r53#topic conclusion15:49
d34dh0r53Thanks everyone!15:49
gtemathks guys15:49
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan 15 15:49:16 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:49
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The paste service at will have a short (15-20) minute outage momentarily to replace the underlying server.17:08
cardoed34dh0r53: not sure if you're still on but I got dragged to a call at work and missed the keystone meeting. I'm really just wanting to provide documentation updates for usage. I've tried to dip my toe in the water with but just unsure what I need to do to keep advancing things.17:53
cardoeLong term I'd like to contribute the websso method that mnaser 17:54
cardoeat Vexxhost uses.17:54
cardoeBut it seems like maybe this won't be welcome upstream based on the desire to rewrite how OIDC is used.17:54
cardoeBut I just want to have the docs correct for existing installations. Today the docs talk about Ubuntu 16.04 and things have changed.17:55

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