Friday, 2025-03-21

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:35
freyeshi all, I wanted to check with the maintainers of keystoneauth, if they are OK with me proposing a new release of the library for 2024.1 (caracal), something like 5.6.1 to include this bug fix that was merged back in October -
xek+1 from me13:43
xekgtema Dave Wilde (d34dh0r53) dmendiza I won't be able to get to the reviewathon today13:44
gtemaok, sad13:44
d34dh0r53freyes: yes, that would be great13:55
freyesgreat, will submit a patch to openstack/releases repo13:57
d34dh0r53freyes: thank you!13:58
opendevreviewMerged openstack/keystone master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/2023.1
freyesd34dh0r53, xek,
opendevreviewMerged openstack/keystone master: Direct link to keystone docs

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