Wednesday, 2017-01-11

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sbezverkkfox1111: I might need your help with global api. by some reason a couple of variable cannot be found.. I will try a couple of more things, if does not work, I will have to go to the source ;-)00:09
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add -type to all microservices missing them.
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kfox1111ok. let me know and I'll help however I can.00:09
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kfox1111sbezverk: is gate-kolla-kubernetes-deploy-ubuntu-binary-iscsi-nv just generally broken? I don't know if I've ever seen it pass.00:10
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openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm repository container and service
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portdirectkfox1111: overlay2 requires kernel 4.2 or greater - they have not backported it :(00:12
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sbezverkkfox1111: yes, there is a bug in ubuntu cinder. they use older than centos version of cinder00:12
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kfox1111portdirect: yeah. I didn't think so. just doing some sanity checking.00:13
kfox1111portdirect: redhat's kernels are very odd, with all the backporting they do. :)00:13
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kfox1111sbezverk: ah. ok. I'll ignore it then.00:13
sbezverkas soon as ubuntu upstream updates their cinder00:13
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kfox1111maybe it will work with 3.0.200:13
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sbezverkkfox1111: not sure.. as we use binary so if upstream has not been updated then no change00:15
kfox1111sbezverk: so, which vars arn't showing?00:16
sbezverkkfox1111: when we start using master source then it mioght change for better or worse ;-)00:16
sbezverkkfox1111: I will tell you when I get gate's results..00:17
kfox1111trunk's always worse. ;)00:17
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kfox1111ok cool.00:18
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sdakekfox1111 yup those are the two fses that can be used with centos/rhel 700:29
sdakeoverlay sort of works00:29
sdakebut i find it dangerous00:29
sdakealthough it is really fast :)00:29
sdakeso in the future it will be the go to solution00:29
kfox1111sbezverk: portdirect: srwilkers: shouild be ready for review please.00:32
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kfox1111sbezverk: there are still some .Values.port references in the template.00:40
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add -type to all microservices missing them.
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm repository container and service
sbezverkkfox1111: yeah I noticed :) and fixed..00:51
duonghqmorning guys00:52
duonghqmorning sbezverk00:52
kfox1111duonghq: hey00:52
duonghqhi kfox111100:52
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm repository container and service
openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
sbezverkduonghq: good morning01:03
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duonghqsbezverk, still here?01:10
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add -type to all microservices missing them.
duonghqfor your dev environment, you still you halcyon?01:11
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sbezverkduonghq: yep01:15
sbezverkwhat is up?01:15
sbezverkkfox1111: qq when I post info to api server I get "method not allowed" any idea why it could be the case?01:15
duonghqsbezverk, you install microservice directly from repo, or you setup helm repo server?01:16
kfox1111sbezverk: which api server?01:16
sbezverkduonghq: atm directly from local repo which is automatic01:16
duonghqah, I mean the git dir? hay local repo server?01:17
sbezverkkfox1111: kube api.. I need to update the state of 3rd party object01:17
kfox1111is it post put or patch?01:17
kfox1111I'm not sure which is the right one to use in this case.01:18
sbezverkduonghq: you do not need to do any special 1. git clone kolla-kubernetes, 2. tools/ and you are good to go01:18
Pavoanyone ever see an error when trying to spin up an instance where it says image unacceptable, could not convert to raw when the image is qcow?01:19
sbezverkhelm install helm/microservice/your-favorit-microservice --namespace kolla01:19
duonghqsbezverk, thank you01:19
sbezverkkfox1111: I think post01:19
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kfox1111I think post is for creation and patch maybe for updates?01:23
kfox1111not really sure though.01:23
kfox1111that part of rest isn't very well defined.01:23
sbezverkkfox1111: I see, probably you are right, since the object already exist01:24
kfox1111might do a kubectl update -f xxx and strace it?01:24
sbezverkkfox1111: ahh good idea01:26
duonghqsbezverk, do we have plan move some settings from all_values.yml to /etc/...?01:28
kfox1111duonghq: the user can have their own values.yaml file, passed during helm release.01:29
kfox1111helm install kolla/foo --values /etc/kolla-kubernetes/values.yaml01:29
kfox1111or wherever you want to store it.01:29
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sbezverkkfox1111: do you mind to take a look at strace? I could see only GET and OK :(01:31
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add -type to all microservices missing them.
kfox1111did you set up the string lenghts?01:31
kfox1111often you need something like -s 1000 to catch it.01:31
kfox1111or alternately, tcpdump might be easier if you can get the unencrypted traffic.01:31
kfox1111wireshark will make it easy to watch.01:31
sbezverkwell it is all in one and cli only box01:32
kfox1111got the review handy?01:34
kfox1111oh.... I might not have easy access to an unencyrpted endpoint. :/01:34
kfox1111can you please set -s 1000 on the strace cli and try again?01:35
sbezverksure thing01:35
duonghqsbezverk, you halcyon setup still usable after restart machine?01:37
duonghq(the physical one)01:37
sbezverkkfox1111: here you go: kfox111101:37
sbezverkduonghq: you'd better ask portdirect01:38
duonghqsbezverk, ah, forgot it01:38
duonghqportdirect, ping01:38
sbezverkkfox1111: opps ;)
portdirectduonghq: probably not :(01:38
portdirectI cant rememeber exactly - but i think that resolv.conf  will be updated at restart01:39
duonghqportdirect, roger, in my setup kubernetes cluster is splitted01:40
duonghqkubectl cannot get nodes01:40
portdirectso you will need to update that again i think - or disable that01:40
kfox1111sbezverk: thats a strange looking strace. it feels like there are things missing. could you add '-f -F' to the strace as well?01:40
duonghqportdirect, I'll try that01:40
portdirecti think (hope) that should get you back up and running - if not I'll be around for then next hour or so01:41
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm repository container and service
sbezverkkfox1111: one sec01:42
duonghqportdirect, I'll try your idea next time I restart my machine, still keep it running for a few days, due to unstable network here,01:42
duonghqportdirect, thank you01:42
kfox1111sbezverk: I think I figured out how to get an unencrypted endpoint in minikube.01:43
sbezverkkfox1111: they use PUT01:43
portdirectduonghq: if you make any discoveries or anything else of note in your adventures please give me a shout - or put in a pr at halcyon :)01:44
kfox1111put's a bit less defined in rest. so that kind of makes sense.01:44
duonghqportdirect, sure01:44
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sbezverkkfox1111: email it, it is so huge it does not fit in paste01:45
kfox1111sbezverk: hows this one look to you: ?01:45
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sbezverkkfox1111: looks good01:46
kfox1111yeah. looks like a put to me too. :)01:46
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kfox1111a little odd to have so many pids. I guess they are maping goroutines to pids though.01:47
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kfox1111thanks for the review.01:47
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sbezverkkfox1111: as long as it ia green ;-)01:59
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add -type to all microservices missing them.
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duonghqsbezverk, we use image from newton? I see default tag on all_values.yml is 3.002:22
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openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
openstackgerritqiankun.zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move solum precheck into its own role
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duonghqkfox1111, we use image from newton or ocata?02:45
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kfox1111duonghq: mitaka and newton so far.02:51
kfox1111inc0 is getting ocata images in gate going.02:51
duonghqkfox1111, ack02:52
duonghqkfox1111, where can I get kubernetes_entrypoint?02:56
duonghqkfox1111, see it02:56
kfox1111there's  abuild on the hub.02:56
kfox1111only centos-binary at the moment.02:56
kfox11113.0.2 should come out tomorrow with all the builds.02:57
duonghqbut how can I build?02:57
kfox1111can do with the kolla repo.02:57
duonghqah, ok02:57
Jeffrey4l_3.0.2 tag patch is passed.03:01
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Pavoanyone ever see an error when trying to spin up an instance where it says image unacceptable, could not convert to raw when the image is qcow?03:02
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Pavowait what03:03
Pavonew kolla pip package coming tomorrow?03:03
Jeffrey4l_for newton release, yes.03:03
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move rabbitmq precheck into its own role
Pavodoes it include all the murano and magmum fixes?03:03
Jeffrey4l_i am not sure. it these fixed is backported into newton, so it is included.03:04
Jeffrey4l_it these/if these03:04
Pavohow can I findout what is going to be updated in this03:04
Jeffrey4l_Pavo, check this list
kfox1111Jeffrey4l_: nice. gona build the contaienrs tonight or tomorrow?03:05
Jeffrey4l_kfox1111, the issue is: *who* gonna build03:05
kfox1111Jeffrey4l_: I've got 2 ps's to go in tomorrow morning once we have 3.0.2 containers and then we can cut the kolla-kubernetes release.03:05
kfox1111Jeffrey4l_: oh. not you then?03:06
PavoJeffrey4l_  where on this tells me what is going to be included, all I see are a bunch of bugs03:06
Jeffrey4l_hrm. it is a little hard for me ( who located in China, has a bad network access )03:06
kfox1111well, we'll see if we can find someone tomorrow morning. I've got  to head out.03:06
kfox1111maybe inc0 or portdirect?03:07
Jeffrey4l_i made some change in my local env.03:07
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move rabbitmq precheck into its own role
kfox1111k. I'll check back in the morning. good night.03:08
Jeffrey4l_good night.03:08
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portdirecthey - i can build containers tommorow if needed03:10
Jeffrey4l_portdirect, cool. do u have write permission for
portdirectI'm busting the master images there03:13
Jeffrey4l_cool. please build and push the images, when you are free03:13
portdirect*pushing, but busting works too :)03:13
portdirectwill be able to tomorrow morning my time - so about 9 hours03:14
portdirectis 3.0.2 out?03:15
Jeffrey4l_roger. thanks a lot.03:15
Jeffrey4l_yep  ,
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fix different repo issue for documentation
Jeffrey4l_it is already pushed to pypi
portdirectwhoop - congrats guys :)03:16
Pavodo I need to rebuild images if I update to 3.0.2??03:16
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Pavoand will a kolla-ansible update work?03:17
Jeffrey4l_Pavo, yes.03:17
Jeffrey4l_Pavo, need re-build the images.03:17
Pavoand will a kolla-ansible update work?03:17
Jeffrey4l_some fixes are related to Dockerfile changes.03:17
Jeffrey4l_Pavo, i am not sure. bug guess no for some service.03:17
Pavowill test it out03:18
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Pavofound out today that when doing a kolla-ansible reconfigure make sure you have all instances shutdown03:18
Pavonova compute goes haywire if not03:19
Pavoalso nova-libvirt03:19
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Pavoassuming update is the same03:19
Jeffrey4l_Pavo, what happen when all instances are not shutdown'03:20
Pavonova-libvirt crashed, nova-compute just exited03:20
Jeffrey4l_hrm. crashed.. never see this.03:21
Jeffrey4l_did u catch the related logs?03:21
Pavono but I am sure I can go back and look tomorrow03:21
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openstackgerritqiankun.zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move solum precheck into its own role
openstackgerritSurya Prakash Singh proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Docs update related to hostname resolution in RabbitMQ
openstackgerritqiankun.zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move solum precheck into its own role
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duonghqkfox1111, so I grab the ocata repo for kubernetes_entrypoint and tag it as 3.0.x?03:34
sp_pbourke: zhubingbing I have incorporated the comment. It will be great if you review it again.
zhubingbingi review it now03:38
zhubingbingthanks your commit03:38
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Add fluentd role
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sdakehello peoples04:05
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sbezverkkfox1111: ping04:12
sbezverkkfox1111: all green when you have time please ack:
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duonghqsup sdake06:29
sdakeready for bed :)06:29
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openstackgerritqiankun.zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move solum precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritqiankun.zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move solum precheck into its own role
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satyarhi jeffrey4l_07:20
satyardo we need to fix in netwon also?07:20
openstackLaunchpad bug 1583655 in kolla "rabbitmq setup from secondary IP" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Satya Sanjibani Routray (satroutr)07:20
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Jeffrey4l_sup satyar07:22
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duonghqI think it's a feature?07:23
duonghqwe donot backport feature?07:23
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Add fluentd role
Jeffrey4l_yep. it is a feature.07:24
satyarso we can remove the affects newton from there?07:24
Jeffrey4l_i think so .07:24
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satyarshould i mark invalid for newton?07:24
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Jeffrey4l_won't feature?07:26
Jeffrey4l_won't fix?07:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Move gnocchi precheck into its own role
duonghqsatyar, invalid is reasonable imo07:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove precheck.yml in certificates
satyarok got it :) jeffrey4l: duonghq07:31
Jeffrey4l_duonghq, satyar no. it is an issue. but we do not fix on stable branch. so won't fix is more reasonable.07:32
satyar:( i am not getting the wont fix option there07:32
duonghqsatyar, done07:33
satyarThanks :) duonghq07:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Move mistral precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritHongZhi XU proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move gnocchi precheck into its own role
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liyifenghi, I have a problem, when I deploy kolla, exec task: Fetching ceph keyring, there has an error, No Json object could be decoded,what is the reason?thanks08:23
liyifengthis deploy is redeploy on the same host,I del two osd disk,and add a new disk as osd.08:25
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move grafana precheck into its own role
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move murano precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move nova precheck into its own role
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move nova precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move etcd precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move searchlight precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move rabbitmq precheck into its own role
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sp_egonzalez: pbourke: satyar: zhubingbing: please review this time
egonzalezsp_: Didn't realize it was a spec before, Jeffrey4l_ commented that we do not maintain spec files09:01
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egonzalezSpecifying hostname resolution can be in other doc file09:01
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sp_egonzalez: so what next ?09:03
sp_egonzalez: ok ok, missed yr last text09:04
egonzalezsp_: what about moving to advanced-configuration or networking-guide?09:05
egonzalezor even multinode guide, not sure on which doc should be09:06
sp_egonzalez: i think networking-guide's "IP Address Constrained Environments" section would be fine.09:07
sp_pbourke: around ??09:08
sp_Jeffrey4l_: ping..09:11
Jeffrey4l_sp_, pong09:11
sp_Jeffrey4l_: which doc would be suitable to update regarding this.
sp_Jeffrey4l_: please suggest09:12
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Jeffrey4l_some place in doc folder i think.09:13
sp_Jeffrey4l_: thanks09:14
Jeffrey4l_np ;)09:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Move grafana precheck into its own role
sp_egonzalez: doc/advanced-configuration.rst's "IP Address Constrained Environments" section09:17
egonzalezzhubingbing: ping09:17
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move searchlight precheck into its own role
Mech422I can't believe I've spent over an hour just looking for the names of the ldap support packages required for openstack :-P09:21
Mech422500 articles on openstack+ldap, and no-one bothers to mention which packages you need :-P09:22
egonzalezzhubingbing: in the firsts fluentd PS, cron logrotate tasks were removed from common role and now are present. Is fluentd responsible of log rotation now?09:23
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move swift precheck into its own role
zhubingbingegonzalez  yes09:31
egonzalezzhubingbing: OK, i'll add a comment to remove cron files09:32
zhubingbingyou can write down your comments in this patch review09:33
egonzalezzhubingbing: yup, I'm doing09:37
zhubingbingthanks you very much09:38
openstackgerritSurya Prakash Singh proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Docs update related to hostname resolution in RabbitMQ
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add miss chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/kolla_extend_start in grafana
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Fix grafana container
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sp_egonzalez: corrected the location as per Jeffre comment please check now09:56
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Fix telegraf contaiers
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zhubingbingaround egonzalez10:05
zhubingbingAsk a question , now docker version is 1.12 so we should change  docker version 1.11  into 1.20 ?10:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Move magnum precheck into its own role
openstackgerritSurya Prakash Singh proposed openstack/kolla: Cover environment for kolla
sp_Jeffrey4l_: incorporated your comment. It would be great if you review it now. Thanks10:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Move searchlight precheck into its own role
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egonzalezzhubingbing: where? in docs or requirements?10:25
zhubingbingflunted ?10:25
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openstackgerritqiankun.zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move kibana precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm Ceph RGW
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openstackgerritavnish proposed openstack/kolla: Removed unnecessary utf-8 encoding
des_consoladohmmm I'm getting this on CentOS 7...
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egonzalezdes_consolado: pbr need git installed to check version10:48
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des_consoladogit is installed, on the CentOS at least... And there isn't a pip module for git I don't think10:49
des_consoladooh there are lots of pip modules when you search for git actually, just not one that's called git specifically10:52
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egonzalezsaw some other bugs complaining about it, more of the answers said to upgrade setuptools10:53
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des_consoladoyeah I did google and pip install --upgrade setuptools distutils pbr, it's all up-to-date D:10:54
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des_consoladooh not distutils10:55
des_consoladodistutils isn't a pip package, only setup tools10:55
des_consoladothere was distutils2, tried installing that, same result10:56
des_consoladoah my bad10:59
des_consoladoI'd only installed kolla-ansible in pip, I hadn't installed kolla10:59
des_consoladoso I guess maybe that's a kolla-ansible bug? I mean kolla-ansible does install the kolla-genpwd binary, so it should make it so it works right?11:01
des_consoladois there a document somewhere outlining the roadmap for the split between the kolla and kolla-ansible repo's anyway?11:01
egonzalezmaybe there is a missing requirement, Jeffrey4l_ any idea? ^^11:01
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egonzalezis down in your location?11:23
openstackgerritqiankun.zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move solum precheck into its own role
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openstackgerrityangyang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move Influxdb precheck into its own role
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mliimamorning guys11:42
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des_consoladoegonzalez: yes actuqally11:43
des_consoladoit tries ipv6 port 80 and gets connection refused :O11:44
egonzalezdes_consolado: thanks11:44
egonzalezmorning mliima11:44
des_consoladocurl with -4 also fails with the same shit... is fine tho isn't it11:44
des_consoladosame on 443 if https specified... someone made a firewall or web server change or something maybe :P11:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: cinder.conf either supports lvm or ceph backend, not both
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des_consoladooh it's back up again now12:14
openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Allow cinder-volume to be configured to use HNAS nfs
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egonzalezJeffrey4l_: is octavia bp finished?
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des_consoladoI've documented what I guess is basically a "for idiots" guide to deploying OpenStack with kolla(-ansible), needed to do this for work anyway. I've stuck it on gist for now, I don't know if it'd be of use to anyone else... I don't see a lot of other noobs around here tbh, not sure how it's worked out that the only people using OpenStack are its pro dev's O.o13:21
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egonzalezdes_consolado: the first thing I'm seeing there is that you do pip install -r requirements13:23
egonzalezif installing kolla from pip is not needed at all13:23
Jeffrey4l_egonzalez, there are still some nit, i will push a fix. and then it can be marked as implemented.13:23
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des_consoladooh right13:24
egonzalezif not using pip, using git repo, need to add test-requirements too13:24
egonzalezJeffrey4l_: cool13:24
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egonzalezdes_consolado: could you fill a bug in kolla-ansible lp for the issue with generate-passwords dependencies?13:26
des_consoladoegonzalez: sure, give me a min13:26
Jeffrey4l_egonzalez, have you found anything about the mitaka branch failure?13:27
egonzalezJeffrey4l_: not13:28
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egonzalezmaybe is a bug with selinux-policies packages, but gates use the same packages up-to-date right?13:28
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Jeffrey4l_egonzalez, yes. all branch gates are using the same images and should be the latest packages.13:29
egonzalezdes_consolado: recomended method to use stable/branch is installing from pip, not using git repository13:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1655653 in kolla-ansible "kolla-genpwd pbr versioning exception" [Undecided,New]13:29
des_consoladoyeah I'll change that, thanks man13:32
egonzalezmaybe the issue is from there, that missed test-requirements13:33
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des_consoladokolla-ansible provides kolla-genpwd in a non-working state though doesn't it I think13:38
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des_consoladoyeah I just reproduced it on my compute node by installing kolla-ansible and trying kolla-genpwd again (all sudo)13:42
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sean-k-mooneydes_consolado: should there not be a dependcy between kolla-ansible on kolla13:49
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sean-k-mooneykolla is missing form the requirements file for kolla-ansible13:50
sean-k-mooneythat is why is happening13:51
openstackLaunchpad bug 1655653 in kolla-ansible "kolla-genpwd pbr versioning exception" [Undecided,Triaged]13:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix grafana container
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Configure local registries to proxy docker hub
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix mitaka branch gate
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rhalliseysdake_, hey14:05
sdake_sup dude14:05
rhalliseyhad an idea from the ml thread14:05
rhalliseywhat if bootstrap + deploy + upgrade + reconfig were their own playbooks14:05
rhalliseythey are all currently in one playbook14:05
rhalliseyand they are connected by the deploy script14:06
rhalliseyyou can call other playbooks from within playbooks14:06
Mech422rhallisey: I sorta do the bootstrap thing...14:07
rhalliseyMech422, you do the bootstrap yourself by hand?14:07
Mech422rhallisey: I had a bunch of playbooks that bootstrapped the hosts, then 'drove' kolla14:07
Mech422rhallisey: I had ansible inception going - ansible driving ansible :-P14:07
rhalliseywhat is your opinion about it? Did you find it worked well?14:08
Mech422rhallisey: also, see the email from 'kris lindgren' ...14:08
rhalliseyya I just read it14:08
Mech422rhallisey: he has a lot of the same issues I did14:08
Mech422aka - not a greenfield deployment, must work within existing designs/reporting structure etc14:08
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rhalliseyMech422, so would breaking the playbooks apart help you?14:08
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Mech422rhallisey: Umm - not sure it would - I needed 'prelude' and 'epilogue' stuff wrapped around kolla14:09
Mech422but kolla itself could run as a 'chunk'14:09
Mech422rhallisey: stuff I had to deal with was: no touchey my OVS setup! externally created/managed ceph cluster (think thats been addressed though), etc etc14:10
rhalliseyMech422, the anisble variable file is helpful, but I don't think it goes far enough.  Like you said, it touches a like of things you may not want14:11
Mech422yeah - it restarted ovs, which caused me to lose connection to all my cluster hosts - time to drive to the D.C. :-P14:12
Mech422rhallisey: also, I tend to like a LOT of networks 'just in case' - so ceph replication network, mysql/mongo replication network, etc etc14:13
Mech422rhallisey: I'm using vlans over bonded nics, so I tend to throw anything I think 'might' grow to significant traffic on its on vlan/ovs interface14:15
rhalliseyMech422, it would be nice to add another "layer", where playbooks can be used or not.14:15
rhalliseycustom playbooks plugged in or removed etc..14:15
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Mech422rhallisey: I really don't know - I've been trying to figure out the 'right' way to do for our installs for a couple of months now - but I keep hitting issues around ansible14:17
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Mech422rhallisey: roles arent really easily composable, tons of [ hostvars[ groups[ 'cinder'][0] ].endpoint_url type stuff14:18
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Mech422rhallisey: I can imagine it would only be worse for something a complex as kolla14:19
rhalliseyI could see that14:19
rhalliseyit could make things less readable14:19
rhalliseykolla could use 'tags' everywhere too14:20
rhalliseythat could empower the anisble var file without splitting the playbook14:20
rhalliseyso there would be a bootstrap tag14:21
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rhalliseyand you could turn it off in the ansible var file14:21
Mech422Really stupid example of the 'fun' I have with ansible...14:21
Mech422we require external acces via a http proxy14:21
Mech422so all the boxes have http_proxy env vars defined14:21
Mech422but that hoses openstack when it wants to talk to api endpoints14:22
Mech422so I have a 'pkgs' tag in my playbooks, that downloads/installs all the packages across all playbooks...14:22
Mech422after thats step, I can undefine the http_proxy vars :-P14:22
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rhalliseyidk it's a thought - more brownfield friendly playbooks would be good14:24
Mech422rhallisey: always :-)14:24
Mech422rhallisey: the only thing I'm really happy with so far with my stuff is that pkgs thing - get everything downloaded on the box locally before mucking with any network settings, upgrading kernels, etc.14:25
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dmsimardmandre, sdake, sean-k-mooney: so I know I'm annoying with this but Ansible version upgrade for Ocata - Ansible just pushed out release candidates that includes a CVE fix for both the 2.2 and 2.1 branches, nothing in sight for 2.014:28
Mech422rhallisey: I wonder how much of this is kolla's 'problem' though - if kolla is just making images for consumption by other projects (like kolla-kube) Maybe these things should be handled by the other projects?14:30
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sean-k-mooneydmsimard: so master has a minium of 2.0 but i use 2.2 and it works fine14:30
rhalliseyMech422, well I'd say it's kolla-ansible's problem.  The containers wouldn't change14:31
dmsimardsean-k-mooney: I guess I'm asking to bump the minimum to >2.114:31
sean-k-mooneyi think that is resonable to do14:31
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dmsimardsean-k-mooney: ansible is often not very backwards compat between versions though14:31
dmsimardso there might be gotchas14:32
sean-k-mooneyis the gate using the kolla-host playbook to bootsrap yet?14:32
sean-k-mooneydmsimard: 2.2 seams to work fine 2.1.0 had issues i belive14:32
Mech422rhallisey: yeah - the containers won't change - but like that email asked about taking nodes out of service and updating the haproxies - doesn't kubernetes do that for you ?14:32
sean-k-mooneyso i would bump minium to 2.214:32
Mech422rhallisey: so maybe it makes sense to let k8s worry about that and not kolla-ansible?14:33
sbezverkgood morning14:33
rhalliseyya not everything was perfectly solvable14:33
rhalliseydepends on what playbooks you have available to assist operators14:34
rhalliseyor done automatically with k8s14:34
Mech422sbezverk: morning14:34
sean-k-mooneydmsimard: in any case i would be infavor of the bump to 2.2 and raising the minium14:34
sean-k-mooneyi have a meeting to run too sorry. will be back soon14:35
dmsimardbumping to 2.2 would allow us to land with blocks :)14:35
sean-k-mooneydmsimard: maybe submit a patch to the quickstart and we could continue the discustion there14:35
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sdakesup peeps14:49
sdakeehy sbezverk i am actually awake this morning :)14:49
sdakemgiles - are you all unblocked and whatnot14:49
mgilessdake yes, all set - thanks14:50
sdakemgiles cool14:50
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duonghqEvening guys, my network is very horrible so I must use my phone w/ 3G15:08
duonghq(Data plan)15:09
duonghqSo, do we still have meeting this week15:09
egonzalezduonghq: if nothing changed yes15:11
duonghqThank egonzalez15:11
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/kolla: Fix string formatting on error log
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move keystone precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack/kolla: Fix string formatting on error log
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move iscsi precheck into its own role
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Move nova precheck into its own role
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sbezverkkfox1111: morning, helm-repo ps is all green, please check and ack if you have time15:43
kfox1111did anyone get a chance to build the 3.0.2 containers last night?15:44
sbezverkkfox1111: not that I know of15:44
kfox1111portdirect: are you awake?15:45
Jeffrey4legonzalez, could u review this ?15:45
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portdirectphysically, yes. mentally, never. sup kfox1111 ?15:45
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix the variable name mismatch
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Install the required packages for ceph-base image
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kfox1111portdirect: do you think you could build the newly released 3.0.2 and push to the hub?15:47
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portdirectyea - but I've been caught up - 6 hours and they will be up :/15:48
portdirect(cannot ssh into the machine i can push from)15:49
kfox1111maybe inc0 can do it?15:49
kfox1111inc0: could you build the 3.0.2 release and push to the hub?15:49
inc0hey, what's up?15:49
inc0yeah I should15:49
kfox1111the release was cut, but no one's lined up to build it.15:49
kfox1111ok. cool. thanks.15:50
inc0just let me wake up, I have some sleep depravation today15:50
inc0I could...well...proves my point15:50
kfox1111if you could do the centos-binary and the ubuntu-binary first, that would give us a little more chance to do the kolla-kubernetes testing earlier so we can cut that release?15:50
inc0I'll do it later today15:50
inc0however I have issues building centos-binary15:50
kfox1111k. thanks.15:50
inc0or had15:51
inc0as I don't have centos box handy15:51
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kfox1111do you need a centos box to build the containers?15:51
inc0trying to build centos-bin on top of xenial caused issues15:51
sean-k-mooneyinc0: i have done that in the past and i think it worked fine15:52
kfox1111portdirect: review please:
sean-k-mooneyim not sure how well deploying centos on ubuntu would go in the general case but i have deployed a subset in the past too15:53
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move murano precheck into its own role
sdakemorning peeps15:56
sp__sdake: mrg15:56
inc0meeting in 415:56
inc0I think we have agenda mixup15:57
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: TEST NEWTON BRANCH
portdirectkfox1111: that looks really impressive15:58
inc0berendt, you added debian deprecation right?15:58
berendtinc0: yes15:58
portdirectbut couple of q's - you are talking to docker from within a pod!?15:58
inc0other topics seems from last week15:58
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move rabbitmq precheck into its own role
kfox1111portdirect: its just moving the existing stuff over.16:01
kfox1111portdirect: you talking about the ceph-rbd trick? :)16:01
kfox1111basicaly its a way not to have to install ceph on the host.16:02
kfox1111kubelet only uses the rbd command.16:02
kfox1111so the pod lays down a shell script rbd command that calls back into the ceph-rbd container to run its copy of rbd.16:02
sdakepbourke kfox1111 team meeting in openstack-meeting-4 if you have time :)16:02
kfox1111seems to work really well. :)16:02
sdakeportdirect :)16:02
kfox1111yup. gota change a diper, then be right there.16:02
pbourkesdake: thanks!16:02
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portdirectkfox1111: I'll have a look after meting - I knew there would be method to your madness :D16:04
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add -type to all microservices missing them.
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move mongodb precheck into its own role
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move kuryr precheck into its own role
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Pavoanyone know why when starting an instance why it takes to spawn the instance?16:40
Pavoseems like its not caching the images on the compute nodes16:40
Mech422wow...trumps press conference has me reeling...I keep expecting someone to yell 'April Fools'!16:54
inc0Pavo, you're not using ceph right?16:54
sdakeMech422 that is what you get for watching tv during the workday ;)16:57
Mech422sdake; I worked all night anyway16:58
sdakeMech422 fair enough :)16:58
sdakeMech422 i have some crazy schedule too :)16:58
Mech422sdake: maybe this is all a dream? trump donating all revenues from international holdings to the US treasury ?16:59
sdakeMech422 not watching17:00
sdakeMech422 I don't keep up with global politics - its hardenough dealing with the politics of open source + my company :)17:00
Mech422sdake: yeah - well, its all surreal... I expected him to fight tooth and nail to hold onto his businesses17:02
zhubingbingi hope all can help to see fluentd17:02
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Mech422anyway, I'll shutup now...just a lil shocked I guess17:02
inc0so wall is still happening?17:02
inc0how fun!17:03
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SerlexWall is definitely happening17:05
inc0I hope they won't ruin big bend, it's beautiful without wall in it;)17:06
Mech422yeah - that part was sorta a bummer...17:07
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Serlexhe probably has never been, so probably say goodbye17:11
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sdakei find it highly unlikely he can get a wall thoruhg congress because the US has the OUT OF (F) MONEY ERROR17:16
sdakeand congress controls the money :)17:17
SerlexI know nothing about politics but isnt congress mostly made of his party?17:18
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kfox1111not sure trump has a party. ;)17:19
Serlexyou know what I mean17:19
kfox1111he's more of an independent.17:19
gemainc0: o/ I am looking to discuss with someone the possibility of adding ARM64 containers for the different services and was wondering if you are the right person17:19
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inc0gema, yeah, I guess I am:)17:20
sbezverkkfox1111: how about my review?17:20
inc0so arm containers are going to be pain, as I don't think we have any access to ARM64 on gates17:21
gemainc0: that's where I can help17:21
gemainc0: I am also talking to infra about this17:21
gemainc0: I work for Linaro and we have member hardware ready to be used for upstream testing17:21
inc0we could create 3rd party CI for ARM6417:21
gemainc0: easily, yep17:22
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kfox1111sbezverk: oh, yeah. sorry. go a broken machine at work I'm working on. give me a few and I'll get back to it.17:22
inc0I think containers wouldn't be big issue, just make sure packages are installed for correct arch17:22
gemainc0: the part that worries me at the moment is the ramp up and whether the use case of the containers you produce is the same we have17:22
inc0what do you mean by use case?17:22
gemainc0: who uses kolla?17:22
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sdake_gema openstack operators17:24
inc0well, people who deploys openstack? I mean, use case of kolla is to deploy openstack17:24
gemainc0: our use case is starting small, generate a small set of containers that are known to work, i.e. pass testing and are capable of standing up a cloud for more extensive testing17:24
inc0if it's meant to be deployed on arm, so be itr17:24
gemainc0: and do we need to produce containers for all the projects or can we start with a few and then expand?17:24
inc0gema, so I'd rather see modification of current container than full set of new ones17:24
gemainc0: absolutely agree17:24
gemainc0: else we wouldn't be talking at all :D17:25
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP memcached operator
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inc0templating allows you to tackle it container by container17:25
inc0however for testing and proof points you can use our override mechanism17:25
gemainc0: can you point me to the test cases?17:25
inc0I'm just not sure exactly how much work that would require17:25
inc0of override mechanism?17:26
gemayeah, but also of the test cases you run for the existing containers17:26
inc0 <- this is overrides17:26
inc0our test case for existing containers are quite simple - we buold them on 3 distros so far (ubuntu xenial, centos 7 and oraclelinux)17:27
inc0and then deploy with ansible in kolla-ansible17:27
gemaand then you run something to make sure the openstack you've deployed runs?17:27
gemais operational, I mean17:27
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inc0yes, we spawn vm at the end17:28
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gemaseems doable17:28
gemayour testing is based on ubuntu hosts, or coreos or ?17:28
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inc0infra has ubuntu and centos vms17:29
gemathe reason I ask is because currently we run our testing on debian and centos17:29
gemaok, fair enough17:30
gemawe'd need to test on HW as well17:30
gemabut that can be transparent to you17:30
portdirectkfox1111: ping17:30
inc0yeah, as far as I know infra won't be able to use it's default gating on that17:30
kfox1111portdirect: hi17:30
inc0so 3rd party CI is required17:30
gemainc0: yep, agreed17:30
portdirectkfox1111: another question about that ps :) why admin-pod - what's its purpose?17:31
kfox1111batteries included option.17:31
gemainc0: I will start reading and planning and maybe we can touch base at PTG ?17:31
portdirectkfox1111: fyi thats a really neat trick with rbd :)17:31
kfox1111lets shell scripts get to an admin client to do stuff like setup volumes/create users/etc.17:31
inc0that's my requirement, if you guys can provide that, maintiain quality, there is no reason not to include arm arch packages17:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix string formatting on error log
gemainc0: +117:31
kfox1111portdirect: thanks. :)17:31
inc0yeah, sure, feel free to tag along any kolla sessions, I'll the loud one17:31
portdirectwhy a pod - and not a rc?17:32
gemainc0: perfect, thanks for your help and all the pointers!17:32
kfox1111portdirect: ceph-admin's a batteries included thing.17:32
inc0any time17:32
kfox1111portdirect: it was intended just as a helper for onetime setup, then can get destroyed.17:32
sbezverkkfox1111: ?17:32
kfox1111so didn't put much effort into it to make it stick around.17:32
kfox1111sbezverk: what's your question?17:33
sbezverkkfox1111: need you to ack my PS17:33
kfox1111let me look17:33
portdirectkfox1111: I'll jump in with one - is ceph-admin used during deployment at all?17:34
portdirectkfox1111: but help sbezverk first :)17:34
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kfox1111portdirect: only during deployment. then it can be deleted.17:34
kfox1111portdirect: and only if you don't want to create the user accounts yourself.17:34
portdirectok - so why not have a job to do that?17:35
mliimaneed act here and
kfox1111portdirect: have a loook at tools/simple_setup_ceph_users17:35
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kfox1111sbezverk: looking really good.17:36
kfox1111have you tried turning off persistence though? I'm guessing it wont work as its a string.17:36
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kfox1111probably need to pull it with kolla_val_get_raw instead.17:37
kfox1111other then that, I think its good to go.17:37
sbezverkkfox1111: right without persistence it will not work as there is no packages in the image17:38
sbezverkso for now I think it should be ok17:38
portdirectkfox1111: should not be made into a job?17:38
kfox1111portdirect: I guess it could be a set of jobs. I just wanted to minimize the mount of stuff with a ceph admin credential.17:38
kfox1111it gives you a good place to run commands manually too.17:39
kfox1111I had to use it a lot for debugging ceph.17:39
* kfox1111 shrugs. I wouldn't be apposed to rewriting it as jobs.17:40
portdirectkfox1111: yeah - I'm not opposed to the ceph-amin pod (i see its value for that)17:40
kfox1111but can't for
portdirectdo you promise to put it on the todo list? ;D17:40
kfox1111heh. not sure it will be towards the top.17:41
portdirect:( grumpy cat17:41
kfox1111I won't block someone else from rewriting it sooner then I get to it though. :)17:41
portdirectI wont block as its a sound conversion from jinja17:41
kfox1111this ps is just a jinja2 -> helm conversion. so its really waht has been happening for a while now.17:42
portdirectbut think that we really should not be combining tacktics like this moving forward :)17:42
* portdirect runs back off to gerrit17:42
sbezverkkfox1111: portdirect: when you stop discussing ceph. can you check this ps: please ignore any programming issues, my goal is to make sure it has a sound logic.17:43
kfox1111sbezverk: if persistent is not set, it will still work though, as it will just pull/build every time?17:43
portdirectsbezverk: we will never stop discussing ceph17:44
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portdirectsbezverk: but I'll have a look now17:44
sbezverkkfox1111: no because you wanted to have them in docker image17:44
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sbezverkso wehn I detect that folder is not empty, I just ignore any prep steps17:44
sbezverkassuming that packages came from docker image17:45
kfox1111sbezverk: ah. ok. yeah.17:45
kfox1111sbezverk: ok. I guess I'm ok with it being kind of broken for now, as we don't have a way to test the other case anyway.17:45
kfox1111sbezverk: we can fix it in a followup ps.17:46
sbezverkkfox1111: right and there was some opposition to including helm packages into docker image17:46
sbezverkfrom sdake17:46
sbezverkI need this PS to continue work of operator's gate17:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Convert ceph-rbd and ceph-admin to microservice packages.
kfox1111k.... this is going to make the -type ps a bit of a pain to merge....17:48
kfox1111but lets just do it.17:48
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jemcevoyPavo: Morning... How would I go about patching nova-spicehtml5proxy on centOS 7 v 3.0.1 to include the missing numpy package? bug/163880117:49
kfox1111I'm really starting to dislike all the varient forks in the gate. :/17:49
kfox1111way too much code to edit. :/17:49
sbezverkkfox1111: well I do not mind before continue operator gate to work on modularization unless you have it on your to do list at the top17:50
kfox1111I'm hoping after the next 2 ps's we won't be touching the gate so much, so won't be quite as important.17:51
kfox1111but if you have some time to pull out the common bits at the top of *workflow* to a common file, that would really be nice.17:51
sbezverkkfox1111: ok sounds good..17:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm repository container and service
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add -type to all microservices missing them.
kfox1111sdake_: inc0: hows the container building going?17:57
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to nova-api container
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sdake_kfox1111 haven't got to it yet - but its on deck for today18:00
mliimaneed act here
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to nova-api container
kfox1111sdake_: ok. thanks.18:01
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kfox1111I think we're down to 2 ps's before
kfox1111and one to update to 3.0.2 and rename packages
kfox1111almost there...18:06
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sdake_kfox1111 cool - let me finish this review then i'll start the build18:06
sdake_(and push)18:06
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to cinder-api container
kfox1111sdake_: cool. thanks.18:08
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to aodh-api container
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sdake_inc0 would you mind joining #openstack-tripleo18:14
sdake_inc0 and #rdo18:14
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sdake_inc0 ya sorry wrong channel - I fial at irc :)18:21
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to gnocchi-api container
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to aodh-api container
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to cinder-api container
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to nova-api container
sdake_wow something is causing music to come out of my computer18:28
sdake_time to close chrome - hope that fixes it :)18:28
sdake_it was itunes- thank god ;)18:29
sdake_last thing I need now is a mac virus18:29
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Set versions to 0.4.0 and 3.0.2
sbezverkI bet kfox1111 will go into the Guiness book, for the longest PS ever ;-)18:32
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kfox1111sed -i... :)18:33
kfox1111this is one of my complaints about helm though. makes touching a lot of files needed. :/18:34
kfox1111there really needs to be templating of Values and Chart yaml's. :/18:34
sbezverkkfox1111: I hope so, othewise it would take very  very long time18:34
kfox1111I put $VERSION into a variable in the gate scripts too, so next time we change that, it should only be in a few places, rather then all over the file.18:36
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kfox1111after these two changes, I really hope thats the last of the sweeping changes.18:39
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kfox1111(famious last words)18:39
sbezverkkfox1111: have you had a chance to check the operator lif cycle?18:41
kfox1111oh. thanks for the reminder. I started looking at it but got destracted.18:43
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satyarHi jeffrey4l18:49
kfox1111sbezverk: I think the logic looks ok, if I'm following it correctly.18:50
kfox1111sbezverk: though I think the delete logic might be a bit off. the user will just remove the 3rd party resource in that case, and then the the operator should do the same with the helm packages. rather then the user uploading a state=delete?18:52
sbezverkkfox1111: when operator get delete state, it will only remove earlier deployed components but do not removed itself18:53
sbezverkgets back into standby state waiting for another command fromn the user18:53
kfox1111oh. I was thinking the state was in 3rd party resource. let me go look through again.18:54
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Set versions to 0.4.0 and 3.0.2
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kfox1111oh. your storing the state in the 3rd party resource type creation object.18:57
kfox1111ok... lets see..18:57
sbezverkkfox1111: yes18:58
kfox1111operators/memcached/memcached_3rd_party.yaml defines the 3rd party resource type.18:58
sdake_kfox1111 that is the purpose of a 3rd party resource - it is like a context operator18:58
sdake_rather context variable18:58
sdake_in c18:58
rhalliseykfox1111, what are your thought about having the operator polling18:58
kfox1111and the memcached_operator.yaml is the 3rd party resource instance?18:59
* rhallisey just glanced at sbezverk patch briefly18:59
kfox1111rhallisey: should use longpolling if possible.18:59
sbezverkkfox1111: ok let me walk you through what I have18:59
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kfox1111sbezverk: yes please. :)18:59
sbezverk1. yaml defining new kind19:00
sbezverk2. object of new kind19:00
sbezverk3. operator code19:00
sbezverknew kind gets created once and forever19:00
kfox1111right. and #1 is operators/memcached/memcached_3rd_party.yaml and #2 is  operators/memcached/memcached_operator.yaml19:00
sbezverkoperator object of new kind could be created delete19:00
sbezverkbut not necessarily19:01
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/kolla: Add Apache packages to ironic-pxe container
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kfox1111yeah, #2 is what a user would upload to get the operator to do stuff?19:01
sbezverkit used to store some info and also to communicate to operator some actions19:01
sbezverkkfox1111: correct19:01
sbezverkit also used to pass some parameters for deployment19:02
sbezverklike in my example port info19:02
sbezverkonce deployed the operator goes into standby mode19:02
sbezverkand wait for other instruction from the use via operator object19:02
kfox1111goes back into standby mode?19:02
sbezverkif user decides to remove deployment19:03
sbezverkit send delete command, operator does it and then goes into standby mode again19:04
kfox1111yeah. so, kubectl delete my3rdpartythingy19:04
kfox1111operator notices the resource goes away and helm deletes stuff.19:04
kfox1111then goes back to standby?19:04
sbezverkkfox1111: at this point you need to do kubectl replace -f my3rdpartythingy with new state value19:05
kfox1111seems like I'm missing a bit though. state's stored in the 3rd party object, but there can be more then one 3rd party object.19:05
sbezverkI mean it can be nicely wrapped into somehting19:05
kfox1111seems like maybe the wrong ui to me then.19:06
kfox1111maybe we're missing a piece of state.19:06
sbezverkkfox1111: operator works with 1 object19:06
kfox1111the 3rd party resource is the requested state from the user.19:06
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kfox1111then there's state in the k8s system.19:06
kfox1111and when they differ, the operator should try and make the k8s system match the request.19:06
sbezverkkfox1111: requested state for the deployment and not the actual 3rdparty operator19:07
kfox1111so user creates a new 3rd party object, the opeartor launches helm packages.19:07
kfox1111user updates the 3rd party object, the operator helm upgrades with new values?19:07
kfox1111and user deletes the 3rd party object, the operator helm deletes the objects19:07
rhalliseysbezverk, if the user requests deploy, the thirdpartyresource will remain in place while the operator reads it.  Would the operator have to track the previous state?19:07
rhalliseyso as to not continuously deploy19:08
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sbezverkkfox1111: 3rd part is only the commuication mechamnism between a user and operator19:08
kfox1111yeah. I think the operator will need to keep track of whatever it needs to track resources requested.19:08
rhalliseykfox1111, but to that point, should it at all?19:08
kfox1111but the user could delete the 3rd party resource at any time.19:08
sbezverkkfox1111: 3rd party operator has state in its definition19:08
rhalliseythat could be trouble because you want the opereator to be dumb19:08
kfox1111so if state is stored in that 3rd party resource, it needs a way to recover from that case.19:09
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sbezverkkfox1111: in this case operator will just sit idle until new 3rd party object is created19:09
kfox1111label sould be one way to solve it, if helm supported them. :/19:09
rhalliseysbezverk, no the thridpartyresource is attached to the container iirx19:09
sbezverkI am planning to use labels19:09
rhalliseyunless you have it read another resource19:10
sbezverkrhallisey: nope19:10
kfox1111user creates myresource.19:10
sbezverk3rd party has no associate with container at all19:10
kfox1111operator launches package foo operator_tag=myresource19:10
kfox1111when user deletes myresource19:10
sbezverkthere is no pod associated with 3rd part19:10
kfox1111operator notices myresource doesn't exist, and deletes all operator_tag=myresource things.19:10
rhalliseythen in what container will this script run in:
sbezverkkfox1111: operator react only to user command19:11
sbezverkit does not notice anything or take any action19:11
rhalliseysbezverk, ok I think your model for an operator is a little different than mine19:11
kfox1111sbezverk: users don't command though. they request.19:11
kfox1111"here's the desired state" "do whatever you need to do to make it happen"19:12
sbezverkrhallisey: have you get it working a bit, cause after all research I did I could see the only way19:12
kfox1111declarative vs imparative19:12
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kfox1111the 3rd party resource is the requested desired state.19:12
rhalliseyI associate the operator with the thirdpartyresource:
sbezverkrhallisey: I would be really interested to see other approaches19:13
kfox1111"I want a memcached on port 372".19:13
kfox1111the operator takes that, and decides, I need a svc, a deployment, etc and launches.19:13
kfox1111if the user updates it to be "I want a memcached on port 724", it looks at the existing deployment,19:13
rhalliseysbezverk, don't get me wrong, I don't think your approach is wrong. It's just not the approach I took19:13
kfox1111decides it only needs to change the svc, and redeploys that.19:13
sbezverkrhallisey: absolutely that is why I asked all you guys to take a stab it it19:14
kfox1111user then uploads a second 3rd party resource "I want a memcached on port 772" and it decides to do another deployment of svc and deployment.19:14
rhalliseythe way I look at it, an operator is associated with a thirdpartyresource.  It performs the action as described to it by the template19:14
sbezverkI really wanted to see different approches19:15
rhalliseythat action could be acting as a dameon or a one time operation19:15
rhalliseythe temple could be ammended with a kubectl replace19:15
sbezverkrhallisey: the yaml you showed, can you launch it and it runs as a container of new kind?19:15
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rhalliseyya I've launched the container, but it doesn't do anything atm19:16
sbezverkrhallisey: cool cause nobody at kube community did not mention that it is possible to do it :(19:17
sbezverkkfox1111: I thought to use operator per specific deployment19:17
sbezverkif you want to have 5 memacehd with different ports that would require 5 operators managing these deployments19:18
rhalliseyI'll need to mess around with it some more. Iirc it was fine a month ago19:18
rhalliseybut the code that the container runs is where I need a ton more work19:19
sbezverkrhallisey: appreciate if you could keep me in the loop :)19:19
rhalliseyfor sure19:19
kfox1111sbezverk: no, I think we want an operator instance per deployment type.19:19
kfox1111sbezverk: then a 3rd party resource per deployment.19:20
kfox1111so, for memcached, say you have one memcached per openstack service (neutron/nova/etc)19:20
kfox1111you would launch the memcached-operator19:20
kfox1111then upload a 3rd party resource for neutron, one for nova, etc.19:20
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Set versions to 0.4.0 and 3.0.2
sbezverkkfox1111: I thought 1 operator per service in the simplest form19:21
sbezverkif you need multiple instance of mariadb then extra instance would require its own operator19:21
kfox1111thats not usuallly how operators work.19:21
kfox1111you don't have to launch a new kube-controller-manager each time you want a new deployment object. :)19:22
sbezverkkfox1111:  controller manager is completely different type of code19:22
kfox1111not really.19:23
kfox1111controller-manager talks to k8s and looks for new deployments/daemonset/etc objects,19:23
kfox1111and then converts those objects to new object types it pushes back into k8s.19:23
kfox1111(usually pods)19:23
sdake_sbezverk the work looks good to me19:23
sdake_sbezverk I think it will evolve over itme19:23
kfox1111kolla-kubernetes operators would do the same.19:23
kfox1111take in a resource type, decide what other objects are required to realize the request,19:24
sbezverkcontroller manager is just an umbrealla for bunch of separate controllers per type19:24
kfox1111then push them back into k8s for creation.19:24
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kfox1111sbezverk: thats oversimplifying what it does. it does aggregate a bunch of operators into one big one.19:24
kfox1111but that is largely unimportant.19:25
kfox1111the logic of getting in a declarative request, and pushing in new objects to realize it is the important bit.19:26
mliimasdake need act here
rhalliseysbezverk, getting back to the thirdpartyresource, however it is read it needs to be read once19:27
rhalliseyand react to a change, which requires state19:28
sbezverkkfox1111: ok possibly multiple ways exist, atm I do not see other life cycle. I guess I will have to see other proposeal more carefully..19:28
kfox1111 is ready.19:28
kfox1111so, lets take a use case and try and isolate it.19:28
kfox1111an rc, say.19:29
sbezverkrhallisey: I think about this resource more like a communication pipe :-)19:29
kfox1111k8s extends the system with knowlege of how to process rc's. ie, launching an instance of kube-controller-manager.19:29
sbezverkuser via this pipe tells operator what to do and it does it.19:29
kfox1111kube-controller-manager starts up, and watches for any changes to kind=rc19:30
rhalliseysbezverk, I agree with that.  But the current idea is to poll the resource and unless it gets deleted it would end up continually polling the same command19:30
kfox1111user uploads a request for kind=rc.19:30
kfox1111the operator picks it up, notices its new.19:30
kfox1111it inspects its properties for stuff specific for it. in this case, number of replica's.19:30
kfox1111it then creates 3 (requested number) pod.yaml's based on the stuff in the request and uploads them to k8s.19:31
kfox1111user then updates the request to set replicas=2.19:31
sbezverkkfox1111: I know how rc works more or less, I was not aware that we actually want to write something of the same  magnitude19:32
kfox1111operator notices resource changed. checks new state against old and notices replicas went from 3 to 2.19:32
rhalliseycouldn't we version the thirdpartyresource so that we could just check the version and react19:32
kfox1111it then decides to delete one of the existing pods it credated to realize the request.19:32
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sdake_kfox1111 that sounds g ood in teh long term - in the short term I think we want something that does a basic standing up of kolla microservices that helm implement19:32
sdake_kfox1111 so I wouldn't block on more advanced logic19:33
sdake_(block the review that is)19:33
rhalliseysbezverk, well in the case of a complex application, deleting may not be enough19:33
sbezverkrhallisey: sure I think it can easily be extended to reconfigure upgrade19:33
kfox1111sdake_: yeah. we need to make sure we have the right logic to allow it to be added later and not blocked by early assumptions.19:33
kfox1111doesn't have to be fully implemented right away though.19:34
sdake_kfox1111 i expect the operators will go thorugh numerous iterations befoer they are fully baked ;)19:35
rhalliseysuper simple case: deploy mariadb19:35
rhalliseyeven simpler19:35
rhalliseylets say keystone19:35
kfox1111sdake_: I agree. just want to make sure we don't block more advanced usages.19:35
rhalliseytake a crack at that19:35
sbezverkrhallisey: were refering to me to take a crack at it?19:36
sdake_ya keystone should be simple19:36
sdake_memcache should be simpel too19:36
rhalliseyidk anyone19:36
rhalliseyI mean let's talk it out19:36
sdake_sbezverk i think you can just merge what you got when its working and not in warning mode in the commit message19:36
rhalliseyhow would the deploy work19:36
sdake_and we can iterate from there19:36
kfox1111so, keystone may be a good example of a nontrivial thing that helm by itself may have issues doing.19:36
kfox1111say you want to have an optional memcached deployment as part of keystone.19:37
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sbezverkrhallisey: It looks very simple with appraoch I am proposing19:37
kfox1111it could be just a flag in the 3rdparty resource. "dedicated_memcached=true/false"19:37
rhalliseykfox1111, even simpler, let's just deploy19:37
rhalliseysbezverk, ok so with your approach do you have like: action: deploy19:37
kfox1111then depending on that state, the operator helm deployes a memcached or not.19:37
kfox1111action is imparitive though.19:38
rhalliseylooks like you have state19:38
sbezverkrhallisey: I do.. initial state is standby19:38
rhalliseykfox1111, the user input is imperative19:38
rhalliseythirdpartyresource represents user input19:38
sbezverkof the controller, as soon as ut detect change in state, it will react based on the state which is == command19:39
kfox1111 no other k8s imput is imperitive.19:39
sbezverkrhallisey: yes19:39
kfox1111you give k8s a declarative input of desired state.19:39
rhalliseykfox1111, we can change the name later let's just use state for now19:39
kfox1111k8s then performs actions to bring the real state inline with the desired state.19:39
rhalliseyok to deploy you set state = deploy in the thirdpartyresource19:39
kfox1111it seems like a subtile distinction but really important  Ithink.19:40
kfox1111rhallisey: who sets state=deploy?19:40
kfox1111the user shouldn't.19:40
sbezverkkfox1111: user or tool higher level19:40
rhalliseyI would think user19:40
kfox1111user should never set that.19:40
sbezverkwhy??? I want to deploy manually19:40
sbezverkwhy I cannot do it???19:41
rhalliseykfox1111, why?19:41
kfox1111that is an imparative operation.19:41
kfox1111in a declarative model, you request "what", not "how"19:41
kfox1111"I want a memcached"19:41
rhalliseyoperators are an declarative API driven by imperative user input19:41
kfox1111not, "I want you to deploy a memcached"19:41
kfox1111no. declarative api driven by a declarative user input.19:42
kfox1111ralized by a bit of code that usually is imparative.19:42
kfox1111(unless you implement your operator in make or lisp :)19:42
kfox1111in no other k8s object type do you set state=deploy.19:43
kfox1111you just say you want a rc, or a svc.19:43
sbezverkkfox1111: could you exaplain me why it is that important whether it is imperative or declerative??? I might be wrong but what metter is to complete sucessfully action19:43
kfox1111the operator itself figures out it needs to deploy a new one.19:43
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sbezverkhow you call it, should not matter19:43
rhalliseysbezverk, IMO, I think how you call it does matter.  I think imperative is crucial here19:44
kfox1111let me try and find a good document on the subject.19:44
kfox1111k8s is all about declarative.19:44
sbezverkrhallisey: I will finish memcached and wait to alternatives19:44
rhalliseyI know it is, that's why the operator runs as a declarative daemon in the cluster19:45
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kfox1111the operator is the code that conversts the declarative request into imparative instructions for creating the things.19:45
kfox1111otherwise, if imparative, why does the operator even need to exist?19:46
kfox1111the user knows how to drive it themselves then.19:46
rhalliseythe operator is declarative.  It exists in the cluster moving the cluster to how it should look.  But the it activly takes user input19:46
rhalliseythe reason it activly takes user input is so that the operator can be altered on the fly handle more or less of the day 2 operations19:47
kfox1111agree on that point. but the input is also declarative. otherwise, the user doesn't need the operator.19:47
kfox1111agreed the request needs to be modifyable19:48
kfox1111we just disagree on the content.19:48
kfox1111the content should be what you need, not how to make it so.19:48
sbezverkkfox1111: 3rd party operator is declaration, then operator code takes it and react on it by pushing objects to kubernetes api exactly the same way it does RC19:48
rhalliseyok we may be arguing semantics19:48
sbezverkthe only difference, we do not monitor etcd branches19:48
kfox1111sbezverk: I agree with that.19:48
sbezverkbut we already have specs in form of chart temapltes19:49
sbezverkI do not see where we have disconnect :(19:49
kfox1111the user should say "I want a memcached on port 80" not, "I want a memcached on port 80, state=deploy"19:49
rhalliseythe only thing I'm still confused on is state=deploy19:49
kfox1111state=deploy is implied by it being a new resource.19:49
sbezverkkfox1111: that is possible19:49
kfox1111its an imparative action of how, not what.19:50
sbezverkoperator can monitor ANY change in the 3rd party object and react accordingly19:50
kfox1111yes. thaat. :)19:50
kfox1111that makes it declarative. :)19:50
sbezverkkfox1111: deploy I consider as one of possible state changes19:51
rhalliseywe agree there, but on the thirdpartyresource telling the operator to deploy19:51
rhalliseyI think we differ19:51
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kfox1111the 3rdparty resource doesn't tell the operator to do an action.19:52
sbezverkrhallisey: ok how we can deploy then with third party? just by creating it?19:52
kfox1111the operator decides based on 3rd party resource info to take an action.19:52
kfox1111. user createsa a 3rd party resource, stating they want a memcached, there is nothing on the k8s system, therefore, its a deploy operation of memcached.19:53
sbezverkkfox1111: I agree with kfox1111 on this19:53
rhalliseyok how do they upgrade it then19:53
kfox1111user deletes 3rdparyt resource. this implies the user doesn't want the resource anymore. operator deletes the stuff it launched previously.19:54
kfox1111changea version var in the request?19:54
kfox1111version=2.0.2 initially. user uploads newer 3rdparty resource with version=
kfox1111operator helm upgrades corresponding packages19:55
openstackgerritsayantani proposed openstack/kolla: Improve Quick Start documentation
sbezverkkfox1111: no need to upload new you can just change existing19:55
kfox1111that woudl work too.19:55
sdake_mgiles - operators are where rubber meets the road - you might be interested in this conversation19:55
kfox1111its at the operator's descression on what the best logic to realize the request. :)19:55
sdake_srwilkers portdirect ^^19:55
rhalliseyhow would I tell the operator to upgrade only nova19:56
kfox1111thats the real benifit of operators.19:56
Pavoso...... just a fyi someone might wanna add that root directory has to have most of the storage on compute nodes or they will run into all kinds of trouble when spinning up 100+ instances at onxe19:56
Pavothat needs to added to kolla-ansible docs19:56
sbezverkrhallisey: you would need to communicate that via nova's operator19:56
rhalliseyok but in that case, what if I wanted to do my db by hand19:56
sbezverkby updating nova operator 3rd party object19:56
sbezverkrhallisey: then you would use microservices charts ;)19:57
sbezverkoperator imho is higher level orchestration19:57
kfox1111rhallisey: could add aditional info to the request. or accept that if doing automatic orchestartion  looses you some flexability.19:57
rhalliseywhat I'm trying to get at, is there any scenario in which an human operator will be able to do what they want without something strange happening under the hood19:57
mgilessdake_ yes, I am - I'll need to read the scrollback as I've not been keeping up so far19:58
kfox1111rhallisey: I think thats the tradoff I've been wanting as an op.19:58
kfox1111rhallisey: I want microservices so I get total control over everything.19:58
sbezverkkfox1111: agree19:58
kfox1111but some ops folks want automation without as much flexability.19:58
sbezverkyou want micro manage, you use microservices19:58
kfox1111thats the tradeoff between helm+kubernetes-entrypoint/operators/microservices.19:59
sbezverkyou want orchestrate you use services or operators19:59
* kfox1111 nods19:59
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rhalliseyI'm confused about the microservice part though because isn't that handled by helm?19:59
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rhalliseyso in the db case were I would use the microservice part, that would require a workflow20:00
kfox1111yeah. but something has to drive helm.20:00
sbezverkrhallisey: yes but you can still go at very detailed step of deployment20:00
kfox1111in microservices case, its the ops person themself.20:00
srwilkerssdake_, back from lunch. sup?20:00
kfox1111so, on my cloud, I'll just be helm installing a bunch of microservices.20:00
kfox1111which means I have total control of the upgrade cycle.20:00
sdake_srwilkers just a discussion on operators happening - thought you would want to be involved20:01
kfox1111but lack all the rich creamy goodness of automatic operator based upgrades.20:01
sdake_i guess portdirect is asleep as he should be  :) - he can always read scrollback20:01
kfox1111same goes for helm+kubernetes-entrypoint.20:01
kfox1111helm+kubernetes-entrypoint and operators are two different apporaches to automatic orchestartion.20:02
sbezverkkfox1111: can I ask you to add some ideas you mentioned to the review for tracking purposes and I will try to make it happen or not ;-)20:02
rhalliseykfox1111, to fully circle back, the reason I mentioned imperative for thirdpartyresource is so they can be interacted with on the fly.  But, you're saying that would be covered with manual intervention at the microservice layer20:02
kfox1111sbezverk: ok. will do. :)20:03
kfox1111rhallisey: yeah. I think thats what I'm saying.20:03
sbezverkrhallisey: I think in this case memcached operator acts exactly how human operator would do with helm microservices20:03
srwilkersreading scrollback20:04
jemcevoyNeutron question:  I have one 10Gig bonded uplink that I need to share with Ceph and the External Internet on different VLANs.  How do I go about setting this up?  Can Ceph access the Neutron networks?20:04
sdake_sbezverk agree20:04
openstackgerritsayantani proposed openstack/kolla: Improve Quick Start documentation
sdake_jemcevoy ceph may be able to access thosse networks - but I am uncertian unfortunately - not a netowrking wiz20:04
kfox1111sbezverk: agreed. "here, upgrade this" is the kind of requests I usually get. :)20:04
sdake_jemcevoy you might try asking on ask.openstack.org20:04
sdake_jemcevoy that way we can centralize all Q&A into one place20:05
sdake_jemcevoy many of our cores are networking experts and can answer q's there20:05
sdake_however more then 60% of the team is EMEA and APAC20:05
kfox1111sbezverk: srwilkers: sdake_: shoudl be ready.20:06
sbezverkrhallisey: even from phsyhological point of view, operator is idle most of the time, boss tells him to do things, he does it and go back to idle state or monitor state20:06
sdake_damn forgot to start the builds20:06
kfox1111sbezverk: yeah20:06
sdake_and have a meeting soon - will try to do the centos builds in a few hours kfox111120:06
sdake_inc0 can you get the 3.0.2 ubuntu builds done today?20:06
kfox1111sdake_: please start the builds. :)20:06
sdake_inc0 if not i'll suck it up and install ubuntu on a vm and build it - but can't test it unfortunately20:07
inc0yeah sorry lots on my mind, starting building now20:07
Mech422jemcevoy: bridges20:07
rhalliseykfox1111, sbezverk , I think you defined in well re your memcached setence20:07
sdake_inc0 we are in the same spot ;)20:07
jemcevoythanks sdake_20:07
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Mech422jemcevoy: I can share my configs if you use openvswitch20:07
jemcevoyI have vlans, vxlan and ovs20:08
openstackgerritsayantani proposed openstack/kolla: Update Bifrost documentation
Mech422jemcevoy: same here20:08
Mech422jemcevoy: you basically just create ovs 'internal' ports to use as 'normal' adapters20:08
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sdakeJeffrey4l is hiding out :)20:09
sbezverkkfox1111: rhallisey: I have a meeting need to run, but huge thank you for this discussion. Appreciate if you add your thought to the review so they are duly noted..20:09
rhalliseykfox1111, ah ok20:10
rhalliseykfox1111, another thought20:10
kfox1111sbezverk: thanks fror talking through it too. :)20:10
rhalliseysbezverk, absolutely!20:10
kfox1111and rhallisey too. :)20:10
jemcevoyI have a 1Gig bond that I will use to reach the bare metal and a bonded 10Gig uplink that I can play with the VLANs....   I want most of the I/O on the 10Gig side20:10
rhalliseykfox1111, I'm going to go back to the nova upgrade20:10
rhalliseykfox1111, and you wanted to upgrade the db by hand20:10
rhalliseysince your process differs from the operator, you would have to do the entire things by hand20:11
kfox1111rhallisey: k.20:11
rhalliseysay you did the db first20:11
kfox1111I think what's likely to happen, is there will be a bunch of helm microservice jobs.20:11
rhalliseythen tirggered a nove upgrade, it would alos upgrade the db right?20:11
kfox1111for example, nova-manage-db-job. :)20:11
kfox1111that does the nova db upgrade.20:11
kfox1111the operator will call that at the right time.20:12
kfox1111nothings stopping a human from running that themselves though.20:12
rhalliseyok that's new to me20:12
kfox1111so the code can be shared between the automatic code and the human run code.20:12
rhalliseyhow would the helm mircoservice job work? Is that a kubernetes job?20:12
kfox1111yeah. k8s job.20:12
kfox1111oddly, in openstack,20:12
jemcevoyCool I will thy it Mech422... I am new to OVS what is the command to create an internal port I can use to access the 10Gig uplink and tag that port for a VLAN20:12
kfox1111the creation of the initial schema, and the upgrading of a db is done by the same exact code.20:13
kfox1111so we had to build that building block anyway just to boot the system.20:13
rhalliseykfox1111, just a thought (thought it is imperative), what if you told the operator to do the mariadb upgade20:13
kfox1111but we made it a seperate package, so it could be rerun at any time. :)20:13
rhalliseyor skip it entirely20:14
kfox1111a declarative way to do that might be, to set the desired db state as a var.20:14
kfox1111if desired state == real state, don't run the db upgrade job.20:14
rhalliseylet's say this20:15
Mech422jemcevoy: oh! my configs have 'post-up's to do policy based routing, so packets only go out the interface they came in on...20:15
kfox1111user in the 3rd party resource then just puts desired db ver.20:15
Mech422jemcevoy: you may or may not want that :-P20:15
rhalliseystate = upgrade nova db_state=skip20:15
jemcevoyThanks Mech422.... It think that gets me working.... Just need to translate to CentOS20:15
kfox1111thats a how again though.20:15
kfox1111it should be a what20:15
rhalliseytranslate to a what20:16
rhalliseyfor me20:16
kfox1111"version=pike" or something like that.20:16
kfox1111not state=upgrade20:16
kfox1111state=upgrade is implied by current deployed version being ocata, and20:16
rhalliseywhat about the db though?20:16
kfox1111requested version being pike.20:16
rhalliseyhow can I signal to skip the db upgrade20:16
rhalliseyin what terms20:17
kfox1111that one's kind of fuzzy to me, because the goal is for the desired state to be reachable by the operator.20:17
kfox1111but maybe a general flag saying "never_upgrade_db"20:17
kfox1111in the 3rd party resource.20:17
rhalliseybut does that become a how20:18
rhalliseyand no longer a what20:18
kfox1111kind of? which is fuzzy to me. its saying what not to do, not what to do.20:18
kfox1111again though, this is kind of already breaking the rules of walking around the operator.20:19
rhalliseyhow do you mean?  You walk around because you want to customize??20:20
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kfox1111an operator is basically an expert system. it implements a computerized human to perform the actions for you.20:22
rhalliseybut what if the operator give you 95% of what you want and you need a custom 5%20:22
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kfox1111so putting in a request to the human of "I want a pike nova but I want to do db upgrades myself" may make sense?20:22
kfox1111at some point thoyugh, it may become unwieldy for there to be logic that covers every 5% case you want.20:23
rhalliseyI agree, so in that case would I still get to use the 95%20:24
Mech422jemcevoy: oh hey - this is about the best 'howto' I've seen for networking - its libery based, but gives you the idea:
kfox1111I think its probably pretty easy to get the operator to skip a step like, "don't upgrade the db"20:25
kfox1111as that ends up being in reality, don't launch nova-manage-db20:26
kfox1111not sure other steps will be so forgiving.20:26
rhalliseyya but that's not a nove upgrade if I don't nova-manage-db20:26
kfox1111I could be wrong though.20:26
kfox1111well, it would still upgrade everything else.20:26
kfox1111all the containers/services/etc.20:27
kfox1111if config files are managed, configfiles... etc.20:27
rhalliseyya I agree, but it may not give me what I want which would lead me to not using the operator for the upgrade at all20:28
kfox1111which parts of the upgrade are you concerned about?20:30
kfox1111(I share your concerns btw)20:30
kfox1111(I haven't yet seen a foolproof orchestration system for something as complicated as openstack. :/ )20:30
rhalliseyagreed :)20:30
kfox1111which is why I plan on using microservcies for a while.20:31
kfox1111once the orchestration stuff matures and proves itself, then I'll [D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[Dconsider it.20:31
kfox1111I figure that will be at least 6 - 12 months.20:31
kfox1111ugrades are hard. :)20:31
rhalliseythe part about the upgrade that conerns me is people wanted to do anything outside what we describe as the norm20:31
kfox1111thats the problem with expert systems though.20:32
rhalliseyfor declarative to work, you need to have a good description of what a user wants20:32
kfox1111if you don't code the logic into them, then they can't adapt to the new stuff very well.20:32
rhalliseyif you descriptions doesn't cover their use case they have to improvise20:32
kfox1111declarative is more flexable for that case though. as it can try and fix things that weren't invisioned initially.20:32
rhalliseylet me rephrase20:32
rhalliseythe operator is declarative20:33
rhallisey100% agree20:33
rhalliseybut the input is where I disagree20:33
rhalliseyI want to leave room to improvise20:33
kfox1111k, so what do you suggest?20:33
kfox1111and where do youy think you will need to?20:34
rhalliseythat tasks like skip db be added to the declarative api (operator) and the user choosing to use them20:34
jemcevoyThanks again Mech422,  That blog clears up a lot of mystery...20:34
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kfox1111the user can just launch the helm microservice package jobs to do the specific bits?20:36
harlowjaif u guys get some time to look at that'd be super, klindgren and i would like any feedback/comments/other20:36
kfox1111or are you worried about managed objects such as deployments?20:36
Mech422jemcevoy: yeah - it helped me tons - especially since its written for ovs bonded networking from the start20:36
rhalliseythe user could use helm, but some of these cases would require workflow20:36
kfox1111or.. maybe there's a 3rd aproach....20:37
Mech422kfox1111: maybe looking at terraform could give you some ideas? it sounds sorta similiar20:37
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kfox1111if the consern is the potential of doing partial upgrades...20:37
rhalliseykfox1111, my concern is based on the princple that users do what they want and now what we want20:37
kfox1111maybe we extend the desired state to be optionally more explicit?20:37
rhalliseythe partial upgrade would be an example20:38
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kfox1111version: allpike nova-api:ocata20:38
kfox1111version: all: pike nova-api:ocata20:38
kfox1111then the user could override specific versions as needed?20:38
kfox1111thats the problem with automatic orchestration though.20:38
kfox1111it is always about what the coder of the orchestration engine believes the user wants to do. :/20:39
kfox1111at somepoint it can't be infinately flexible. :/20:39
kfox1111otherwise there would be no reason to have human operators. ever. :)20:39
harlowjawe need AI20:39
harlowjaAI will take our jerbs20:39
kfox1111indeed. :)20:40
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rhalliseykfox1111, what about this:    version: all: pike nova: <import-custom-workflow>20:40
kfox1111what does custom workflow looklike?20:40
kfox1111python? go? aws lambda?20:41
rhalliseycustom workflow would be some code handled my custom case20:41
rhalliseypython I suppose20:41
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kfox1111I'd much rather say, don't do X, I'll do X.20:41
rhalliseythat's fair20:42
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rhalliseythat's probably better20:42
kfox1111then try and figure out how to get the operator to do it.20:42
rhalliseyless things will go wrong20:42
kfox1111that even gives me the chance to manually poke at the db and fix things when they totally go wrong.20:43
kfox1111(not that I've ever had to do that...... ;)20:43
rhalliseythat's good: don't do X , I'll do it myself20:43
kfox1111so, request would be something like "version=pike, never_upgrdade_db"20:43
kfox1111then I'm free to upgrade the db myself. it won't try.20:44
kfox1111it could even be smart enough then,20:44
kfox1111to do half the upgrade,20:44
kfox1111want until the db gets upgraded, then finish the upgrade.20:44
rhalliseythat's possible20:44
kfox1111and the human op can do their piece of the task.20:44
rhalliseykfox1111, good stuff20:46
rhalliseyI think that's flexible enough20:47
rhalliseythe only thing I like about the <bring your own code> is the user owns it versus the operator20:48
kfox1111user would still bring their own code. it just wouldn't run int he operator container.20:48
kfox1111which would be safer.20:48
rhalliseyin that case, there would have to be a list of tasks that can be skipped20:49
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rhalliseywhich may extend to every task20:50
kfox1111yeah. could be.20:50
kfox1111I'm still thinking though, you want so much control over things, you will be hapier using microservices directly.20:51
rhalliseyI agree20:51
kfox1111(I totally get that, cause I'm in the same boat. :)20:51
rhalliseyI'm just defending the 95% - 5% case20:51
rhalliseycause you never know20:51
kfox1111it would be nice if we couold pin down the 5% to not be 100% coverage though.20:52
kfox1111I think its likely a user would want to skip the db upgrade,20:52
kfox1111as I've seen that code actually fail to work.20:52
kfox1111as for the rest, not sure.20:52
kfox1111find the 20% that the 5% user base will ever want to disable.20:53
kfox1111this is one of those maturaty things thouhg. you won't know what those are, until you have a bunch of users doing it.20:54
kfox1111so, 6-12 months out. :)20:54
rhalliseythe best way to go I'd say is to name tasks20:54
rhalliseyand leave it at that level of granularity20:54
rhalliseythat's probably at the 1-5% level20:55
rhalliseythanks kfox1111.  Very useful discussion :)20:55
kfox1111yeah, thanks for talking through it. :)20:56
rhalliseythat will make for a good read20:56
rhalliseyforget specs20:56
kfox1111can I get a second for please?20:57
kfox1111hehe. yeah.20:57
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kfox1111ok. so, once that patch merges, there's one more once the 3.0.2 containers are ready and we're good to go for release.21:02
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kfox1111inc0: sdake: build status? :)21:38
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* sbezverk back21:45
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rhalliseysbezverk, yo21:46
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inc0kfox1111, pushing ubuntu-binary21:47
inc0as we speak21:47
sbezverkrhallisey: kfox1111: anything else came out of that discussion?21:47
inc0it's few hrs tho21:47
rhalliseysbezverk, ya, check the logs21:47
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kfox1111inc0: cool. thanks.21:47
sbezverkrhallisey: cool, will read scroll back21:47
sdakekfox1111 - starting now hopefully21:47
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kfox1111sdake: cool. thanks. I'll start changing the ps to point to
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Set versions to 0.4.0 and 3.0.2
inc0ubuntu-source-collectd has 100k pulls!21:53
inc0how I ask!?21:53
portdirectthast not a good sign :(21:53
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portdirectI did 30K pulls of one of my own images in a weekend once :/ casue it was bugging out and I had pull on every restart... :D21:54
sdakekfox1111 i may not have enoguh disk space to build in my vm - but giving it a go anyway21:54
sdakekfox1111 if that fails I have 3 boxes in my network i can use21:55
kfox1111ok. cool.21:55
sdakeinc0 the one i look at is the toolbox container21:55
sdakeevery kolla deploy requires toolbox21:55
sdakekfox1111 i will have centos binary and source built before i sign off tonight21:55
inc0yeah, but not every one needs collectd21:55
sdakei have a meeting in 5 minutes for 1 hour - then exclusinvely focused on building the images21:55
inc0and yet it has 10x more pulls than next one21:55
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kfox1111sdake: ok. cool. maybe we will get lucky and the release team will tag tomorrow.21:56
sdakekfox1111 they may21:56
sdakekfox1111 the release team is really cool like infra21:56
sdakekfox1111 i just try to hit wednesday with them so they have time to do their thing21:56
kfox1111sdake: maybe you could giv ethem a heads up?21:56
sdakekfox1111 are all other 0.4.0 patches merged?21:56
kfox1111sdake: that one and one other.21:56
sdakekfox1111 i prefer jeffrey (our build liason) do that21:56
kfox1111waiting for a second on:21:56
sdakerather our release liason :)21:57
kfox1111Jeffrey4l_: can you do it? :)21:57
sdakezomg want to buy tempalting :)21:57
kfox1111heh. helm native needs some build system work. ;)21:58
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sdakekfox1111 nice - looks like went with new names for files too21:59
sdakelike the renames :)21:59
jrich523any of you guys work with the REST API at all?21:59
sdakejrich523 i think sbezverk has written operator code which uses it21:59
kfox1111sdake: just the subdirs for now.21:59
sdakeok have meeting - last one for th eday21:59
sdakethen can get focused on the builds - although they are proceeding now21:59
kfox1111as those have to match the name in the Chart.yaml or helm breaks.21:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add -type to all microservices missing them.
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sbezverkkfox1111: so 0.4.0 is out or not?22:10
kfox1111sbezverk: not yet. one more patch to land, and it depends on 3.0.2 containers on the hub.22:10
kfox1111which are building now.22:10
kfox1111the ps is:
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kfox1111portdirect: you around?22:27
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sbezverkkfox1111: what is interesting that your last ps passes fine iscsi gate but fails on ceph gate22:28
sbezverkis there is something special with ceph 3.0.2 images?22:28
kfox1111it passed?22:28
* kfox1111 goes and looks...22:28
Pavogota a question all22:29
Pavowhat is the recommended way to partition CentOS OS on the target nodes?22:30
kfox1111are you looking at the previous checkexperimental runs? doesn't show any currently.22:30
sbezverkkfox1111: not sure it is the one currenlty showing by gerrit22:30
kfox1111could be the previous version. the previous version had 3.0.1 still.22:31
portdirectkfox1111: hey22:31
kfox1111portdirect: did you push a trunk build to the hub?22:31
portdirecti will be22:31
kfox1111 shows one 15 hours old. :)22:31
kfox1111just curious how it got there. :)22:31
portdirectyeah - thats been running for a week or so22:32
kfox1111cool. :)22:32
sbezverkkfox1111: you are right it is older PS while it was still WIP22:32
kfox1111sbezverk: ok. cool. you had me worried there for a second. :)22:32
kfox1111I may be insane, but I didn't think that insane. :)22:33
portdirectkfox1111: I would have used that machine to push 3.0.2 but my vpn fell over and I cant get tot the box its on easily :(22:33
Pavokfox1111 what would you recommend the way to partition the target node for the OS?22:33
portdirect(working from home)22:33
kfox1111portdirect: bummer.22:33
sbezverkportdirect: if you have a script I can push images22:34
Pavobecause letting CentOS installer just partition it only gives root 50Gb which does not work when you are spinning up 100+ instances at once22:34
sbezverkI have not very fast but stable connection22:34
kfox1111Pavo: for a host? probably a fair amount of space for a btrfs partition for docker.22:34
portdirectsbezverk: will need a tweak22:34
kfox1111Pavo: depends on if ceph backed or not too. I'm guessing not?22:35
Pavokfox1111 I am about to reinstall my CentOS OS on a target node, mind walking me through it and I am going to be using Ceph as a backend for Nova, Cinder, Swift22:35
kfox1111Pavo: centos defaults to a docker backend that is a loopback device. I've seen that eat itself on my systems more then once.22:35
Pavook kfox1111 once I get done reinstalling the OS I will hit you up if you don't mind, never done the btrfs thing before22:36
kfox1111 /boot a copule hundered megs. /var/lib/docker btrfs 100g? rest in / ?22:36
kfox1111don't know for kolla-ansible though. that would be a general guess.22:37
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jemcevoyPavo and kfox1111 Redhat used lvm thin pools for docker.   I have set that stuff up... Or you can use btrfs which is easier.  Just make the root partition btrfs and make var/lib/docker a subvolume...22:41
Pavowell what it seemed like the process for it was instance was spinning up in nova-compute container which I am assuming uses /root partition for the instances, we went to spin up 100+ instances and ran out of space, looked at the parititons using df -h and /root was 100% full22:41
Pavojemcevoy once I get CentOS installed, you mind walking me through thebtrfs stuff?22:41
jemcevoyPava: Choose btrfs during the install not after...22:42
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kfox1111yeah, if your not backing nova with ceph, it all goes in /var/lib/nova22:42
kfox1111jemcevoy: or just make /var/lib/docker btrfs. it works too.22:42
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Pavook about to start the reinstall now then, maybe you can walk me through it jemcevoy22:42
jemcevoyCan we do a google hangout?22:43
Pavoummm sure give me a few minutes though22:43
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Pavook how do I start a hangout?22:45
portdirectyeah if your not backing nova with ceph getting /var/lib/nova on its own partition is pretty key to long term happyness - though can make for fun with selinux22:46
Pavoyeah I have ceph as a backend for nova, cinder and swift22:46
Pavohave selinux in permissive mode because of issues22:46
jemcevoyPavo: when you're ready22:50
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openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP memcached operator
sbezverkkfox1111: hmm who they pissed off this time ;) ??23:03
kfox1111thats a good question.23:04
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP memcached operator
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inc0still uploading binary...23:13
inc0it takes some crazy amounts of time23:13
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kfox1111they are experiencing some issues right now too. :/23:19
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portdirectinc0: oddly it depends on the docker client you are running (in my experence)23:25
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portdirectit takes me 45 mins to build&upload a master from the box I cant get to - but hours on my other machine23:26
sbezverkkfox1111: something strange is happening, all jobs are failing on ceph step.. is it because of the images or it is somehitng else?23:30
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openstackgerritsayantani proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Modify config.yml playbook for bifrost role
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sbezverkkfox1111: hmmm, disreagard for a moment ;-)23:34
openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP memcached operator
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openstackgerritsayantani proposed openstack/kolla: Update Bifrost documentation
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kfox1111sbezverk: I'd guess the docker hub being sketchy at the moment.23:37
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inc0dear kolla community, can I have more eyes on this please? we want to create kolla install guide based on this in main openstack docs repo23:42
inc0I'd appreciate keeping this change reviewed23:42
kfox1111inc0: is that in the wrong repo?23:43
inc0quickstart is in kolla repo still23:43
inc0we should sort it out later, for it to point to kolla-ansible23:43
inc0but as long as ansible is only prod deployer for kolla, I'd keep it in main kolla repo to avoid confusion for newcommers23:44
openstackgerritsayantani proposed openstack/kolla: Improve Quick Start documentation
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sdake_kfox1111 build going now23:58
kfox1111sdake_: cool. thanks.23:58
sdake_btw kolla 3.0.2 seems DOA to me - oslo-config is busted23:58
sdake_its ok - i cn still build - and it may not affect the images23:59
sdake_kolla-build after pip install kolla doesn't work23:59
sdake_pip uses oslo.config23:59
sdake_oslo.config uses oslo.i18n23:59

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