Saturday, 2017-01-21

sbezverksdake: done with cleanup00:00
sbezverkplease address my comment here:
sdakeworking on it00:00
* sdake n ot superman ;)00:00
sdakegerrit is sluggish at present - not accepting my change via git review00:04
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Use environment variables to specify versions
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Use environment variables to specify versions
sdakethe reason gerrit is sluggish at present is daily backups at 00:0000:06
sdakesbezverk can you revisit
sdakekfox1111 - need all 5 of those patches reviewed now that i've made it through the sbezverk documentation guantlet :)00:07
sbezverksdake: done00:08
sdakesbezverk thx00:08
sdakesbezverk gerrit is showing me 423046 as -100:08
sdakewonder if that is thedaily backups or if you retained the -1 vote on it00:08
sdakeoh there it goes00:08
sdakewow dailybackups make gerrit pokey00:09
portdirectsdake: not sure about mysql test chart00:10
sdakeportdirect not sure abou twhat?00:10
portdirectit requires pvc support, so actually should really fail00:10
sdakeportdirect - you added it in there not me :)00:10
sdakeis pvc support not implemented in the dev env?00:11
sdakei thought that was fixed up00:11
portdirectnot untill you install kolla...00:11
portdirectso its not there at that point00:11
portdirectwe add it00:11
sdakeok - well i can address that in yet another followon patch00:11
sdakewhat would you recommend installing that doesn't require pvc?00:11
sdakefwiw, I ran the stable/mysql chart and it worked for me00:12
sdakealthough I didn't test mysql, just that helm placed it in the deploy state00:12
portdirectyeah - helm deploys it fine00:12
portdirectjust the pods fail00:12
portdirectanyway +2ed00:12
sdakeok - well we shortly remove it after deploying it00:12
sdakethanks :)00:12
sdakeI can change it to somehting else if someone has suggestions00:12
portdirecttiny image too :)00:14
sdakeportdirect cool00:16
sdakeportdirect what was your fix for vagrant00:16
sdakeI did a vagrant destroy -and that cratered tiller00:16
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sdakeportdirect and you were typing quickly so I missed the uri you used for tiller and what precisely ou did to workaround the problem00:16
portdirect2 mins00:16
sdakeI thought you did a docker pull port/tiller:2.1.300:16
sdaketo load tiller in the cache00:16
portdirecti did but thats not needed00:17
sdakek - i'll be h ere :)00:17
portdirect1:) kubectl delete --namespace=kube-system deploy tiller-deploy00:17
portdirect2:) helm init --tiller-image
portdirectthat image is exactly the same as the one00:19
portdirectlooks like it may be spreading :(00:20
sdakeportdirect what is your github id?00:21
sdakeportdirect i couldnt' credit you properly - intlabs wasn't foudn by github00:24
sdakebut anywya i did dad your irc nick in there ;)00:24
sdakebrb, going to actually verify that works00:24
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sdakeportdirect duno what to tell ya  -when i type @intlabs in github issue tracker, it didn't pop up your name in the list00:26
portdirectyeah - I'm actually pretty hard to track down. I tend to work via, which is an organisation in github - and that really confuses the UI00:28
portdirectkinda nice, cause its virtually impossible to track where I am. KInda rubbish for exactly the same reason - I don't get credited for about 70% of my commits.00:29
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Change mysql to memcached in docs
sdake[sdake@minime-03 halcyon-vagrant-kubernetes]$ helm ls00:31
sdakeError: could not find a ready tiller pod00:31
sdakeany ideas?00:31
sdakeoh its workign now00:31
sdakejust a little slow to respond00:31
sbezverksdake: helm is not initialized00:31
sbezverkhelm init --client-only00:31
sdakesbezverk helm is indeed initialized00:31
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sdakesbezverk portdirect 's workaround works00:32
portdirectsounds like the image was still pulling00:32
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Break apart helm init and helm ls oeprations
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Break apart helm init and helm ls oeprations
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Change mysql to memcached in docs
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add a workaround for docker-engine 1.13.0
sdakeportdirect sbezverk srwilkers_ kfox1111 can one of you fellas ack:
sdakeactually two of youths00:48
sdakethanks jascott1 :)00:49
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add a workaround for docker-engine 1.13.0
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Break apart helm init and helm ls operations
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add a simple test to see if horizon is running
openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Split Openvswitch into own role
sdake_portdirect quick q about storage providers01:00
sdake_(for kubernetes)01:00
sdake_portdirect if kolla-kubernetes had a desire to ue a different storage provider01:00
sdake_what would that take in terms of implementation01:01
sdake_for example iscsi or nfs01:01
portdirector gce/ec201:01
sdake_there are a whole bunch01:01
portdirect2 mins01:01
portdirectyou would need to somehow feed the appropraite values into these:
portdirectthough i dont know how to do that01:03
portdirectas I've not managed to keep ontop of the globals/values work that kfox/sbezverk  have been doing01:04
portdirectI dont think that they have been tested since the jinja2 days01:04
sdake_looks like there is some gce work in there:
portdirectyeah - though those are both straight conversions of the jinja2 templates01:05
sdake_right - so hasn't been tested lately :(01:05
sdake_i wonder if it was ever tested01:06
portdirectthe prefered way to do it now is to provide a storage class01:06
sdake_how is that different than what kolla-kubernetes has n ow?01:06
portdirectas those maifests taget the method used in k8s 1.201:06
portdirectif we just used that, then users could brign whatever storage they wanted01:07
portdirectbut I'm not sure how hard it would be unwind kolla-k8s from the way it uses storage currently01:07
sdake_ok - so storage as used today is base dupon a kubernetes 1.2 construct01:08
sdake_and in 1.5, there is a better way to do the job01:08
sdake_are there docs on the better way to do the job?01:08
sbezverkportdirect: we cannot use storage class, as kube controller has an not yet resolved issue01:09
portdirectthough this only beacme possible for bare metal with 1.501:09
portdirectsbezverk: what issue?01:09
sbezverkotherwise we would need to lock on att's kube controller01:09
sbezverkmissing ceph binaries01:09
portdirectwe have kube-controlelr in kolla01:09
portdirecti added it just for this01:09
portdirectsdake_: for context01:10
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sbezverkthe actual controller kubernetes-controller-manager is missing ceph binaries01:10
portdirectceph is so uncommon in k8s, that google do not provide rbd binary in the upstream image01:10
portdirectyou have to add your own01:10
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sdakewhat delivable is kube-controller in?01:11
portdirectsbezverk: we can use kolla image?01:11
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sdakeand what is kube-controller in a little more detail?01:11
* sdake groans at more curls in the codebase01:13
* portdirect thinks its the only way :(01:14
sdakeportdirect there is always a better way :)01:14
sdakeportdirect although a short term curl hack works for now01:14
sdakeportdirect the idea then is you deploy this container in the baremetal os?01:14
portdirectwhat? I'd like to use it01:14
sdakeportdirect package it into rpm and deb01:14
sdakeportdirect yup - thats the better way01:14
sdakeportdirect then you get signed binaries from a trusted source01:15
sdakevs random curls from who knows where01:15
portdirectyeah mostly id agree with you01:15
sdakeanyway back on topic :)01:15
portdirectok - so sbezverk is right01:16
portdirectin that with a fesh vainila install of k8s via kubeadm you cannot use ceph stoage class01:16
portdirectbut you could if you installed from rpms01:16
portdirectaor any method that had the binarys for k8s running on the hosts, not in containers01:17
sdakeis there any way to get the righ tcontianer we need into kubeadm?01:17
sdaketell me more plz :)01:17
portdirectwe cannot get ceph rbd into those images upstream01:17
sdakei understan01:17
sdakecan kubeadm be overridden as is?01:18
portdirectthere are two ways of doing it01:18
sdaketo use different images?01:18
portdirectchina has this problem in a BIG way01:18
portdirectthe recommened advice there - its to prepull images to hosts, and then tag them a images01:19
portdirect^^ WOW :/01:19
portdirectso kubeadm is being extended to allow you to specify images01:19
sdakewhen is that landing?01:19
portdirectlike we did to unblock you with tiller01:19
portdirectin master now01:19
portdirectwill need to check01:20
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portdirectbut we will still have issue01:20
portdirectas the images kolla makes will not be tagged correctly01:20
portdirect2 sec01:20
portdirectand using as a bad example:01:21
portdirectthis is the naming format that kubadm will expect01:21
portdirect'-amd64:v1.5.0' is key here01:21
kfox1111ah. yeah. :/01:21
portdirectwe need those images in kolla to have a similar suffix01:22
kfox1111we should try and patch that in trunk asap?01:22
portdirectwith platform arch:k8s version01:22
portdirectkfox1111: we should ideally byt Jeffrey4l was very unkeen on the idea01:22
sdakeportdirect i can fix that01:23
sdakeportdirect i also -1'ed that review01:23
sdakei recall it01:23
portdirectthey made me remove the '-amd64' beofre accepting the ps01:23
* portdirect crys uncontrollably again01:23
sdakeportdirect you didn't really provide a compelling reason as to why -amd64 was needed :)01:23
portdirectI rememeber sdake, i rememeber01:24
sdakeportdirect iirc the review said "this is what kubernetes does"01:24
kfox1111sdake: yeah, but I did, but was shot down. ;)01:24
portdirectlets move forawrd though01:24
kfox1111past is the past.01:24
portdirectthat only gets us half way01:24
portdirectas we still need to sort the actuall tag at the end01:25
portdirectkolla-build would need to be mofified to do that01:25
sdakeportdirect ther eis a --tag override01:25
portdirector we would need docs covering it01:25
sdakedocs would work01:25
portdirectsdake: docs the :)01:25
sdakeplus the hub can provide the images01:25
sdakeits too late to make massive changes to at this time01:25
sdakehave to wait for pike to open up01:26
sdakei'll cover the docs, if someone else can ocver the deliverable rename of the packages01:26
sdakethe kolla deliverable that is01:26
portdirectare those images gonna be in ocata?01:26
sdakewhatever is in master now is going to ocata yes01:26
portdirectthey are on hub atm01:26
sdakeand ocata is cut in about 10 days01:26
portdirecttagged master01:26
sdakeportdirect can you submit a review to change the image names to what kubeadm expects01:27
sdakeand link this chat log here:01:27
sdakein the commit msg01:28
sdakeportdirect if I submit the change, I can't +2 it or argue really with anyone about why it needs to be done :)01:28
kfox1111sdake: I have a ps up for revew to add two more packages. think it can still make it in for ocata?01:29
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portdirectroger 30 mins - just finishing off something else01:29
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sdakeportdirect i got dced01:30
portdirectroger 30 mins - just finishing off something else01:30
sdakeportdirect my last msg was 18:27:48]  <sdake>portdirect can you submit a review to change the image names to what kubeadm expects01:30
sdake[18:27:56]  <sdake>and link this chat log here:01:30
sdake[18:28:10]  <sdake>
sdake[18:28:24]  <sdake>in the commit msg01:30
sdake[18:28:44]  <sdake>portdirect if I submit the change, I can't +2 it or argue really with anyone about why it needs to be done :)01:30
sdakeportdirect cool thanks :)01:30
kfox111120:29 < kfox1111> sdake: I have a ps up for revew to add two more packages. think it can still  make it in for ocata?01:30
sdakekfox1111  you mean two more containers?01:30
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sdakekfox1111 I think so01:30
kfox1111sdake: yeah.01:31
sdakekfox1111 although the gate is imploding with your change01:31
kfox1111I think its just failing due to docker 1.13 issue?01:31
kfox1111it was submitted about that time the other day.01:31
kfox1111I just kicked off a recheck.01:31
kfox1111I've never submitted a container before, so I took a wild guess.01:32
sdakeyou need a recheck as that patch has docker-engine 1.13.001:32
kfox1111please let me know if I did somethign wrong. :)01:32
sdakeit looks ok to me01:32
kfox1111do I need a rebase?01:32
sdakekfox1111 moment01:32
portdirectkfox1111: you have logs of gate expolosion01:33
sdakekfox1111 your recheck will fix it up i think01:33
portdirect^^ that it?01:33
sdakeportdirect yup thats the log01:33
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla: Add ceph fs containers
kfox1111well, I just rebased just in case.01:33
sdakekfox1111 a recheck will do it - no need to rebase ;)01:33
sdakekfox1111 recheck checks against latest master01:33
kfox1111if the docker 1.13 fix came after that ps, it would probablly need a rebase.01:33
sdakeno that is not the case01:34
kfox1111really? I'ave always had to rebase for kolla-kubernetes I think.01:34
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Load murano dashboard dynamic
sdakei asked this same question of infra over a year ago and they corredcted me01:34
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sdakefeel free to ask anyone in openstack-infra :)01:34
kfox1111hmm... does the 'recheck' do an automatic rebase then?01:34
sdakeSamYaple and I both individually chekced their statements as well01:34
kfox1111weird. ok.01:35
sdakeand they were correct01:35
sdakeya its not intuitive01:35
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sdakea recheck will do it no need to rebase01:35
sdakeJeffrey4l__ was going that too as of a month or so ago01:35
sdakeJeffrey4l__ and I think he has stopped now that I explained i to to him01:36
sdakeJeffrey4l__ might check with him - he has alot of code output and runs into those typeso fproblems often01:36
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sdakethe only time a rebase is needed is if there is a merge conflict or gerrit is "stuck"01:36
Jeffrey4l__hrm what are u talking?01:36
kfox1111gotta head out. l8r all.01:36
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: test rebooting in the gate
sdakelater kfox111101:38
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openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Split Openvswitch into own role
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openstackgerritsayantani proposed openstack/kolla: Update Bifrost documentation
openstackgerritsayantani proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP]Update Bifrost documentation
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Fix the gate failure
openstackgerritWei Cao proposed openstack/kolla: Install karbor dashboard into horizon image
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openstackgerritWei Cao proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Load karbor dashboard
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openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Split Openvswitch into own role
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sdake_Jeffrey4l are you about04:28
sdake_Jeffrey4l earlier we were talking about how you don't need to rebase a patch prior to running recheck04:30
sdake_Jeffrey4l and also that neeed to rename some of the kolla images related to kubernetes to amd64 (to be loaded properly by kubeadm)04:31
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sdake_Jeffrey4l if you come about - could you ack this doc change:
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla: Add vitrage images
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zhubingbinghello guys06:01
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openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove precheck.yml in baremetal
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfiguration for senlin
openstackgerritzhubingbing proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add bool enable_elasticsearch in searchlight.conf.j2
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfiguration for searchlight
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfiguration for searchlight
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfiguration for senlin
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add fluentd role
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Install all python packages in global-requirements.txt file
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openstackgerritjianyi proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add zun ansible role
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfiguration for ceilometer
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Rename task in destroy role that removes images
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix ironic inspector
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openstackgerritjianyi proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add zun ansible role
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Syffshello, I have kolla deployed as an all-in-one install, but on my host machine: I have this in loop in my /var/log/messages11:10
SyffsInput 'mariadb_logstreamer_input' error: open /var/log/kolla/mariadb/mariadb.log: permission denied#01511:10
SyffsInput 'openstack_logstreamer_input' error: open /var/log/kolla/neutron/dnsmasq.log: permission denied#01511:11
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Sync tools/cleanup-images with kolla repository
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sp___Jeffrey4l:  ping...11:55
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harish23rhey guys. need some help here in Kolla deployment.12:06
harish23rI'm trying to deploy a single node kolla setup. using the Mitaka release12:07
harish23rI get the following error while "using kolla-deploy"12:07
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harish23r<openstackgerrit> Christian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Sync tools/cleanup-images with kolla repository
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harish23r<sp___> Jeffrey4l:  ping...12:07
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harish23rThis error:12:07
harish23rTASK: [common | starting heka container] *************************************12:07
harish23rfailed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "failed": true}12:07
harish23rmsg: APIError(HTTPError(u'500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: http+docker://localunixsocket/v1.25/conteiners/create?name=heka',),)12:07
harish23rFATAL: all hosts have failed -- aborting12:07
harish23rlocalhost: 0k=28 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=112:07
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Jeffrey4lsup sp___12:09
sp___Jeffrey4l:   i have improved the coverage by upto 80% for kolla BP12:10
sp___Jeffrey4l:  please review this12:10
Jeffrey4lok. will review it.12:10
sp___Jeffrey4l:  thanks12:10
harish23rcan anyone help me out!12:19
harish23rdoes it deal with a docker error? or I should configure a setting?12:20
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Set docker_restart_policy_retry to 0 by default
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfigure action for cloudkitty
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sdakeJeffrey4l you about?13:52
Jeffrey4lsdake, yep.13:52
sdakewould you mind acking a doc patch13:52
sdakein kolla-ubernetes13:52
Jeffrey4lnp. link?13:52
sdakea core reviewer has already been first to review13:53
sdakethat is familiar with kolla-kubernetes13:54
sdakei try not to sk you to review code in detail because you probably don't know how it works13:54
sdakealthough docs are sort of like code, this is simpel enough13:54
Jeffrey4lhrm. kolla-k8s better run on physical machine? but we run gate in vms ..13:56
sdakeJeffrey4l the dev env runs multipel vms13:56
sdake4 to be precise13:56
sdakethe gate runs 1 vm13:56
sdakealso this change if you wouldn't midn:
sdakerunning 4 vms in a vm is feasible, however, then your runnning virt (provided by vagrant) on vagrant13:57
sdakerather virt on virt13:57
sdakerunning virt (provided by vagrant) on virt (provided by your underlay virtual machine provider)13:58
portdirectOr you can just run the ansible that vagrant drives direct on some hardware.13:58
sdakemorning portdirect13:58
portdirectBut that's not documented yet ;)13:58
portdirectHey guys13:58
sdakeJeffrey4l and finally this change: ;-)13:59
sdakeall docs changes13:59
Jeffrey4lsdake,  hrm. may other kolla-k8s core is better ;) i have no idea and context for there.13:59
sdakeJeffrey4l ok -well can you atleast ack the overview doc change13:59
sdakeJeffrey4l and ill find someone else to ack the other two reviews14:00
Jeffrey4li am think why memcache rather than mysql ;(14:00
sdakei've like 6 patches lined up14:00
sdakebacked up that is in the queue14:00
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sdakeJeffrey4l roger on the other patches14:00
portdirectJeffrey, memcache has no storage requirements14:00
portdirectMysql does not install ootb14:01
sdakeJeffrey4l if you could just ack - this chane is innocous enough and reviewed by several people failiar with kolla-kubernetes14:01
sdakeI took jascott1 's text verbatum :)14:01
portdirectOh dear :)14:02
Jeffrey4lok. done.14:02
sdakethanks fine sir14:02
sdakeJeffrey4l i have another request14:02
sdakethe kolla-kubernetes deliverable needs -amd64 for container images14:02
sdakeboth you and I -1'ed the review because it was out of conformity with the rest of hte containers14:03
Jeffrey4lsdake, why?14:03
sdakefor just some container images14:03
Jeffrey4lany meaning for the suffix?14:03
sdakekubeadm depends on -amd64 being in the prefix to override image names14:03
sdakeits only af ew containers14:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add an overview section to the documentation
sdakeJeffrey4l portdirect mentioend he would have a patch ready today for it14:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: add a cd to halcyon-vagrant-kubernetes
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Install kubectl and helm on the host OS in docs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Clean up mysql installed during test of helm
sdakesee what you did there Jeffrey4l ;)14:04
Jeffrey4ljust curiosity, if there is no -amd64, it will break anything?14:04
sdakeyes it wont work14:04
sdakekubeadm --overide image=kube-controller14:04
sdakekubeadm is compiled for adm6414:04
sdakeit automatically adds -amd64 to the suffix internally it expects14:05
sdakeso if there is no -amd64 suffix, the image cannot be found14:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Use environment variables to specify versions
sdakewhich requires manual tagging14:05
sdakei didn't catch it either when i -1'ed it14:05
sdakeand the submitter didn't push back hard enough on the reviewers :)14:05
sdakeJeffrey4l i am making up the  --overide image=kube-controller syntax, I don't know the exact syntax, but I know there is one14:06
sdakeJeffrey4l and I know kubeadm internally determines what platform its compiled for and launches the image it requires14:06
sdakeJeffrey4l did I explain it clearly?14:08
Jeffrey4lyep. fair enough.14:08
sdakeJeffrey4l rading back it looks a little unclear even to me and I wrote it :)14:08
Jeffrey4lfor my understanding, kubeadm adds the suffix and we can not remove it..14:09
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/kolla: Kubernetes: Rename Images to allow use with native deployment tools
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfigure action for gnocchi
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add chrony ansible role
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfigure action for cinder
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SyffsHello, I have lots of permission denied on mariadb and dnsmasq logs in my /var/log/messages:
Syffsany idea?15:17
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfigure action for cinder
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sdakemorning kfox111115:21
kfox1111morning. :)15:21
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kfox1111how goes the battle?15:21
SyffsSelinux is disabled15:23
sdakejust spilled a soda all over my laptop groan15:23
sdakebut it appears unharmed15:23
sdakekfox1111 can you hit the review queue and ack the doc changes15:24
sdakekfox1111 i am working really hard to get the docs into workable shape15:24
sdakerunning shape15:24
sdakewhatever the right words are;)15:24
sdakeremove the bit rot in essence15:24
kfox1111yeah. sec.15:25
sdakedoesn't have to be now15:25
sdakejust at some point - some of thes epatches sit around for a couple of days15:25
sdakewhich blocks work since its al on one file15:25
sdakei think the dev env is gtg now with the docker change that was -1'ed15:25
sdakehaven't looked why it was -1'ed yet15:26
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add a workaround for docker-engine 1.13.0
sdakeyak shaving complete with that change and its children I think :)15:33
sdakeoff to visit my uncle in the hopsital, then have some tech support for my parents which involves staring at a backup screen for hours on end15:34
sdakeduring that, I'll take a crack at standing up kolla-kubernetes with ceph15:35
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sdake_ok gott aroll15:45
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: test rebooting in the gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Change mysql to memcached in docs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Break apart helm init and helm ls operations
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfiguration for aodh
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Support rolling upgrades of horizon
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Support rolling upgrades of horizon
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: test rebooting in the gate
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Support rolling upgrades of horizon
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Support rolling upgrades of horizon
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kfox1111sbezverk: you around?18:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix docker restart policy issue on docker engine 1.13
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SamYaplekfox1111: does k8s mount a _single_ rbd? or an rbd per volume created?18:58
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openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Split Openvswitch into own role
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Syffshello, I'm having permission denied in loops in my system logs: ... any idea?19:29
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kfox1111SamYaple: rbd per volume.19:40
openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Split Openvswitch into own role
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sdakesup peeps20:47
openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Split Openvswitch into own role
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add a workaround for docker-engine 1.13.0
sdakesup kfox111120:57
sdakekfox1111 if you could ack
sdakei'd like that to merge prior to monday if possible :)21:10
sdakesbezverk ^^21:10
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kfox1111sdake: I can. is that the correct workaround though?21:18
sdakekfox1111 tested and works for me21:18
kfox1111seems like its really a bad docker version, and we should recommend around it.21:18
sdakeportdirect suggested it21:18
sdakedocker isn't changing to permit -'s in their organization names21:18
kfox1111if it really is a problem with docker not supporting '-'s in repo names.21:18
kfox1111that would be a docker bug.21:19
sdakei woudl bet 1 dollar against 10021:19
kfox1111they use to.21:19
sdakeits going to be a permanant docker thing21:19
kfox1111all other versions of docker did.21:19
sdakein any regard, its a short term fix - i suspect helm can sort it out with the docker cats21:19
sdakethe problem without it is nobody can get any work done21:19
sdakeand if its not documented its not a thing21:19
kfox1111I expect docker to revert that change.21:20
sdakeits part of docker hub21:20
kfox1111the other way to document it is with a workaround to avoid that version.21:20
sdakeits not like we manually install docker in the instructions21:20
kfox1111there are lots of docker repos. quey, google's, artefacteries, gitlab21:20
sdakethat happens via the dev env21:20
kfox1111if they use to supprot a -, but don't anymore, that will affect a lot of repo's.21:20
sdakepossible - not our problem21:21
sdakeits none of our business on docker's policies21:21
sdakeif we make it our business, i predict badness wil loccur21:21
kfox1111pointing at a non official container seems more risky then telling users to avoid a buggy version of docker.21:21
sdakelets let helm sort it out21:21
sdakehsort term fix - that is why there is a date in the docs21:21
sdakethe docs are updated continously21:22
sdakeor shoudl be21:22
sdakethey haven't21:22
sdakethat is changing starting as of thursday of last week21:22
* kfox1111 shrugs. you asked for my optinion. Thats my opinion.21:22
sdakei asked for an ack, not a dissertation on how docker is evi :)21:22
kfox1111working docks are preferable to non working docs.21:22
kfox1111no, just being consistent.21:22
kfox1111you didn't like how I ponted to a docker contiainer in my own docker hub namespace before.21:23
sdakeya - fwiw i did ask pete to pin docker-engine to an older version in the dev env21:23
kfox1111and I did agree with you at the time.21:23
sdakeif he does that, we can just remove that warning21:23
sdakeyup i dont like it21:23
kfox1111I don't htink this is different.21:23
sdakei expec tthis to be in the docs for max 1 week21:23
sdakea thundering herd of people are trying to get kolla-kubernetes rolling21:23
sdakeand running into problem after p roblem21:23
sdakei say trying because they are failing21:24
sdakeme included21:24
sdakeif my answer is 'we can't figure out how to get the stuff fixed or worked around" they will be like "are u srs?"21:24
sdakein this case, we are doing two things21:24
sdakeworking around (by changing dev env that portdirect is taking on, and documenting a seocnd workaroudn until pete gets the docker-engine pinned)21:25
sdakethe fixing part comes from helm upstream - I'd hope21:25
sdakethe reality is we cna't wiat 2 months for a  new docker-engine release to fix this problem21:25
kfox1111I don't think helm can work around how gogle lays out their repo's.21:25
sdakedocker is on a 2 month release cadence21:25
sdakenot expecint helm to work around it, i'm expecting them to work with docker to fix it as you requested21:26
kfox1111yeah. that.21:26
sdakethis wil lbe a major emergency for them21:26
sdakeit isn't a major emergency for us21:26
kfox1111yeah. I hope they take it seriously.21:26
sdakeour major emergency is that the dev env as docuemtned doesn't work properly :)21:27
kfox1111theres a second smaller emergency.21:32
kfox1111I've been working on the reboot testing gate.21:32
kfox1111found an issue with rbd support and the way k8s uses it.21:32
kfox1111so I don't think we can use ceph rbd to back k8s volumes.21:33
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BigkolWhere are 3.0.2 release notes?21:41
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sdakeportdirect if you could pin the docker-engine in the dev env, that owuld be helpful :)21:46
* sdake groans21:46
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sdakeJeffrey4l_ you around?21:50
sdakeJeffrey4l_ something is odd about the kolla.yaml file21:50
sdakealso kolla-ansible.yaml is not in the releases repo21:50
* sdake groans21:51
sdakeoh i see - i'm in the newton directory21:52
sdakeJeffrey4l_ I think basically the release-notes section needs to be added to the newton directory21:52
sdakeJeffrey4l_ as well as the ocata directory for kolla.yml and kolla-ansible.yaml21:53
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: WIP: Support rolling upgrades of horizon
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openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Split Openvswitch into own role
* portdirect reading22:19
portdirectkfox1111: sup with k8s rbd?22:21
kfox1111was trying to get k8s to recover.22:21
kfox1111seeing mariadb not ever recover.22:22
portdirectyou have logs?22:22
kfox1111dug in and saw the rbd cli stuck.22:22
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kfox1111talked to samyample, and he told me the kernel rbd stuff has a lot of issues.22:23
kfox1111in particular, there are a few scases on startup, and even if ceph goes offliene for a bit, where the kernel mount can lockup until reboot.22:23
kfox1111logs here:
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kfox1111for the ceph case, we're only using it to back mariadb/rabbitmq and helm-repo.22:24
kfox1111mariadb/rabbbit I was contimplating running with local storage anyway in a cluster. so could work around it that way.22:25
kfox1111helm-repo we could maybe just ditch the pv.22:25
kfox1111wasn't sold on the need anyway.22:25
portdirecti kinda wonder if we should pin helm-repo to kube master node(s)22:25
portdirectand then we could just use local storage22:26
kfox1111yeah. should be easy to do by just tweaking the selector_key22:26
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portdirectso looking at logs22:27
portdirectcould you remind me of how things work atm?22:27
portdirectmariadb seems running:
kfox1111seems that way, but not.22:28
kfox1111so, I pull the plug on the node to simulate a power failure:22:28
kfox1111 line 84.22:29
kfox1111k8s comes back up, and things everything is still running.22:29
kfox1111takes it a bit to figure out it s not.22:29
kfox1111if you look under logs/pods/mariadb22:30
kfox1111you can see the state of the current mariadb. it complains there that it cant start due to volume not mounting.22:30
portdirectgot it22:31
kfox1111if you look at the ceph logs, it looks like it running and recovered properly by that point.22:31
kfox1111I added a ps -eo etime,cmd to the logs,22:31
kfox1111to see whats running, and how long:22:31
kfox1111you can see rbd commands stuck for 7 minutes, 21 seconds.22:32
kfox1111looking in logs/dmesg, you can see its not printing out anything ugly a bout ceph either.22:32
kfox1111so at that point,  Iwent to ceph to ask if they've ever seen rbd lock up.22:32
kfox1111then SamYample said, its a known ugly with the kernel rbd stuff, and its rather broken.22:33
portdirectyeah - thats not looking too great22:33
kfox1111said the only way to recover is to reboot. :/22:33
portdirectmoving to dynamic pvc would make it a tiny bit better i think22:33
kfox1111it fails a timeout sometimes and then wont ever try and recover.22:34
kfox1111no. would still fail in this case.22:34
portdirectas the controller manager would catch that rbd is busted22:34
kfox1111as the pvc won't be recreated on reboot.22:34
portdirectso the mariadb pod would not come up at all22:34
portdirectbut that doesnt give us a working system :(22:34
kfox1111I asked if I could wrapper the rbd-fuse client. said it would have a big performance hit.22:35
kfox1111cephfs is an option too, but again, a performance hit.22:35
kfox1111it may be good enough for a small cloud though. would have to benchmark it.22:36
portdirectgluster, lets use gluster22:36
kfox1111I'd expect it to perform just like cephfs.22:36
kfox1111so, galera pinned to nodes is probably our best bet then.22:36
portdirectsimilar, running databases on gluster is stupid22:36
kfox1111which is desirable for ha anyway.22:37
portdirecti think that that may be ther right solution22:37
portdirectbut need to think it through22:37
kfox1111we were considering buying some ssd's to back one of our cloud's cluster databases anyway.22:37
kfox1111so would probably need that functionality anyway.22:38
kfox1111this may just expidite it.22:38
portdirectrunning galera on ceph as always seemed a bit overkill to me22:38
kfox1111it was a simple way not to have to cluster to get some level of ha.22:38
kfox1111so, had a bit of benifit. but if its unstable, then its not worht it.22:39
portdirectthough, lets think thos through before we assume the sky is falling22:39
portdirectcan we fix this without restarting a node?22:40
kfox1111I asked if delaying till ceph was stable would fix the issue.22:40
kfox1111said it would help, but if ceph goes down for any reason for a while, the kerenl could do the same thing.22:40
kfox1111I personally don't want to take that risk. :/22:40
kfox1111we've had ceph's need attention before. things always recovered after fixing so was just fine.22:41
portdirectdid they have rommendations?22:41
kfox1111no. just, don't use kernel rbd.22:41
portdirectwas this SamYaple or peeps at ceph?22:41
kfox1111said the most performant way was rbd in kvm in a vm. though we don't have that luxury.22:41
* portdirect trusts both22:41
portdirectlol - we actually could on most installs22:42
portdirectbut cant really go down that path :(22:42
kfox1111we'd still need a local mariadb at some point I think.22:43
kfox1111so the simplest solution would be required in either case I think. :/22:43
portdirectright - so (and plaing devils advocate)22:43
portdirectthe issue with local storage is stat an operator needs to look after a node22:43
kfox1111right. or a set of nodes.22:44
portdirectvs ceph, where we have a nice blug amorphous blob to puth things in22:44
portdirectlocal storage is a multiple of times faster than ceph22:44
kfox1111in latency sensitive cases, probably.22:45
portdirectmy gut stays go local22:45
kfox1111yeah. mine too.22:45
portdirectbut this is too big for us to decide here22:45
kfox1111its in the relm of building blocks too though. so we can always provide different building block options and let the operators decide the best way for themselves.22:46
portdirectif you can work it in as an option simply then I think that that makes sense22:46
kfox1111yeah. I thinnk we can. just put a conditional around the pvc and add an attribute to pin it to a node.22:47
kfox1111though, I think there's one other unknown...22:47
portdirectjust so you know (and remeber my scale has not been the same as yours)22:47
kfox1111currenty its implemented as a statefulset.22:47
portdirecti've typically run my dbs with local storage backed by simple raid22:47
kfox1111we could do it locally, as a deployment, a statefulset, or a daemonset.22:47
kfox1111yeah. we have too.22:48
kfox1111only contimplating ssd's on one of my clouds, as we've foudn the db load high enoguh,22:48
kfox1111that when we pull out/put back a member, it takes about an hour to fully sync.22:48
kfox1111performing a full rolling upgrade then takes 3. :/22:49
portdirectdo we have a health check on mariadb pod?22:49
kfox1111doesn't look like it yet.22:49
portdirectwe need that22:49
kfox1111yeah, we need a bp to do it everywhere.22:49
portdirectas it would have sorted the issue in the first logs you showed22:50
portdirectnot improved the situation, just the visibility of it22:50
kfox1111the very first issue was k8s showing data from etc right after reboot,22:50
kfox1111but before it talked to kubelet.22:50
portdirecthow fast does a node reboot?22:50
kfox1111pretty quick. 10's of seconds I think?22:51
portdirectif its under 30 then that is a problem (i think)22:51
kfox1111it took longer for kubelet to recover kube-apiserver.22:51
kfox1111and the controller manager.22:51
portdirectright - so thinking22:53
portdirectlocal stoarge = good22:53
portdirectneed to work out reboot issues a bit more22:54
portdirectrebooting a AIO is not the same a s a DC power outage22:54
portdirectsimilar but not the same :/22:54
portdirectsoon as we can run outside of the gat this weill become a lot easier to work out22:55
kfox1111well, the gate is starting to test it now.22:55
kfox1111so we can test more frequently then is possible with dedicated hardware22:55
portdirectyeah but the gate is not interactive :/22:56
kfox1111true that.22:56
kfox1111anothther advantage of doing it with local, is it does simplify the install instructions.22:57
kfox1111as k8s no longer needs ceph support at all.22:57
portdirectalso while cant run outside of gate - we don't really have a deverable, but a science project  :)22:57
kfox1111true. we have building blocks for assembling a cloud.22:57
kfox1111but no instructions for how to do it.22:58
portdirectcan you take that on?22:58
kfox1111building one outside, or instructions?22:58
portdirectal teast an set of rough notes that someone could massage22:58
kfox1111next week or the weke after, I'm going to be deploying it on our test hardware.22:59
kfox1111sdake's working on fresh docs right now.22:59
kfox1111I offered to help him too, wherever he needs it.22:59
kfox1111so I think docs will show up soon.22:59
portdirectgreat :)22:59
portdirectthanks man23:00
kfox1111np. :)23:00
kfox1111sbezverk has it running on some of his hardware too.23:00
kfox1111so it does work outside the gate for sure.23:00
kfox1111I had it running on my laptop in a vm for a while too. but I let that bitrot as the gate was more important to prevent regressions.23:01
portdirectyeah - not trying to needle you , just its a bit of a black box atm23:01
portdirectand behing honest, I gave up23:01
portdirectand thats not good :/23:01
kfox1111yeah, no needling felt. yeah, its a black box currently. :/23:01
kfox1111if you needed help though, you could have asked? or did I miss it?23:02
kfox1111happy to help23:02
portdirectcheers man :)  I know you are - just had too much else on to devote time to it23:02
kfox1111k. yeah. I get that.23:03
portdirectwill have a shot once sdakes got docs in progress23:03
kfox1111cool. sounds good.23:03
portdirectright I better get back to git merge hell23:03
kfox1111always good to have someone that hasn't tried the docs, or done a deploy test out the new docs. :)23:03
kfox1111fun. :/23:03
portdirectI miss gerrit for some of the stuff im working so much at the moment23:03
kfox1111so, back to the previous question real quick.23:04
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kfox1111I can see 3 options for local storage mariadb.23:04
kfox1111statefulset, daemonset, or deployment. all can be pinned to a set of nodes.23:04
kfox1111statefulset would work, but replica's woudl always have to be set to 1,23:04
kfox1111and then pinned to the node.23:05
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kfox1111if you wanted a cluster, you'd have to launch multiple of them.23:05
kfox1111same with deployment.23:05
kfox1111though deployment is a little ligher wieght for that use case.23:05
kfox1111daemonset's interesting, in that you coudl just label the nodes as mariadb,23:05
portdirectso (and working this though as I type)23:05
kfox1111and set net=host23:05
portdirectyou could do the same with staefulset23:05
portdirectthats what i was going to suggest23:06
portdirectbut you would need to have same number of nodes as replicas23:06
kfox1111and instances too.23:06
kfox1111where with a daemonset, you just launch one. and it launches one on all labeled nodes.23:06
kfox1111so a cluster might be easier.23:06
portdirectdaemonset would work for sure23:06
kfox1111though without rolling suppor t yet,23:07
portdirectbut k8s gods would not like you23:07
kfox1111no way to do a rolling cluster upgrade.23:07
kfox1111thats in ps review though.23:07
portdirectmirantis have a soltion for that as well23:07
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kfox1111seems like they really like to add stuff outside of k8s. :/23:08
kfox1111coreos has a ps going to k8s itself based on the deployment upgrade code.23:08
* portdirect wont say the things he wants too23:09
* portdirect but maybe that comment just said it?23:09
portdirectyeah i like the coreos approach to this23:09
kfox1111you see their ps for self hosting kubelet?23:10
kfox1111its fasinating. :)23:10
kfox1111not sure it will work well, but they have a prototype working I hear.23:10
kfox1111they can then use the deployment upgrade code to upgrade all the kubelets.23:10
kfox1111pretty slick.23:10
portdirectyeah - I've been looking into k8s-on-k8s quite seriously23:11
kfox1111so, the tradeoff between deployments and statefulset, is a deployment is easily upgraded.23:11
kfox1111we wouldn't be usinjg any of the features of statefulset either.23:11
kfox1111so in a cluster, a deployment with local storage and net=host might be better?23:12
portdirectyeah - though the really nice thing about statefulsets for us is how they start up23:12
portdirectif you have livelyness checks23:12
portdirectthey start in order23:12
portdirectand for galera this pretty sweet23:12
kfox1111yeah. but since replica's = 1 in this case always, it wouldn't help. :/23:12
portdirectbut whay run replicas=1?23:13
portdirectwhy not replicas=3?23:13
kfox1111case we need to pin the pod to the host for local storage to always be there.23:13
kfox1111since there is no automated way to do that yet. :/23:13
portdirectbut is you set replcias=3, and then have only 3 nodes labeled mariadb23:13
portdirectthat will do what you want23:13
kfox1111ordered start wouldn't be garanteed then?23:14
portdirectit would be23:14
kfox1111well, yes/no...23:14
portdirectyou just would not be able to controll the order of nodes that the pod was started on23:14
kfox1111the names would always be 0-2,23:14
portdirectbut therw ould always be ordeing in st startup23:14
kfox1111but which nodes got which pods would be random.23:14
kfox1111so the order of galera startup would be random.23:15
portdirectbut thats fine23:15
portdirectbut the first to start would always be 023:15
kfox1111that might be ok.23:15
kfox1111autorecovery there has always made me a little worried there.23:15
kfox1111the galera docs left it as an exercise to the operator to determine "the last db down",23:16
kfox1111and chosen to be the first up.23:16
portdirect "the last db down",none of what we have discussed solves that :/23:16
portdirectand thats a whole other question :)23:16
kfox1111thats another issue. though, statefulsets may make it worse?23:17
kfox1111one way I can think to solve it,23:17
kfox1111is to do a trigger file on the host via hostpath.23:17
kfox1111the operator touches a file on the host saying, this is the master to start first.23:17
kfox1111if all 3 pods came up at the same time, watched for the file to show, and only changed to be the master if they saw it,23:18
kfox1111it should then come up pretty smooth.23:18
portdirectbut how would the operator know where to puth that file?23:18
kfox1111would have to be in the recovery docs.23:18
portdirectmeaning manual?23:18
kfox1111so that passes the buck the same way gallera passed the buck.23:19
portdirecti mean that works23:19
kfox1111as the end user, I have no idea most of the time how to tell, other then random.23:19
kfox1111one of the problems with galera. :/23:20
portdirectthats not really true23:20
portdirectbut its not easy23:20
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kfox1111yeah. there's some basic sanity checks.23:20
mgkwillHiya, if anyone is hanging around from kolla-ansible, I'd love further review of 'Split Openvswitch into own role'
kfox1111but if all 3 nodes basically died at the same time, and all seem to have data, its hard to guess which one is newest.23:21
portdirectyou whould be able to work out which node went down last by looking at the state files on each node23:21
kfox1111pretty much every time I've had to recover the cluster it was due to power outage.23:21
portdirectbut getting that automated is a proejct in itself :/23:21
portdirectright back to merging hell :/ laters man23:22
kfox1111ok. l8r.23:22
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sdakekfox1111 aren't ceph rbd volumes used now to back k8s volumes?23:50
sdakekfox1111 sorry missed your msg from earlier - was in the middle of  getting rady for naptime :)23:50
sdakekfox1111 or does it have to do with what happens after a reboot?23:50
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