Monday, 2017-05-15

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openstackgerritMathieu Rohon proposed openstack/kolla master: Add skydive service
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openstackgerrityunfeng zhou proposed openstack/kolla master: add libvirt-python for instance monitor.
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openstackgerrityunfeng zhou proposed openstack/kolla master: add libvirt-python for instance monitor.
openstackgerritjeck proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Modified based on not installed grafana environment upgrade grafana caused by mariadb database not initialized grafana problem When upgrading grafana we need to make sure grafana has been deployed
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openstackgerritpangliye proposed openstack/kolla master: Install the plugin of head
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openstackgerritpangliye proposed openstack/kolla master: Install the plugin of elasticsearch-head
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bmaltaiseanylin: I did configure the external network IP as required. The strange thing is that kolla-ansible work on my setup but I have never been able to get the kubernetes method working.10:53
bmaltaiseanylin: The admin interface work, I can spawn VMs but the external network refuse to work.10:53
bmaltaiseanylin: I will try to change the interface name from ensXXX to ethX and see if somehow there are no dependencies on using those two interface name in the setup.10:54
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openstackgerritPavel Gluschak (scsnow) proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Make cinder-backup service optional
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kolla master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix lbaasv2 in service_plugins
eanylin_bmaltais: Ok.  The same approach worked for me for both kolla ansible and kolla kubernetes on KVM host and VirtualBox.  I dont really think the name of the interface makes a difference.  It was ensXXX for me in VirtualBox when I set up kolla ansible etc, and it worked the same way... But I think you can try it nonetheless...12:22
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bmaltais_eanylin_: That is what I am thinking also. I tried changing the interface name and I get the same result. Very strange ;-( I did not tought the virtualisation platform should have an impact on the end result but perhaps it does.12:27
bmaltais_eanylin_: I wonder what specific config under ESXi might be causing this.12:28
eanylin_bmaltais: Yeah, it would be really strange though, if ESXi was the causing it to behave differently12:28
openstackgerritMartin Mágr proposed openstack/kolla master: Sensu images
bmaltais_eanylin_: Especially when using a script to deploy that removes the fat finger issues. It should be highly repeatable but it is not ;-(12:29
eanylin_bmaltais: I think most of the testing was done on KVM host and I tested on virtualbox on my own, which was working properly too12:29
eanylin_bmaltais: Yeah, agree12:29
bmaltais_eanylin_: When I deploy I use ens160 ens19212:30
bmaltais_10.10.10.219 is my mgmt IP12:31
eanylin_bmaltais: Yeah, that should be sufficient12:31
bmaltais_ens160 is my management interface that has the ip12:31
bmaltais_And ens192 is my external interface12:31
eanylin_ens192 will be the one for connecting to ext net which we dont assign IP to12:31
bmaltais_If I put an IP on the external interface matching the network subnet I can ping the gateway using it...12:31
bmaltais_So the connectivity is fine12:32
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eanylin_ok, agree. I used that approach as basic sanity test before I start any deployment as well12:32
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eanylin_you are coming into the network from outside of the VM right?12:33
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eanylin_for instance, in my case, if I spin up the CentOS VM with kolla kubernetes on my KVM host, I will need to access the Cirros VM etc from my KVM host12:34
eanylin_and not from the CentOS VM itself12:34
bmaltais_eanylin_: Correct. Through a vyos router at from my lab network. This is how I ssh into the VM to run the script12:34
eanylin_I mean the Cirros VM that is spun up in OpenStack should be accessed from the KVM host in my case and not directly from within the CentOS VM12:34
eanylin_ok, you are using VyOS for routing12:35
manheimegonzalez you on?12:35
egonzalezmanheim, yep12:35
bmaltais_Yes. And the cirros VM can't ping the (other network) ip when I assign a public IP from the pool12:35
bmaltais_I can't ping either the router IP from openstack on that network not the cirros IP from vyos12:36
manheimif you remember the last issue, it was avout overriding nova.conf in config.yml between kvm and hyperv12:36
bmaltais_It appear the ens192 interface is not attaching to the br-ex interface\12:36
bmaltais_Somehow that step is not working properly12:37
sbezverkmorning gents12:37
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sbezverkbmaltais_: try to add that interface manually12:37
eanylin_bmaltais: Ok.  I havent seen that behavior so far.  Usually even if I cannot access the Cirros VM from my host, I can ping my public router from within the OpenStack overlay network.12:37
bmaltais_eanylin_: I will rebuild the VM with the script so I can better troubleshoot and provide info if needed.12:38
sbezverkbmaltais_: kubectl exec {your vswitchd pod} -n kolla -- ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex ens19212:38
eanylin_bmaltais_: Ok12:38
egonzalezmanheim, remember, you can use in hyperv role for copy nova.conf: {{ role_path }}../nova/templates/nova.conf.j212:39
manheimyes, but i have a different solution12:39
eanylin_Morning sbezverk12:39
egonzalezmanheim, exactly as made in glance/nova/cinder
manheimwhat of i name my nova.conf nova-hyperv.conf.j212:39
manheimand in the copy over, i put dst nova.conf12:39
manheimi works, o tried12:39
bmaltais_eanylin_: OK, I will try that command if the resulting environment still does not have ens192 attached to br-ex12:39
manheimso in templates/nova-hyperv.conf.j212:40
manheimand when o copy the template over, I put the dst nova.conf12:40
egonzalezmanheim, the issue here is that we are going to duplicate 60% of the file with main nova.conf12:40
eanylin_bmaltais: Yeah, I think we can try sbezverk's suggestion.12:41
manheimhmm, this is true12:41
manheimthat big of an issue?12:41
egonzalezand will be harder to maintain, each time a change into nova.conf is made will need to be also done at hyper nova conf12:41
egonzalezwhich mostly for sure will cause a not up to date hyperv  nova.conf12:42
manheimi see12:43
manheimok, one questions12:43
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manheimso i have vars specific to nova-hyperv role, do i have to put them in nova role as well?12:43
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manheimif i use nova/nova.conf.js12:43
manheimvars in defaults/main.yml12:44
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egonzalezi see.. that can be resolved with include_vars from nova role into hyperv role, at some point in time (when hyperv gets containerized) hyperv role will disappear and be merged into global nova role12:49
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egonzalezI think we should try to reuse as much as we can from global nova role to avoid duplicate work imo12:51
manheimi see12:53
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manheimwon't i need to import from nova-hyperv? i mean nova.conf.j2 from nova/ is intepreted13:00
manheimand in nova/nova.conf.j2 i'll need stuff like rdp_port from nova-hyper13:01
bmaltais_eanylin_: OK. Done with the setup. This is the state of br-ex when running kubectl exec openvswitch-vswitchd-network-3t37d -n kolla -- ovs-vsctl show
egonzalezmanheim, maybe not, as all hyperv variables will be under `if enable_hyperv, not evaluated, endif`13:03
manheimi get this, but if enable_hyperv is evaluated13:03
manheimdo I need to impot nova-hyperv vars in nova or not?13:04
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egonzalezmanheim, vars will be evaluated from hyperv defaults, and from included nova defaults13:05
sbezverkbmaltais_: kubectl exec openvswitch-vswitchd-network-3t37d -n kolla -- ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex ens19213:05
egonzalezmanheim, guess not13:05
sbezverkbmaltais_: it is still missing interface13:05
egonzalezmanheim, wait, yes because nova-api need those vars13:05
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manheimi'll write the code and i'll test, thanks for the help13:06
bmaltais_sbezverk: After adding the interface to the pod:
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bmaltais_sbezverk: I will setup a basic VM to test if all is fine now13:08
sbezverkbmaltais_: now it looks right imho :)13:08
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bmaltais_sbezverk: If this fixes it then I wonder why it does not get properly built. Might be good to figure it out as it might help others in the future13:10
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sbezverkbmaltais_: if it fixes, we will have a debug session with you to see what is going on.13:13
bmaltais_sbezverk: Let me know if there is particular log file I could look into to see why the interface does not get added properly to br-ex during the deployment13:13
bmaltais_No problem13:13
sbezverkbmaltais_: one thing would be helpfull is adding --debug keyword to all helm install commands in the script you are using13:13
mgoddardkfox1111: hi. seen this:
eanylin_bmaltais_:I think mine looks similar as yours as well,
sbezverkthen we can see if command got generated to add interface13:13
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sbezverkmgoddard: thanks for the link, out kfox1111 is a celebrity now ;)13:15
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bmaltais_sbezverk: It works now13:16
mgoddardsbezverk: it appears so!13:16
bmaltais_sbezverk: So somehow the interface fail to be added during the deployment13:16
sbezverkbmaltais_: ok in this case I am almost positive it has something to do with identation in cloud.yaml13:16
bmaltais_sbezverk: Let me know how I can help to fix this13:17
sbezverkwhen helm looks for the variable add_port it does not find it and hence the interface does not get plugged.13:17
bmaltais_sbezverk: The strange thing is that I use a script to deploy and the indent is working for others13:17
eanylin_bmaltais_: How about pasting the cloud.yaml and see where it got off-indented?13:18
pomacdocker restart nova_libvirt is not a good idea - it blocks new machines from being started. --- me and bjolo etc have been... debugging that for a ... while...13:18
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sbezverkbmaltais_: we need to confirm it by re-deploying openswitch with --debug keyword13:18
pomacany clues on things that could be affecting this?13:18
bmaltais_sbezverk: Here is a copy of cloud.yaml:
bmaltais_sbezverk: I will do a new deploy with --debug added to all helm commands13:20
bmaltais_sbezverk: Where will the log files be stored so I can provide a copy of them?13:21
sbezverkbmaltais_: it should be spit to stdout13:22
sbezverkjust make sure you capture it13:22
bmaltais_sbezverk: OK, will do that and report the result13:24
manheimkolla-ansible reconfigure -t nova  should reconfigure only nova, right?13:25
manheimcoz it does for all roles13:25
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bmaltais_sbezverk: While the deployment run, I also found another issue with console access13:29
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bmaltais_The url returned is not reachable as it does not point to the public ip13:30
bmaltais_It return: http://nova-novncproxy:6080/13:31
sbezverkbmaltais_: in cloud yaml you need  port_external: true13:31
bmaltais_Instead of http://ip:6080/13:31
bmaltais_sbezverk: according to the cloud.yml it should already be set:
bmaltais_So maybe another issue with the parsing of my cloud.yaml during deployment13:33
manheimif i use this way, nova-hyperv stuff will be evaluated in nova role13:33
manheimcoz enable_hypev is enabled13:34
manheimbut stuff is done during nova role13:34
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zhubingbing_hi guys13:36
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Updated from global requirements
sbezverkbmaltais_: man there must be something with cloud.yaml then for sure13:40
sbezverkbmaltais_: maybe some characters got into it, like tabs or something else?!13:40
bmaltais_Perhaps. I wonder if the script has a missing/too many spaces causing the issue13:41
bmaltais_Is there a yml validator I vould use on it to check?13:41
sbezverkbmaltais_: you should be able to find one on the internet, do not have link handy13:42
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rwellumbmaltais_: that's native functionality in emacs13:44
bmaltais_sbezverk: OK. Here is the debug output as requested:
bmaltais_sbezverk: Oups... look like can't handle the full length13:45
bmaltais_Is there a specific portion you would like to see?13:46
sbezverkbmaltais_: yes, where openvswitch gets installed13:46
bmaltais_sbezverk: Here is a link to the log:
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bmaltais_sbezverk: Still too much output to paste so a direct file access is better13:50
bmaltais_sbezverk: Here is an interesting section:
bmaltais_Look at how ens224 is interpreted as eth1...13:54
bmaltais_sbezverk: Forget it... look like the section is redefined after with the right values13:55
sbezverkbmaltais_: it is not picking up your values13:55
sbezverkbmaltais_: as a result it does not generate add interface to bridge command13:56
bmaltais_sbezverk: So most likelly an issue with the cloud.yml file then?13:57
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sbezverkbmaltais_: or the way it got fed into compute kit13:57
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bmaltais_sbezverk: This is the command to deploy openvswitch: helm install --debug /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/openvswitch --namespace kolla --name openvswitch --values /opt/c loud.yaml13:58
sbezverkbut since partially it works, then something fishy is going on with it13:58
bmaltais_I see the issue13:58
bmaltais_A script error. Sorry folks.13:59
bmaltais_sbezverk: I need to find a way to contribute to the source code to raise the issue with the proposed script14:01
eanylinbmaltais_: Which line actually?14:03
bmaltais_sbezverk: Sorry again... the "space" was just a copy/paste from the terminal14:03
bmaltais_The script is actually fine14:03
bmaltais_So this is not it14:03
* hrw back to code review14:04
bmaltais_But I see a strange "CR/LF" for the helm install --debug /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/cinder-control line14:04
eanylinbmaltais: Ok, was checking actually, didnt see space14:05
eanylinbmaltais_: CR/LF means?14:05
sbezverkbmaltais_: play with cloud.yaml, add some changes14:05
sbezverk bmaltais_: I am positive the issue is there14:05
bmaltais_eanylin: Carriage Return / Line Feed14:07
bmaltais_It show when I do more <script> in the terminal window14:07
bmaltais_Not sure if this can cantribute to the isse... probably not14:08
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eanylinbmaltais_: Ok14:09
bmaltais_eanylin: Again, not showing the secong time I tried14:09
bmaltais_Must be some terminal roll over oddities14:09
bmaltais_I did stretch the output window so it might have caused the perceived CR/LF but it is not there.14:10
bmaltais_OK. I will have a look at the cloud.yml file. I can share the actual file as it stand if you think it is worth looking at it.14:11
eanylinbmaltais_: Ok, cause when I read it in gerrit, it seems ok...14:15
bmaltais_sbezverk: Using to parse the yml file content look good14:15
eanylinbmaltais_: Please let me know then, if you see problems with the cloud.yaml that got auto-generated14:15
eanylinthe alignment seems ok to me...14:15
bmaltais_eanylin: Same using
bmaltais_So the issue must be somewhere else14:16
eanylinbmaltais_: Ok14:17
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bmaltais_sbezverk: looking at line 65-8214:17
bmaltais_Is this where you see the issue? Could line 69 be causing the issue because it does not get defined as UP in section 79-82?14:18
sbezverkbmaltais_: F........ there is a type on openvswitch14:20
sbezverkcheck line 15014:20
sbezverkI meant typo14:21
sbezverkline 162         openvwswitch:14:21
bmaltais_162 you mean?14:21
hrwegonzalez: if image is built only from binaries then should it use 'if type == binary' for installing or not?14:21
sbezverkthere is extra 'w'14:21
eanylinline 16214:22
eanylinI will update14:22
egonzalezhrw, openvswitch is built binary for source and binary installs14:22
bmaltais_So an issue in the script creating the cloud.yml14:22
egonzaleznot need if type binary or will not install for source14:22
bmaltais_eanylin: i guess ;-)14:23
jamesPRsup egonzalez, remember my issue with SSL I fixed with couple of lines in haproxy.cfg14:23
jamesPRfor horizon14:23
sdakejamesPR which lines were needed14:23
hrwegonzalez: looking at ceilometer-ipmi code review. for me if it uses binary only then it should not have 'if type == binary' check. otherwise rsulting image will be empty for type=source builds.14:24
egonzalezjamesPR, something so specific for your env or a global kolla issue?14:24
eanylinI copied from Deployment Guide, seems like its wrong there too =X14:24
bmaltais_Ha ha!14:24
sbezverkeanylin: :) it happens14:24
egonzalezhrw, in that case, ceilometer is build for source and binary, while building images (source is always build at ceilometer-base)14:24
jamesPRlisten horizon14:24
jamesPR  bind
jamesPR  bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem14:24
jamesPR  mode http14:24
jamesPR  option http-server-close14:24
jamesPR  option forwardfor14:24
jamesPR  balance source14:24
jamesPR  http-request del-header X-Forwarded-Proto if { ssl_fc }14:24
jamesPR  server node1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 514:24
jamesPR  server node2 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 514:25
jamesPR  server node3 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 514:25
eanylinsbezverk: Good catch :)14:25
bmaltais_eanylin: Correct, the typo is indeed in the deployment guide14:25
hrwegonzalez: ceilometer-base is built properly. ceilometer-ipmi is empty. gave -1 with info why14:25
egonzalezif install_type is not in ipmi, then will install binary packages into source(not expected in this case)14:25
eanylinbmaltais_: Yeah, I think we need to correct it there too14:25
sdakecurious what purpose of script is14:25
openstackgerritAnthony Lin proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes master: Script to Deploy Kolla Kubernetes AIO
bmaltais_eanylin: I also have an issue with novncproxy:14:26
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jamesPRnothing specific on my globals.yml14:26
goldyfruitGuys, any idea about this:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1690252 in kolla-ansible "Docker L3 and VPN agent containers don't kill keealived with a SIGTERM" [Undecided,New]14:27
egonzalezjamesPR, so only added   mode http14:27
egonzalez  option http-server-close14:27
egonzalez   option forwardfor14:27
bmaltais_eanylin: It does not return the IP but rather http://nova-novncproxy:6080/14:27
bmaltais_Wonder if it is another typo14:27
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eanylinbmaltais_: Oh, I usually set this to the IP in my /etc/hosts14:27
eanylinso that it gets redirected properly14:27
jamesPRegonzalez, bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem < yeah and this one too14:27
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egonzalezjamesPR, but that config is in internal haproxy backend14:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: Updated from global requirements
egonzalezssl config is only on external14:28
bmaltais_eanylin: Apparently it should put the IP in there based on the config in cloud.yml14:28
eanylinbmaltais_: Ok14:28
jamesPRohh ok14:28
openstackLaunchpad bug 1537815 in kolla "horizon does not load the css properly" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Jeffrey Zhang (jeffrey4l)14:29
manheimthis was not backported to stable/ocata?14:29
jamesPRegonzalez, I cannot access horizon from external IP14:29
manheimi keep having this issue if I have a custom theme on first deploy14:29
jamesPRonly from internal14:30
manheimeven tho I set debug=true14:30
egonzalezjamesPR, horizon really does not use SSL, is HAproxy removes SSL headers before sending to haproxy internal iirc14:30
bmaltais_eanylin: Saw you already pushed the update to the script. I will grab a copy and validate the deployment on my ESXi VM.14:30
eanylinbmaltais_: Thanks!14:31
egonzalezjamesPR, do you have listen horizon_external backend in your haproxy.conf?14:31
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jamesPRjamesPR, no because I try this but doesn't work cannot ping external IP from my network14:32
bmaltais_eanylin: Nice work on the script by the way14:32
egonzalezjamesPR, need to add  kolla_enable_tls_external: yes and haproxy_enable_external_vip: yes into globals.yml14:32
bmaltais_eanylin: I wonder what would be needed to modify to make the deployment work on multiple kubernetes nodes14:33
bmaltais_It is easy to add new nodes but right now the IP is attached to the interface of the master node14:33
egonzalezjamesPR, also kolla_external_vip_address: SOME_IP_ADDRESS14:33
bmaltais_Would need an HAProxy in front14:33
jamesPRcat /etc/kolla/globals.yml |grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$ | grep -e "vip_address" -e "interface"14:34
jamesPRkolla_internal_vip_address: ""14:34
jamesPRkolla_external_vip_address: ""14:34
jamesPRnetwork_interface: "eth1"14:34
jamesPRneutron_external_interface: "eth0"14:34
jamesPRkolla_external_vip_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"14:34
jamesPRapi_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"14:34
eanylinbmaltais_: Thanks.  I am thinking of creating multiple nodes, after getting single node to work14:34
egonzalezjamesPR, cannot be the same IP for internal and external14:34
bmaltais_eanylin: I think putting a working haproxy in front of horizon even in single node mode would be a 1st step14:34
eanylinbmaltais_: Ok14:35
jamesPRegonzalez, I try with the external IP but doesn't work14:35
egonzalezjamesPR, haproxy will try to bind <IP><PORT>, a port cannot be bind twice in the same IP14:35
bmaltais_eanylin: Then adding other minions should be easy14:35
jamesPRegonzalez, right now I cannot ping the external IP servers have14:36
bmaltais_egonzalez: So is there an easy way to set it up like the ansible solution with a virtual IP?14:36
eanylinbmaltais_: Yeah, I did it with Jenkins myself but I think sbezverk feels that its better to use bash to reduce dependencies, which I agree14:36
egonzalezjamesPR, this is a working ssl working on ocata
bmaltais_egonzalez: Sorry, the comment was not for you.14:38
jamesPRegonzalez, ok I will try14:38
bmaltais_eanylin: I am not sure i understand the comment about bash14:38
bmaltais_eanylin: Do youmean to deploy new minions using manual bash commands?14:39
egonzalezjamesPR, you should see the external VIP at keepalived master node14:39
eanylinas in use bash scripts to set up the whole thing instead of tools14:39
eanylinlike Jenkins14:39
eanylinsomething like that14:39
jamesPRegonzalez, yes14:39
jamesPRbut I cannot ping that IP from my network14:39
bmaltais_eanylin: OK. What about making sure haproxy work for horizon access using a VIP?14:39
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eanylinbmaltais_: Actually I think the same VIP will work (am still learning).  Based on what I saw in my own setup, I can get 3 horizon across 3 nodes with replica set to 314:41
bmaltais_eanylin: This way horizon is not bound to the master AIO IP but rather a floating one across multiple kubernetes nodes14:41
eanylinand it still works14:41
eanylinwith kube proxy14:41
bmaltais_eanylin: I am learning too ;-) So take what I say with a grain of salt14:41
egonzalezhrw, re ceilometer-ipmi, also is needed because deployment methods consume the image by name, also can be customized some images instead of ceilometer-base and add correct USER(base set as root)14:41
eanylinbmaltais_:  :)14:42
bmaltais_eanylin: But from what I see the IP used is the one from the master k8 node and I won't work to access horizon on other nodes if the master is down14:42
eanylinbmaltais_: Yeah, if master is down, its going to be tough14:42
bmaltais_eanylin: This is why the kolla-ansible is using a VIP (like subnet.254) as the floating IP to access horizon14:43
bmaltais_eanylin: The same need to be done for the AIO to make it multinode compliant I think14:44
bmaltais_eanylin: This way the VIP attached to haproxy will balance access to horizon across all POD even if on different nodes14:44
bmaltais_eanylin: Again, in theory given my understanding of haproxy at the moment14:45
inc0good morning14:46
eanylinbmaltais_: Hmm, ok. We can discuss with sbezverk maybe14:46
jamesPRegonzalez, I can access floating ips without issues from external network14:47
jamesPRbut cannot ping external VIP14:47
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sbezverkeanylin: port_external: true14:48
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sbezverkthen it should use external vip14:48
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sbezverkfor vncproxy14:48
egonzalezjamesPR, can you share `ip a`  from keepalived master node?14:49
hrwinc0: hi14:50
inc0hey hrw :)14:51
eanylinsbezverk: Yeah, because we set it to external true, it uses external vip14:51
sbezverkinc0: could you check this ps, we need to restore the gate:
egonzalezjamesPR, change kolla_external_vip_address to a different IP address of kolla_internal_vip_address14:53
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sbezverkeanylin: but in case bmaltais_ he has that value set, but it is not get picked up14:53
itlinuxdoes the kolla-ansible work on virtualbox to do the testing? Thanks14:53
inc0oh joy, k8s is broken again:(14:53
egonzalezjamesPR, and do kolla-ansible deploy --tags haproxy14:54
itlinuxdoes anyone have the guidance in case..14:54
eanylinsbezverk: It will get auto directed to nova-novncproxy14:54
sbezverkit looks another issue of cloud.yaml ;)14:54
inc0itlinux: it should work just fine14:54
egonzalezjamesPR, well, in ocata better use kolla-ansible reconfigure14:54
bmaltais_sbezverk: Found the issue in the cloud.yml file14:54
bmaltais_sbezverk: A typo is causing the issue14:54
inc0I mean it doesn't really care if it's vbox, kvm or bare metal14:54
jamesPRegonzalez, ok trying14:54
sbezverkeanylin: hmm, I do not think so14:54
itlinuxhi inc0. I get a strange virt error..14:54
sbezverkoutside that dns name is not known14:55
inc0hmm, so by default I believe we use kvm14:55
sbezverkso it will break14:55
inc0and nested virt is fun14:55
eanylinsbezverk: Hmm, ok. I seem to see that behavior with current set up.  Maybe missing something?14:55
itlinuxahh I get the precheck ok but the deploy fails..14:55
eanylinsbezverk: Agree. Which is why I usually get around it with updates to /etc/hosts14:56
inc0itlinux: what's the error?14:56
itlinuxit failed on fluentd so I did a manual install so it passed that part but the deploy fails..14:56
jamesPRegonzalez, ok14:56
sbezverkeanylin: ahhh, it is because AIO14:56
itlinuxcheck it now14:56
sbezverkbut access it from outside will not work14:56
eanylinsbezverk: Ah, ok14:56
sbezverkeanylin: so it is safer to use VIP14:56
egonzalezjamesPR, worked?14:56
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jamesPRegonzalez, running right now14:57
eanylinsbezverk: Ok.  So where should I change in cloud.yaml to make it use VIP?14:58
itlinuxinc0: now I get this  fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Unknown error message: Tag 4.0.1 not found in repository"}14:58
inc0ahh I suspected as much, you didn't build images right? are you planning to deploy ocata?14:59
inc0or master?14:59
itlinuxit's pulling down directly, no image build yet14:59
itlinuxwhere do I check if it's master or ocata... in the /etc/kolla ?15:00
inc0how did you install kolla-ansible?15:00
itlinuxI have not done much on kolla inc0: we talked last week at the summit..15:00
itlinuxinc0: git clone15:00
sbezverkeanylin: line 715:00
inc0so it's master:)15:00
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sbezverkis needed15:00
inc0way it works today is that it will assume that you install kolla and kolla-ansible in same way15:00
inc0and we don't have dockerhub images for master yet (working on it)15:01
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inc0I'd suggest to deploy ocata15:01
inc0or build images15:01
itlinuxocata is fine.. what steps should I take?15:01
inc0to deploy ocata: git checkout stable/ocata15:01
inc0in kolla-ansible15:01
inc0then pip install -U .15:01
inc0and after that change openstack_release: "4.0.0" in globals.yml15:02
inc0that should help15:02
eanylinsbezverk: Ok, it looks similar to what we pass in too actually,, line 4915:02
itlinuxdo you have ok let me check15:02
sbezverkeanylin: in this case this value again does not get picked up from cloud.yaml15:03
inc0I have plenty of "let me check"'s :) here, grab one!15:03
eanylinsbezverk: Meaning the format of the yaml has a problem or?15:03
sbezverkeanylin: we need to add --debug to helm chart deploying nova components15:03
itlinuxshall see if that goes. inc015:03
sbezverkeanylin: right, something similar to we saw for openvswitch15:03
eanylinsbezverk: Debug is turned on by default as well15:04
eanylinsbezverk: Ok, I will re-check again15:04
inc0brb, gonna grab some breakfast15:04
sbezverkeanylin: ok then if you can get logs generated for novncproxy15:04
sbezverkwe can figure out what is going on15:04
itlinuxinc0: super.. what are the steps or doc to follow to build a new image.. in case I want to have specs that are not there. TY15:05
hrwportdirect: - please take a look15:06
eanylinsbezverk: Ok, I might need to do it later, too many proxies in my office, things will not work properly...15:06
sbezverkeanylin: sounds good15:11
openstackgerritpangliye proposed openstack/kolla master: Install the plugin of elasticsearch-head
itlinuxinc0: get stopped at atal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 30, "changed": false, "cmd": ["docker", "exec", "openvswitch_db"15:17
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jamesPRegonzalez, doesn't work15:19
jamesPRcannot access external IP15:19
egonzalezjamesPR, can you check if the ip is bind, share ip a on master node and content of /etc/kolla/keepalived/keepalived.conf15:20
egonzalezis bind? check docker logs keepalived15:23
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itlinuxthe openvswitch does not boot up looks like "kolla/centos-binary-openvswitch-db-server:4.0.0   "kolla_start"       11 minutes ago      Restarting (1) 4 minutes ago                       openvswitch_db" inc0: ty15:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes master: Temp workaround for kubelet 45613 bug
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Reepicheepinc0: I was thinking it was .yml  instead of .yaml,  ;)  but I'm to new to kolla to be sure15:34
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MarginHuhi, I open a bug
openstackLaunchpad bug 1690842 in kolla "need to add ulimit arg for kolla docker run when use elasticsearch 5.4 " [Undecided,New]15:35
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itlinuxanyhow, I will try to rebuild the image today and see what and how it goes inc0: thank you for now..15:44
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove the deprecated option "event_connection"
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add possibility to configure tenant and provider VLANs
openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add possibility to configure tenant and provider VLANs
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erobellsdake Fyi, using 1.6.2 and the bare metal instructions still didn't work for me. Anthony Lin however, has posted a review for an AIO script, and that does seem to work.;a=commit;h=746180bd03d7196d3ba4696f54d5b7fdbdc1a0f416:17
inc0kfox1111: back in action?16:18
kfox1111inc0: hey. yeah, 90% back.16:20
kfox1111able to walk again, and got into work ok.16:20
kfox1111off the meds too, so my heads not so fuzzy.16:20
inc0what happend?16:20
inc0I haven't heard anything!16:20
kfox1111I dared to cross the street. :)16:20
kfox1111I stepeed off the curb and sproing, something let loose in my back.16:21
kfox1111was with steve and ryan.16:21
kfox1111wasn't too bad. sore, but was able to walk back to the hotel.16:21
inc0that sucks man, I'm glad you're getting better16:21
kfox1111but the next morning, I couldn't walk.16:21
inc0well, I wanted to say that next item on my agenda is dockerhub publisher16:22
kfox1111talked to my travel support. they wanted me to go to the hospital by ambulence.16:23
inc0since pre-summit heat subsided, I want to get full speed ahead into this one16:23
kfox1111inc0: yes please. :)16:23
kfox1111I'll help with that however possible.16:23
openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add possibility to configure tenant and provider VLANs
kfox1111it sounded like it was very close already.16:23
inc0cool, well, I've heard there are some issues we need to deal with, but fungi said that secrets aren't that problematic in fact16:24
inc0I want to make little more comprehensive toolset for registry mgmt frankly16:24
inc0like "pull images from dockerhub and load them to my local registry"16:25
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kfox1111yeah, that would be cool.16:28
kfox1111though, baby steps.16:28
inc0also we need extreme vetting of images16:29
inc0so we won't push any bad hombres up16:29
bmaltais_sbezverk: A capture of the vnc is in there too:
kfox1111that will be much easier with zuulv3 where we can do pipelines. but16:31
inc0I'm a little on the fence with having voting deploy gates16:31
kfox1111just running them through the koklla-kubernetes gate tests a whole lot of functionality.16:31
inc0like, k8s change could block merging sth to kolla16:31
bmaltais_eanylin: sbezverk: This is the same capture we used to trace the openvswitch typo16:31
kfox1111inc0: yeah. I'm working on a fix for that.16:31
kfox1111mirroring a known working set of k8s16:31
kfox1111so if the repo's break, the gate doesn't.16:32
bmaltais_eanylin: sbezverk: It also include the vnc config so any error shoud show up in there too16:32
inc0we can have non-voting and expect cores to be careful with deployment gates red, we are today but reemphasize16:32
inc0that'd work to16:32
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kfox1111I'm working on the k8s cache anyway, just so they will stop breaking us all the time.16:37
kfox1111it pushes the breakage to a time we can deal with it on our own time.16:37
sbezverkkfox1111: hey man, I compiled kubelet 1.6.3 with that fix to restore the gate16:37
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kfox1111sbezverk: oh, cool. thanks. :)16:39
sbezverkkfox1111: I am get allergy on red ;) at the gate16:40
kfox1111its like walking into a datacenter and its quient.16:40
kfox1111too quiet.16:41
kfox1111very unnerving.16:41
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hrwinc0, sdake, kfox1111: is there a way to rename image from inside of Dockerfile.j2?16:41
inc0hrw: no, because images aren't named per se16:41
kfox1111the image is named via the commandliine. I don't think it can be named at all in the dockerfile.16:42
hrwkfox1111: by commandline I tell which image(s) I want to build16:42
inc0"name" of image is just random id, names are called tags16:42
inc0and one image can have multiple16:42
kfox1111hrw: sorry, was unclear. docker command line. the kolla commandline's different.16:42
hrwinc0: ok, tags16:42
inc0docker tag << image_id>> << tag you want >>16:43
inc0if I remember correctly16:43
inc0that will add new name to existing image16:43
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hrwthe problem is with kube images. now we have kube-apiserver-amd64 which I renamed to kube-apiserver and would like to be able to build kube-apiserver-SOMEVARWITHARCH16:43
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inc0potentially we could just add arch suffix to all images if arch != amd6416:44
inc0but we don't build kube-apiserver images right?;)16:44
hrwinc0: but we need arch mapping too16:45
hrwI plan to make a patch which will add such. so we have base_arch and kernel_arch or debian_arch16:45
kfox1111I'm kind of hoping we can get rid of kube-apiserver asap.16:46
hrwso aarch64/arm64, x86_64/amd64 (ppc64le/ppc64le anyway)16:46
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kfox1111there is an example external cephfs provisioner.16:46
kfox1111I'm wondering if we could adapt it to do rbd as well.16:46
vhosakotinc0: hope you and Tim had a good time in Boston on Friday.  Let me know if you have time later today to discuss how I add contribute to the automated build of master once in 24 hours.16:46
kfox1111then a stock apiserver would work.16:46
inc0vhosakot: that's top of my personal list, also mnaser and kfox1111 want to be involved16:47
hrwkfox1111: if someone send patch to kill kube/ directory ;D16:47
inc0so I think we have pretty strong team16:47
inc0lots of poeple on summit were asking for it16:47
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes master: Updated from global requirements
vhosakotinc0: cool, is there a review/bp I can start looking?16:47
inc0and I kinda promised that on project update;)16:47
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inc0there are specs, give me a second16:47
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kfox1111vhosakot: the last roadblock is having a vm with a dockerhub credential.16:48
kfox1111it sounds like infra is working on it and close.16:48
kfox1111once thats in, most of the rest is relatively easy.16:48
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vhosakotkfox1111: ah ok, is the plan to bake the dockerhub creds into the VM, or send/inject the creds encrypted into the VM using Ansible?16:49
kfox1111vhosakot: not sure the implementation details. all I know is we need them put there somehow securely. however's best for infra.16:49
vhosakotkfox1111: cool cool16:50
kfox1111we just need to be able to write a cron job that runs there with the creds already there.16:50
vhosakotkfox1111: don't need to version the mater images right? just overwrite yesterday's master with today's mater?16:51
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kfox1111yeah, I think latest there is probably fine.16:51
kfox1111I guess it depends...16:51
kfox1111we have to answer the question,16:51
kfox1111"is anyone crazy enough to run from trunk for production" ? :)16:52
vhosakotlol right16:52
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kfox1111if the answer is yes, we should at least date stamp the images.16:52
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hrwhm. looks like image_name can not be changed as is is just os.path.basename()16:54
inc0so I'd suggest starting with pulling and pushing them up16:54
vhosakotit is for dev mainly I think and speedens build time at dev time as we can pull atmost 24 hrs old images from master16:54
openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add possibility to configure tenant and provider VLANs
inc0hrw: well we can modify that16:54
inc0in python script16:54
hrwinc0: I know16:54
inc0today we don't have this16:54
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hrwinc0: kind of workaround would be creation of kube/kube-xyz(-{amd64,arm64}/ dirs which will include generic j216:55
sbezverkkfox1111: qq in configmap PS you removed in code configmap creation but I did not find corresponding config template16:55
sbezverkexample keystone's fernet16:56
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kfox1111sbezverk: the ones not generated by kubectl?16:56
sbezverkkfox1111: right, before configmap for fernet was right in the template, now it is removed, but it should still exist somewhere, I am failing to find it16:57
kfox1111sbezverk: oh. I think sdake did a rebase and it got lost along thee way?16:58
kfox1111gotta meeting. bbiab.16:58
inc0hrw: hmm...I have no good answers for you right now16:59
sbezverkkfox1111: cool, I wanted to confirm..16:59
vhosakotinc0: should we keep update every 24 hrs as well?16:59
inc0right now they are updated every time something merges17:00
inc0which happens quite often17:00
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inc0but yeah at some point we'd need "cron" to kick off gates too17:01
inc0I think that's possible with infra17:01
vhosakotinc0: cool17:01
vhosakotinc0: are you saying, pull from every 24 hrs, untar it, and push images in the untarred file into dockerhub?17:02
inc0well, tar is tared registry17:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla stable/ocata: Fix Incorrect timezone in ubuntu horizon images
vhosakotah ok17:03
inc0so pull tar.gz, untar to /tmp/untarred, docker run -v /tmp/untarred:/var/lib/registry -d registry:217:03
inc0pull all images from this registry, as in docker pull
vhosakotgot it17:04
inc0notice change of namespace and tag17:04
inc0that should be fixed at some point too17:04
inc0then docker tag
vhosakotinc0: can you send the pointer to the spec so i can read up17:04
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inc0docker push
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: introduce 'install_kubectl' macro
hrwI have to admit that it this patch was more like "let's see does it make sense"17:11
hrwinc0: how hub.docker is updated with u/kolla/ images? CI job?17:12
bmaltais_eanylin: The new script work fine now for external access. Looking into the VNC issue now.17:12
inc0hrw: no, my laptop when I feel like it;)_17:13
inc0or rather, after releases17:13
hrwinc0: ok17:13
inc0now we're talking about making it proper17:13
hrwinc0: asking bcause I am thinking of u/kolla-aarch64 u/kolla-ppc64le stuff17:13
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hrwinc0: with this amount of images I think that it would be easiest way. no other namespaces needed17:14
hrwinc0: and I do not want to use u/linaro for that as other linaro images would drown in kolla flood17:14
inc0yeah, with that we'll run into problems of not having gates17:14
vhosakotinc0: I have used "docker save" to convert an image into a tarfile and then "docker load" or "docker import" to convert this tar file back into an image.  how are the tar files of the _entire_ registry created in in the first place ?  using "docker save"?17:14
hrwinc0: xinliang is working on 3rdparty CI for openstack17:15
vhosakotinc0: cool, thanks for the link, I'll read it!17:15
inc0vhosakot: no...using tar;)17:15
inc0we really tar.gz volume with registry;017:15
vhosakotah I see, cool17:15
inc0taring image by image will cost you *a lot* of space17:15
inc0and by a lot I mean 100gig+17:15
vhosakotinc0: yes, so the entire directory /var/lib/registry in the registry containers is tarred?17:16
vhosakotinc0: ah got it, cool.17:17
openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/kolla master: kubernetes: get it working on AArch64 as well
hrwportdirect: not needed line removed ;D17:17
hrwsdake, pbourke: is small cleanup of base/Dockerfile.j2 to make it a bit more readable. Can you take a look?17:19
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sdakehrw enjoy17:20
sdakeinc0 nice work :)17:21
hrwsdake: thanks17:21
inc0which one sdake ?17:21
hrwinc0: split base into rpm_ apt_17:21
inc0yeah one thing we definetly need to work on is readibility17:22
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kfox1111vhosakot: the kolla-kubernetes gate is building them with docker save.17:26
kfox1111the kolla version is pushing them to a docker repo then saving the repo's backing store.17:26
vhosakotkfox1111: ah I see, you mean ?17:28
vhosakotcool, good to push tested containers in gate.17:28
kfox1111yeah. its constantly retesting.17:29
kfox1111though I don't have trun testing merged quite yet. once thats done, it should push the tested ones from kolla.17:30
kfox1111then we will know for sure that they work.17:30
kfox1111that tied in with docker hub pushing should close the loop and we'd have fully tested stuff released nightly.17:31
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vhosakotkfox1111: when are they created and re-tested? crated the end of a passed gate using "docker save"? where are they re-tested? at gate?17:37
kfox1111there is a set of periodic gates taht run nightly.17:37
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kfox1111they do a full kolla-kubernetes gate test with the pulled images,17:38
kfox1111then if they are good, docker save everything and push it back up.17:38
vhosakotkfox1111: ah cool, yeah, I have heard about it.. cool17:38
kfox1111I've still got a little logic to put into them to only push on changes.17:38
bmaltais_sbezverk: eanylin: I see a lot of this in the debug output... host: nova-novncproxy17:41
bmaltais_sbezverk: eanylin: I think this is where the issue is coming from...17:41
sbezverkbmaltais_: you can email me the whole log sbezverk@cisco.com17:41
bmaltais_sbezverk: eanylin: Is there a way to manually re-apply a halm chart so I would push an update to cloud.yml?17:42
bmaltais_sbezverk: Sure. I am sending it.17:42
sbezverkbmaltais_: depending how it was deployed17:43
sbezverkremember helm works with release17:43
kfox1111bmaltais_: helm upgrade <releasename> <chartname> --values cloud.yaml17:43
sbezverkrelease could be microchart/service chart or compute chart17:43
kfox1111"upgrade" is a bit of a misnomer.17:43
kfox1111"update" might have been a better word choice.17:43
bmaltais_kfox1111: I was deployed using: helm install --debug /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/nova-compute --namespace kolla --name nova-compute --values /opt/cloud.yaml17:45
bmaltais_kfox1111: So to update it would be: helm upgrade /opt/kolla-kubernetes/helm/service/nova-compute nova-compute --values /opt/cloud.yaml ?17:46
sbezverkbmaltais_: in this case you can potentially delete nova-control release17:46
sbezverkand then re-deploy it with new cloud.yaml17:46
kfox1111something like: helm upgrade --namespace kolla nova-compute kolla/nova-compute --values /opt/cloud.yaml17:47
sbezverknovncproxy is part of nova-control17:47
bmaltais_sbezverk: I guess it was part of compute... but I guess wrong. Which helm chart is it part of?17:48
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sbezverkbmaltais_: can you dump configmap for nova?17:53
sbezverkI think there might be a wrong url is coming from there17:53
bmaltais_sbezverk: I am trying to push an update of cloud.yml17:55
bmaltais_I think the issue is with novncproxy:17:55
bmaltais_host: nova-novncproxy17:55
bmaltais_The host: value should be the public IP instead of nova-novncproxy17:56
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bmaltais_sbezverk: But I might be totally wrong... Waiting for POD to come back up17:58
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sbezverkbmaltais_: cool, let me know the result17:59
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bmaltais_sbezverk: Well... I totally hosed my k8 POD trying to push the update18:00
bmaltais_sbezverk: There are a bunch of POD in error and they won't come back18:01
bmaltais_sbezverk: Will go back to a working snapshot18:01
kfox1111sbezverk: sounds like 1.6.4 is imminant to fix our regression.18:02
bmaltais_sbezverk: Perhaps I should just start fresh and do a deploy where the host: is specified as the IP instead18:02
sbezverkkfox1111: right, as soon as it is out I will remove the workaround18:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: Clean up base Dockerfile
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/kolla master: Base image: fix formatting of rpm_distros template
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bmaltais_sbezverk: That was the issue. Working peachy now18:26
sbezverkbmaltais_: nice18:26
sbezverkbmaltais_: what was changed exactly with regards to vnc? too many things were discussed..18:27
bmaltais_eanylin: I have a proposed change for the script to fix the novnc issue18:27
bmaltais_sbezverk: Here is the updated section for eanylin: script that take care of it:
sbezverkbmaltais_: cool18:29
bmaltais_sbezverk: Now, if we could front the current IP with a VIP it would be really nice18:29
bmaltais_sbezverk: That way horizon could run on any node in k8 and be reachable using the haproxy VIP18:30
bmaltais_Similar to kolla-ansible18:30
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bmaltais_sbezverk: I notice that haproxy is not enabled in the global file. Is there a reason why? Perhaps no helm chart ready for it yet?18:31
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bmaltais_eanylin: You can find the proposed change for VNC in
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jascott1haha portdirect said 'cloud lego' in the kk8s day2 talk18:49
portdirectgreat artists steal jascott1 :P18:50
jascott1portdirect good job btw18:50
jascott1all you guys18:50
portdirectyeah sbezverk's demo was awesome18:51
portdirectand that guy srwilkers sounds like he knows his stuff too18:51
portdirectcheers dude18:51
kfox1111bmaltais_: keepalived can run a vip on whichever hosts you want and endpoint svc's will get the traffic where it needs to go.18:57
kfox1111you really should have haproxy enabled unless you are very tight on memory.18:58
kfox1111its very useful.18:58
bmaltais_kfox1111: Good to know. The AIO guide does not enable it and the VIP is pointing to the IP of the 1st NIC on the server... not very scalable right now18:59
kfox1111bmaltais_: yeah, we should probably update the guide.19:00
bmaltais_kfox1111: Really it should use a VIP that is not assigned to any of the k8 nodes and that one point to the horizon DB19:00
kfox1111bmaltais_: exactly.19:00
bmaltais_Once that is changes it should be easy to add node to k8 and make sure horizon remain available. ATM if the master node goes down then kaboum.19:01
bmaltais_kfox1111: I tried setting the VIP to something else than the physical NIC but that failed. Is it because haproxy was not enabled? Is it that easy to make it work?19:03
bmaltais_kfox1111: Obviously it was an IP part of the subnet... So instead of I tried
bmaltais_kfox1111: But no joy19:03
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kfox1111yeah, something like that should work.19:16
kfox1111gotta make sure the external ip's for all the services are pointing to it too.19:17
kfox1111not sure if thats easily reconfigurable after its deployed.19:17
bmaltais_kfox1111: Trying it right now. Enabled haproxy and configured vip to
kfox1111man... you go away for a week and everything falls apart. :/19:17
bmaltais_kfox1111: The deployment script from eanylin: takes care of all those changes19:18
kfox1111bmaltais_: cool.19:18
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kfox1111wouldn't totally bet on it though. the ip gets woven into config files and mariadb in places I think.19:18
bmaltais_kfox1111: BEst would be to use a fqdn instead of IP19:19
bmaltais_kfox1111: But that could also be problematic if DNS change19:19
kfox1111bmaltais_: yeah. usually if AIO, you don't have too much dns access.19:20
bmaltais_kfox1111: What I would like is to start with an AIO and then have the possibility to add more minions19:20
kfox1111yeah. that would be good. not sure anyone's flushed out the docs well for that use case yet. but if you figure it out, lets get it doc'ed. :)19:21
bmaltais_kfox1111: So no ties to any IP of the master19:21
bmaltais_kfox1111: Sure19:21
bmaltais_kfox1111: I can already see some issues if other nodes don't have matching internace numbering with master19:22
bmaltais_kfox1111: This would probably break the openvswitch networking19:22
bmaltais_kfox1111: Would be nice if this mapping was not so tied to actual interface name19:23
bmaltais_kfox1111: But I might be wrong. I am fairly new to k8s.19:24
bmaltais_kfox1111: Look like enabling haproxy and setting VIP to does not work. I might be missing some specific config to enable it?19:25
bmaltais_kfox1111: Nothing is actually listening on look like haproxy does not know it need to listen on that IP19:26
bmaltais_kfox1111: And what to front with it19:26
kfox1111bmaltais_: no way to not tie it to an interface. but there is an override per host in the pod.19:27
bmaltais_kfox1111: I see19:27
kfox1111keepalived needs to put a vip up.19:27
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bmaltais_kfox1111: How would I do this via cloud.yml? Is it where it would get set?19:28
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kfox1111which part are you asking about?19:28
bmaltais_The keepalived for VIP part19:29
bmaltais_kfox1111: So that would be up and able to act as the VIP19:30
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kfox1111I think you need a keepalived configmap too.19:31
kfox1111probably from kollakube19:31
pomacAnyone with a clue of how qemu://system works? Is it shm based?19:31
kfox1111pomac: what do you mean?19:31
bmaltais_kfox1111: Thank's. Will do some reading19:31
kfox1111pomac: like, how authentication works?19:32
kfox1111bmaltais_: cool. ping me if you get stuck.19:32
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pomackfox1111: we have a issue that is isolated to old qemu instances around (since they are spawned with systemd-nspawn) and a restarted nova_libvirt - basically the new instance of nova_libvirt will not work until all qemu instances are shutdown - docker says something about <some container fs>/shm on startup19:33
pomackfox1111: basically, start instances, restart nova_libvirt - watch all new machines fail and all volume attachments fail - seems to happen with newer versions of docker19:34
kfox1111pomac: oh, weird.19:34
kfox1111never played with that particular set of interfaces.19:34
pomackfox1111: exactly, I spent most of the day working that one out... My friend found it19:34
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kfox1111inc0: have you seen that? ---^19:34
pomacdocker 17.5 (and all the way down to 17.3) seems to suffer from this issue19:36
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pomackfox1111, inc0: if you know anything that we should try to look at to get more details, please let me know19:43
kfox1111docker 17.5? thats really new...19:43
kfox1111I usually stick to the distro versions. 1.12 or so.19:44
kfox1111docker's been going and doing some weird stuff recently.19:44
vhosakotkfox1111: docker changed versioning format... it is not year.month19:44
kfox1111most of the community is abandoning docker for containerd. (which is essentially docker 1.12)19:44
kfox1111docker got renamed to containerd, and docker swarm got renamed to docker. :/19:45
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kfox1111some details here: if your interested.19:46
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pomackfox1111: 1.12.6 i hope, it fixes a cve ;)19:46
kfox1111yeah. redhat stays on top of things pretty well.19:47
kfox1111I'm sure ubuntu does too.19:47
kfox1111they just don't want to push forward with swarm integration.19:47
kfox1111since it forces a competitors product into their own.19:47
pomackfox1111: well, all i know is that it's called docker-engine now =)19:48
pomackfox1111: but is not a dropin replacement ala mariadb i assume?19:48
kfox1111kind of. its always kind of had that name.19:48
kfox11111.11 and 1.12 use it internally.19:48
kfox1111then they are moving more and more functionality into it and in its place putting swarm stuff. so if you look at:
kfox1111at the very bottom image, you can see where they want to go with it.19:49
kfox1111docker sits on top of swarm, on top of containerd,19:49
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kfox1111and everyone else does too. but hardly anything thats using docker today is using docker anymore in that picture.19:49
kfox1111k8s, mesos, cf and aws all are moving away from docker.19:50
pomackfox1111: I'm fine with that, as long as it doesn't cause problems with kolla - atleast for now =)19:51
dave-mccowani'm following the kolla-k8s deployement guide for my maiden voyage.19:51
dave-mccowani'm getting the following error:19:51
kfox1111yeah. not sure what ansible's going to do with respect with docker, but since redhat owns ansible, I"m pretty sure it will retarget containderd too.19:51
dave-mccowanerror: unable to decode "canal.yaml": Object 'Kind' is missing in '{"404":"Not Found"}'19:51
pomackfox1111: right now, the target is just getting thinsg working stable enough to set up a lab for further development but when users can't use it...19:51
vhosakotdocker does not exist anymore :)  redirects to
kfox1111dave-mccowan: have a look at canal.yaml in a text editor. did it fail to download ok?19:52
pomacvhosakot: yeah, noticed that earlier and there is nom 17.5 changelog19:52
kfox1111vhosakot: moby's an even different animal.19:52
kfox1111due to containerd,19:52
kfox1111docker really is docker-swarm.19:52
kfox1111so moby's the open source version fo docker-swarm.19:52
vhosakotah cool19:52
kfox1111for all those that want an open source version of docker swarm instead of just using k8s...19:53
kfox1111not that I'm biased or anything. :)19:53
kfox1111(*cough* k8s's better *cough* ;)19:53
pomackfox1111: sounds like that should be </shameless-plug>19:53
dave-mccowankfox1111 yea, that's it.  couldn't download canal.yaml.19:54
kfox1111pomac: they really anoyed so many poeople when they renamed docker swarm to docker. most of their contributors left.19:54
kfox1111so thats why they had to do a big anouncement around moby. to try and get non docker inc folks to try and contribute again.19:55
pomackfox1111: ah19:55
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pomackfox1111: never really paid attention to docker stuff.... so ... =)19:56
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kfox1111yeah. its rpetty recent too.19:57
kfox1111only happened in the last few months.19:57
kfox1111so all the companies are scrambling to get docker out.19:57
kfox1111k8s 1.6 included a beta plugin by default that gets rid of direct docker access.19:57
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kfox1111they really want it gone asap.19:58
kfox1111I don't really blame them.19:58
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pomackfox1111: outch, sounds like a company-killing-move^tm19:58
kfox1111it may end up really killing docker inc, but they have one thing going for them.19:59
kfox1111people are still requesting "docker" training.19:59
kfox1111which means you ask for it today, and they give you "swarm training" in descise.19:59
kfox1111if you don't pay close attention, this locks you into their own product.19:59
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kfox1111that may pay off for them if enough people aren't paying attention. :/19:59
pomackfox1111: i just remember seeing that curl somesite/ |bash - which caused me to go... Naaah20:00
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rwellumkfox1111: you make it sound like kolla-kubernetes is not using docker?20:00
kfox1111rwellum: kolla-kubernetes is agnostic to runtime. should work with whatever k8s is setup to use. so containerd once ready. hyper shoudl in theory work now, though never tested.20:01
rwellumRight - but we haven't cut the cord yet20:01
kfox1111thats why docker inc pushed so hard swarm. they realized k8s didn't really need docker.20:01
kfox1111and if people adopted k8s then they didnt really need docker inc.20:01
kfox1111so they are tryign to capitalize on the name very quickly before people realize whats happening.20:02
kfox1111I think k8s 1.6 may work with containerd without docker. but havent tried it.20:02
kfox1111k8s 1.6's default backend is cri based which I think talks directly to containerd.20:03
kfox1111haven't verified though.20:03
kfox1111but I know k8s is pushing as hard as they can to ditch it. I would be surprised if k8s 1.7 wasnt fully docker less out of the box.20:04
rwellumVery interesting20:04
pomacbut containerd is/was docker?20:04
kfox1111especially since containerd and k8s are both under the cncf now.20:04
kfox1111yeah. containerd is basically docker from around 1.11.20:04
kfox1111the stuff you normally think of as docker.20:04
pomacwell, the link is
kfox1111docker run xxxx... docker stop xxxx. docker rm xxxx. etc.20:05
pomacthat then redirects to containerd/containerd20:05
kfox1111pomac: yeah. it was donated by docker to the cncf. see:
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kfox1111the new docker is docker-compose+docker-swarm together. a COE that competes with kubernetes.20:06
kfox1111so, basically it will hurt less to just stick to the distro's docker version until containerd fully replaces it.20:07
kfox1111unless you really want docker-swarm.20:07
rwellumDoes that mean containerd is missing a lot of development / fixes?20:08
pomackfox1111: i think we did the switch because of some snapshoting issue with btrfs20:08
kfox1111no, its being actively worked on by all the companies that use to work on docker.20:08
kfox1111so google, redhat, ubuntu, coreos, etc.20:08
sdakewhen you run docker, it runs containerd in the background20:08
sdakethe docker daemon is being removed from the equation20:08
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kfox1111the github site shows a commit 3 days ago.20:09
pomackfox1111: i mean, thats why we upgraded, will reevaluate that decision tomorrow20:09
sdakei wouldn't worry about the docker daemon going anywhere soon tho :020:09
pomacsdake: i just want things to work - even with newer kernels, =)20:10
kfox1111yeah. if you stick to the distro version of docker, it will be stable, and the distros will provide a smooth upgrade path to containerd once its fully standalone.20:10
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kfox1111if you go with docker inc's version, I'm sure they will try and keep you in swarm.20:10
pomackfox1111: if i can avoid the errors with btrfs - then sure, the distro/epel version will be fine20:12
pomackfox1111: i'd actually prefer it - just need something that works ;)20:12
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kfox1111been running the distro ver with btrfs so far without incident.20:14
kfox1111unlike the dm-thin provisioned thing. that ate my containers several times.20:15
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pomackfox1111: we had issues with cgroups and lockups - which has been fixed with more recent kernels, so we try to stick close to mainline20:15
pomackfox1111: btrfs has been working nicely for me for maaaaaaaaany years20:15
kfox1111my brother had a btrfs go south on him about 5 years back.20:16
kfox1111much has changed since then though.20:16
pomackfox1111: (last time i had a incident, it caused chris to push a patch to stable ASAP)20:16
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pomackfox1111: there was some issue a long way back, but been running it since it was merged almost - =)20:16
pomackfox1111: more reliable than ext4 if you have poweroutages etc20:16
kfox1111I run all my containers ephemeral anyway, so I figure if I loose one, its not so bad.20:17
kfox1111I wouldn't use it for perminant storage yet though.20:17
kfox1111ceph works really well for that though.20:17
pomacyeah, ceph tends to use xfs which is nice and performant but really annoying to have as root fs20:18
pomactalked to Cristoph about the differens back in... 2011? heck has it been that long...20:19
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kfox1111cockroachdb just hit 1.0... interesting... :)20:19
rwellumkfox1111: when generating the kolla config maps I am seeing: "Unable to locate nova-compute-ironic directory in search_paths=[/etc/kolla, /etc/kolla-kubernetes, /usr/lib/python2.7/kolla/etc/kolla, /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/etc/kolla-kubernetes]" - has something moved?20:21
inc0since cocroach is sql20:21
inc0I wonder how hard would it be to use it instead of maria20:22
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sdakegot my rack put together - took 3-4 hours20:29
sdakeand got one server put in it20:29
sdakeordered 2 more and they are in the mail :)20:29
* sdake so excited20:29
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sbezverkkfox1111: I guess demo at summit was reason enough to go 1.0 ;)20:30
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rwellumsbezverk: :)20:35
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openstackgerritSerguei Bezverkhi proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes master: Do Not Merge, kolla-kubernetes gate tests
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vhosakotsdake: cool, which servers? UCS C-240s?21:18
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Reepicheepinc0: just watched the Kolla Project Update, You mentioned for documentation that use cases would be helpfull.   Where are those being collected?21:20
inc0all these files corresponds with docs21:23
inc0doc pages21:23
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inc0so you just edit these21:24
vhosakotinc0: I think Ryan said we need a new directory "Ops_Best_Practices" or something like that.  Don't think we need to mix them with which are our docs to standup dev env.21:26
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inc0well, yeah I guess you're right21:27
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hawihi there. i do have question - why horizon dashboard keeps throwing me out, when i access it - it is some sort persistence problem for loadbalancer in front of horizon?21:37
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vhosakotReepicheep: are you planning to add a ops best practices doc?  if so, cheers! :)21:50
vhosakotI'm planning to add two (one for blade servers, one for rack-mount servers).21:50
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jamesPRhi all ;)21:51
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vhosakotjamesPR: were you able to get SSL in horizon? :)21:54
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jamesPRvhosakot, no but I think I found the issue right now :D22:01
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jamesPRcannot ping the external kolla VIP :-@22:08
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inc0jamesPR: being able to ping address help tremendously with accessing it22:11
Reepicheepvhosakot: I would be happy to help where I can.. ops best practices would be a good start22:11
vhosakotReepicheep: cool, I'll let you know :)22:12
Reepicheepsweet, thanks22:12
vhosakotjamesPR: did you run "kolla-ansible recongiure" with TLS enabled?22:12
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jamesPRvhosakot, yes22:15
vhosakotjamesPR: cool22:16
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vhosakotjamesPR: can you ping the external kolla VIP wihtout TLS? ;)22:17
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jamesPRvhosakot, no22:17
jamesPRThis site can’t be reached22:17
jamesPR192.168.25.254 took too long to respond.22:17
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jamesPRI can see the ip assigned to the interface correctly22:18
jamesPRbut cannot ping from outside22:18
vhosakotah i see22:19
sdakevhosakot ucs c220m422:22
vhosakotsdake: cool, did you order a new TOR too?22:23
sdakevhosakot no22:23
vhosakotcool cool22:23
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Seyonggoor morning guys :)22:30
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jamesPRhere is 6:33PM22:33
bmaltaiskfox1111: I have been reading on keepalived and I don't think it is the right choice for a VIP for the horizon dashboard22:34
bmaltaiskfox1111: The reason being that each instance of horizon can take user request... so it is a fit for loadbalancing22:34
SeyongHere is 7 in the morning ^^22:35
bmaltaiskfox1111: keepalived is a fit where you only want one of the destination to be active while the other remain passive22:35
jamesPRSeyong, where? lol22:35
SeyongSouth Korea I am and you?22:36
bmaltaiskfox1111: like it is described here:
jamesPRSeyong, caribbean paradise Puerto Rico :D22:37
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SeyongjamesPR: Good man22:38
bmaltaiskfox1111: Darn, the more I read it the more I get confused... keepalived is a complement to haproxy. Not sure I totally get the relationship of both then.22:41
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kfox1111bmaltais: keepalived makes an ip float between hosts.22:49
kfox1111an ip can only ever be on one host at a time.22:49
kfox1111haproxy is a l7 load balancer. it takes http requests in and balances them across web servers.22:50
kfox1111k8s has an 'external service' which is a l3 load balancer.22:50
kfox1111which takes in a tcp stream and load balances them across pods.22:50
bmaltaiskfox1111: Right. So keepalived should point at haproxy that would then point to all the horizon dashboard container ip/ports22:50
kfox1111so, in kolla-kubernetes, the config I recommend is,22:50
kfox1111keepalived to allow a vip to float.22:50
kfox1111the vip is backed by an external service allowing that vip to share traffic to all the pods.22:51
bmaltaiskfox1111: Running many haproxy all pointing to those horizon dashboard and being fronted by keepalived would make it really ha22:51
kfox1111haproxy is in each pod doing connection tracking so each service can seamlessly be rolling upgraded.22:51
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kfox1111this setup is relatively easy to maintain, but bottlenecks at the maximum bandwidth of the node with the vip.22:52
kfox1111but is ha all the way through.22:52
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bmaltaiskfox1111: OK. So look like a good place to start playing with this22:54
kfox1111thats cool looking, but probably overkill.22:55
kfox1111kolla-kubernetes has a keepalived implemented/integrated.22:55
bmaltaiskfox1111: Ouch, I am really coming in this cold ;-) I did not realise. I am trying to put the peices of the puzzle as I start to learn about k8t. Maybe I am chewing more than I should at this time22:57
bmaltaiskfox1111: I just find it sad that the guide is relying on a physical IP for the VIP instead of a true floating one. The current design prevent scaling to many minions.22:58
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bmaltaiskfox1111: Sacling would work but losing the node with the IP will kill all access... so it need to be moved to a VIP to scale and be resilient. I tought I could make this change easilly but I am to cold with k8t to really understand all the moving parts22:59
kfox1111bmaltais: the guide there now was written very recently and was not designed with scaling in mind. it doesn't take too many tweaks I think to get it to scale better/be more ha. just no one has tried it yet.23:00
bmaltaiskfox1111: Even the kolla-ansible all-in-one make use of a VIP instead of the interface IP.23:00
kfox1111yeah. cause it was written over a year ago, and they had time to tweak it to do vips.23:00
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kfox1111the aio guide really should have keepalived in it I think.23:02
kfox1111just no one has had time yet to put the instructions in.23:02
bmaltaiskfox1111: I see. I guess I am too exited about this new openstack on kubernetes. I really like what it propose over the old methods. I see what Mirantis is doing but this is going to be a $ solution23:02
bmaltaiskfox1111: Was looking to build something a little bit similar using pure opensource while learning about k8t in the process23:03
kfox1111kolla-kubernetes is stil pretty green. the building blocks for a solid cloud are all there now. its mostly adding some polish and writing some exhaustive docs.23:03
kfox1111yeah. openstack's been a good k8s learning experience. if you can make openstack work on k8s, should be able to make anything work. :)23:03
bmaltaiskfox1111: I can certainly help with that and validating process as well. Probably not contribute to the actual config files just yet ;-)23:04
bmaltaiskfox1111: I can certainly see kolla-kubernetes being almost there now. Just need some more things and it could almost be used as a prototype in a lab23:05
bmaltaiskfox1111: This is my goal at this point, to install a lab based openstack service based on kolla-kubernetes and see how it resist to some light usage23:05
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kfox1111I think if the deployment guide included using a vip from the begining, and deployed configmap keepalivd and the keepalived package, it might just work.23:06
kfox1111thats basically what the gate does, and it works.23:06
bmaltaiskfox1111: I think you are right. I already tried adding minions to k8t and services just got deployed to the new nodes based on them being controller, compute or both23:06
bmaltaisSo the missing piece would be a VIP for the api/dashboard side23:07
kfox1111yeah. k8s makes that part really easy. :)23:07
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bmaltaiskfox1111: I will keep an eye to see how I can contribute. I could start by documenting how to scale the AIO to multinode... knowing the VIP will fail if the master node dies but it should be a beginning.23:09
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* inc0 ragecoding23:09
inc0so I just created tool to pull kolla registry from tarballs.o.o and run it locally23:09
inc0now you can have full set of kolla images in less than 5min...depends on internet23:10
kfox1111bmaltais: that would be great. :)23:10
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inc0aio to multinode might cause some interesting mariadb issues23:11
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kfox1111inc0: depends on if ceph backed or not.23:11
kfox1111also, depends on what multinode means.23:11
inc0hehe I guess23:11
kfox1111one controller + multiple computes should "just work (TM)"23:11
kfox1111multiple controllers, may need some more work.23:12
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inc0Sir, I refuse to call single controller a multinode deployment. That will not stand sir!23:12
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kfox1111I won't tell you how many production multinode configs  Ihave in that arangement. and I'm sure I'm not the only one. ;)23:13
inc0please don't tell me23:13
inc0are they running on devstack23:13
inc0just to make things a little more spicy23:13
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portdirectinc0: I'm kinda with you on that - sorry kfox1111 :P23:14
portdirectI think its perfectly fine (if a little exciting) to have a single controller, multiple compute node deployment23:15
portdirectbut to call it multitude is a bit of a misnomer23:15
inc0hey, let's run it on k8s, then everything will be fine forever right?23:15
kfox1111portdirect: I didn't say it was smart. just said it is very common. ;)23:15
portdirectlol - thats what my old deployment was untill i went HYPERCONVERGED(tm)23:16
kfox1111heh. yeah, we had a hyperconverged cloud too...23:16
inc0haha so not just control but also compute and stor on same node?23:16
kfox1111that one did not end well. ;)23:16
portdirectit never does...23:16
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inc0hyperconverge my cloud23:17
kfox1111hyperconverge works well on a cloud of one node. ;)23:17
bmaltaisinc0: Mariadb issue... oh oh... so it does net sync at the back between nodes then...23:17
inc0cloud of one node23:17
inc0I'll just let it sink in for a second23:17
kfox1111bmaltais: not yet. we don't have galera support.23:18
inc0speaking of which, portdirect do we want to kick the bikeshed?23:18
kfox1111bmaltais: but if backed by a pv that can float between nodes like ceph rbd's, then the db can failover to a different node.23:18
inc0btw project can be called shed ... as it holds tools right?23:18
portdirectlol - my favorite new overused pharased is the infrastructure sandwich. 99% of the time the fully converged stuff is that sandwich so full of fillings theres no way to eat it without half of it ending up on the floor :)23:18
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kfox1111hehe. lets call it the "conspiracy" project. ;)23:24
inc0ahh so you kfox1111 are already included in our very secretive plan that I just called out on public channel23:25
kfox1111nope. just figure people will bike shed or read into it what they want.23:26
kfox1111it just will cause those folks to spin their wheels even harder. :)23:26
kfox1111which would be funny. :)23:26
inc0don't worry, all shall be revealed soon;)23:27
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kfox1111oh... I got it.23:29
kfox1111other then breaking my rule of hating to pick words that I have a hard time spellilng....23:29
kfox1111'symbiosis' :)23:29
inc0dicker ?23:30
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kolla stable/ocata: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/ocata: Updated from global requirements
kfox1111heh. I think that may have connotations to those not fully understanding english.23:32
kfox1111I'm partial to the symbiosis project.23:32
inc0well, it also means that o and i are near each other on keyboard23:32
inc0symbiosis is good name23:33
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bmaltaiskfox1111: Depending on the objective of the project... Commensalism: One organism benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped.23:34
inc0I know... let's call it communism23:34
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inc0everything is shared23:34
portdirectoh gawd23:35
inc0whether you like it or not23:35
srwilkersoh boy23:35
kfox1111bmaltais: the idea is folks working together rather then apart when there are overlapping things we can share.23:35
inc0let's paint the bikeshed red23:35
kfox1111inc0: wow.. just wow... ;)23:35
srwilkersim partial to blue23:35
* portdirect is taking the chisels to his hard drives23:36
inc0how about conflux?23:36
bmaltaiskfox1111: OK... so a form of Mutualism Symbiosis where Both organisms benefit.23:36
kfox1111bmaltais: exactly.23:36
srwilkersbikeshedding over a name for bikeshed23:37
kfox1111srwilkers: hehe. exactly. :)23:37
inc0wouldn't have it any other way23:37
kfox1111there are only 2 hard problems in computer science.23:37
inc0cache and naming things23:38
kfox1111naming things, cache invalidation, and off by one errors. ;)23:38
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bmaltaiskfox1111: Osmosis -  process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.23:41
kfox1111thats a good candidate too I think.23:42
kfox1111inc0: so....23:43
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kfox1111the pusher you wrote seems to assume a lot about how a docker repo is formatted.23:43
kfox1111how fragile do you think that will be? it makes me kind of nervious.23:43
inc0kfox1111: well, it's targetted for our tarballs today23:43
kfox1111inc0: we have 2 types today.23:44
kfox1111the ones that are registry backed,23:44
kfox1111and those that are docker saved.23:44
inc0yeah, this is registry backed one23:44
inc0also, still inprog23:44
inc0I barely started it this morning23:44
kfox1111I'm kind of partial to the docker saved ones as they are much simpler / don't assume anything about the formatting.23:44
kfox1111yeah. your code looks good. I'm just wondering about the base assumptions.23:44
inc0but we have 200+ images23:45
inc0and if you do docker save, it won't share stuff23:45
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kfox1111it does share stuff.23:45
kfox1111you just make sure they are in the same tarball.23:45
inc0if you do docker save?23:45
kfox1111it dedups.23:45
jascott1wow getting your pupils dilated is not for the faint of heart23:45
kfox1111jascott1: hehe. yeah.23:45
jascott1Me: "I have to drive home" Dr: "Oh you will be fine"23:45
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kfox1111inc0: I had the same question about them. someone (portdirect?) I think validiated that it collapses them.23:46
inc0I thought docker save just tars dir of particular image23:46
* portdirect cant rembemer - though knows it did *things*23:46
kfox1111inc0: see:
kfox1111the tarballs aren't huge.23:47
kfox1111inc0: it does, but all deps too.23:47
kfox1111so if they share deps, it only has the one copy.23:47
kfox1111works the same way as the registry dump.23:47
inc0I just ran docker save <<one of images>>23:48
inc0and it's 800+ megs23:48
kfox1111inc0: yeah. but do docker save image1 image223:48
kfox1111it won't be sizeof(image1)+sizeof(image2)23:48
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kfox1111so if we use docker save, we can do the same as the registry size wise, but without needing to ever know the interneals/spawn a repo server to extract stuff.23:49
inc0yeah that would be much better23:49
kfox1111the cron job then is. "docker load; for each image in docker images; docker push image; done; delete images.23:50
inc0trying stack of kolla images23:50
kfox1111inc0: should look a lot like: :)23:51
kfox1111containing something like: :)23:51
inc0well tared registry of all the images is 2.4gig23:51
inc0for ubuntu source23:51
inc0let see if docker will beat that23:51
kfox1111yeah. that has more containers then what I've been building.23:51
kfox1111I've only been doing the ones kolla-kubernetes tests in the gate.23:52
inc0well having them tared would indeed be much less complex to manage23:53
inc0but size grows significantly23:54
kfox1111you sure?23:54
inc0just tried, subset of images (profile default) is almost 4 gigs23:54
kfox1111I'm not seeing that in the kolla-kubernetes ones.23:54
inc0as opposed to full set being less than 323:54
kfox1111were they all built at exactly the same time?23:54
kfox1111(different parents?)23:54
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inc0well, no but that was my own build locally23:55
inc0vs what I downloaded from tarballs.o.o23:55
kfox1111you might clear your imags out then build fresh and then try the tar again.23:55
kfox1111it may be you have some uncommon parents making the tar bigger.23:55
inc0well I only tared images from grep23:56
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inc0I see whay you're saying23:56
inc0yes, all of images tared were build in same run23:56
kfox1111hmm.... I wonder whats the difference then.23:58
inc0I'll try again later23:58
inc0clear everything and do proper test23:58
kfox1111would be curious the results.23:59
kfox1111if it is equal, or close, the docker save would be sooo much easier to deal with.23:59
inc0I agree23:59
kfox1111but if its significantly bigger, then the registry stuff would probably be worth it.23:59

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