Wednesday, 2018-02-21

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duonghqmorning guys00:48
duonghqcongratulation Jeffrey4l00:48
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Jeffrey4lthanks duonghq, happy new year ;D01:23
duonghqhappy new year Jeffrey4l01:28
inc0Jeffrey4l: will you handle tomorrows meeting or want me to do it?01:29
Jeffrey4linc0, i can handle it01:30
daidvHappy lunar new year duonghq Jeffrey4l :D01:31
Jeffrey4lthanks daidv01:33
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Initial (WIP) draft of a no-secrets specification
Jeffrey4ldims, around? is the rdo queens repo ready? how can we get the repo.rpm file?01:34
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duonghqJeffrey4l, iirc, we only merge bug fix patch atm?02:26
Jeffrey4lduonghq, yes. until rc1 is tagged02:26
duonghqJeffrey4l, okay02:26
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla stable/pike: Bump OpenStack service version
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla stable/ocata: Bump OpenStack service version
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla master: Use queens release for all OpenStack projects
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla master: Use queens release for all OpenStack projects
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openstackgerritNguyen Hung Phuong proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes master: Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla master: Use queens release for all OpenStack projects
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla master: Use queens release for all OpenStack projects
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openstackgerritNguyen Hung Phuong proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes master: Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: Remove nose dependency
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla master: Use queens release for all OpenStack projects
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Jeffrey4lduonghq, could you ack these patches?
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix ansible warning
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duonghqJeffrey4l, done06:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla stable/ocata: Seem there are some wrong in infra ubuntu repo
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla stable/pike: Seem there are some wrong in infra ubuntu repo
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santacloudlvdombrkr: hi08:37
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla master: Use queens release for all OpenStack projects
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santacloudMy nova_compute container is always in a "restarting" state. Any ideas about it?08:46
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egonzalezsantacloud, check logs in /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/nova/nova-compute.lo08:49
santacloudok I have a libvirt problem08:54
santacloud2018-02-21 09:51:27.358 7 ERROR nova.virt.driver [req-e7fb8fc5-3e53-41aa-b0bd-40e60542deba - - - - -] Unable to load the virtualization driver: ImportError: No module named libvirt08:54
santacloudImportError: No module named libvirt08:54
egonzalezsantacloud, distro/version08:56
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santacloudubuntu 16.04 / master08:56
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santacloudegonzalez, installed with git clone08:57
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egonzalezsantacloud, can you try pulling newer images?08:58
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla master: Use queens repo rather than pike for aarch64 and ppc64le
santacloudegonzalez, yes I did "kolla-ansible pull -i ./multinode" yesterday. Erase all containers and redeploy08:59
egonzalezsantacloud, please also make a dpkq -l | grep -i nova (or whatever command is for list packages in a deb distro) before08:59
santacloudegonzalez, I have nothing on compute nodes for nova09:01
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egonzalezin the nova_compute container09:03
egonzalezdocker exec -ti -u 0 nova_compute <command>09:03
santacloudegonzalez, nova-compute or nova-compute-libvirt is not installed09:03
egonzalezwant to see deps09:03
egonzalezbecause of
openstackLaunchpad bug 1749944 in nova (Ubuntu) "Broken ubuntu-binary-nova-compute:pike No module named libvirt" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:03
santacloudError response from daemon: Container 9a69f444d653ab20f4d4de282084aa62dec26b43198c996fbee8bcde0dc9f14c is restarting....09:05
santacloudegonzalez, ok thanks for launchpad bug. This is it09:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/ocata: Fix the Prechecks failed while checking docker version
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/pike: Fix the Prechecks failed while checking docker version
santacloudegonzalez, can I install missing package manually?09:08
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egonzalezi woldnt do it09:14
egonzalezbut can09:14
santacloudI have python-libvirt in my nova_compute/Dockerfile.j209:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/pike: Add /lib/modules as volume to openvswitch_db container
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add policy.yaml support for blazar role
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santacloudegonzalez, what would you suggest?09:17
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santacloudegonzalez, add missing dependencies in Dockerfile.j2?09:23
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egonzalezsantacloud, yep09:26
egonzalezbut need to know if is failing because a change in ubuntu packages or because of us09:27
egonzalezit was working since a couple weeks ago09:27
santacloudegonzalez, ok here is my version: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS09:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: ppc64le is built in delorean-deps.repo
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla master: syslinux package is only built for x86_64
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla master: Use queens repo rather than pike for aarch64 and ppc64le
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kolla-slack<dardelean> hi10:52
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lvdombrkrsantacloud: hi11:03
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lvdombrkrsantacloud: yesterday my deploy was success11:34
lvdombrkrbut i use centos11:34
lvdombrkrnot ubuntu11:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix odl custom config
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santacloudlvdombrkr: lucky you ;)12:34
lvdombrkrsantacloud: this is your first deployment?12:35
santacloudlvdombrkr: I am quite new on kolla12:36
santacloudlvdombrkr I used to deploy openstack-ansible12:36
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lvdombrkrsantacloud: oh yes, i also tried openstack-ansible .. it was "most problematic" installation i have tried12:39
santacloudlvdombrkr lol12:40
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openstackgerritVladislav Belogrudov proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Enable Docker container inter-host communication
zhubingbinghi guys12:42
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove mariadb settings from freezer defaults/main.yml
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove mariadb settings from freezer defaults/main.yml
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove mariadb settings from freezer defaults/main.yml
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lvdombrkrfolks if i have on a host ovs installed can it conflicted with ovs in containers?14:36
lvdombrkrmy development stops on : RUNNING HANDLER [openvswitch : Restart openvswitch-vswitchd container] ***********************************************************************************************14:37
lvdombrkrchanged: [localhost]14:37
lvdombrkrPLAY [Apply role ovs-dpdk] *******************************************************************************************************************************************14:37
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egonzalezlvdombrkr, probably yes14:43
lvdombrkregonzalez: thanks.. any idea why?14:47
santacloudegonzalez: many bugs about libvirt/nova compute on ubuntu.... for instance:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1631304 in nova (Ubuntu) "apt-get install nova-compute has odd configuration order" [Medium,Triaged]14:49
egonzalezlvdombrkr, conflict with hosts namespaces14:49
egonzalezsantacloud, to be honest, i dont like ubuntu at all14:50
santacloudegonzalez I can understand that....14:51
ktibicaoyuan, can we talk about
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ktibiegonzalez, can you look this PR too ? ;)15:01
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sdakekfox1111 when your about, wondering if you know of a techniqu to monitor kuberentes object changes in real time in  an event-driven fashion (vs polling)15:23
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sdakekfox1111 when your about, curious if you know how to monitor k8s events in realtime in event riven fashion (rather than polling the api server)15:23
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sdakesorry about the hello and repititoin - my client wasn't responding15:31
sdakekfox1111 ^^15:31
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Jeffrey4lhey kfox1111, will you be the ptg?15:50
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hrwdo we have a meeting today?15:53
Jeffrey4lhrw, yes.15:54
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hrwI will be on channel but not quite responding.15:54
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caoyuanhi guys15:59
Jeffrey4lmeeting time ~~16:01
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SpamapSI can't seem to find documentation on COPY_ONCE in kolla-ansible. Playing with it, and reading the code, it looks like the expectation is that if you want to use COPY_ONCE, you have to delete the container in order to create a new one with a new config.. Is that true?16:47
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rwellumpbourke_: you know the history right - of osh and kolla-k8s?17:00
pbourke_rwellum: I've heard various accounts but its not clear to me17:00
Jeffrey4lrwellum, i am not clear too17:00
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egonzalezhrw, can you ack?
egonzalezrwellum, i'll try to notify you guys when some important change lands to ansible17:04
Jeffrey4legonzalez, use launchpad to track the changes.17:05
pbourke_SpamapS: correct17:06
rwellumFrom what I understand (because it was before my time) - ATT tried to use kolla-k8s with their customer (SAP), a couple of times and failed. Then at the Barcelona summit, it came to a head, with one group having a fundamental difference over the technology. This ATT team wanted a pure k8s solution, using helm as the configuration mechanism instead of ansible.  There were also differences over micro-service17:06
rwellumarchitecture. So the koll team told them to go off and write a proto-type. Which they did and 6-months later they has osh - albeit in an ATT repo.17:06
rwellumSeveral strong cores from kolla left kolla-k8s to go to osh.17:07
rwellumOthers stayed.17:07
rwelluminc0: I am sure you're more aware of this.17:07
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hrwrwellum: so kolla-k8s got more or less abandoned?17:08
pbourke_rwellum: thanks for the info, appreciated17:08
rwellumNo - I think it's been a gradual decline.17:09
pbourke_I think that should go in the docs tbh17:09
pbourke_its useful to explain to new comers what the project offers compared to alternatives17:09
Jeffrey4lis the mainly differnce configuration machanism?17:09
inc0so story was a bit different17:09
inc01. SAP had their own project and never really wanted to contribute, they used images17:10
inc0our images that is17:10
inc02. ATT were looking at running OS on k8s and they came to us17:10
inc0they proposed to use helm as underlying tech and we agreed17:10
rwellumlol sorry inc0 for mangling it17:10
inc0but actual disagreement which made them create their own project was disagreement about microcharts17:11
inc0main difference is17:11
inc0our lowest-level chart is say neutron-server17:11
inc0their is neutron17:11
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inc0so we have *a lot* of tiny charts with one resource17:11
inc0they have one chart for all neutron'y things17:11
pbourke_so the question is, is it worth continuing to maintain kolla-k8s17:11
inc0our config mgmt is ansible only because nobody ported it to charts17:12
inc0that's question for rwellum, kfox1111 and other main contributors to k8s17:12
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rwelluminc0: I see the questions as really this... Customer wants a containerized kubernetes openstack solution. What should they currently choose to invest in?17:13
inc0issue is, we were building kolla-k8s with brownfield deployment in mind17:13
inc0hence high granularity of configuration17:13
inc0I'm not aware of corresponding mechanism in OSH17:14
inc0they might've created it, in this case I'd say let's just go with OSH17:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible stable/pike: Adding octavia required roles
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inc0but problem, and main reason why we didn't agree on moving towards service-level charts, was that it would be night-impossible to migrate existing env to k8s-based without this level of control17:15
inc0I always said and will keep saying, imho there should be one project, and I don't care how it's called17:16
inc0but these (and complex upgrades) are important use cases which I'd love to see addressed17:17
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inc0without microservice-level control doing stuff like upgrade between N->O (because of adding new database and other upgrade-specific gimmicks) would be really hard in OSH17:17
rwelluminc0: what confused me about that is, I've seen osh demo very complex upgrade scenarios at the summit. So maybe their charts aren't as granular - but something works.17:19
inc0well it might be solved now, I really don't know17:19
inc0but depends on complexity of upgrade17:19
inc0or rather kind of complexity17:20
Jeffrey4lrwellum, on which summit?17:20
rwellumOther thing about osh is that is seems to be stuck in Neuton - or Ocata - but something old.17:20
Jeffrey4lrwellum, neutron? newton?17:20
rwellumJeffrey4l: I've seen them do this demo several times - I'll try to pull a link out of youtube.17:20
rwellumyeah sorry newton17:20
rwellumtyping too fast17:20
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egonzalezrwellum, inc0 kfox1111 are you having meetings or something to design architecture and where to go? how about doing a virtual ptg for kolla-k8s stuff17:23
rwellumegonzalez: I'd be up for that. Or any cross-team talks with osh etc.17:24
spsuryarwellum: i think they would be biased to osh17:25
rwellumspsurya: they?17:26
rwellumWell yeah, but would be good to sync up and find out where each project overlaps now. Might have more in common than against.17:26
spsuryacommunity :)17:26
spsuryarwellum: +117:27
spsuryarwellum: agree with egonzalez too, would be good we start design architecture of kk8s17:28
egonzalezwell, there are a few important topics for the PTG(1.0 version, gates), but need to be discussed by the ones who actually runs kolla-k8s17:30
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caoyuanegonzalez  +117:30
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egonzalezi'd also like to know the technical state of the project, is stable enough at the moment, pain points as operator, how can someone help from the ansible side17:32
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Jeffrey4legonzalez,  since on kolls-k8s contributor is there. i think this is hard to do. on the other hand, we can attend OSH's meeting and try to ask these question to them ;D17:34
spsuryaJeffrey4l: egonzalez would be great if inc0 kfox1111 rwellum try to attend it remotely17:35
Jeffrey4lrwellum, is this demo ?17:36
Jeffrey4lspsurya, i will try to attend17:36
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rwellumJeffrey4l: yes correct. Not sure if that's the latest but I attended that one.17:41
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spsuryanight all17:42
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla master: Revert "Add tripleo-ui image to skipped image list"
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SpamapSpbourke: that seems pretty hard to use. I was hoping kolla-ansible would see that strategy and know that it needs to recreate the container if the config changed. :-P17:46
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hrwegonzalez: 1.0? maybe sync with Kubernetes versions?17:47
egonzalezSpamapS, thats why there are other options ;) is an operator choose17:47
egonzalezhrw, stable version of k-k8s17:48
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jschlueterany plans for a stable/queens branch and tag soon for kolla?17:56
SpamapSyes, but the other choices offer mutable containers.17:56
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kolla-slack<egonzalez> jschlueter , during next week IIRC18:30
kolla-slack<egonzalez> We're trailing cycle project which means we release a week later libraries does18:30
jschlueteregonzalez: ack18:31
jschlueterwhich would make it this week for RC? ... since last week was rc?18:31
jschlueteror are you running 2 weeks behind?18:31
jschlueteror do I have my dates off?18:32
kolla-slack<egonzalez> Feb 26 - Mar 02
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openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/kolla master: Add networking-baremetal
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dtkHello everyone20:40
dtkAre you aware that Ansible Tower went open source ?20:40
dtkhow would a dashboard from which you can deploy openstack sound ?20:40
dtkI am well aware that there's probably tons of things which need to be done20:41
dtklike find a way to work around any ansible limitations which kolla-ansible circumvents20:41
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kolla-slack<egonzalez> dtk shouldn't be hard to deploy kolla with tower, is just set what kolla-ansible shell script does into tower options20:54
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kolla-slack<dardelean> dtk nice, it's called AWX?20:59
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kolla-slack<dardelean> when did this happen?21:00
dtksomewhere around sep. 201721:01
kolla-slack<dardelean> lol, I lived under a rock :(21:01
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dtkthe project works21:10
dtkhowecer, it does need a bit of love21:11
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kolla-slack<dardelean> if anyone is interested22:41
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