Wednesday, 2019-10-09

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osmanlicilegicores, I need your thoughts about
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mnasiadkabline: tried on #openstack-containers?07:06
openstackgerritJan Vondra proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Added RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS option to rabbitmq-env.conf
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openstackgerritpengyuesheng proposed openstack/kayobe master: Blacklist sphinx 2.1.0 (autodoc bug)
openstackgerritIsaac Prior proposed openstack/kayobe master: Add ansible tag headers to Host Configuration doc page
hrwfunny thing: ansible-lint is used to check playbooks for errors, right? but is not pep8 friendly08:38
yoctozeptohrw: how so?08:42
yoctozeptoyou mean it's impossible to satisfy both or what?08:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kayobe master: Blacklist sphinx 2.1.0 (autodoc bug)
mnasiadkahrw: and Ansible-lint -p does what? :)08:45
hrwyoctozepto: I played with ansible-lint on kolla-ansible today. if failed on some files so I loaded ansible-lint code. and gvim gave me ~40 lines of pep8 errors08:46
openstackgerritPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Remove sphinx from test-requirements.txt
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yoctozeptohrw: heh xD09:12
yoctozeptomnasiadka:   -p                    parseable output in the format of pep809:13
yoctozeptoand the plot thickens09:13
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openstackgerritMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: Support matrix for Kolla
mnasiadkamgoddard, hrw, yoctozepto: ^^ please just check it out, I think we have all the data populated.09:21
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* mgoddard enters the matrix09:22
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* yoctozepto left the matrix09:49
yoctozeptomnasiadka: commented a lot09:49
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mnasiadkayoctozepto: I would be glad if you would hit edit, and change what you think is needed, if you all start commenting what needs to be changed - I'll be your scribe, which is the last I want to be in life :) just leave comments of stuff that is debatable :)09:52
yoctozeptomnasiadka: be a good scribe09:53
yoctozeptokolla scribe09:54
mnasiadkayoctozepto: I studied IT to sit in a dungeon, like a troll - not talk to people :D09:55
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mgoddardadded 'Which images should we mark as maintained in the support matrix?' to meeting agenda10:12
mgoddardpretty packed schedule today, I'll try to be quick with formalities10:13
yoctozeptomgoddard: fyi!/story/200668910:14
yoctozeptomaybe there is some undocumented switch, I did not look at the source code10:15
mgoddardyoctozepto: haven't tried it, but I'm not aware of any work done on it10:16
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hrwmnasiadka: you did wrong. IT studies are not required to be in IT10:48
mnasiadkahrw: that's why I stopped at an engineer level ;)10:48
mnasiadkaok, turning into a scribe...10:49
hrwI went directly to master. but not quite IT10:50
mnasiadkahrw: what's the latest on Debian/x86 CI in k-a - should I mark the matrix as it's there, or not? :)10:50
hrwmnasiadka: we have debian/source in k-a10:50
mnasiadkaok, so I'll add T's where it should be.10:51
openstackgerritMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: Support matrix for Kolla
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yoctozeptomgoddard: qq - regarding Ussuri proposals - one should just go draft some blueprint for later discussion?12:11
mgoddardyoctozepto: yeah12:12
yoctozeptomgoddard: re: bifrost - checked source, no ipv6 support for sure12:12
mgoddardyoctozepto: and put it on the ussuri ptg etherpad12:12
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openstackgerritMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Change ceph_client caps to use profile rbd
mgoddardUbuntu binary stein is still running the GA release of nova12:18
mgoddardwhich seems to break cells12:18
yoctozeptomgoddard: how much of break?12:19
mnasiadkaUCA never updated the nova version?12:19
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yoctozeptohrw: got any contact to UCA?12:19
hrwyoctozepto: never cared about getting any12:19
mnasiadkayoctozepto: usually they respond properly to bugs raised to their projects12:19
mgoddardyoctozepto: compute services don't register12:19
mgoddardI think it's because nova-api no longer has access to the cell12:20
hrwyoctozepto: after 3 years at canonical I do not plan to have connections there12:20
mnasiadkayoctozepto: and Corey Bryant usually responds to mails on openstack-discuss or directly to him :)12:20
mgoddardyeah, that's the problem12:20
yoctozeptodrop binary support12:24
mnasiadkamgoddard: what's the version in stein? 19.0.0?12:24
mgoddardmnasiadka: yep12:24
mgoddardand in train :D12:25
mnasiadkamgoddard: 19.0.1 is in stein-proposed12:25
mnasiadkabut still that's not magic12:25
mgoddardwhat does proposed mean?12:26
hrw20.0.0~b1 is in uca. rc1 will be soon (there are source files)12:26
mgoddardready to use or not?12:26
hrwmgoddard: 'we built, have to test, will promote if succeed'12:26
mgoddardthey're a little behind - upstream has 19.0.3 :)12:26
mnasiadkamgoddard: go complain on #ubuntu-server to coreycb :)12:27
hrwbut also updated 17.0 to 17.0.11, 13.x got update...12:27
mgoddardmnasiadka: maybe I will12:29
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mnasiadkamgoddard: well, we should - I guess it would be good to get some proper coordination with them :)12:33
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mgoddardto follow up on ubuntu, stein has 19.0.1, train has 19.0.0. We should use train-proposed if we want something newer13:14
mgoddardnot sure whether building images with proposed is a good idea, in case we have to go backwards13:15
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openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Support multiple nova cells
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ai_ja_naican anybody please provide a clarification about VLAN tagging? I can't understand a detail in the instructions with SRIOV14:33
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ai_ja_naiwhen the guide says "Modify the /etc/kolla/config/neutron/ml2_conf.ini file and add sriovnicswitch to the mechanism_drivers" and "Modify the /etc/kolla/config/nova.conf file and add PciPassthroughFilter to scheduler_default_filters.", does it imply the files on the compute nodes?14:35
ai_ja_naiit's not referring to files I shall create on my deployment workstation, right?14:35
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mgoddardmeeting in 10 minutes14:52
mgoddardmgoddard mnasiadka hrw egonzalez yoctozepto rafaelweingartne ^14:52
yoctozeptoai_ja_nai: it's referring to the override files on your deployment node that are deployed to cloud nodes by kolla-ansible14:54
yoctozepto(well, merged and deployed)14:54
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yoctozeptosee for background14:55
hrwmgoddard: thx14:58
yoctozeptomeeting time15:01
mgoddard#startmeeting kolla15:01
yoctozeptolet's roll, it's lots to discuss today15:01
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openstackMeeting started Wed Oct  9 15:01:25 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mgoddard. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
mgoddard#topic rollcall15:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'15:01
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mgoddardjovial[m] has calendar?15:02
mgoddard#topic agenda15:02
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jovial[m]yep, only 2 minutes late today :)15:02
mgoddard* Roll-call15:02
mgoddard* Announcements15:02
mgoddard** Kolla in feature freeze15:02
mgoddard* Review action items from last meeting15:02
mgoddard* CI status15:02
mgoddard* Train release planning15:02
mgoddard* Review priorities15:02
mgoddard* (hrw) Adding priorities to images at build time (I want 'openstack-base' to be built asap)15:02
mgoddard* Reducing load of build & publishing jobs on CI & Dockerhub
mgoddard* (yoctozepto) policy regarding development in deployed projects, e.g. ironic has now split ironic-inspector into two services and uses tooz coordination - should we support this new mode of deployment? (I think we should, for that we are trailing cycles)15:03
mgoddard* Which images should we mark as maintained in the support matrix?15:03
mgoddard#topic announcements15:03
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mgoddard#info Kolla in feature freeze15:03
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mgoddard#info OpenStack Train final releases next week15:03
mgoddardAny others?15:03
yoctozeptoipv6 passed all current CI scenarios15:03
yoctozepto(ubuntu ones)15:04
yoctozepto(shameless plug I know)15:04
mgoddardnice work15:04
mgoddard#topic Review action items from last meeting15:04
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mgoddardyoctozepto to ask about glance-store config for tacker on openstack-discuss15:05
mgoddardmgoddard to email cores about feature freeze15:05
mgoddardI did mine15:05
yoctozeptoI did not because egonzalez made me think he had this under control that same day :-)15:05
yoctozeptonot so sure about this now15:05
yoctozeptowill do right away after meeting, I wonder why they are releasing it in this state15:06
mgoddardI think we found that only filestore is supported15:06
yoctozeptobut it's filestore inside tacker15:06
yoctozeptoso it's tackerstore15:06
yoctozeptoyour new glance backend15:06
mgoddardI think glance-store is just a python API for storing images without hitting glance API15:07
yoctozeptoyeah, they are using this little thing directly to do filestore15:07
yoctozeptoon the local node15:07
yoctozeptolooks pretty b0rken if you ask me, but let's not slow down the meeting15:08
mgoddardok, let's not get side tracked15:08
mgoddard#action yoctozepto to investigate tacker + glance store15:08
mgoddard#topic CI status15:08
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ai_ja_naimgoddard many thanks15:08
mgoddardI think CI is looking ok mostly15:09
yoctozeptoyeah, no current breakages15:09
mgoddardThere are a few unreliable tests, which we should look at as we get closer to release15:10
mgoddardKayobe CI I thought I had fixed, but does seem to fail sometimes still15:10
mgoddardit's not too bad at the moment, something to look at another day15:11
mgoddard#topic Train release planning15:11
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mgoddardThe train is approaching15:11
yoctozeptoI like trains15:11
mgoddardwe're currently in feature freeze - please don't approve feature patches unless they have been granted a feature freeze extension15:11
yoctozeptoall you had to was to catch the * train, CJ15:12
mgoddardcurrently this includes IPv6 and nova cells15:12
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mgoddard(as they are priorities)15:12
yoctozeptomgoddard: tls frozen?15:12
mgoddardyoctozepto: TLS merged15:12
yoctozeptomgoddard: what about unmerged ones? :D15:13
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mgoddardthere is the insecure patch for CI testing15:13
mgoddardand vmixor's CA patch which is quite new15:13
generalfuzzI've started putting attention on to vmixor's patches15:14
yoctozeptoboth need some work I think, but generalfuzz is putting working in it15:14
mgoddardwould consider an FFE request if one was made15:14
mgoddarddeadline for getting these things merged is next friday15:15
generalfuzzI was under the the impression that we were abandoning the insecure ones15:15
yoctozeptogeneralfuzz: yeah, I would prefer the vmixor's kinda approach15:15
yoctozeptoI think TLS is really close with those internal trusts15:15
mgoddardI hadn't heard a decision on it, but it does seem like it might be the sensible option15:16
yoctozeptojust cannot help guys due to ipv6 on me15:16
yoctozepto(and work, and life, and phd)15:16
generalfuzzWe'll see if it's done by next Friday. If not, It'll go into the next release15:17
mgoddardultimately we have internal TLS support in train already15:17
yoctozepto(glad I did not forget life)15:17
mgoddardyou just need to build your own images if you have a private CA15:17
yoctozeptowhich is very likely for internal though ;p15:17
mgoddardcustom CA is a nice to have IMO (we weren't even planning to do it until quite recently)15:17
yoctozeptoI think k-a should handle this stuff15:18
mgoddardI'm not disagreeing, just saying it can be made to work without15:18
yoctozeptoso maybe let's split this onto Ussuri if we cannot handle it15:18
yoctozeptoindeed it's doable15:18
mnasiadkayes, it's the time of the release planning to chop off stuff we can't do :)15:18
mgoddardI imagine generalfuzz will be working on it now regardless of which release it goes into, right?15:19
yoctozeptowe should market it as moving internal tls from pita to pitb15:19
mnasiadkamgoddard: as long as it's not breaking anything - we can back port it later15:20
mgoddardmnasiadka: well not really according to stable policy15:21
yoctozeptotoo much of a feature probably15:21
mnasiadkamgoddard: I don't think kolla was always following stable-policy in 100% :)15:21
mgoddardlet's see how the code develops. If it turns out to be ready to go before next week it could be given an FFE15:21
mgoddardI'll start working through the release process soon15:22
mgoddardif anyone wants to follow along let me know and I can keep you in the loop of what's happening15:23
mgoddard#topic Review priorities15:23
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mnasiadkaif you need any help - just shout, maybe we should have an ether pad for that :)15:23
yoctozeptomgoddard: count me in15:23
mgoddardI think we know our main priorities - cells and IPV615:24
mgoddardI have one issue to fix before cells is ready to merge, but it's ready for reviews15:24
yoctozeptoand that one is ubuntu binary?15:24
mgoddardhow is IPv6 looking?15:25
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yoctozeptomgoddard: as mentioned, all scenarios are passing, needs applying left comments and creating unit tests15:25
mgoddardno, binary fixed/fudged by letting nova-api see the cell DB15:25
mgoddardissue is ordering of DB sync in the API and cells - need to DB sync cells before starting global services15:26
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yoctozeptoI see15:26
mgoddardis IPv6 ready for reviews?15:26
yoctozeptomgoddard: yes, you can do second pass, but I did not apply all the comments before so it's going to get -1 from you anyway :-)15:27
mgoddardall: if you have bug fix patches open against master that you think shold make the release, please mark RP+115:27
mnasiadkamgoddard: btw, in governance repo we are missing stable:follows-policy :-)15:28
mgoddardare you saying we should add it?15:28
mgoddardmight come with some baggage15:29
mgoddarddo other deployment tools have it?15:29
mgoddardsomething for open discussion, if we make it15:29
mgoddard#topic (hrw) Adding priorities to images at build time (I want 'openstack-base' to be built asap)15:29
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mgoddardhrw: you're up15:29
mnasiadkamgoddard: nope, neither tripleo, nor OSA15:30
hrw implements that15:30
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mnasiadkamgoddard: just saying that following stable policy is not something we sworn - it makes sense to follow it though :)15:30
hrwmy tests with 46 threads (in tmpfs) did not show any improvements15:30
yoctozeptomnasiadka, mnasiadka: we can be flexible15:30
mgoddardhrw: how many times did you test? I guess it was random15:31
hrwplanning to do some 8 threads runs to check does it make a difference15:31
hrwmgoddard: several. centos/debian binary/source15:31
hrwwith build times in ~1 minute difference (of 35)15:32
mgoddardfewer threads sounds sensible15:32
hrwwill do some runs on slower hw too15:32
hrwhave old 8core system15:32
mgoddardok anything more to discuss here? It was an old topic, before the patch15:33
yoctozeptoI think it probably builds reasonably well to not affect queue saturation15:33
yoctozeptolet's move on15:34
yoctozeptohrw: ok?15:34
mgoddard#topic Reducing load of build & publishing jobs on CI & Dockerhub
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hrwthe old topic...15:34
mgoddardthis one again15:34
mgoddardkolla images are large15:35
mgoddardwe have many of them, and many variations15:35
hrwand docker squash support is a joke15:35
mgoddardhrw: expand?15:35
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mnasiadkaso, what is the biggest strain on CI? images size or time to push them to docker hub?15:35
mgoddardmnasiadka: bandwidth I think15:36
hrwmgoddard: either use docker-squash python and eat lot of i/o or enable experimental squash support in docker itself and look how it explodes15:36
mgoddardhrw: ok15:36
mnasiadkamgoddard: well, if only we could have some docker hub proxy in each of the node pool providers - we could push fast and then it can run in the background15:36
mnasiadkaI don't think there's any solution for that, we won't reduce size by 50%15:37
mgoddardit's probably more the total bytes sent that is the problem15:37
mgoddardIMO our best bet is to just trim down the number of images that we push15:37
mgoddardthere are a few ways to do that15:38
mnasiadkaor don't push every day :-)15:38
mgoddardEOL pike is an easy one15:38
hrw@weekly would be sane imho15:38
mgoddardwell that's fine until something breaks15:38
mnasiadkahrw: as long as we really push, not fail :)15:38
mgoddardthen we could be stuck with duff images for a week15:39
mnasiadkamgoddard: we would need to have access to trigger a job15:39
mgoddardI was thinking of using our TBD categories15:39
mgoddardcore images go every day, other things less often15:39
mgoddardwe have a few ideas in the pad15:39
mgoddardEOL pike - does anyone disagree?15:40
mnasiadkaor maybe there's a node pool provider that doesn't really complain about the bandwidth used - and we can stick to that?15:40
mnasiadka+1 for EOL pike15:40
mgoddardor at least disable publishing15:40
yoctozepto+1 eol pike15:40
mnasiadkaI have a question by the way - do we clean up old images in docker hub, or just keep the whole history of OpenStack in there? :)15:41
mgoddard#agreed EOL pike15:42
mgoddard#action mgoddard to EOL pike15:42
mgoddardthat's 16GB x 6 per day saved15:42
mgoddardmnasiadka: we don't clean up old images AFAIK15:42
hrwmnasiadka: as someone who had to take care of old cloud I would say: leave them15:42
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mnasiadkafine by me - just out of curiosity :)15:43
hrwif you deployed ocata with use of k-a and you got extra rack of hw then you can still deploy ocata to it15:43
hrwdespite ocata being EOL15:43
mgoddardhrw: your publishing timeout patch, does it need backporting?15:43
mnasiadkaocata is EOL 9 months, I was talking about 3 year old images :)15:44
hrwmnasiadka: same rule15:44
hrwmgoddard: do not think so15:44
mgoddardhrw: why not?15:44
mnasiadkait would be good to keep the same timeout values in all supported branches15:44
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mgoddardwe do see timeouts on our stable publishing jobs15:45
hrwmgoddard: then backport. will +215:45
mgoddard#action mgoddard to backport publishing job timeout increase15:46
mgoddardNow for the big one15:46
mgoddardWe build and publish some images which are not used.15:46
mgoddardWe have deprecated many, but should we just be bold and remove them in Train and earlier?15:46
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hrwremove in train15:46
yoctozeptoI don't complain15:46
hrwbackporint to previous would be removing features which may be against policy15:47
mnasiadkamgoddard: what about just not publishing the deprecated ones?15:47
mgoddardalmanach, dind, kolls-k8s stuff, dragonflow15:47
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mnasiadkaand maybe not building them in CI15:48
mgoddardmnasiadka: that's another option.15:48
mnasiadkaleave the code there, we remove them in U15:48
mnasiadkamaybe even move to a ,,deprecated'' subdir15:48
mgoddardhow would we skip them?15:48
hrwmgoddard: remove from profiles15:48
mgoddarddo we use profiles in CI?15:49
mgoddardI don't think so15:49
mgoddardjust build every supported image15:49
yoctozeptomgoddard: what profiles15:49
yoctozeptoin k-a we use them15:49
yoctozeptoper scenario15:49
mnasiadkayeah, we build them all probably - it's not hard to add couple of lines of code to skip the deprecated/* ones15:50
mgoddardok maybe we do in k-a15:50
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yoctozeptokolla profiles come with this categorization I proposed15:50
mgoddardI'm not sure how we'd do this15:51
mgoddardand we need to do it quickly if we're going to do it for train15:52
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mgoddardanyone want to pick it up15:52
mnasiadkaI can give it a quick go tomorrow to see if we can do it fast :-)15:52
mgoddard#action mnasiadka to look at not building or publishing deprecated images15:53
yoctozeptomnasiadka: use regexp :-)15:53
mnasiadkayoctozepto: use the force Luke? :)15:53
yoctozeptono, --force is bad15:53
mgoddardlet's revisit the other things another time15:54
mgoddardwe have some easy wins15:54
mgoddard#topic (yoctozepto) policy regarding development in deployed projects, e.g. ironic has now split ironic-inspector into two services and uses tooz coordination - should we support this new mode of deployment? (I think we should, for that we are trailing cycles)15:54
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mgoddardlong topic15:54
mgoddardyoctozepto: it's yours15:54
yoctozeptoyeah, mine15:55
yoctozeptoI explicitly added all the details in there in case I was not around15:56
yoctozeptoshould we / should not we? :D15:56
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yoctozeptowe are trailing for a reason15:56
mgoddardyou mean, should we support features added in the same cycle?15:57
yoctozeptoindeed ;D15:57
yoctozepto(since we are deploying THAT cycle)15:57
mgoddardit's not something we've ever prevented, given enough time to develop & test on our side15:58
mgoddardas always, just needs people to develop, test & review the code :)15:58
yoctozeptosure but should not that be our goal15:58
yoctozeptocould come with categorization...15:58
yoctozepto(or M/T status)15:58
mnasiadkashould be our goal, see an army of developers tracking every project changes and implementing them in k-a? :)15:59
mgoddardwe're maintainers - our goal is to keep the project maintained & healthy15:59
mgoddarddeveloping features can be done by maintainers, but you're wearing a different hat16:00
mgoddardwe can use priorities & design discussions to try to drive the direction of development16:00
mgoddardbut at the end of the day, people just push what they want at you :)16:00
yoctozeptoI see, got ya16:00
mgoddardif you have time to work on that kind of thing, we'll happily accept it16:01
mgoddardthat's just my view of course :)16:01
mnasiadkayeah, maintaining the project is prio:1, we all add some features in the background16:02
mgoddardwe can set goals, but don't always have the manpower to carry them out16:02
mgoddardwe're out of time unfortunately16:02
mgoddardwe'll have to discuss "Which images should we mark as maintained in the support matrix?" next time16:03
mgoddardlet's aim to get the support matrix merged without any Ms16:03
yoctozeptolet's call it a meeting16:03
mgoddardthanks all, good discussion today16:03
*** openstack changes topic to "Topic for #openstack-kolla is: support: | New to Kolla: docs @ | | Kolla IRC meetngs on Wednesdays @ 15:00 UTC - see agenda @ - IRC channel is *LOGGED* @"16:04
openstackMeeting ended Wed Oct  9 16:04:06 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:04
openstackMinutes (text):
* hrw off16:04
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openstackgerritMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla master: DNM: Train RDO RC testing
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openstackgerritRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Implement IPv6 support in the control plane
openstackgerritRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla master: Support matrix for Kolla
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yoctozeptomgoddard, mnasiadka, hrw: guys, let me know how real you see the ptg in Bialystok so that I could make any necessary preparations (and actually find out how and when it would be possible), thanks - we might want to organize something for students so presentations are welcome - could also include kayobe19:08
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openstackgerritDincer Celik proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Remove /etc/hosts entries pointing hostname to localhost and prevent cloud-init to manage /etc/hosts
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openstackgerritDincer Celik proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/stein: Add <project>_install_type for all projects
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