Wednesday, 2020-05-06

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oklhostmgoddard: thanks! :)06:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1873421 in kolla ussuri "monasca-api use wrong mod_wsgi Python version on Debian/Ubuntu source" [Medium,Triaged]06:11
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WellieGood Moring06:56
WellieAttributeError: 'DvrLocalRouter' object has no attribute 'ha_state'06:57
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mgoddardWellie: looks like an issue for #openstack-neutron07:33
Welliei have found the issue07:33
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hrw - did someone looked why it fails?08:00
patchbotpatch 721329 - kolla (stable/train) - switch to official CentOS 8 repositories - 12 patch sets08:00
mgoddardI'm afraid I won't be able to take the meeting today08:04
mgoddardhrw, yoctozepto, osmanlicilegi, mnasiadka ^08:04
mnasiadkaI'm in the same meeting :)08:04
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hrwmnasiadka: so you are not going to kolla one too?08:12
mnasiadkahrw: nope08:12
hrwosmanlicilegi, yoctozepto: how about you?08:13
osmanlicilegiit's ok for me. also if there's no interesting topic to discuss, ok to skip too08:14
osmanlicilegibut i think there's a hot topic to deprecate tripleo :]08:14
yoctozeptohrw: deprecate base08:24
yoctozeptooh, sorry, wrong dream08:24
hrwyoctozepto: and today osmanlicilegi suggests deprecations08:25
yoctozeptook to skip, I'm overloaded as well, but able to attend08:25
yoctozeptowe 3 can attend and have majority vote08:25
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maharg101is the lack of python3-libselinux package on centos 7.7 a blocker to running master branch now that python>=3.6 is required ?08:37
yoctozeptomaharg101: mostly, but there is also no support for centos7 in images as well, due to lack of rdo packaging08:40
maharg101hmm so centos7 is currently not possible on anything past stable/train08:41
maharg101hmm. I really need - add ceph_*_user variables, but not in train yet. Tried master and *boom* requires python3.08:43
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maharg101back to the drawing board ! :)08:46
maharg101thanks yoctozepto08:46
yoctozeptomaharg101: you are welcome; you can also backport this yourself to train, should not be too hard08:47
maharg101yh I was looking to cherry pick but it seemed complex for some reason08:48
yoctozeptoyeah, it might have changed in some less relevant part, true08:52
maharg101so is centos8 a better bet as of today ? any gotchaes there ?08:57
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mgoddardyoctozepto: do you remember where enforce_scope got to?09:07
patchbotpatch 692179 - kolla-ansible - Support for keystone scoped authorization - 23 patch sets09:07
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yoctozeptomgoddard: I think your last comment summarised it well09:17
yoctozeptomaharg101: we hope it is better :-) we are actively testing this scenario09:18
maharg101yoctozepto: ty09:18
yoctozeptotbh, there is a rare occurence of glance failing to load rbd store for some unknown reason, but it is very rare, and does not seem to affect other ceph-using services09:19
hrwmaharg101: if you fail to backport then please at least leave comment that such backport is needed09:19
yoctozepto^ that true, helps us discover what users want/need/like09:19
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yoctozeptorather than living in our dream :-)09:19
maharg101done :-)09:22
mnasiadkamaharg101: please leave it here - not on github - :)09:23
patchbotpatch 698303 - kolla-ansible - External Ceph: add ceph_*_user variables (MERGED) - 10 patch sets09:23
maharg101mnasiadka: thanks will do that now09:24
mnasiadkamgoddard: ok to backport that ,,feature''?09:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible master: Use FQDN for elasticsearch
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yoctozeptomnasiadka: for the reference, I'm ok for backporting this properly09:32
mnasiadkaproperly might take some time, I just realized that :D09:32
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yoctozeptomaharg101: at the moment, you can also use general overrides to achieve your goal09:51
openstackgerritWill Szumski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Add support for encrypted block devices
yoctozeptorelevant parameters will have values overridden to the chosen ones09:51
yoctozeptoso you can switch the users at will09:51
maharg101thanks, will look into it09:58
hrw anyone?10:02
patchbotpatch 725032 - kolla - CentOS: disable more repos - 4 patch sets10:02
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xinliangHi all, any idea ? about this bug
openstackLaunchpad bug 1877079 in kolla-ansible "Ironic grub UEFI PXE booting fails" [Undecided,New]10:09
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maharg101yoctozepto: I may be getting it wrong but override doesn't seem to work. See
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yoctozeptomaharg101: 1) did you override the directory to be ./config instead of /etc/kolla? 2) gnocchi.conf should be directly in that dir, instead of in extra gnocchi dir (or you could do gnocchi/gnocchi-api.conf if you wanted to override for just one service)11:30
maharg101./config is relative to /etc/kolla in the deploy environment, I believe that's default11:35
mnasiadkaso just move gnocchi.conf one level up11:35
maharg101ah ! thanks :)11:35
maharg101assumed it was consistent for all roles as per nova but says otherwise !11:39
yoctozeptoit's not even like that for nova :D the doc is wrong :D11:39
yoctozeptoI must make this hiprio to fix this mention, it is very confusing11:40
yoctozeptomnasiadka also welcome to propose a fix11:40
mnasiadkait has always been done in a way that was confusing11:41
maharg101ah.. so all .conf overrides should go directly in "{{ node_custom_config }}/"11:43
maharg101global ones at least11:43
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oklhostHey guys, a little bit of topic, but maybe interesting anyway. Today I announced our #openstack-kolla driven private cloud in our company wide  intranet. This post reaches nearly 6200 people spread over 120 sub companies. We love open communication so we let them all know about openstack as well as #openstack-kolla. I hope we will be able to give something back to the community in future e.g. development heads or something else, but I11:54
oklhost can't promise anything right now. I would like to give a big hug to all of you guys for making openstack as easy as it is with #openstack-kolla. :-)11:54
maharg101+1 ^11:57
mnasiadkaoklhost: nice, what's the company name? :)11:57
oklhostmnasiadka: lets say a huge german mail order company, not sure if I'm allowed to tell much more about it. ;)12:03
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mnasiadkaoklhost: sure, worked for a german parcel delivery company couple of years back :)12:45
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Fl1ntGood afternoon everyone!13:18
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Fl1ntQuestion, did someone already used the neutron metering agent extension?14:21
Fl1nt@mgoddard, How do I validate a comment on review? They seems to stay in draft status for now14:32
mgoddardFl1nt: hit reply on the front page of the review14:32
Fl1ntoooh ok :D14:32
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Fl1ntBtw Marc, I thought about your arguments about having ceph outside of kolla-ansible, I think it make sense and it should be the same way with ELK/Grafana but still managed by either kayobe or another project as they all are really heavily moving parts and heavily needed too.14:39
Fl1ntkolla should focus on core openstack services and agents such as fluentd/prometheus, but then recipents for such data should be external to kolla.14:40
Fl1ntas Kayobe can be looked like a higher level manager, splitted by domain of responsability, and it might make sense to get openstack "auxiliary" services such as tracability and monitoring handled at that level.14:42
Fl1ntthat's a lot of work ^^14:42
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mgoddardFl1nt: the key difference with ceph is that it is its own complex system, with several other deployment tools available. The same would need to apply to anything else we moved out14:46
Fl1ntELK got it too14:47
mgoddardFl1nt: we do support an external elasticsearch14:47
Fl1ntyep, it's just that how do you separate services that are satellite to openstack but yet are either more than widely used or more than needed in corporate environment?14:48
Fl1ntlike shouldn't kolla-ansible just not provide E*K roles but yet provide images for another tool that would have a higher focus like, make different domains glues together?14:50
Fl1ntI may not express myself really well sorry ^^14:50
Fl1ntBecause I'm just wondering if kolla-ansible may not end up cluttered with side roles like the Big Tent idea at the beginning of Openstack, and as your last presentation expressed the idea to rather make rooms, I just thought about those satellite services.14:53
openstackgerritJames Kirsch proposed openstack/kolla master: Enable WSGI in Nova API container
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yoctozeptohrw, osmanlicilegi: meeting meeting?15:00
osmanlicilegiyoctozepto: I'm ready15:00
osmanlicilegilet's deprecate something15:01
Fl1nt@osmanlicilegi, <315:01
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: drop the base!15:01
openstackgerritPierre Riteau proposed openstack/kayobe master: Fix concurrency issues while adding SSH keys to known_hosts
osmanlicilegiI have a plan to deprecate x86 completely for my clouds o_O15:01
Fl1ntI would so much be able to deprecate physical constraints on my clouds ^^15:02
yoctozepto#startmeeting kolla15:02
openstackMeeting started Wed May  6 15:02:26 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is yoctozepto. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'15:02
yoctozepto#topic rollcall15:02
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yoctozeptomgoddard mnasiadka hrw egonzalez yoctozepto rafaelweingartne cosmicsound osmanlicilegi: meeting running15:03
yoctozeptoheadphoneJames: generalfuzz?15:04
headphoneJamesre-branding myself15:04
yoctozeptoheadphoneJames: ack :-)15:04
osmanlicilegiI loved the new brand :]15:05
yoctozeptoyeah, it suits James indeed :D15:05
yoctozeptoall right, welcome everyone15:05
yoctozepto#topic agenda15:05
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yoctozepto* Roll-call15:05
yoctozepto* Announcements15:05
yoctozepto* Review action items from last meeting15:05
yoctozepto* CI status15:05
yoctozepto* Ussuri release planning (kayobe)15:05
yoctozepto* Ussuri release planning (kolla & kolla ansible)15:05
yoctozepto* Kolla Klub
yoctozepto#topic Announcements15:06
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* hrw in two meetings at same time15:06
yoctozepto#info kolla in change freeze now, please ask for FFEs, so far any internal TLS work is FFE accepted15:07
yoctozeptoand normally we accept bug fixes and those little things that happen to be small features but actually make the world better15:07
yoctozeptoand things like that15:07
yoctozeptotry us anyway15:07
yoctozeptoanyone anything?15:07
yoctozepto(for advertisements)15:07
Fl1ntrogger that15:07
yoctozeptooh, the malls are now open in Poland15:08
yoctozeptoyou can visit the famous boutiques15:08
Fl1ntSame thing in France, more or less... but you can visit us ^^15:08
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osmanlicilegikoalas have great discounts?15:09
* Fl1nt hearing carefully15:09
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: yeah, koalas get special treatment, get to know me!15:09
yoctozeptoprize in itself15:09
osmanlicilegiroger that15:09
yoctozeptoa'ight, let's move on15:09
yoctozepto#topic Review action items from last meeting15:10
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* yoctozepto blind or there were none15:10
yoctozepto#topic CI status15:10
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osmanlicilegipretty green15:11
yoctozeptoall green it seems15:11
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yoctozeptoagreed, osmanlicilegi15:11
yoctozeptopriteau: kayobe also green, no?15:12
priteauPretty much green15:12
priteauOccasional failures due to mirrors or SSH issues in infra I think15:13
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yoctozeptopriteau: ok15:13
yoctozeptoupdated whiteboard15:13
yoctozeptothanks, priteau15:13
yoctozeptocleared issues15:13
yoctozeptowhile we are on CI and stability15:14
yoctozeptoplease review
patchbotpatch 723342 - kolla-ansible - Coordinate haproxy and keepalived restarts - 8 patch sets15:14
yoctozeptothis seems to greatly help with upgrades stability15:14
Fl1ntkeepalived and haproxy restarts are really painful, they wait for each other and generate a lot of race condition.15:15
osmanlicilegianother great work for kolla15:15
osmanlicilegiI have a plan to test this change with some scenarios tomorrow.15:16
yoctozeptoit would not be possible if not for Christian's fix of those MANY MANY restarts of haproxy15:16
yoctozepto(as then we would still be doing it in a BAD WAY <TM>)15:16
yoctozeptobut that motivated me to finish the keepalived+haproxy drama15:16
Fl1ntwe just need to add active/active VIP and it will all be fun ^^15:17
yoctozeptoalso, as far as CI and general stability is concerned, there is mnasiadka's work related to haproxy+mariadb
patchbotpatch 710213 - kolla-ansible - Custom haproxy script for monitoring galera - 40 patch sets15:17
Fl1ntthis patch15:18
yoctozeptoFl1nt: yeah, throw in pacemaker and we lost our last drops of sanity15:18
Fl1ntis exactly what we did on our own15:18
yoctozeptoFl1nt: y u no upstreamify?15:18
Fl1nt@yoctozepto, don't please ^^15:18
Fl1ntwas responding to the haproxy+mariadb15:18
Fl1ntand we found 1 case15:18
Fl1ntwhere it's not working ^^15:19
Fl1ntwhich is rare15:19
yoctozeptothis patch?15:19
yoctozeptoplease do comment :-)15:19
osmanlicilegiFl1nt: I have some works for active-active. I will try to clean my dirty patches and push to upstream for V.15:19
Fl1ntbut happens with mariadb sometimes15:19
yoctozeptoany help is appreciated15:19
yoctozeptotesting, triaging, comments, discussion15:19
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: please do!15:19
Fl1nt@yoctozepto, we didn't find a way to fix it as it happen when the WSREP cluster is hanging in panic15:20
Fl1ntso it's available but it's not15:20
yoctozeptoplease also think about these little things you would like to do/coordinate with us so that we can include that in PTG15:20
yoctozepto#info PTG is first week of June15:20
yoctozepto(late announcement)15:20
yoctozeptook, let's move on15:20
Fl1ntYep, I'm starting to review things and need to make time for CEPH external and few virtualenv patch15:20
yoctozepto#topic Ussuri release planning (kayobe)15:21
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yoctozeptoFl1nt: yeah, we need to switch nicely to native venv, but let's postpone the discussion till open15:21
yoctozeptopriteau, dougsz, jovial[m]: want to discuss release planning?15:21
yoctozeptoguess not really :-) waiting a bit more and moving on15:23
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priteausorry, was afk15:24
yoctozeptopriteau: well, no problem, you are the only kayobian around anyways15:25
priteauWe're supposed to feature freeze kayobe, I think a few patches are waiting for review15:25
yoctozeptopriteau: seems you have quite a few half-approved ones15:26
priteauWill (jovial) has a couple of feature patches that are not yet passing Zuul checks15:26
yoctozeptowell, then they are candidates for FFE15:27
yoctozeptowhat matters is whether you can handle stabilizing and merging (or merging and stabilizing)15:27
yoctozeptopriteau: anything from kolla/kolla-ansible side to handle for kayobe?15:28
yoctozepto(and then I move on)15:28
priteauNot that I know.15:28
yoctozeptolike someone once said, kolla is actually having a week long meeting so you can easily catch us anyway15:29
yoctozeptoeven on weekends15:29
yoctozepto(workaholics eh)15:29
yoctozepto#topic Ussuri release planning (kolla & kolla ansible)15:29
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yoctozeptohrw, osmanlicilegi15:29
yoctozeptoso I'll repeat the stability fixes15:30
yoctozeptoas info for section15:30
yoctozepto#info - haproxy custom checking script for mariadb (with xinetd, active polling)15:30
patchbotpatch 710213 - kolla-ansible - Custom haproxy script for monitoring galera - 40 patch sets15:30
yoctozepto#info - coordinate haproxy and keepalived restarts15:30
patchbotpatch 723342 - kolla-ansible - Coordinate haproxy and keepalived restarts - 8 patch sets15:30
osmanlicilegiand also
patchbotpatch 723021 - kolla-ansible - Check that used Ansible can see Kolla Ansible - 6 patch sets15:31
yoctozepto#info - nova mod_wsgi (apache) root user by headphoneJames15:31
patchbotpatch 724793 - kolla - Enable WSGI in Nova API container - 4 patch sets15:31
yoctozeptothis is part of tls work15:31
yoctozeptothanks, osmanlicilegi, would forget15:31
yoctozepto#info - ansible and kolla_ansible environment coherency error out15:32
patchbotpatch 723021 - kolla-ansible - Check that used Ansible can see Kolla Ansible - 6 patch sets15:32
yoctozeptogenerally all changes with RP+1 are important, a'ight15:32
yoctozeptoRP+2 is to be approved even at 2 AM (after reviewing)15:33
yoctozeptoand these are my initials for a good reason15:33
yoctozeptoI don't think we have anything with similar urgency among the other patches15:35
yoctozeptoplease correct me if i'm wrong15:36
osmanlicilegiseems we will be ready for feature freeze in next few days15:36
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: we are in feature freeze :-)15:37
yoctozeptojust tls is excepted from freeze15:37
yoctozeptowe merged most of the other stuff15:37
yoctozeptoand majority of tls too15:37
osmanlicilegiI have a time machine15:37
yoctozeptoagain thanks headphoneJames for his hard work and responsiveness15:37
yoctozeptoheadphoneJames: is ours :-)15:38
yoctozeptook, moving on, I'm too chatty already ;-)15:38
headphoneJameswill I still be able to add more services in Ussuri? Or should next batch target the following release15:38
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yoctozeptoheadphoneJames: we agreed for the main ones, I guess it really depends on how clean they end up15:39
yoctozeptoif we have to rewrite half of ansible and dockerfile then it's a no-no for ussuri15:39
Fl1nt@headphoneJames, You mean roles?15:39
yoctozeptobut nova will likely be accepted15:39
yoctozeptowould make sense to cover barbican but it has finicky config15:40
yoctozeptoso it all depends15:40
yoctozeptoI guess it's better to stabilize and release early15:40
yoctozeptowe are already doing great with stable centos815:40
yoctozeptokudos to mgoddard and hrw for handling the majority of the centos8 work15:41
Fl1ntDo you have any rule about new roles addition ? Like, if it's fix or improvement of existing one, it's OK to build R x.y.z +115:41
yoctozepto(and smaller to me and mnasiadka)15:41
yoctozeptoFl1nt: feature freeze is a bad time for role addition :-) and it likely will not be backported unless life-saving15:41
yoctozeptobut please always propose15:42
yoctozeptothe worst that happens is that it gets in in the next cycle15:42
Fl1ntyep that was my thoughts too don't worry15:42
yoctozepto(so that you can feel your contribution is "newer" :-) )15:42
hrwyoctozepto: c8 stuff still need testing and checking why ci jobs fail15:42
yoctozeptohrw: is there anything in particular that you are referring to or that rbd failure with glance?15:43
yoctozeptothat's what I normally observe15:43
yoctozepto(and I'm not talking aarch64)15:43
Fl1ntah ah ah ^^ My contribution will rather start with review, then patch then we will thought about services, but I'm more on the deprecation team :p15:43
yoctozeptoFl1nt: yay for deprecations!15:43
yoctozeptook, this one got lengthy, we can continue in open discussion with everything else15:44
yoctozepto#topic Kolla Klub
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Fl1ntI've finished my use-case slides15:44
yoctozepto#info Kolla Klub meeting right tomorrow (Thursday, 07th of May 2020)15:44
yoctozeptomgoddard: Kolla Klub tomorrow, do the write up or I'll do (yoctozepto threatened)15:45
yoctozeptoFl1nt: oh, great, I'm really looking forward to that15:45
Fl1ntI'm not really good at making slides, but I've try to do my best and all use-cases will be explainable, company named removed for contract obvious reason tho15:46
yoctozeptoI'll try to ping mgoddard later as well15:47
yoctozeptoFl1nt: ack, I understand you are a consultant15:47
Fl1ntDoes anyone want to review it?15:47
yoctozeptoFl1nt: if it's not a problem, I could take a look if you shared it with me on google slides15:48
yoctozeptono promises though15:48
osmanlicilegiFl1nt: me too15:48
Fl1ntsure no problems:15:48
yoctozeptoI don't see Dmitry (suff) around15:48
yoctozeptobut I hope he is doing his15:48
yoctozeptowe can certainly talk about kolla in general15:49
yoctozeptomoving on to open discussion now15:49
yoctozepto#topic Open discussion15:49
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yoctozeptoFl1nt: ok, accessible15:50
Fl1ntperfect so15:50
yoctozeptohrw: then what about that centos8 stability?15:51
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yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: anything for open discussion?15:51
yoctozeptoFl1nt: you too15:51
yoctozeptoheadphoneJames: and you15:51
osmanlicilegiyoctozepto: I think the hottest topic is the brand new container image tooling :]15:51
Fl1nthum, except for what I've said earlier regarding kolla/openstack satellite services15:51
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: true, but I have not seen a reply from you on the ml about my ideas ;-)15:52
osmanlicilegiI decided to keep silent15:52
Fl1ntWhat I really like with current way to do it15:52
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: understood, I was out of energy for the ooo topic otoh15:52
Fl1ntwith jinja15:52
osmanlicilegiin my opinion, this could free kolla. let's wait and see how it goes.15:53
Fl1ntis how it is easy for companies to catch up with kolla/containers and openstack all in one as they usually have a lot of already experimented Ansible people but not so much about openstack/etc15:53
Fl1ntas I'm not signed on the ML I didn't get the suggestion about the new process, so can't really prononce myself.15:54
yoctozeptoFl1nt: ah, that is the issue15:55
yoctozeptothe common assumption is contributing operators are signed up15:55
yoctozeptoand then we get these misunderstandings or late reactions :-)15:55
yoctozeptoI really wished we did better with our communication channels15:55
Fl1nt^^ yeah, I'll have to sign back, I've just stepped down away a bit last year, when changed my job and opened up the company ^^15:56
osmanlicilegifor whom missed the discussion on ML:
yoctozeptobut we (kolla) try our best I guess15:56
Fl1ntat least there is an active community ^^15:56
yoctozepto#info tripleo planning to drop kolla15:56
yoctozepto#info kolla builder next generation (by yoctozepto)15:57
yoctozeptoso these are the contributing threads15:57
Fl1ntok, not to be rude, but honestly, TripleO is doing it wrong, it's a nightmare to use/deploy and cluttered with so much moving parts that it can barely work now a day ^^15:57
yoctozeptoI really wish someone could summarize tripleo thread15:58
Fl1ntbut, that's for the technics/phylosophy, I'll have an extended read about the building process, hope that they didn't complexified things too much.15:58
yoctozeptoFl1nt: fwiw, I think the complexity of following that tripleo thread resembles how hard it is to follow tripleo apart from basic guide but I'm obviously biased :-)15:58
yoctozeptoFl1nt: to be honest, I think as for themselves they are doing a cleaning step, they really did rewrite like 95% of kolla templates anyway15:59
yoctozeptoand recently the patches we downstreamed to tripleo were to make more rewrites to handle new kolla cases :-)16:00
Fl1ntyeah, I think the main difference between TO and Kolla is that KA is mainly created/maintained by operators that face customers and real life use cases where TO is mainly composed by RH Devs that tend to complexify too much because they don't confront customers issues.16:00
yoctozeptoFl1nt: it's either tripleo or ooo, people won't easily recognize TO; similarly k-a rings the bell faster16:00
Fl1ntso, can't prononce myself for now, I'll have to read first ^^16:01
yoctozeptoFl1nt: well, that could be it, they do a lot of great work though, pushing boundaries of things16:01
Fl1ntyep, that why I need to have a look before just trash taking them freely.16:02
yoctozeptooh, and they (as red hat) earn a lot of monies on the way so can't be overly wrong with the approach ;-)16:02
yoctozeptoon the other end of spectrum you have canonical ubuntu with charms for openstack (think juju)16:02
Fl1ntWell, I'm working with RH as they're one of my main provider, but honestly, many things they "build" is overkill and overly complicated against what customer really want.16:03
yoctozeptojuju did not really catch up outside of canonical16:03
yoctozeptobut looks pretty promising when looked from far away16:03
osmanlicilegiI was a long time charmer and I can clearly say, it's not k-a :]16:03
Fl1ntsame thing with Canonical and JuJu, it's amazing, until you actually use it in production, then it start crashing etc16:03
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: and how was it?16:04
yoctozeptoFl1nt: did you use it personally? with canonical support or self?16:04
osmanlicilegiI was happy with advanced support :]16:04
Fl1ntcanonical support, on premise16:04
yoctozeptoFl1nt: and was it that bad? :O16:04
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: ah :D16:04
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: resigned because of monies?16:05
Fl1ntk-a is honestly the cleanest more reliable of them all. And without making me big or something, handled really large installation.16:05
osmanlicilegiI think the main problem for charmed openstack is, it prefers lxd16:05
Fl1ntI was happy with canonical relationship and support quality16:05
osmanlicilegiFl1nt: +2 for support16:05
yoctozeptoosmanlicilegi: let x = s, then lsd16:05
Fl1ntbut they run after time and money desperatly16:05
* yoctozepto hopes no children follow the discussion16:06
yoctozeptoFl1nt: what you mean by time?16:06
Fl1ntthey seems to have pretty difficult time to construct a clean roadmap, then try to add things because customers requested it and paid for, but that then break the whole meaning of having a roadmap16:08
Fl1ntending up releasing a half-backed solution.16:08
Fl1nttwist plop being, it may have improved as I didn't used canonical services since a year and a half now.16:09
yoctozeptoFl1nt: ok, we don't have a roadmap so no such problems :D16:09
Fl1ntyep ^^16:09
yoctozeptojust kidding, we have those every cycle16:09
Fl1ntand it actually running more smoothly than with fixed roadmap16:09
yoctozeptopowered by community-driven engine16:09
yoctozeptoI read the slides, looks impressive16:10
Fl1ntwhich prove the idea is right and the good one by the amont of adoption and traction that it created for the project AND openstack in the meantime16:10
yoctozeptolooking forward to hearing the backstory too16:10
Fl1ntthanks a lot16:10
Fl1ntThere are funny stories with each one of them, but can't publicly speak out during the meeting as it is recorded ^^16:11
yoctozeptoFl1nt: we rely a lot on redhat and canonical and other company folks to drive the upstream projects though16:11
yoctozeptobut we also contribute to other projects, yeah16:11
yoctozeptolike mgoddard is in ironic cores16:12
yoctozeptohrw cares for aarch64 so does party with nova from time to time16:12
Fl1ntyep, all in all, RH and Canonical are bringing a lot of value, can't be denied.16:12
yoctozeptoand other little buildy things :-)16:12
Fl1ntand all people in here definitely kick asses.16:12
yoctozeptoI'm the QA/CI folk around16:12
yoctozeptomoar stability16:13
yoctozeptoFl1nt: understood, we can do a private one another time!16:13
Fl1ntExactly what company appreciate and found value in with kolla / kolla-ansible16:13
yoctozeptoa'ight, time to end the meeting16:13
yoctozeptothank you for attending16:13
Fl1ntFor sure, be my guest, although my non disclosure agreement with video-game industry should end in few months ^^16:14
yoctozeptoand chatting with your chair today16:14
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openstackMeeting ended Wed May  6 16:14:16 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:14
openstackMinutes (text):
* yoctozepto out for now, bye!16:14
Fl1ntThanks a lot, I'll have to go afk few moments as I need to refuel for that long weekend to come !16:14
* Fl1nt afk16:15
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hrwFl1nt: to make thing more fun: I work at Red Hat ;d16:21
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adebergdamn I put a reminder for thursday and not wednesday for the Klub :(16:35
adebergmissed all the fun16:35
noxoidthat was just the project meeting16:35
noxoidkolla klub is still thursday16:35
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JamesBen_when/where for kolla klub?16:46
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oklhostmnasiadka: haha, I can image which one it was ;)17:14
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JamesBen_noxoid: thx17:28
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openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/kayobe master: Fix concurrency issues while adding SSH keys to known_hosts
openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Make nova perms consistent between applications
openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Make nova perms consistent between applications
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openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla master: Enable mod_wsgi in Nova API container
openstackgerritRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Make nova perms consistent between applications
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